Pro-Armenian Telegram channels shared another video allegedly showing the usage of Iskander missiles during the conflict in the Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020.
Earlier, claims by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan claimed that Iskander missiles worked on ‘10%’ only blaming the military failure in the Karabakh conflict on them. This statement triggered a strong criticism from the Armenian General Staff, which even called on Pashinyan to resign. The entire situation caused a new loop of political crisis in Armenia.
In its own statements on the situation, the Russian Defense Ministry and the Azerbaijani Presidency said that they have not observed the usage of Iskander missiles by Armenia during the conflict. MORE ABOUT THE ONGOING CRISIS HERE
Different type, that’s Iskander-E, not Iskander-M, latter was not used according to trustworthy Russian ministry
Iskander-E is Iskander-M just forExport.
“E” stands for Export (all exported are Islander”E”)
“M” stands for Modernization
So it is the same Iskander-M just with usual reduced capabilities for exported version.
Hello from the other side: