Anti-Militarisation Protest Held Outside British Embassy, Dublin

Anti-Militarisation Protest Held Outside British Embassy, Dublin

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On Saturday the 4th of February, the Truth and Neutrality Alliance, a broad coalition of anti-war activists, held a protest outside the British Embassy against London’s role in the escalation of the almost nine-year long conflict in Ukraine.

Following then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych’s November 2013 decision to suspend an EU trade deal in order to pursue closer ties with neighbouring Russia, Britain would play a key role in the ensuing regime change operation which saw a Western-backed coalition of anti-Russian neo-Nazi elements come to power.

With the ethnic Russian Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the east of the Ukraine facing the realistic prospect of genocide at the hands of the new regime, they would ultimately breakaway from Kiev’s rule in April 2014, following five months of anti-Russian violence.

Anti-Militarisation Protest Held Outside British Embassy, Dublin

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Anti-Militarisation Protest Held Outside British Embassy, Dublin

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Anti-Militarisation Protest Held Outside British Embassy, Dublin

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Anti-Militarisation Protest Held Outside British Embassy, Dublin

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Anti-Militarisation Protest Held Outside British Embassy, Dublin

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Anti-Militarisation Protest Held Outside British Embassy, Dublin

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Irish political police, pictured standing next to the police van, demanding the names and addresses of attendees:



An eight-year long war on both Republics would follow, with Kiev receiving key military assistance from Britain in doing so, ultimately leading to 14,000 deaths.

In February 2022, with attempts to resolve the conflict peacefully via the Minsk Accords having proved fruitless, Moscow’s hand would be forced and a special military operation was launched into Ukraine in order to protect ethnic Russians and to destroy any military infrastructure that would have been used against Russia had Kiev ultimately gone on to become a NATO member, the alliance having failed to honour a post-Cold War agreement to not expand eastwards.

Again, Britain would continue to increase its military support of Kiev through the training of Ukrainian personnel and also the provision of billions of pounds worth of weaponry, leading to the precarious situation where the world now lies on the brink of nuclear war.

In response, a number of Irish Republicans, anti-war activists and members of Ireland’s Russian community would gather outside the British Embassy to call for de-escalation in Ukraine and for the 26 County State to remain militarily neutral.

In a blatant act of political policing, six members of the Free State’s secretive Special Detective Unit would demand the names and addresses of those in attendance. Undeterred, the protesters would remain outside the Embassy for an hour, highlighting the thousands killed in Kiev’s eight-year war on the Donbass and the western media censorship of the conflict. The protest would conclude with several short speeches, with a similar event planned for Dublin city centre on the 25th of February.


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what a wonderful thing to see on a sunday morning….bless you ireland


Yes indeed,not everyone has been zombified by the MSM and Goebbels propaganda,i have asked my local MP and other politicians why they are supporting Nazis in Ukraine? they never give an answer because they can’t.


I also e-mail questioned my MP about Britain’s involvement in Ukraine as SAS troops are reportedly there, and she gave back the standard government anti-Russian line.

Florian Geyer

You are correct, Cromwell.

The Thick Brits of the government are, with few exceptions, wedded to the puppet masters who seek to own everything.
I am heartened to see this demo in Ireland.

The woke Irish government is still confused with pronouns. :)

Red Admiral

Enoch Burke is racking up €700 per day in fines because of “them”

Chris Gr

This is not real woke but shitty woke. Real woke means that you know the world is ruled by satanic pedophiles.

Chris Gr

Unfortunately, they are commies.

George Miller

Is it somehow better if Kremlin’s useful idiots in west are rightwing populist scumbags?

Chris Gr

Right-wing populists say truths.


Why do you think so? Because of that red flag? This is not USSR flag, but the banner of 150th infantry division which raised its flag first over Reichstag. This is symbol of anti-fascism and now is know as the Victory Banner. This is permanent attribute of the Victory parade in 9th of May, any anti-fascist group of any political views can use it as their own symbol alongside with other anti-fascist signs. Death to fascism!

Chris Gr

Communism and fascism are both EQUALLY bad.


That’s what neo-nazis want you to think. But in reality nazis put millions at death camps and communists liberated them.

Chris Gr

Communists put them in gulags.


One more lies starting from the name.

Bjarne Haugeland

Kremlin’s western 5th Column in Putin’s rectum.


This are not many people out there. The truth is still not understood in the main Irish society. I only see some communists. But to be honest European money and weapons kills Russian and Ukrainian soldiers. No NATO soldier has died so far. This is cynic politics made by EU and USA.


Thats the point some Nato paople do need to start dying that would get peoples attention,although plenty of Western mercenaries have been sent to hell,two were sent back to the UK i believe yesterday strange its not been on the news,if you notice they are always humanitarian medics rescuing civilians,these two were killed in Bakhmut,i doubt there are any civilians left there its a full blown combat zone.


They dying every day, by deadly shut so called covid vaccine


They are not communists I guess, because that red canvas is not the USSR flag, but the banner of 150th infantry division which raised their banner over Reichstag first. Now it’s known as the Victory Banner, an attribute of anti-fascist communities with any political views.


In the UK the Communist parties are quite pro-Russian, and their manifestos are generally sensible although MSM labels them as fringe parties. Meanwhile the Conservative manifesto is quite hostile and aggressive: “in an uncertain world, in which the threat of terrorism, rogue states and malign non-state actors is ever-present, it is vital that Britain stands up and is counted.” “we will stand up
to foreign countries that threaten the stability of Europe, or commit state-sanctioned murder on British soil” so you can see they were looking for a fight in 2019.

Chris Gr

These are the Stalin lovers, in opposition to the woke commies like Bernie, Omar, Tlaib and AOC.


You wouldn’t know a communist if you were matched with Rosa Luxemburg on eHarmony.

Chris Gr

So you are here to astroturf it seems …

Chris Gr

The most correct comment here.

Emmet Sweeney

The truth is getting out. Less people believe the corrupt MSM every day.

Nigger Dick for Every Zoomer Hole

Another idiotic old rag phrase by another nigger.

Propaganda and Agitation is corrupt. What a revelation!!!!!! You definitely need more dicks in your ass.


They are real anti-war protesters, because the war is going on since 14th of April 2014 when bloody pastor Turchinov (he is really protestant pastor), wise-president of junta, ordered to start so called ATO. There was no president in Kiev, no law about establishing vice-presidency, it was illegitimate position and illegitimate order. Bastards who noticed the war just a year ago don’t want peace, they are just the tool in globalists’/nazis’ hands, their real wish is to murder all people at Donbas and destabilizing Russia from inside. That’s why they are so numerous and loud — Washington is paying. But those kind people from Dublin are opposite to these two-faced liars. They are defending the truth despite totalitarian repressions against free-minded people, this is kinda heroic behavior for EU. I’m afraid that their gov-t can try to break them, because this is a mechanism of western repressive machine called new world order. Await any coward thing when you’re opposing nazism and thank you!

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

Good to see the anti-war folks holding a public protest against the NATO war machine in Ukraine. While mainstream media is still pushing out press releases handed out in Kiev, critical voices are beginning to be heard. What most Europeans don’t realise is that while many of their countries were colonial powers, we endured almost a millennium of brutal occupation from one of THEM, Britain.

Damien C

As someone from Ireland I was delighted to see a demonstration of any size. Many more people are supportive of the peoples of the Donbass having the right to live free from oppression but are battered into silence by the tide of whipped up sympathy by the western media for the Ukrainian people. They are completely unaware or blind to the fact that the western media is a major player in the conflict.

This media has zero actual concern for ordinary Ukrainians or their welfare, they view them as useful idiots to embarrass Russia or to die fighting Russia in the hope of causing dissent within Russia itself with vast natural resources this is the grand prize.

However I can assure you there is a lot more support for the Russian position that you might think.


Not a single young person on the pictures so the wests narrative seems to only be questioned by the older generations. The generation Smart Phone is full on board of the western narrative and will follow it to the end. A bad sign for the future.

Gerd Heykens

There are still lots of old farts deep in Soviet pocket.


Nobody supports the USA nor the USA media, matter of time


According to the UNO and OSCE these 14’000 deaths are about: 4100 Ukrainians servicemen, 5650 LPR/DPR servicemen around 2000 Russian servicemen and 3350 civilians for both sides including the victims of the MH17 (downed by who?)
From 2017 to 2021 the yearly civilians deaths were between 20 and 50.
So still a lot but far from the so-called “genocide”


27 Albanian terrorist narcotics traffickers dead in a ditch in Racak in 1999 was a genocide according to NATO and the Five Eyes media. Donbas was an ethnic cleansing operation by the armed forces of the Ukrainian CIA project that failed.


There are a lot more protests taking place across the EU and the UK but the Western msm won’t cover most protests or simply ignore the protests because they don’t fit the neo Liberal narrative. Most people across Western Europe know the truth about the conflict in Ukraine and the campaign of genocide against Russian speaking peoples in the Donbass . Keep the protests up across Western Europe and North America let the truth be known . Call up the lies of the Western politicians and their paymasters


Zelensky needs to surrender his army and himself to russian authorities. Maybe two large, robust, extremely well-built US Marines can help him find his way to meeting with them.

Chris Gr

Many pro-Russian people are commies and many pro-Ukrainian people like Hitler. This is bad.


How are you doing with that Holodomor evidence? You must have a lot as its taking you so long to produce it.

Chris Gr

I sent you a website with evidence. If you weren’t so fixated with trolling you would see it.


They are real anti-war protesters, because the war is going on since 14th of April 2014 when bloody pastor Turchinov (he is really protestant pastor), wise-president of junta, ordered to start so called ATO. There was no president in Kiev, no law about establishing vice-presidency, it was illegitimate position and illegitimate order. Bastards who noticed the war just a year ago don’t want peace, they are just the tool in hands of globalists/nazis, their real wish is to murder all people at Donbas and destabilize Russia from inside. That’s why they are so numerous and loud — Washington is paying. But those kind people from Dublin are opposite to these two-faced liars. They are defending the truth despite totalitarian repressions against free-minded people, this is kinda heroic behavior for the west. I’m afraid that their gov-t can try to break them, because Ireland is a part in mechanism of western repressive machine called new world order. Await any coward thing when you’re opposing nazism and thank you!

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

Russian propaganda. Very few people even in east are backing Russian aggression.


You have put stupid nazi slogans, bot, because can’t argue with facts. You will be trialed as nazi supporter with the bloody pastor Turchinov in Donetsk tribunal.


Vice-president of junta, not wise of course.