Ansar Allah’s “Concerning” Success In Operations Against Riyadh


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Yemen’s Ansar Allah are on the offensive on Marib city, once again. The Saudi-led coalition is struggling.

The Houthis, as Ansar Allah, are colloquially known, reportedly captured 10 out of 14 districts of the region in their latest push on March 4th.

The Houthi government deputy foreign minister, Hussein al-Ezzi said that apart from the significant central district of Marib city, every other significant location was under their control. A key strategic location, home to one of the largest oil infrastructures in Yemen, Marib has seen intensified fighting and a renewed military offensive. It is also the last Saudi stronghold in the relatively calm area of Central Yemen. If entirely lost by the Saudi-led coalition, the city would allow the Houthis to carry out even more attacks on targets within the Kingdom’s borders.

Saudi-led coalition airstrikes have continued bombarding Houthi positions, according to Houthi media. These manage to impede the swift movement of forces, but haven’t deterred the offensive. As it usually happens when the Houthis get the upper hand anywhere in Yemen, the so-called Western world begins yelling “foul”.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres immediately said that widespread fighting could lead to the displacement of thousands. He called on Ansar Allah to halt their offensive on every front, and primarily on Marib. No calls for the Saudi-led coalition to stop their airstrikes or continuous ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah were made.

In addition to Marib City, the Houthis struck behind enemy lines. This included two attacks.

The first one targeted the King Khalid Air Base in the southern Saudi province with a Qasef-2K suicide drone. It was reportedly successful. Ansar Allah claimed to have had fired a cross-border missile and struck a Saudi Aramco facility in the Read Sea city of Jeddah.

According to the Houthi military spokesman, Yahya Sarea, the attack took place at dawn on March 4th, and was carried out with a Quds-2 winged missile. It reportedly struck its target.

Riyadh has not admitted either of the attacks, and there are no other details. The UN also said it has received unconfirmed reports.

The Axis of Resistance appears to be really pushing its enemies back, with 4 US convoys being targeted in the same day in Iraq, and Israel having a lull in its activity in recent days.

Tel Aviv accused Iran of carrying out an “eco-terrorism” attack by spilling oil in the Mediterranean Sea. There are concerns that a large-scale, heavy retaliation is coming. Time will only show if a response will really come and in what form it will be.

Currently, the Houthis are pushing successfully and the US is suffering for its attack on the Iraqi-Syriain border, and Israel is plotting its next move.

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Bryan Holden

Both Fb and twitter are blocking shares from South Front


The only positive part of thie US censorship is that the US Coalition of Terror is in great fear of the truth.

Freemon Sandlewould

A couple of internet rule of thumb
-1- if you can not share it on FB I am much more interested in reading / considering
-2- if a site has no comment section on articles I rarely read

Tommy Jensen

Its because the moment you know, the air in the illusion bubble starts to pour out.
The fear goes away and you now have the pants on to confront the emergency situation.

Lie schemes are thus extremely complicated, you have to use more and more resources to keep the lie under the carpet;
lock downs, physical distance, ban of gatherings, censorship of media, semantic manipulation, campaigns, perception management, violence, threats, baits, 30 shekels.


I agree.
Telling lies always demands superior intelligence and such intelligence is absent from US and NATO propagandists false narratives.

US and NATO propaganda is totally surreal, with its banal accusations toward their foes.

Supreme Blyat

Someone I know got a 15 sec vid deleted by facebook for asking if it’s ok to bring children to a gay parade.


I’m confused….
Does it mean that Facebook is against gay parades or they don’t want the children to be exposed to perversion?!!!

What a nice people…

Supreme Blyat

Btw did you know that they(Facebook) has verified persons like left wing journalists that are payed just to report hate posts? From many countries…. Then there are teams of employees from each country that ban what those persons reported, among other things like pr0n.

Hasbara Hunter

Pandora’s Box is opened…Elites are desperately tryin’ to close the Box again… but they just can’t get the lid back on…Elites are shittin’ their Panties…


Greetings, Bryan Holden. SouthFront is a target of the large-scale propaganda and pressure campaign aimed at suppressing our work. You can find more details here:
Best regards,
SF Team

johnny rotten

Wherever the West holds control, be it nations or supranational institutions such as the UN or the chemical weapons control agency, the controlled are forced to take the side of terrorism, we have had far too many confirmations at least since the destruction of the Yugoslavia, and then going forward to the fight for the liberation of Aleppo that the fake media have called the fall, the glorious liberators of Yemen could not escape this propaganda dripping in favor of terrorists.

Tommy Jensen

All our boys returned safely home to their bases in Saudi and Iraq without a single dustcorn on their uniforms after a pin-point precision strike hitting all their targets.


Another fat hillbilly also died. That makes it two……6 others were injured.

Arch Bungle

Your ‘boys’ have had their deaths covered up and hidden from the American public.

As was the case in Vietnam, where the American casualties were being hidden from the public until they could not be hidden anymore.

klove and light

litle jew tommy……this was just playing kiddy games so far………

you satanic zionist jews sill dont get the point….

your stolen entity called israel is a tiny enclave, with maybe 50 strategic targets, that when destroyed leaves your satanic zionist entity more or less defensless ….

Iĺl give you a hint dummy…….how many runways does israel have from which their IDF satanic airforce can takeoff???? from 8 to 14………..

what does the IDF do when those 14 runways have big fucking holes in their runway and repairs are not possible due to the ongoing missile barrage?????
crying and pissing???

and the list goes on and on……… your various powerplants, gas,diesel,coal etc….

you jews tend to forget the words of the great nasrallah………….”in the next war, PRECISION guided missiles and rockets will hit essential strategic targets in israel…”

LEARN to swim…little jew tommy, learn to swim………

ps. your nonsense with using nukes will not change the outcome in the long run……

you zionit satanic jews must vanish from planet earth.

Tommy Jensen
We have everything under control………………………………LOL.


quit lyin man! yous on yous way out soon. Make way for Iran.

cechas vodobenikov

freak posting photoshop so CIA boyfriend will use lube tomorrow

Supreme Blyat

How can a small trybe pose a bigger threat to Western economies than Russia nad China combined?

Supreme Blyat

The answe is: big balls. Wondering how Arabian peninsula diesn’t sink under the heavy pressure.

Tommy Jensen

We got nerves of steel.

Supreme Blyat

Balls of steel > nerves of steel

Arch Bungle

Very soon the Anglo-American-Zionist cabal will realise that Ansar Allah is a massive threat to their empire.

They will then have to go directly into Yemen and put their own boots on the ground, for none of their proxies can defeat the Houthi.

And there, they will burn.


looking forward to read that the houthis are threatening riyadh and that useless mohammed bin salman is on the run (to tel aviv maybe) – that useless sob has ruined saudi arabia with his incompetent management of the country.


You mean made “even more ruined”, don’t you.
It’s a bottomless $#ithile since the British his grandfather on the throne.


“Tel Aviv accused Iran of carrying out an “eco-terrorism” attack by spilling oil in the Mediterranean Sea. There are concerns that a large-scale, heavy retaliation is coming.”

Iran should consider ‘retaliating’ against Netanyahu’s ‘retaliation’ by attacking Saudi Arabia, a de-facto ally of both the US (foreign policy) and Israel. Such a move would hurt the US more than attacking its soldiers and without galvanizing Americans into supporting war to save the Saudis.