ILLUSTRATIVE: A US servicemen is at the Ayn al-Assad airbase that was targeted by Iranian missiles on January 8
Unguided rockets targeted the Iraqi military camp Taji that hosts US troops, the Iraqi military said in a statement on January 14.
The Taji military camp is located near Baghdad. According to reports, the strike caused no casualties. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.
The January 14 strike became the second attack of this kind during the past 3 days.
On January 12, four Iraqi personnel were wounded after eight rockets were fired at the Balad airbase, another facility that houses U.S. forces. This base is located about 80 km north of Baghdad.
The tesnsions in Iraq have been growing rapidly since the US military’s assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and other prominent Iranian and Iraqi officers in Baghdad on January 3. Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units, was killed in the same attack.
The US commonly blames factions of the Popular Mobilization Units for shelling of its facilities in Iraq. Washington describes this part of the Iraqi Armed Forces as ‘Iranian proxies’.
ISIS terorist have also realize that all USA bases everywhere in the world is extremely vulnerable to messile attack.No wonder USANATO prohibits long range missiles to other countries while their acquire lot for them.
January 8th looks more of a starting point, to a long-term campaign to force the U.S. out.
Khamenei already publicly stated the revenge for Soleimani will be the removal of all US forces from the region.
Let’s see. An empty hanger and maybe a helicopter for Islamist Iran’s very top general. Maybe Khamenei will cost an empty office building and a jet in the repair shop with no US casualties. Damn, those Islamists come…and go…real cheap!
Iran did the strike on the cheap and took out a few million dollars worth of US assets. Helicopter here, jet here, building here, after a while there’s going to be nothing left. Who’s going to pay to replace all this hardware? China’s not going to loan the US anything let alone funding for more military equipment.
If the US was so confident of their capabilities why didn’t they start a massive bombing campaign? It’s because they know they can’t win without destroying the empire in the process, a classic Pyrrhic Victory.
You fully understand the situation, why do you continue to make a fool out of yourself? Is the pay that good? Do you think you’re helping in your effort? Even a blind monkey could see what’s going to happen.
What I fully understand is that the Iranian people just dodged the bullet…even if a lot of them got it from their own Key Stone Cops military. But do note, there are a few ways that the Islamists will get Iran destroyed. Directly causing US casualties. Directly or through their lap puppies causing significant Israeli civilian casualties. An attack on Dimona. Or getting near having a nuke weapon. In the meantime, they will be further sanctioned into bankruptcy.
Iran has been under sanctions since 1979. They’re going to collapse any day now … any day now … any day now … any day now … any day now …
They can’t survive without selling oil numb nuts
They’re on their chins, they’ll soon grovel for mercy
And the great Donald will cut them a deal and save them
” What I fully understand : Now that is really an oxymoron if I ever saw one..
The Jew troll does not know what that means :)
Yes but I was hoping his supervisor would explain it to him but probably ran into a brick wall there.
What is preventing the European Jew from returning home?
People in their home country . They got rid of them and don’t want them back.
Why do you intelligent guys respond to a Jew fuck hasbara illiterate troll? you kids should know better :)
They’re kids!
You’ve just answered you own question
In my opinion the reason the USA hasn’t attacked Iran is that they know that will immediately result in an attack on Israel. I bet there are a few Israeli generals who’ve figured that out
Expensive tents,those Americans have, yup very expensive
Oh plus those Iranian wiz bangs landed in iran, must have been the wrong coordinates,wink ,wink,
Just as well they didn’t land on some Iranian town by mistake
Maybe next time they won’t be so lucky???? Wink, wink!
Khamenei is secretly being overthrown by Rouhani. My sources say that Rouhani is very displeased at the ayatollahs and the IRGC, and that he coordinated the assassination of soleimani with the USA/Israel. Rouhani might just be a savior for Iran!
Talk is cheap. The cost of the top Islamist Iranian general was even cheaper. If the Grand Islamist Potentate makes one miss step or moves towards a nuclear weapon, he will find himself in the bargain basement on his way to hell.
“Talk is cheap” Just like when Trump mumbled they were going for “moor sanctions” after US bases got bombed.
Kiddies, sometimes you eager beaver ones get upset at the TRUTH, but read my posts dating back to the early days of SF, the Americunt morons and their Zionist masters simply can not last in a region where over 99% (minus the pimp Wahhabi regimes) are hostile to them. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon etc are on their home turf and will simply keep on turning the heat on the Occupation forces. Iran can wait another 3,000 years, can the Americunts and Zionists ? Me thinks not :)
you wish, antisemite
Those are traitorous, antisemites!
You keep crying AnTiSeMiTeS, while the Semites support Hezbollah/Palestine. What makes it even worse you’re not even a jew ?
Everyone is antisemite . Join the club , we have more fun.. Wait until you hear the screams of a Zionist as we thrown him on the Barbie.. Cook with gas is the only way to go.
They’re more Jewish than you, atheist baby-killing.scum.
Jacob, this new Aryeh persona is not working out.
What proof do you have, antisemite?
I saw it and it was horrendous , probably why the site took it down. I will have nightmares for a week at least.
No such thing arsehole! but do get a US taxpayer funded nose job :)
indeed they are, especially when you start seeing pictures of resistance groups leaders that once fought against the US occupations united.
BREAKING: IDF airstrikes target the T4 airbase in Syria hitting hangars and barracks of the IRGC and butcher regime! Mazel Tov! :-]
Great news,more failings of superior Russian military doctrine and air denial no fly zone BS missiles
So lets attack the forces which fight Isis & jihadis, yeah that sounds logical.
The point of the exercise is regime change in Iran, and preventing Chinese investment in the Iranian energy market
The rest of the stuff is just a side show to keep the kiddies scared ?
Its really all about china
Aww get over it, Butcher Regime lover!
On the contrary Schwartz (Yiddish for vienna sausage), I despise Israel.
This is the one time I agree that Israel should be first :)
It looks like the IDF attack at T4 in East Homs is ALSO convergent with major ISIS attack, also in East Homes (see AMN Syria news)…
Almasdarnews is little bit slow when posting on their website, this incident happened earlier.
Probably not. It seems to be a common occurrence among allies.
Butcher Regime? That’s Azriel Herskowitz shtick. Try and keep your sock puppets consistent. What an amateur.
Nobody takes you seriously.
Except I do, now scram! Antisemite!
Go and try your luck on Russia Insider. Go on I dare you to use that as a comment on there. They will skin you alive so you come here to annoy the pussy cats . Dumb Zionist dog shit. Go find an oven where you belong..
Going there now, thanks for the heads up. I’m ready to destroy any russkie troll I see there with facts and logic!
Good to see you come but better to see you fuck off .
Now you’re talking naughty :D
I thought you said you were off to find an oven ( Me ..Go find an oven where you belong.. Avi.. Going there now, thanks for the heads up .. )
Oh its full of proper Nazi’s, as you’ll see,although you probably already know!
The ironic thing is they all love Putin and Russia, but it was their grandparents who invaded the Soviet Union as Nazis and fascists, ironic isn’t it that now Putin recruits these people to play in his anti wastern useful idiot show,he should be careful what he wishes for, after all it didn’t work out to well in 1939 did it!
But thats the sick and frankly depraved propaganda game Putin plays
….sorry surely you meant Nazi Insider????
Probably because you are the same guy. Don’t take you seriously either. You offer nothing.
Nobody takes any of the Trolls seriously . Just saying things to upset people . Attacking in groups now because alone they are gutless. Who have we got , Azriel the sucker of anyones cock including his own , Avi who loves reminding us the death counts , IDF 71 dead , Hanmas 0 dead. Not sure why he skites about that but he is an idiot so who knows. And Bob who has admitted he lies and makes stuff up so really you are Right. Like dog shit it the gutter .. best avoided otherwise the stench stays with you for a while..
You’re really into shit, Adolf, just like your hero, Adolf.
Oh is this a copy and paste comment. I am sure I have seen it before. Loses its punch second time around.. Hint , try a new one ..
Oh diddums, did the naughty trolls upset you?
Go see mummy she’ll make it all better for you
Now cut along poor little puppy boy, go see mum
I think you mean the secret Syrian warfare division doing this ..
https://www.timesofisrael.com/air-force-officer-admits-mistake-in-not-moving-jets-above-ground-during-flood/.. Tried to hide your jets underground so Syria made it rain and got them..
So European murderers entered our region masquerading as Israelite?
Better check their DNA luv!
This bloke in the photo is an actor!
His job was to look very unhappy so that the regime could say,
‘ look the great Satan has been slapped in the face’!
Of course this is done in full coordination with the mad mullahs and Hollywood so that the theocratic dictatorship doesn’t loose to much face
I’d say its very generous of the Americans to help the MULLAHS!
Some say the Mullah’s wanted to get rid of Soleimani and they cooridnated the entire assassination and al-assad airbase attack with the USA/Israel!
Some say the Mullah’s are even preparing to open relations with Israel and recognize them for the first time in history. Let’s hope this is true.
Or it’s the other way – Rouhani wanting to overthrow the IRGC and ayatollahs. Either way, there was coordination between some forces in Iran between the US/Israel in the al-assad missile strike and the soleimani elimination.
Hey I thought you had grown balls and were off to slay Russian Trolls.
They banned me!
Well that is not very nice is it. Should go and call them antisemites as that will teach them.
It makes no sense for the European Jews to cling to stolen Arab land
to which they had no connection until they arrived as colonial invaders.
They are much safer back home in Europe where they belong, where
they came from and where they have a lot in common with the Europeans.
Why choose to remain in a region where your presence has caused so
much bloodshed and strife? Why not choose peace and simply vacate
from stolen Arab land and just peacefully go home?
“antisemitism” in the Middle East vs. Europe:
Country………… Pew 2010
Lebanon…………. 98%
Gaza………………. 97%
Jordan……………. 97%
West Bank………. 97%
Egypt……………… 95%
Country………… Pew 2019
Sweden………………. 3
Netherlands………… 5
France……………….. 6
Germany…………….. 6
UK…………………….. 6
Italy………………….. 15
Czech rep…………. 17
Bulgaria……………. 18
Hungary……………. 18
Russia……………… 18
Spain………………. 19
Lithuania………….. 26
Slovakia…………… 30
Greece……………. 38
Miss DNA 2020 strikes again…zzzzzzzzz???
The mullahs couldn’t coordinate a chimps tea party!
Is that the same actor you mentioned yesterday. You know the one that was in a movie with Steven Seagull. Oh dear …
The daily rocket attack, brought to you by those who ain’t taking it anymore.
Seriously, this is going to be way out of hand in couple months. They won’t be ‘missing’ their targets by then. Just like Viet Nam, day by ay, the carnage will roll on. We need to get out other pronto.
BREAKING NEWS: Iranian Bavar-373 destroyed by IDF F-35’s inside T4 Airbase, central Syria! Israel reportedly gave early warning to the Russkies, and the Russkies in turn promised to stand down and not interfere, otherwise Israel told them their fighter jets would target and shoot down any interfering Russkie aircraft!
Also many IRGC hangars, barracks, and buildings destroyed inside T4! Over 100 IRGC militiamen eliminated. IDF F-35’s were never detected ONCE by Russkie, iranian, or syrian air defenses! Mazel Tov!
I had a feeling T4 would be struck! So glad to see it! Mazel Tov!
Hey Azzie why has it taken you and your clutch of idiots over a week to get over the shock of Iran’s response. Oh what , you all believed Iran was going to get it and it was BIG shock seeing Iran wipe the US’s arse and made Trump shit his pants and Netaumbooboo run and hide under his table,, Is he Still there .. Really , what a pussy. Mind you all big mouth , big balls are the same. All loud talk until someone fires back.. You will need more than Mazel Tov , lots more..
IDF has almost certainly coordinated this with the east Homs ISIS activity, see AMN….
Yes I saw that. They will be on the rise again so the US has a reason to stay.. Bit like the goons on here , hit and run. Spray the air then run for the hills to come back again tomorrow.. Not sure how they think with telling obvious bullshit they are going to change or effect anything. The shit in Syria is a long way from over , years even. SAA need to advance some more in Idlib and push out from Aleppo to create a buffer zone for safety.
You’d have done well in Hitler’s bunker, you know creating paper divisions and super war winning wiz bangs
I remember reading somewhere that while Israel usually claims it hit “Iranian bases” in Syria, it usually hits Syrian bases.
Same difference
Its taken most of the week to stop laughing, honestly!
Does that answer your little question?
You would much more at home back in Poland, would you not?
But we can detect the European Jews on Arab soil because they are vividly European. Why are they still where they do not belong?
Seriously though, you people need to stop replying to the shills in the comments. They get paid per post, so you’re probably helping them earn their bread by reacting to their zionist drivel.
They are harmless idiots having a thrill. If I can help them earn 10c for the day they might be able to afford something better than licking dog shit out of the gutter.
Eating shit was your hero’s thing, Adolf.
Jake splayed on a Stake . That has a nice ring to it..
Were you feeling left out with the others getting all the attention. You need to learn to use real mean and nasty comments so we get upset .. go on give it a go..
Nahhhhhhhh…just like to be entertained by the Nazis and Russians playing Nazis around here. Like watching the inmates in the Nut House frolic, Adolf or Igor as the case may be.
No , I mean real mean and nasty stuff.. Man I have seen kindergarten girls give better than that.
Love it!
Flag all as spam, harrasment, etc. Finally the system will kick out them.
great and do it again – guess the morons from the disunited states of A ain’t all that popular in the hood, about as popular as the criminally corrupt jews on occupied palestinian land which is precisely why they, the jews, will be kicked to kingdom come even if head case trump’s son in law preaches otherwise.