Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie came to Ukraine a few days ago. Being a goodwill ambassador of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Jolie visited Ukrainian refugees in the city of Lviv in Western Ukraine. Her visit turned into a large propaganda campaign of the Kiev regime.
Sirens turned on as soon as the actress came to the city train station. Video showing Jolie hurrying to a shelter was shared by Ukrainian media.
Meanwhile, civilians around paid no attention to the alarm. People are seen walking calmly, aome asked the actress to make selfie.
According to the statements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, there were no attacks in the Lviv in the recent days. The air alarm which caught a hollywood star is another cheap performance by Ukrainian propagandists.
Earlier, Jolie was seen safe and sound in a local cafe.
I want to see putin crying
NATO plox thap arms deliveriyu to Zelenskiii. He hurs mah boys
No worries, Steven Seagel comes to the rescue!
POKO MOLO! Its you again! You can fuck right off again, no one missed your spam shitposts anyway.
He is such a big soft teddy bear, I am sure he does. Are you an evil psychopath? They like to see people crying too.
Which is exactly why you and all your degenerate fascists are the ones whom are crying,degenerate!
I want to see you dying :)
Well, I WANT KA-52 Helicopter, win ~100M€ in EuroJackpot, and willa in Cheycelles…. Those aren’t go happened either.
On a totally different subject, Any readers familiar with the prophecies of Edgar Casey? An amazing guy.
Through Russia, Cayce said “comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism — no! But freedom — freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man.
The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.” I think Putin is the herald of his prophesy.
This is correct. He also said that China will be the cradle of Christianity.
Stinking diseased whore
Not really. Angelina Jolie is contributing in destroying Putin’s moronic propaganda aimed at its target audience of morons.
Sending this overrated hooker into a war zone is not moronic propaganda? Well what do I know, I’m just Yamil the Pidorez who started his carrier by sucking dicks in dark alleyways just like Angie.
Nothing there was bombed because Putin bombs the diesel fuel for the tanks, the weapons, the military and NOT the civilians OR their homes or shops.
Delete this site this site is pure Russian propaganda
We should delete you too, because you are pure crap.
It’s not propaganda. It’s a troll farm. A bunch of lunatics feeding from everything it says like brainless robots.
Does an emoji hold meta data?
Could track him down xD
Ukraine is the right place to go if you’re a satanist and you want a couple of shots of fresh baby blood. All of those displaced children will be easy prey for Satanists and pedophiles.
how can you say this so glibly? Sadly, it may be true.
She used to drink the blood of her lover Billy Ray Thorton back in the early 2000’s and carry a vile of his blood in an amulate. Megan Fox admitted similar practices last week. So among hollywood whores it seems to be a thing.
The most correct comment here.
She likes to support those who chop heads from babies in syria too. pure scum.
The proverbial to smell a rat comes to mind
Nobody really cares about her. Ex drug addict trying to get a bit of popularity.
The kid on the phone couldn’t give a rats arse about Jolie.
Was Penn with her coming to enlist?
This woman is real witch. Other famous witches are Madonna, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. They all practice witchcraft, something you easily can check out for yourself in their videos, for they are often full of occult messages of very sinister nature. These are the “people” that children and teenagers the world over adore. And these witches actually feed on the energy of their fans.
She may have had the mind control. There is an inability to see truth. How else can men be allowed into womens prisons, called women rape the inmates and father children?
Yes, you may have a point there. But she is after all a practicing witch. Other famous witches BTW are Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. They both belong to the same coven, where Burton is the head witch. Now you understand why they have made so many films together, and why they always are dark and satanic. Also remember the film the Nightmare before Christmas, another very dark and satanic film by Burton.
And idiots think that heavy metal is satanic while they listen to all these witches.
Yes, it is kind of ironic really when you think about it. But these “nice” female pop singers are actually causing more harm than the heavy metal bands, perhaps even more than all the heavy metal bands put together? There is a video by PInk, called “Just Like a Pill.” In it we can see a REAL satanist priest, dressed up like something from a Johnny Depp movie. And there are apparently less than ten such priests in the entire world. Check it out.
Probably yes
You should know one thing. The real Satan doesn’t have horns and bullshit like that. The real Satan is clever. This is all for shock value.
oh if angelina jolie is on the ukranian side, i must switch sides, they got us now…
Maybe the sirens were edited in later on? Could explain why nobody on the streets seemed to mind. Or they cried wolf too many times already. Such stunts don’t help, of course.
She is still alive? Looks like a skeleton. That bitch is the most degenerate creature in all degenerate Hollywood.
Not the first time she is involved in US cheap dirty propaganda. Hopefully it’s the last…
If Angelina shows up at your enemy you just know that you are on the right side ;)
Well, if SHE supports the Ukrainian side, then I am definitely not wrong in supporting the Russians!
22.500 dead Russian soldiers.22.500 dead Russian soldiers.22.500 dead Russian soldiers.22.500 dead Russian soldiers22.500 dead Russian soldiers22.500 dead Russian soldiers.
I am amazed it took her this long to jump on the propaganda bandwagon for some $$$ lol.
Angelina Jolie and Shan Pen are washed out CIA agens, they seem to appear more on warfronts then in Hollywood movies !! She’s also a whore and he’s a faggot !!
She already showed up in Bosnia and Kosovo. Useful Idiot for CIA. Anyhow the problem nowdays are these hollywood rats. Forbid these loosers to enter politics. Acteurs and Clowns are very dangerous.
Icarus Tanovic also supports Bosnia and Kosovo because he is a jihadi.
luciferian whore
Check out the retard trying to be self imposed imporant security,what a frgn bushpig and a half!
Come on Angelina , after your movie Blood and Honey – you should know the Nato Game by now. FYI – Monsanto/bayer, Carghill, DuPont and John Deere pesticides in the Ukraine farmland – Kills Bees. We use Honey here – lots of it – now the bees are dyin off. Another type of War against the People. In Ukraine , Crimea , Donbass etc. etc. etc. Cowgirl up Angelina and take the real Ukrainian side – not the Nazi side.
Just another Hollywood pinhead.
Hollywood UN shill.
Hahahaha that looks so fucking dumb and fake…just like her movie career.