Hezbollah members salute during the funeral of Ali Fayyad, a senior commander who was killed fighting in Syria, Lebanon, March 2, 2016. Photo by Ali Hashisho/Reuters
Written by Philip M. Giraldi; Originally appeared at strategic-culture.org
Whatever their plans, the stakeholders in the Middle East must remember that clever plans to remake the Middle East have hitherto been remarkable for their inability to anticipate countermoves by opposing forces.
Tension is increasing all across the Middle East and the United States is again falling into a trap set up by its so-called allies to act against its own interests by getting deeply involved in what might turn out to be an escalating conflict. The recent victories by the Syrian Army and its Russian allies, which suggest that the active phase of the Syrian civil war will soon be drawing to a close, means that the perennial unrest in the region will be shifting gears and possibly leading to new conflict in areas that have until now been quiet. The lack of any real American policy for the region will enable the Saudis and Israelis, who have hegemonistic dreams of their own, to manipulate a casus belli, quite likely starting in Lebanon, where Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri recently resigned his office and fled to Saudi Arabia, claiming that he was fearing for his life due to his resistance to Iran’s influence over his country.
Hariri headed a coalition pulled together in 2016 that included nearly all of Lebanon’s main parties, including Hezbollah. It took office in a political deal that made Michel Aoun, a Maronite Christian who has an understanding with Hezbollah, president. The inclusion of Hezbollah and the presence of a friendly Aoun was seen as a victory for Iran.
The Hariri resignation was certainly carried out in collusion with Riyadh, to include the damning of Iranian influence as his reason for leaving. It suggests that the Saudis and Israelis, who have been hyperbolically claiming that Tehran is about to take control of much of the Middle East, are feeling confident enough to move towards some kind of showdown with the Mullahs. As a first step, expected deteriorating sectarian interaction between Sunni and Shi‘ite Muslims in Lebanon will eliminate any possibility of a bipartisan and functioning government, providing a pretext for foreign intervention to stabilize the situation.
The United States is clearly privately approving the Israeli and Saudi moves, as Washington, Riyadh and Tel Aviv have all adamantly opposed the existence of the Lebanese coalition dominated by Aoun and Hezbollah’s Nasrullah because of the Hezbollah presence. The next step will be for Israel fighter aircraft to increase their incursions into Lebanese airspace in light of the alleged instability north of the border derived from the claims by Hariri that he was about to be assassinated. The activity would be intended to provoke a Lebanese response that would escalate into an incident that will lead to a major strike to bring the Beirut government down. The ultimate objective is to create a Saudi and Israeli-led grand Sunni alliance, which might be a fantasy, to pushback Iranian influence in the entire region. Lebanon’s Hezbollah, opposed by the Saudis because it is Shi’a and by Israel because of its missile arsenal, would be targeted as the first marker to fall.
A supportive Washington role in the conflict will of course be indispensable and there is every sign that it would be forthcoming, with grand strategists like Generals Mattis and McMaster no doubt envisioning a roll-up of Shi’as starting in Lebanon and working eastward while the Saudis continue their aggression against Yemen to counter alleged Iranian interference in that area. Israel will also undoubtedly step up its attacks on Syrian Army positions, claiming that it is striking Hezbollah, to further complicate any countermoves by the Iranians. Israel has made it very clear that it will attack any Iranian military positions that are established in Syria.
It is important to recall that clever plans to remake the Middle East have hitherto been remarkable for their inability to anticipate countermoves by opposing forces. Bashar al-Assad has survived an onslaught directed by the very same alignment now out to reverse a perceived Iranian-led Shi’a ascendancy and Hezbollah proved so successful against Israel that Israeli war plans now rule out any action on the ground due to the high casualty levels experienced in 1990-2000. The US would be playing a supporting role in any conflict, but might well suffer collateral damage if Iran is drawn in directly, a development that could easily lead to armed conflict between Washington and Tehran.
Yep, the AIPAC (Israel’s non-registered foreign agents in the country) controlled government of the US always looking for Americans to do the dying for them so that they may achieve their geopolitical dreams in the region. I hope if the psychopaths controlling the US government follow through with this bs for Israel’s benefit, that Israel will be left with nothing but an ash heap.
It will be an ash heap that is blown away on the winds with no fanfare or remorse.
Well that is there plan too, if i remember reading and watching some talks of our “MASTERS”.
Thank you Phil for verifying what I have been, in effect. stating these last several days. I say “In effect” because I only lack your “inside” information. What I do have is a complete UNDERSTANDING of the Goals of Zionists and why I EMPHASIZE that, as long as the Zionist, like Rothschild are FREE or ALIVE, WAR will continue until THEY or WE win.
Their GOAL is HEGEMONY, firstly over the Middle East, and that is all people need to know to realize what will continue and what may be the END result if GOOD MORAL people with Wealth and Power don’t WAKE UP and act, NOT just talk, FOR what is RIGHT for Humanity- PERIOD..
The Continued RISE of the THREE Israels: https://youtu.be/ej8gmVXq3_c
I don’t share the author’s vision of the future due to his exclusion of consideration of Russian activity in the region. Any rolling back of Iranian influence isn’t isolated to Iran. The entire Syrian government coalition, which has been victimized by the Jew world order aggressors. Has no interest in seeing their efforts nullified by shifting the focus of the aggression from one coalition member, Syria, to another coalition member, Iran, which is a lot closer to Russia’s border than Syria is.
What the Jew baby rapers and their sycophants are really worried about isn’t Iran, it’s Russia strengthening it’s alliances with Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, and Iraq. Which would be a very good thing for the region. And is something that should be encouraged and supported.
Like in the forgotten times of our history where this Nations where ONE, you just have to look at old maps from before the Cristian-Muslim Religion was Seperated. And i dont mean the OFFICIAL maps, look up the First ever Issue of Encyclopedia Britannica(Enemys back then too), you will never BELIEVE what they have written in there, total opposite things you will never get in our History lessons.
I can give you a LOT of information if you really want to look up our REAL HISTORY.
And yes Russia(Todays Name) was always the enemy of the Parasites for more then 11.000 (ElevenThousand) years, if maby even much longer than that, and we have finally so much prove for this facts its undeniable, our world is finally waking up, thank god and everyone who is willing to go the Light way.
Like for “Cristian-Muslim Religion was Seperated” – very few people know about patriarch Arius/Arije, his exclusion from the mainline Christianity back in 4th century and “similarity” (actually: equality, excluding Mohamed of course) between his teaching and the Islam.
Regarding “Russia and 11k years” claim… as a Slav, even better, as a Serb, it warms my heart but … hard to get that alternative history any near my ratio. The first obsticle in the story comes from Great Tataria and the fact that all “ex-Russians” (you know on whom I mean :) ) are genetically more Slavs then (today) Russians, and even Rus’ (aka Slavic Russians). So, whoever were these guys you are talking about… it is hard to call them Rus’ , and of course even harder to call them Russians. But, I assume that always there were the creators and the parasites, even before mankind arrived in the story.
“it is hard to call them Rus'” because they were Serbs, of course AHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
Just joking :)
There is a School for russians to LEARN russian tongue i can give you a lot of facts and words to understand, Russians themself did not call themself russian they never had this countrys name it was always MIR=Peace
Brate, ja sam Srbin, dakle, nema potrebe da mi objašnjavaš šta znači Naš, Naši i mir :).
Velika je tuga što mi Srbi znamo mnogo više o vama Rusima, nego vi Rusi o sebi, a još manje o nama. Da se nije desilo ovo sranje u Ukrajini, prosečan Rus i dalje ne bi znao gde je Srbija i ko su Srbi. A primili smo metak za vas 1999., kao što sad primamo huj u dupe od NATO-a svaki dan, jer odbijamo da vam uvedemo sankcije i odbijamo da se odreknemo Rusije. Dobro, danas je mnogo bolje nego pre 3-4 godine. Danas znate ko smo i znate da držimo front.
Regarding the “nation”, Anglikans have “nothing” with it. Le Nation is concept born with French Revolution, by Robespier and Monteskie. However, transformation from Š to (š)T is typical for Germanic languages, where English ~belongs. I’m not fan of the “našion” thesis, but, another one I like somewhat better, it’s regarding “the Race” (Rasa, Rasi, Rašani, Raseni == Ras, Raška (“first” Serbian state in 6th century), “Kievska” Rus (we had common “border” few centuries later) == Ras, dva, tri… == tRuski, Etruski, Etruria == Raci (Hungarian name for Serbs, still in use), Raso-Slavien (Hanzburg Monarchy name for Serbs, used on their maps for few decades)
Yeah but i mean espeacialy the small sentences where do they come from like you already mentioned rasa, Ra means Light/Holy/White. Rassian are meant for all White People who are from the same Race Brothers sisters ect.
Like Radast/Happyness translated from Light-giving or RaDuga/Rainbow=Light-Curve RaShdenia/Birth=Light/Giving,Awaiting,ect.
And the old flag of the Empire of Tartar actually they had always 2 Because they always had 2 Khan`s 1 is an Owl with the Golden Behind the Behind is called in russian; Pers. The 2nd one is a Gryphon with a Golden Pers, now Gryphons are in almost all flags in europe old statues ect. The Word Gryphon has already a very deep meaning i wanted to give you a link for a video but fuck i cant find it anymore, its a 5 minute clip from a bigger video from tartaria where one techer/academic explains the meaning of the word griffon, i remember it to be the Guardian of the empire with still a lot of meaning behind it.
Every white human is a rasian. The meaning now is somewhat regarding to difference of “Races” again fooling everyone, the Black humans have already there own name for that but it is again somewhat in our time Racist to say that :/ There is a lot in the history that connects all european and rasian people.
maybe it is much clearer to call them “the Romans”, in such context the continuity may be defended… but not longer then 5th century before Christ. (for others: yep, the Byzantine empire never existed (by that name), the empire called Byzantine in your history books had never that name, they were Romans, and it was the Roman Empire, fact that the Rome was outside its borders after 5th century can’t change the fact it is the same culture and fact they referred them-self as the Romans)
Yes this is also true Russia is the 3rd and Final RIM
Možna pa Ruski jesli Anglikanski ne idjot. Just don’t push me to type properly ahahah :)
Ivan Grozni, but Grozni is not (only) Terrible but Mighty also.
He had crown of Car Dušan * (again us :) ), and wrote the most comprehensive book ever on St. Sava (the founder of Serbian Orthodox Church)
Dušan was: Dušan the Silni, more or less the same as Grozni. That’s why I mentioned him and his crown.
Ivan Grozni, from all Rus’ and Russian leaders, wrote highest number of books (all kinds of) and holds the second place (after Staljin) by number of built churches, monasteries and otherwise holyplaces. So, only real retard can believe such guy killed his son. That’s bs, very typical for “game of thrones”, with or without Vatican or other foreign Intelligence Agency, such bs. are present in every history book all around the Euroasia. Simply, CNN haven’t invented political propaganda on its own – it is something we all do since dawn of organized society.
Romans were a blend of greek culture and roman culture. Byzantium was the capital of the east Roman Empire and gradually it became a greek instead of a Roman Empire and the language became greek too. In a way to be expected as greek was the common language (lingua franca) of most of the eastern mediteraneum lands.
Yep, almost :) it was Constantinople, not Byzantine. “Byzantine” is a term coined in 16 C to name “Rome without the Rome”… but… anyway, not big deal anyway :) They called them self Romans… but, for the most we know them today as Greeks, Turks and some Serbs on the north … fuck, almost forgot Macedonians, Macedonians also.
Its not Alternative its our real history, the facts written back in the time on paper still existing and even build in the periods of time they still stand or lay hidden behind walls and a LOT underground, in russia they found the biggest stonehenge its MONUMENTAL, but it is not excaveited in the depth of forest mountains(russia is very big you have to know) i can give you many links with videos if you see the videos there a LOT of things you will never believe that actually exist like in romania the big Face on the mountain ect ect its just to much. If you start watching and reading the things you will study a long time for it, but believe me its real. Especialy after Putin got into power the Russian arcives are finaly studied again, there are books describing GOD`s who live among the humans and the periods of the last 11k years but it is still a LOT. Russia has finaly someone who wants to know its history back after the 15 century. To me it dosent make a big difference if the now living people are considered the LightHumans or not because they still are decendants of them and every human beeing who has Light in his blood can be a light beeing. RA means Light/holy/white asian means dweler/inhabitant/living beeing ect.
OFC it is a Forgotten Ritual to make you pure of all darkness but i think that we still can get it back and with studie.
regarding to archaeology: have you noticed that “sig”, found at Arkaim monolith’s units of measures table, is actually time required for light to travel one “metra” (~1.054 metric meters, also unit elaborated on the Arkaim monolith).
If Israeli air force attack on Lebanon then who will support Israel?
America, NATO and India? Yes
Saudi Arabia? Yes
Kurds? Yes
Any other Middle East country? No
Russia, China, Pakistan? No
Russia, China,sure not
Egypt, Pakistan, Iraq also not
Syria, Iran these have enough own problems
Israeli disinformation.
we can come back to his qusetion rob in several weeks.
I have never known China to truly support anyone except North Korea way back in the 1950’s lol.
Russia refusing to sell Syria any AA defense that actually works against Israel.
Egypt is a backstabber. Pakistan is busy arming militias for cross border attacks on Iranians border guards.
Lebanon only has Syria and Iran.
But the worlds Christians should rise up and join in on defending the fellow Monotheist of Lebanon and Syria and Iran for sure.
I think you watch MSM.
Nope, the MSM won’t mention the Christians. But that makes the message only stronger.
I am a christian and if I were to rise up against anyone, it would be islamists, I abhorr political Islam and consider it a danger to the free world and any non Islamist state. They are even a danger to their co-islamists.
Don’t be too sure about the US and NATO. Jews and Muslims teaming up to kill Christians won’t sell too well in the US.
Now that I have thought about it, it is clear that this new war and new ISIS army is not targeted at Syria at all. With the arrests IN a SHOCKING PURGE, SAUDI KING ARRESTS BILLIONAIRE PRINCE BIN TALAL, DOZENS OF OTHERS IN CABINET CRACKDOWN, it is meant to look like this new ISIS army is to be used against Syria but it really Looks like a Saudi civil war is to be created by Israel with this New Israeli ISIS proxy army to be sent to Saudi Arabia, so its slave USSA and Israel can tighten its grip on Saudi Judea Arabia and its oil and stop them from selling oil in Chinese Yuan to at least temporarily preserve the federal reserve Jewish dollar through direct Jewish control of Saudis oil fields because if the Saudis sell oil in Chinese Yuan racist supremacist Israel and its global Jewish slave empire collapses rapidly. The racist supremacist Jewish global confederate slave empire plans to put in place a totally subservient puppet in Saudi even more so then the one they have now who will be slightly less oppressive. Let women have some rights while the country is sucked dry and destroyed like Israel is doing to the USSA and NATO members etc
The Saudis have played a double game for a long time to avoid the Jew world order Arab Spring fabricated regime change wars being applied to them. And with some regional governments like Egypt holding their own against it, and it being rolled back in Syria by the Syrian government coalition. The Jew world order is running out of targets to keep the region in conflict and submission. So it looks like SA may be next on the to do list.
The way I see it Saudi Judea Arabia has been a puppet of the racist supremacist Jewish global confederate slave empire since it was created after world war 1. Now they appear to have outlived their usefulness and may bow to Chinese pressure to destroy the Jewish federal reserve petro dollar so they have to go. China is exterting great influence in Saudi and around the world by making it very profitable to turn against the racist supremacist Jewish global confederate slave empire.
Check this out they have some dungeons on Wall Street to rape and murder the Goyim for brutal sex sessions in a side room with ropes, chains and sex toys, so no one will hear.
Soros fund manager raped beat Playboy models 27M lawsuit alleges.
Howie Rubin and George Soros (Facebook/Reuters)
Two Playboy Playmates and a third woman have filed a lawsuit seeking $27 million, alleging a former fund manager for billionaire George Soros raped and beat them in a New York City penthouse described as a dungeon.
The three plaintiffs, who were not identified, claim portfolio manager Howie Rubin beat them to the point they needed extensive medical attention, the New York Post reported, citing a lawsuit filed in federal court.
“I’m going to rape you like I rape my daughter,” Rubin, a former Bear Stearns trader, yelled out during one of the attacks, according to the lawsuit.
It states that Rubin rented out the $8 million penthouse in Manhattan and paid women $2,000 to $5,000 for brutal sex sessions in a side room with ropes, chains and sex toys.
Proof the EU is now a racist supremacist Jewish dictatorship part of the global racist supremacist Jewish confederate slave empire.
Soros is Bribing Top EU Pols the Shocking Soros List Names Names
“… the EU leadership implement policies, which run counter to the interests of Europeans. The answer is corruption. The politicians bribed by Soros dance to his tune.”
The list https://legacy.gscdn.nl/archives/images/soroskooptbrussel.pdf
of Soros has been made public recently. The document lists 226 MEPs from all sides of political spectrum, including former President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, former Belgian PM Guy Verhofstadt, seven vice-presidents, and a number of committee heads, coordinators, and quaestors. These people promote the ideas of Soros, such as bringing in more migrants, same-sex marriages, integration of Ukraine into the EU, and countering Russia. There are 751 members of the European Parliament. It means that the Soros friends have more than one third of seats.
George Soros, a Hungarian-American investor and the founder and owner of Open Society Foundations NGO, was able to meet with President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker with “no transparent agenda for their closed-door meeting”, and pointed out how EU proposals to redistribute quotas of migrants across the EU are eerily familiar to Soros’s own self-published plan for dealing with the crisis.
What is thy bidding my master
I’m to weak fake victim to
and Jared Kushnir with a New York address of 666 Fifth Avenue, you can’t make this stuff up goes to Saudi Arabia this past week to take care of the Saudis as they are no longer useful.
unlimited power.
The result of Hezbollah’s involvement in Syria is the rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Israel.
And poor Lebanon will pay for it.
My tin-foil hat says: This is the start of a Israeli/US air campaign to destroy Lebanon and Syria under the cover of a Saudi attack.
Israeli and US pilots will covertly be flying KSA/UAE aircraft. Israel will use the opportunity to finally seize southern Lebanon for oil and water, and seize Mt. Hermon and additional land beyond the Golan.
I’m way too cynical to take this all at face value. When the US arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE were massively ramped up a few years ago and have been increasing ever since, the weapons mix sold became increasingly offensive. They both already have an alarming stockpiles of air-dropped weapons – the notion that Yemen has depleted their stocks is preposterous.
The cover story was for some kind of retaliatory attack if Iran attacked them. This was patently bullshit to anyone that understands air power – the first thing Iran would do is take out the Saudi and UAE military airports with missiles. And iran has been obsessed with building out its air defenses for a long time and protecting them against anti-radar missiles. It’s not impregnable, but it’s going to be damn costly for anyone intending to wage an air campaign against them.
Recent events lead me to believe that Saudi Arabia and the UAE were meant as weapons and aircraft warehouses for the next Israeli war on Lebanon. A war that is intended to quickly spill over to Syria by design to reverse the US/Israeli/GCC failure. Neither KSA nor the UAE have the number of pilots or the training required. Considering the reports of mostly foreign pilots (particularly Israeli) flying Saudi aircraft in Yemen, I have to believe the attack in Lebanon/Syria will really be a US/Israeli operation using Saudi/UAE aircraft and equipment. Saudi and UAE pilots will do some of the work, but precision strikes or those using exotic or chemical weapons will be Israeli- or US-piloted. The UAE’s Blackwater (R2) merc troops and pilots will play a part.
Salman and the anti-corruption campaign? More clever bullshit. Salman is just the fall guy. He will usher in the aerial campaign and destruction of Lebanon and Syria ordered by his masters, and hide the Israeli- and US- war crimes. After the slaughter, he’ll be demonized, whacked and replaced with CIA/Mossad waterboy Nayef or someone else that meets their approval. The CIA always cleans up loose ends and potential squealers when the job is finished.
EVERYTHING coming from Saudi Arabia now is a lie in order to condition people to understand ‘the reason’ for the war: Salman and Saudi Arabia, of course. Most importantly, it will not appear to have been started (or carried out) by Israel and the US. Lebanon will be thrown into chaos, Assad will be killed and the SAA destroyed, and (no surprise) Israel can oversee the destruction of Hezbollah without getting blamed. “It was that Salman guy – HE started it! He’s a war criminal.(…but we’ll grab some Lebanese/Syrian land in the chaos, because – why not?)”
Russia will stand down and just protect its Syrian bases. As they have maintained all along, they are not there to protect Syria, but to exterminate head-choppers. As a practical matter, they won’t start WWIII over Syria or Lebanon no matter how egregious the US and Israeli actions.
Iran can do little about this right now. Attacking Saudi Arabia means the US will attack them. Iranian troops would be wasted in Syria without air superiority. They have to sit and watch like everyone else, knowing that they’ll be next.
Yeah, Letani river was picked by ZIonist scumbags long time ago, as they have stated publicly.
If Israel starts another war against Hezbollah they (Israel) will suffer more devastation than they could ever imagine.
Israel is a tiny piece of real estate. It has zero strategic depth. If things get out of hand for Israel, it literally has nowhere to go, it cannot retreat to a tenable defensive posture. Therefore all of its rhetoric is geared towards an aggressive offensive stance that seeks to project its ‘defense’ into other state’s land. Their ‘defense’ strategy essentially amounts to the terrorizing of people in other countries.
Hezb. has unequivocally stated that they will not permit Israel to pursue this ‘defensive’ strategy. In the case of another attack on Lebanon, all of Israel will burn brightly.
Israel may try to start things with a bang, ‘over there’, but will quickly have to deal with lots of ‘bangs’ at home. Any aggressive moves by Israel, with or without KSA, will be the end of the current Israeli political and military calculus.
Israel is not the problem. Collective-Zio-Jew’s is the problem.
Zionism is not a ‘little piece of real estate. Zionism is a major Super Global Empire with many nations under it’s conquered belt.
If Israel was wiped away, ten million more Jews would flock in and build another.
They lie and low-ball their numbers to deceive.
There are no less then 60-million Jew’s the world over.
Israel starting a war with the last country in the ME with a sizable Christian population (40%) might lose them a lot more than just a few tanks. All this Iran talk is very swiftly forgotten in Trump country when dead kids near a church are put on film.
WE can only hope.Remember Zionists are insane Psychopaths and who knows what they may do WHEN cornered