Americans Ready For War… Against US Government

Americans Ready For War... Against US Government

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

A national poll (conducted by Marist Poll) in late May showed that a staggering 47% of American citizens believe a new civil war is likely to happen during their lifetime. The populace also deeply distrusts the mainstream propaganda machine, as evidenced by previous polls showing that nearly 40% of Americans don’t trust their media in the slightest. And who could possibly blame them? The American people have been lied to for decades, with warmongering politicians tricking them into supporting wars and foreign meddling that only exacerbated world problems, which would often come back and bite the electorate in the US itself. Now, many Americans believe that the corrupt federal institutions are trying to push for a global confrontation in order to take away their constitutionally guaranteed rights and basic freedoms.

American citizens find the possibility of military conscription (known as the draft in the United States) a particularly concerning prospect and a bad omen of the troubled times going forward. Such fears grew exponentially on June 14, when the House passed an amended version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which now includes a provision that will automatically register all American men aged 18-26 with the Selective Service System. In other words, this is the restitution of the pre-Vietnam War draft policies and will effectively end the much-touted “all-volunteer force” (AVF) approach that was dominating the strategic thinking in the US military and most other global thalassocracies during the (First) Cold War, continuing throughout the 1990s and 2000s.

However, with the interest to serve in most NATO militaries plunging to its historical low, the draft seems to be the only solution for this problem. It’s broadly equivalent to the conscription that still exists in many countries, including Russia and several major NATO member states. Somewhat ironically, US politicians and the Pentagon often ridicule conscription-based militaries, claiming they’re “ineffective”. However, this approach is far more suitable than just registering untrained men for the draft. After all, Russian conscripts have at least basic military training, unlike American draftees. This is a quite radical change to the aforementioned AVF approach and the only logical explanation is that the US is preparing for a major war. And once again, as is the case historically, there’s bipartisan support for this initiative.

For instance, prominent Democrat representatives such as Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.) cosponsored the NDAA. Namely, while she, a “proud feminist”, previously advocated the expansion of draft registration to both men and women, her latest proposal included automatic registration of men only. Quite interesting to see politicians ignore their own purported ideological convictions, particularly when it comes to sending other people’s children to war. One could even argue that the Kiev regime’s policies are slowly finding their way to the political West. And indeed, even the Pentagon argues that the only way to fight a near-peer adversary such as Russia is to reinstate the draft, as evidenced by the US Army War College’s publications now trying to prepare Americans and justify the draft as manpower shortages persist.

In one of its essays (PDF) published last year, the Pentagon stresses the need to learn lessons and draw conclusions from the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. In a subsection titled “Casualties, Replacements, and Reconstitutions”, the authors argue that “large-scale combat operations troop requirements may well require a reconceptualization of the 1970s and 1980s volunteer force and a move toward partial conscription”. Apart from being yet another indirect proof of the enormous casualties among the NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta forces, it’s also a bad omen for the Americans who’d be drafted into the US military and sent off to fight a country like Russia and/or China. As a result, those same Americans who have been lied to all these decades aren’t exactly keen on fighting, especially not for the very government lying to them.

The rhetoric pushing for the reinstatement of mandatory service has been ongoing for years. Some of the latest statements by high-ranking officials only exacerbate the fear of general conscription in the US and other Western countries. In mid-June, Chris Miller, the former acting Defense Secretary, publicly suggested that the draft should be reinstated. Just days later, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), a Washington DC-based think-tank, released a report in which they conducted several wargame scenarios that included conscription for a large-scale conflict with China. The DoD (Department of Defense) regularly did the same in the pre-Vietnam War era. CNAS and similar think tanks are deeply integrated with the Pentagon, which leaves Americans worried about the possibility of such scenarios becoming reality.

Interestingly, the CNAS report argues that “[mobilizing] a force of 100,000 new recruits within 200 days would be nearly impossible under current cultural conditions], insisting that [the Internet and social media present a significant obstacle, ostensibly because it allows people to share unfiltered information]. In other words, this Pentagon-linked think-tank wants to shut down your Internet access in order to make it easier to send you to war with nuclear-armed superpowers. However, CNAS went further than that, suggesting that “any significant draft could only succeed if the public knew they could face real punishment if they refused to comply”. The authors also made a particularly curious argument that older draftees should be targeted first, as they’re more likely to push back against such mandates.

Despite years of the mainstream propaganda machine’s “Russia losing” fantasies, dozens of millions of Americans have access to Telegram and similar platforms, showing the brutal realities of modern warfare. Coupled with the atrocious casualty ratio of the US/NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta forces in Ukraine, Americans realize that their warmongering elites want to prepare them to be the next cannon fodder. Public (dis)trust in the US government is so bad now that US citizens are more likely to go to war with their own government rather than any foreign adversary. Less than 20% of Americans support a return to the pre-Vietnam War era draft, simply because they don’t see a point in going to war for the US in its current state. The so-called “woke” policies and similar end-of-civilization degeneracies are the main culprit.

Most normal people (known as “conservatives” and “radicals” to the liberal extremists in power) find the system utterly repulsive, particularly now when the so-called “woke mind virus” is slowly drifting away into the realm of pedophilia and similar mental disorders and sexual deviations. Thus, who in their right mind would go to war so that so-called “transsexuals” can dance naked in front of their kids (including preschool children and even toddlers)? In fact, it can easily be argued that the vast majority of normal people would take up arms or at least turn their guns away from the “evil Russians and Chinese” who aren’t actually forcing them to do anything and point them at those who do – the US government composed of deeply corrupt warmongerswar criminals, plutocrats and child traffickers (among many other things).


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Gneaus stapo

thx for nothing… total bs articel as always from assclown drago bosnic.


what are you suggesting about this article? are you suggesting the american regime is not planning for war with china and/or russia? are you suggesting they are planning for war but they are not planning for conscription? are you suggesting they are planning for war with a conscription but the american people won’t be unhappy about it?


he is a jew, and approves of naked dances in front of children. vile disgusting filth.

Gneaus stapo

lol…ur jew radar is even more terrible as actual russian radar.

stapo a jew/ kike,thats new.

Last edited 2 months ago by Gneaus stapo
Nuke The Krauts

why don’t you come upstairs to your moms bedroom and say that to my face?


pithy bs from the resident idiot

Gneaus stapo

ah welcome back as comander of the non brain brigade, tell me, is our youngling tim right? is gneaus stapo jewish?

Crocus Shooting Gallery

fake news…americans are ready to end russian aggression and occupation of ukraine…moscow will melt soon…



if you are a valid spokesperson for what americans are ready to do, then i don’t think the americans have much hope.


it depends who you speak to, because my contacts are stocking up on food, guns and ammo

mother of all foabs

bitter gestapo piglet spouts his usual garbage after returning from summer vacation…

once a spoiled brat, always…

Gneaus stapo

vacation was nice, just ur mom and sister have been a truely let down.not the the best bj wonders u praised them to be.

gestapo mctaco

gestapo horsehead angry with himself, inferior genetics.. histrionics ensue..

Edgar Zetar

weird weird weird report by drago, so wrong are their perceptions. the war will be against russia, and maybe they will provoke incidents inside usa, so the goverment install marshall law or get rid of congress and take all power in order to force to fight a world war. also, the informational war or demoralization of usa citizens are created mostly by their own liberal goverment and so little is created by foreign intelligence services.


expectation seems to be internal struggle with antifa/blm (soros) and later the blue helmets

Gneaus stapo

same bs propaganda since 1918… usa will burn due to workers protests, will burn due to racial tentions, then hippies,then immigrants and over and over again fantasy about american civil war 2.0.

was wrong fantasy back in 1918 and is till this day…


us had worker protests but that got both suppressed as well as placated.
back then there was a lot of fear that this would work so they doubled their efforts to prevent the danger from happening in two ways.
today the issues are much larger.
not only do we have a us empire falling at breakneck speed, but the us keeps accelerating the issue by only going into one direction, full frontal attack.

Norman O Brown

stupo in usa colony upset


about time the ussan peasant class grew a pair and took out the anglozionazi filth that has turned a once pristine land (stolen) into an open seething drug-addled sewer run by khazar bugs and poisonous $wamp critters. get the civil war reloaded already before the bear and the dragon need to turn the entire dump to glass.

jens holm

amerikunts worship money—they at war w burger

gestapo mctaco



while many of the criticism of drago bosnic think this is total fantasy, to which i disagree, i will also disagree with drago bosnic on one specific issue.
that is to say that he seems to indicate that the uprising from us’ citizens has to do with foreign affairs.
i highly doubt that and see that much of the distrust coming from the us is about wanting to turn the violence against foreign nations inwards, fascism style.

Last edited 2 months ago by M.Paraplu

goyim go die for israhell so that jew banksters make more shekels…. or you’re an anti-semite.
