American Patriot Systems Failed Even To Protect Themselves In Ukraine: Russian General

American Patriot Systems Failed Even To Protect Themselves In Ukraine: Russian General

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American-made MIM-104 Patriot long-range air defense systems supplied to Ukraine failed even to protect themselves, Russian Air and Missile Defense Forces Commander Lieutenant General Andrey Semyonov said in an article published by the TASS news agency on July 5.

Semyonov, who is also deputy commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, said in his article that in the course of the special military operation, Russian air defense systems confirmed their potential to repel strikes by all types of enemy air attack capabilities.

“That contrasts with the much-vaunted Patriot air defense systems, which were supplied to Ukraine by NATO countries and, as the experience of the special military operation showed, proved unable not only to protect the designated sites, but also to counter modern Russian means of destruction, that is, to protect themselves,” the Russian general wrote.

Last year, Ukraine received two Patriot systems and two launchers from Germany and another system from the United States with two additional launchers donated by the Netherlands.

The systems supplied to Kiev were reportedly a mix of PAC-3 hit-to-kill active missiles to intercept ballistic missiles, with a range of 30-60 kilometers only, and PAC-2 blast fragmentation warhead semi-active missiles to counter aircraft threats with a range of up to 160 kilometers.

A Patriot system costs around $1,1 billion. A single PAC-3 missile costs some $7 million and a PAC-2 missile could cost up to $4 million, depending on the version.

The Russian military has already destroyed most of Ukraine’s Patriot systems, mainly using Iskander-M ground-launched tactical ballistic missiles and Kh-47M2 Kinzhal air-launched hypersonic ballistic missiles.

On the backdrop of these losses, the Kiev regime begged its allies for more systems. In response, the U.S., Germany and Romania each promised to supply a system to Ukraine. Other countries like the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Spain said that they would provide additional missiles.

In addition, the U.S., Israel and Ukraine are reportedly in talks to provide Kiev forces with up to eight Patriot systems currently owned and used by the Israeli military.

The fate of these costly air defense systems will likely be very similar to the ones supplied to Ukraine by its backers last year.

While the West’s latest air defense systems performed quite poorly in Ukraine, Russian air defenses proved their worth there.

In his article, Lt. Gen. Semyonov revealed that Russian air defense forces destroyed a total of more than 42,000 aerial targets since the start of the special military operation in Ukraine. This includes more than 550 jets, more than 180 helicopters and more than 27,000 drones. .

More than 5,500 servicemen of the air defense forces were awarded government decorations for their fortitude and valiance and seven of them were awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation, the general said.

He added that ten air defense units and formations have been awarded the honorary title of Guards for massive heroism and bravery, fortitude and valiance that they displayed in combat operations to “defend the Fatherland and the interests of the country,”


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russia doesn’t have a “4 of july” only a date in june that no-one celebrates or cares, the poverty and collapse day, that was started in 1990 by boris yeltsin. america at least has patriots, russia only gangsters like gaidar chubais who steal from other russians, and now ukraine.


angry little man go play with the other toddlers that whine because of jealousy.


jealousy of a recently collapsed state who murdered 30 million of its own people in ww2 ? the european country with most of its own people living abroad?


angry little man that picked his nose during history lessons trying to make a point by announcing crap just because angry little man dislikes russia and sees the failure of nato, us and eu?


poor russian slaves murdered in the 30 millions by their country in the 1930s/40s again in 1990s again now. i’m so jealous of this collapsing shanty town country lol 😂 .
the only thing russia always succeeds is in killing more of its own than their enemies.

Last edited 2 months ago by Phariah

angry little man needs to review history and stop crying.

Puritan Punk

when u live in cesspool amerikuntland devoid of culture you bitter insecure feminine


the only state who murdered 30 million of its own (and not own) people in ww2 was the german state. now fuck off!

Last edited 2 months ago by Gerschwin
Gneaus stapo

lesson to be learned for ur flathead kind, dont fuck off germans, we kill millions, might loose wars,but come up/ stay up on top for 2000 years and always win peace time.

V2 for Victory

and lost against spain :d

Gneaus stapo

football, really? has meaning in what regard? anyway if we are at it, legion condor won, mallorca is palmhausen and seat is owned by vw making cheaper version of vw cars. we germans always win.


so germany came up on top after 1945? half the country subjugated by its russian conquerors, half by its american conquerors, who remain in control of the country. never stop derping, li’l nafomosexual cosplay boy.


and still economy till 1989 tentimes more powerfull that that of most other european countries – so yes came up on top after 1945. that’s why jewish us,uk,france & ru marionette governments always want to “keep the germans down” – because they know they can beat german economy and discipline in a fair game. that’s why they resorted to big wars against germany already 2 times.

Last edited 2 months ago by Teresa999

moreover the jews know that germans found out about them, &that they are parasitic anti-human satanists, responsible for everlasting decline of mankind through the (centuries) or even through the äons of time. thus true germans (as well as every godfearing decent human being on earth)will always fight against the evil that judaism resp. satanism is. what is why the jews hate germans &want us (the german people) gone.

Last edited 2 months ago by Teresa999

correction – because they know they cant beat german economy and discipline in a fair game.

AM Hants

really? why did the german chancellor let his mates in nato take out the north stream pipelines? how is the german economy and industry doing, compared to russia? why did the chancellor of germany, sacrifice cheap energy, from russia, to keep ukraine happy?


pussywhipped scholz? he’d make someone a good butler.

Moshe Dayan

he prefers little boys.

AM Hants

is that why russia overtook germany in the economic sphere, last year and russia is still rising, whilst germany is dropping in 2024. remind me, but, what is happening to german industry now that the chancellor was more than happy to let his friends take out ns1 and damage ns2?


“the chancellor was more than happy”

let me guess:

1) scholz is a jew.

2) scholz is a puppet of jews.

3) scholz is a jew and and jews’ puppet. no more explanations!

but in reality he (with stupid anna-lena and witch vondersula) is the puppet of fashington like almost all mainstream politicians of the eu.


“they know they can beat german economy and discipline in a fair game”

and did it. economy of the ussr as well as the us was much bigger than german and even german, french and english combined. now russia is not in the best condition after liberal economists management, but gdp/ppp is already higher than german and will keep to increase for years, because revival of malorossia and novorossia will be the great boost as it was since 1945.


“half the country subjugated by its russian conquerors”

not conquerors definitely and not the half. square of gdr was ~110000km2, frg — ~250000km2. stalin proposed the reunite germany and create one anti-fascist state (as gdr was by constitution), but western sodomites (not so sodomic those times though) created the fed.rep.of germany. stalin also wanted to join the atlantic pact, proposal refused, that’s how wto was created as the answer to the ap.

Moshe Dayan

as your country is being deindustrialized by the communist-statists running the wef, nato and blackrock. you better do something little german, you are losing your country and your industry.
now go read more nato-bolshevik propaganda.


aha, sure, communists. don’t smoke da grass anymore. real communists stand against private property, while aall these bastards, globalist mafia, are rich millionaires and servants of billionaires. it’s typical capitalist oligarchy which tends to be fascist as it happens every time when crisis strikes.


capitalism promotes innovation. you take the bad with the good until the bad starts to eat the good, then you give it a good smack upside the head.

Last edited 2 months ago by Snagglepuss

it’s not matter of innovations. innovations can be done under any form of governing. first man and woman in space, first civil nuclear reactor and supersonic passenger jet, the highest economy grow up to 15% a year in the time of the great depression on west — it was done in ussr without capitalism. now the leader of economy is prc providing the state capitalism under rule of the communist party, which is communist by the name only. innovations is the fruit of discipline and proper management.

Last edited 2 months ago by Антон
Moshe Dayan

russia is a capitalist, free market society and the west is neo-communist and neo-nazi hybrid of tyranny, carefully managed by corporatist self-deluded “elites”.


it’s the same capitalism which becomes radical when not enough resources to consume and tries to rob somebody to collect missing resource. communism in short = no private property, no state as oppressive institute, no money etc, it’s like utopia. socialism = no private property, because it breeds crimes according to the doctrine. “there is no crime that would not go to the capital for 300% profit.” there was no private property in ussr neither homeless and starving people since 1945.

AM Hants

in your dreams.


hahaha….you’re eunuchs now. no worry to anyone.


in reality nobody did it, it’ just a hoax. solzhenitsyn wrote about 50 or 60 millions and about “one half (of people) was in prisons and another half were the guards”. this is pure satanic-scale lies, that’s why he was supported by the us officials for combat propaganda purposes and heavily disrespected by russian people.


yet he was welcomed with open arms upon his return.


by 2% minority, welcomed by liberals, while his statue is under permanent threat of vandalization as well as yeltzin’s.

Last edited 2 months ago by Антон

that was done by jewish bolsheviks

Gneaus stapo

done by rashniks,stop the cry baby jew shit

AM Hants

so are you saying there was no soviet union and the bolsheviks did not overthrow the russian empire? guess you need to learn a bit of history, including studying who launched the bolsheviks and why the bolsheviks have now moved into running the eu and us.


globalists, internationalists, trotskyites, neoconnivers. arrange those on the time scale of your preference.

gestapo mctaco

“stop the cry baby jew shit”

because yur a “hardcore german nazi” and not some zionist punk, horseheaded freak, right?

sad cnt, stay sad…….

Moshe Dayan

that was not the russian people: it was the bosheviks. i’m sure as well that you are aware of that since you are working for the followers of the same entity. too bad for you. nobody likes liars, and the russian peoples eventually tossed them into the trash bin of history.


stupo is out there practicing his speeches in german beer halls as we speak. lol

i’m sure he loves his mother and dogs though.

Last edited 2 months ago by Snagglepuss
Moshe Dayan

the pussy in your name is highly appropriate. you should add “ignorant, gullible and subordinate to epstein network propaganda” into your name.


amerikunt zero curiousity—automaton cowards we are nazi


russia fails to protect itself from ukrainian drone and missile strikes targeting their pre-2014 territories.

2/8 russia-thief. money, treasures, bank deposits of ussr

https: //youtu. be/ xkkmf4y_6s8

AM Hants

you do know that the bolsheviks overthrew the russian empire, back in 1917? the soviet union it fell in 1991, and 15 independent members came out of it and moved on. wwii. the soviet union, led by stalin (the georgian) lost around 26 million and 13 million were russian. however, if not for russia, we would all be speaking german now. they saw off the nazis in the 40s and doing the same in the 21st century, are they not?


i’m saying this to you the third time — liberals overthrew the monarchy. li-be-rals!!! it was in february 1917. lenin’s rus.soc.-dem.labour party took power in october 1917 when liberals with kerenskiy’s provisional government discredited themselves. liberals acknowledged the rural reich of petlyura, there was no ukro-state before. lenin returned this land back. i’m not his fan, because he continued ukrainization — ethnocide policy against russian people of malorossia, just the facts.

Last edited 2 months ago by Антон
AM Hants

you can keep on telling me, however, i am more interested in when the plans for the fall of the russian empire were first drafted and exactly who drafted them and why. exactly who was involved in early 20th century regime change and how did it fit into international politics of the day and where we now are.

AM Hants

2) 1913 – fed reserve, tavistock institute of human behaviour, created to turn pacifist nations into the major cheerleaders for a world war. how many empires fell within a decade of the birth of the fed reserve and tavistock institute of human behaviour (focused on mind control and psy ops)?


alright, it’s your choice to look ignorant. free choice of free people, ha.


that’s exactly how washington saw it……ethnocide of the serbs in the krajina at the head of a pentagon led operation storm and the ethnocide of russians in the donbass again headed by the west in an operation storm 2.0 in jan/2022. except russia ain’t serbia and the donbass ain’t the kraijina. you can bomb it all you want and it’ll bomb you back three fold and never cut you any slack.

Moshe Dayan

not liberals: bolsheviks, almost none of them russian.

Last edited 2 months ago by Moshe Dayan

and october 1917 was before february 1917, sure. just read some serious articles at last, starting from chronology, don’t be an ignoramus. you have to know many interesting things. for instance, participants of the civil war are not monarchists against revolutionists as it was in france, but several independent fractions of february revolutionists against october revolutionists. no one fought for the emperor and royal family, one republicans were against other republicans.


the nazis of ukraine will end up in a little enclave called lvov just like isis ended up in a little enclave called idlib.


and poland will grab lvov in the end, there is high chance for that, if putin don’t mind. he said someday that he’s ready for talks with neighbors about future of this region. though historically it’s russian land, lvov was found by russian duke, but this region was outside borders of russia for 600 years since conquering by poland in 1349 (later was in hungary and austro-hungary and again in poland) until 1939 when stalin took it back. so putin may be against to give it to poland.


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huh, you speaking of ukraine or georgia?

Satanic Nephilim Host Scum!

4th of july uncle sams birthday…
fuck uncle sam!


uncle sam’s been turned into a senile old fart led into adventurist dreams of full spectrum world dominance by his shyster lawyers, kagan, nudelman and bushtard.

Last edited 2 months ago by Snagglepuss

now you can earn up to from 99000 bucks a month! there are no limitations, be your own boss, it all depends on you and how much you bsd want to earn each day. this is a genuine and guaranteed method for free to earn a huge sum of money at home. join this right now >>>>>>>>>

Puritan Punk

u-tube—“ya russiky” shaman

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

ay yuri, they hilly billys pays me 3.23$ to get firecrackers in da te between balls.

Last edited 2 months ago by Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko
Gneaus stapo

good for ya, more than rashnik flathead subhuman assclown soldestka horde is getting paid

Joseph Day

whats the 4th of july


sorry dude. if americans were patriots they’ would be joining the military.

no one wants to join because american patriots are too afraid to upset the queers!

there’s your patiots. the best they can do is ride around on motorcycles waving flags. and those are not even their real flag, the pride flag!


americans join the military today for 3 hots and a cot. the rest is just make believe.

of course, there are some who mistake it for the ymca, if you catch my drift.

Last edited 2 months ago by Snagglepuss

exactly, that’s why the jews love russia & china now more than usa. because usa people have right to bear arms and freedom of speech in constitution – which is hidering the jews to fully overwhelm and enslave the american society. that’s why jews reseetled their money to china (partner of russia) and want usa gone – and try to get this done by flooding it with migrants & drawn usa into ww3 using jewish communist agents & puppets as “us leaders”.

Last edited 2 months ago by Teresa999

the communist infiltration & takeover of the usa became visible already back in h. w. bush & clinton times, when these scum allowed “outsourcing” nearly the whole usa economy to china, and then allowed the cheap reimport of that goods to usa. thus putting the remaining native us companies&products in unwinnable price-war against the china-made us-reimport goods, and by this destroying the usa-middleclass businesses – while enriching the large multinational jewish global corporations.

Last edited 2 months ago by Teresa999
AM Hants

are you talking of the followers of the biblical jewish faith, or the turkic tribe nomads, who adopted judaism, christianity and islam, whilst learning hebrew? why is there more semitic dna in palestine than there is in israel?

AM Hants

guess that is why russia has the 4th largest economy in the world, as stated by the imf. keep reading all that cnn tells you, based on the 90s as the world moves on.

Moshe Dayan

get ready to eat the insects your masters are planning for you in your farcical “democracy” of epstein controlled politicians.


as inferior amerikunt i use many alias here–i am bitter loser humiliated by superior russian

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

i also have a daughter that looks like whore! we good.


we sexually repressed amerikunt prefer lgbt whores cuz we worship money

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

i alzo prefr monay in this hilly billys country, moko pollo, trailer, tent belloshit camp. she loves shiting in her mous, i got maoney.


we inferior amerikunt come to south front express our desperation envy bitterness–cuz we self uglified live in cesspool devoid of culture

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

blahblahblah bullshito blah.

S. Lavrov

you are inferior—we dismiss ugly amerikan—your impotence makes you international joke

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

do you also eat french shit, we happy pay us 3$ weakly.


us missile defence is like american cars, useless crap!

AM Hants

emperors new clothes. how much have the nato weapons that were gifted to ukraine actually cost? the russian defence budget, a couple of years ago, was around $1 billion more than the uk, and they started decreasing the budget. uk started to increase. that is just one nato member. how much does nato spend on defence and what do they get, when you compare to what russia gets for their money?

Sauer Kraut

well, for sure like those 70’s ford pintos. hehehe

Last edited 2 months ago by Sauer Kraut
Gneaus stapo

speaking about cars…. any news about russian 5 years plan out there when russia will surpase car super power malaysia as 19th largest car producer?

Moshe Dayan

at least they will have any industry at all: germany is being deindustrialized by the wef , nato and their 300% increase in energy to europe price gouging scheme. your enemy is not russia buy your crooked politicians.


“this includes more than 550 jets, more than 180 helicopters”

nice work by the russians. only ukronazified goons could watch their entire airforce go up in smoke and then have the nerve to grovel on the international stage for free aircraft…

Gneaus stapo

lol keep sniffing glue, amazing effect! believing 400% kill fantasy ratio of igor koncheckov. by the way how is he? or better where?

Last edited 2 months ago by Gneaus stapo
AM Hants

what is even funnier, is the fact that the nato members watch their toys go up in flames and rush to send more to ukraine. ukraine, who is not even a member of nato or the eu. why do nato members put the sovereignty of ukraine above their own sovereignty?

Gneaus stapo

bang for buck best war since ages,thats why.


doesn’t seem to bother the russians, just makes ’em stronger. maybe you meant europe bang-ganging itself?

Gneaus stapo

the russians never ever had a say in politics, never ever had rule of law,it is and was only up to the czar,party leader, president to follow his fever illusions, the servants/ slaves/ slavs just only had to follow orders or be wasted / slaughtered. thats the core problem with russia.

gang banging?….why should i care? each according to his own style.


second largest army in europe turned into scrap metal in a few years. must be a record.

Sauer Kraut

i forget… what year are those f-16’s supposed to be showing up?

Gneaus stapo

wait for the boom and u will know. poco a poco good things are coming. far too slow for my german taste, but we get there, trust me. unhappily we are dealing with too many folks in cold war modus, fearing escalation, instead of realising,we are dealing with mafia russia. when dealing with criminals only brutal force helps. get of the self impossed breaks and send the rashnik flathead gobniks to hell. endlösung der russenfrage is overdue.

Moshe Dayan

this stooge believes the mockingbird media run by the wef, telling his tv stations and msm what to say. look up operation gladio to see who really took out aldi moro: it was the opposite of what the european people were told.

Puritan Punk

amerikunt fail at everything except lgbt and ugliness

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

your kind in your bullshit land is eagrly waiting for you to come back.


i wish i was superior russian yuri–but i am pathetic retired walmart janitor bitter failure must beg for taco

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

bur i no stupid and parret like you, i cume up wit new, you only copay olds.

Last edited 2 months ago by Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

replace tacos with kartoffelpuffer and sounds like how hitler started out in life.

Sauer Kraut

most germans are puffters. it’s quite the thing these days.


well russian s-400 and s-300 systems also failed to protect themselves so…

Gneaus stapo

exactly…. especialy people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones


li”l nafomosexual cosplay boy too dumb to see the irony in his online drivel. thanks for derping.


i thought you were pro-nato?

Sauer Kraut

you, my dear little kraut lout… in a faux-crystal palace filled with tree-swinging baboons.

AM Hants

remind me, how many air defence systems has russia lost, compared to how many nato and ukraine have lost? the official figures and not the ghost of kiev figures.

Gneaus stapo

as of june the russians had lost two s-400 command posts, four radars and 16 launchers that the analysts at oryx can confirm. after tuesday, the toll could be much higher. in all, it’s possible ukrainian missile raids have destroyed parts of four or five s-400 batteries.

Sauer Kraut

do you have any idea how many atacms, himars, storm shadows, scalps and other western wunderwaffles have been fired at russian forces and into russian cities, as modern day equivalents to hitler’s buzz bombs and v-2 rockets on london? we won’t even talk about what ukraine fired into downtown donetsk and lugansk over 8 years.

Sauer Kraut

if even half of them had hit their targets and not been neutered by russian air defense, all of western russia would be ablaze by now. russia has out ad’d nato by a wide margin, simple as that.

best you keep your mouth shut and let people just think you’re an idiot instead of removing all doubt.

Sauer Kraut

that was a good dose of copium. do you have a steady dealer?

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

parrots mim well be huimilatoeds by supreriors ruskie 19-somefing weponary.

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

french wave of ruskie countroelwd areasass degenerated by nato pmp boms.

jens holm

why dumb amereikunt impersonate superior russian?

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

whay don’t you justa fuck offove to your superior belloshitlandia than?


why would any country in their right frame of mind, want patriots after seeing their dismal performance in real warfare. is this money laundering?

Sauer Kraut

“war is a western racket” …smedley butler

jens holm

send me potato i worship money like amerikaun

Nato Junk Vaporware

project ukraine exposed nato hardware as junk. overrated, overpriced junk

AM Hants

plus generations behind anything russia has in her toybox.

Gneaus stapo

russia’s toybox is soo full, that it takes out t54/t62 right? keeping t14,su57 for later and a generation above system like s400 proofed to be invinsible,not a single one lost, right?

Last edited 2 months ago by Gneaus stapo
Sauer Kraut

russian toolbox is full and getting fuller by the day and only using 7% of gdp.
eat your heart out, kraut.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sauer Kraut
Gneaus stapo

for 0.1% of g7 gdp we run rushniks dry on left over bolshivik crap and make it beg for ammo in shit korea..bang for buck best war ever

jens holm

amerikuntitan=failed incompetent moron—only able to sweep toilet starbucks
