American ISR And Logistics Directly Responsible For Civilian Deaths In Gaza

American ISR And Logistics Directly Responsible For Civilian Deaths In Gaza

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Ever since the outbreak of hostilities in Israel and Gaza, the conflict has been escalating uncontrollably. At this point, the threat of this turning into a wider war in the region is becoming increasingly likely, as all parties are getting more involved. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) launched their ground operation in Gaza, but their success is rather mixed, as the dug-in Hamas is resisting ferociously. What’s more, the massive bombing campaign Israel started soon after the October 7 attacks reduced entire quarters to rubble. This not only homogenized many Palestinian civilians and Hamas, but also resulted in the emergence of a major military obstacle, as the rubble is slowing down the advance of Israeli ground units.

One might ask, why did Israel even start such a massive bombing campaign instead of targeting specifically the Hamas leadership? To answer this question, one needs to look at the role of the United States. Namely, the American military is providing advanced ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) assets to the IDF, so it’s very difficult to imagine that neither knows the whereabouts of the Hamas leadership or at the very least their high-ranking officials and commanders. Targeting them directly would’ve certainly brought the conflict to a halt instead of a perpetual escalation. Interestingly, it’s precisely the US that has been directing these attacks by providing the necessary ISR data.

The results have been a humanitarian disaster for Palestinians while bringing no military advantage to the IDF. On the contrary, the more Israeli jets bomb, the more popular Hamas becomes, providing an additional endless manpower pool for the foreseeable future. This is certainly not in the interest of Gaza, particularly its civilian population and is neither in the interest of Israel itself, as it increases the chances of a repeat of the October 7 attacks. Knowing this, the question remains, why does Israel keep doing it? The answer may seem logical – the IDF simply plans to reduce Gaza to rubble, but the pattern of the attacks indicates that Israel is not making all the decisions on its own.

Namely, the American involvement shows that the US military is determined to not only keep the conflict going for as long as possible, but also to expand it by getting other regional powers directly involved. And this is certainly not the first time the belligerent thalassocracy is doing something like that. As we all know now, American ISR assets (particularly drones) are directly engaged in hostilities in Ukraine where they are used to direct the Kiev regime’s attacks on both military and civilian targets in both Ukraine and Russia. This results in thousands of casualties, as well as in the continuation of the conflict, which is precisely what the US is most interested in. And what’s true in Ukraine can also be true for Gaza and Israel.

In short, Washington DC is simply interested in keeping the conflict going as long as possible. This is further reinforced by the massive investments of American congressmen into the Military Industrial Complex (MIC). With this in mind, it’s obvious that US lawmakers are determined to keep at least one or several major wars going on simultaneously and make sure they last long enough to justify their massive investments into the stock market. Bombing civilians in Gaza is certainly the way to accomplish this, as it will result in the creation of an entire army of future Hamas fighters (or whichever group takes its place). Once again, this is not in the best interest of any of the warring parties, as they are the ones who will be dying.

Neutral countries have already offered ways to avoid escalation, including direct mediation between the two sides, but to no avail, unfortunately. This includes Russia, with President Vladimir Putin calling for an immediate ceasefire that would prevent further bloodshed. In the meantime, the US is pushing for others to get involved. Namely, the belligerent thalassocracy is now using some of its massive refueling tanker capabilities to supposedly “help Israel”. It’s important to note that such assets are wholly unnecessary to the IDF, as it doesn’t need them to conduct operations in Gaza. Refueling tankers are needed only for long-range attacks against targets that are hundreds or thousands of kilometers away, such as those in Iraq or Iran.

Apart from this, the US is also activating its massive fleet of airlift assets that are flying into Israel, obviously preparing the country for a long-term war. Some sources have reported that in the last several days, there have been approximately 50 such flights per day, which is unprecedented. It’s important to note that in the months before Hamas attacked, the IDF and the US military were already engaged in massive war games involving precisely in-flight refueling and massed airlift. Such activities mere months or even weeks before the current crisis clearly indicate that belligerent thalassocracy planned ahead for what’s currently unfolding. Unfortunately, thousands of regular people, both Israelis and Palestinians, are the victims of America’s perpetual aggression against the world.


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King Olav

us and israel already lost the diplomatic and information wars. eyes on. major false flag and/or conventional attack against iran likely.


🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


ok jew 😃😃😃

Edgar Zetar

you are a moron if you believed shin bet and israel intelligence services or they allies intelligence would not warn them or discover beforehand the palestine hamas attacks. maybe the exceptionals doesn’t wanted to take out hamas leadership because they own them, they are their cover agents, it’s within their goals to take out all palestine lands, so they will enter and take out… let the bloodbath be, israel is showing the world they can get away with murder easily.


ok, israeli own hamas leadership! do you think they own putin and russian leadership? do you think israeli know some secrets about russian leadership that we don’t know?

jens holm

and hamas help them or what?


us gov is pure evil!!!

jens holm

you could behave. many seemes to born in to spranking programs