America – War Junkie Desperate For A Fix

America – War Junkie Desperate For A Fix

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Any form of addiction, be it alcoholism, drugs, gambling, etc. can be extremely damaging to both the person affected and their family. Entire communities in towns and cities across the United States have been effectively destroyed due to the epidemic of fentanyl (ab)use. Worse yet, addicts are now mixing fentanyl and an animal tranquilizer called xylazine, causing horrifying side effects. Addicts look more like zombies from horror movies and video games rather than actual human beings.

According to Politico, this horrific drug is already making its way to Europe. And yet, all this absolutely pales in comparison to what the ruling oligarchy in the US is addicted to – war, death and destruction. Of the nearly 250 years of its existence, America has been at peace for less than 20 and that’s without counting all the coups and CIA black ops that have caused countless wars and even more death and destruction.

Another important aspect of the warmongering oligarchy in Washington DC is also utter delusion. Namely, while they’re conducting aggression against the entire world, these creatures (because calling them humans is a bit of a stretch) also complain when that same world unites and decides to push back. It can be argued that the main reason why North Korea, Iran, Russia, China and several other countries have become allies is the US. And yet, war criminals, warmongers and plutocrats in Washington DC are always “shocked” to see this perfectly natural process occur. However, as double standards and hypocrisy are the cornerstones of US “diplomacy”, it’s virtually impossible to explain this to its policymakers. Perhaps the most glaring example of this is the Sino-Russian alliance. Namely, the US keeps whining that Russia and China are “too close”, but it also keeps escalating tensions with both, simultaneously.

For years, the US-led NATO has been conducting a systematic eastward expansion in Europe despite promises it wouldn’t do so. The resulting tensions with Moscow have escalated to the point of causing the Ukrainian conflict, with leaked data showing exactly this was the plan all along. However, this NATO-orchestrated war is threatening to escalate further and possibly result in a direct Russia-NATO confrontation, a conflict that would almost certainly destroy the world in minutes (or hours, at best). All this could’ve been avoided, but the war junkies in NATO would do anything to prevent peace (and that’s precisely what they did). In the last several months, the world’s most vile racketeering cartel even started pushing for long-range strikes deep within Russia. This went so far that President Vladimir Putin had to make it crystal clear what would happen if this ever came to pass.

However, even this wasn’t enough, so Putin had to personally read the changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine so the political West would realize that the Kremlin isn’t bluffing. Only then did NATO start thinking about immediate consequences, but its top-ranking officials are still obsessed with the idea of war with Russia. They’re even drawing up plans for mass evacuation of wounded in this eventuality. Even the new (acting) Director of Secret Service Ronald Rowe Jr. is busy talking about WW3, even though this is nowhere near his actual responsibilities, which he almost failed at during the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump. And speaking of Trump, he’s often hailed as the “bringer of peace” and he even promised to “dismantle the Deep State”, but other than a possible defusing of tensions with Russia, nothing really indicates he’ll truly change America’s foreign policy framework.

Although this would certainly be a major achievement in the sense we won’t see a world-ending thermonuclear conflict, it still doesn’t resolve the issue of US/NATO aggression against the world. Namely, the Kremlin will continue supporting its allies across the globe, as it cannot trust the US to maintain any sort of long-term detente. Russia’s close ties with both Iran and North Korea will only grow stronger, as well as other regional powers, particularly those targeted by the political West. This is extremely important for small countries that are exposed to increased pressure, but are largely helpless against the combined might of the most powerful NATO members. In addition, the world’s most vile racketeering cartel is unlikely to leave Ukraine alone even if Trump decides to do so (which is not a given). The perpetual bloodlust of the war criminals in Washington DC and Brussels prompted them to “Trump-proof” the so-called “Ukraine aid”.

It can be argued that nearly a billion people living in NATO-occupied countries are essentially hostages of these lunatics (and so are we, the “jungle people”), which is why so many Americans see the ruling oligarchy as their true enemy. And for good reason, as these political elites keep ignoring the growing problems of the populace while preparing them for war with Russia. This is why any actual peace initiatives involving BRICS members are immediately shut down, while the Neo-Nazi junta’s laughable “peace plans” (effectively boiling down to Russia’s capitulation) are being presented as the “only solution”. In addition, the Kiev regime forces are “encouraged” to launch suicidal incursions into Russia, the goal of which is to prolong the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. In the meantime, the US also adopted a new nuclear doctrine which effectively boils down to attacking everyone at once.

The latest events in the Middle East also demonstrate that Washington DC needs a war as soon as possible. For months, the US, its allies, vassals and satellite states have been trying to provoke the reaction of Iran. Now that they’ve finally gotten what they crave so much, these war junkies simply cannot wait to get their fix. “Bomb Iran!” can be heard across the halls of Capitol Hill. There’s only a bit over a month before the election, meaning that the Deep State is desperate to ensure at least one more war is launched. This is not to say that Trump is the solution to all of the world’s problems or that he’ll stop all wars, but if his first presidency is anything to go by, we know he’s not too keen on starting new wars, which certainly makes him the lesser of two evils. However, if Trump is to change anything (provided his determination is as solid as he claims it is), he’ll have to contend with thousands of war junkies in Washington DC.


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it is quite opposite. global elites want all people to be killed, including their “own”. it will probably not be a huge problem for america to dominate entire world for 3 more decades. they locked all people during covid, printed money and got away with that. all pensioners in the west got screwed up as their whole life savings were destroyed by inflation and not a single one stand up and adressed the problem. but they don’t want to dominate. the want whites to be replaced with blacks

Snow_Den 2

and as for russia, the russian economy is shit, relying on china and guess what, the chinese economy is globalized, 100% dependent on the west. russia still talks a lot about the brics, but the brics are nothing without china, and china has huge economic problems, even if they are not yet sanctioned. ask trump about the 100% tariffs he wants to impose on china, and ask putin why he prefers the scumbag harris to trump.

Last edited 5 months ago by Snow_Den 2

are you suggesting that china has worse economic problems than the us? the instability resulting from the assault on the great mass of americans by their speculating rent-seeker class seems quite likely to rapidly undermine the current us system.

Snow Den 4

i am not suggesting anything, china’s economy can’t do without the west. if a major war between the us and china looms (guaranteed after the u.s. election, regardless who wins), china’s economy will shrink by 90 percent because they are a pro-export economy. this is quite a problem for russia, which circumvents sanctions only because of china. so let’s make it clear even to stupid people. china’s economy will deteriorate to north korea’s level in the first year of the war with the west.


1 word…derptard…. africa…. yup. africa, china can has trade with largest continent and not miss dollar store sales in north america…


clyde? you ok? you seem to expect some sort of an intelligent response from the snow den down syndrome kid in the courner of the room smashing his keyboard against his face….seriously, just don’t… don’t bother…just hit him with the hose…

canuck tratz not crazy stpid

my amerikunt sister snow-dumb only expert on taliban sodomy

I Like Ike

guess what, the american economy is shit, relying on china too and the eu ain’t far behind.

last thing i saw proudly made in america was assembled by migrants from foreign parts. i think it was a deck chair at home depot.


global elites don’t want all people to be killed. they don’t want whites replaced with blacks. despite putting blacks in all the television commercials, blacks in general are subject to the worst predations of the global capitalists. what is desired is the complete elimination of any semblance of economic democracy. the us empire may indeed dominate a good chunk of the globe for another thirty years, but their hold is slipping.


clyde the clueless leftist coon lover

go live in a black majority city, clyde and see how you like it…lol

you’ll be attending klan meetings in about 6 months if you live that long

why do leftists always live in the whitest districts?

inquiring minds want to know


the jews do this so they can blend in with their victims….

Where sense?

they use differences/antagonisms to polarise the people and to seperate them. everyone who fall for this deception can officially refere himself as retarded.


i have no fukken clue what the globalists want other than the genocide of anyrhing not zionist or masonic… what blacks most know, is whites keep the power on, gas running, water running, food delivered, they fukking need us, asylum invaders better learn this too, they need us, or everything stops working and they all go to hell. they should also avoid raping vax hole liberal bitches, or they’ll get sterilized too. lol…

Where sense?

as long as you speak in terms of black and white, you are a product of western brainwashing. so even if a litte percent of what you speak were true: at the end you shat it full and smeared it all over human morality.


we ain’t ‘their’ people you retard….still no fukking clue what you’re babbling about…

Conan M

but not for much longer!… between the longshoreman debacle announced 3 days prior to i$rael’s latest assassination with iran’s response, sure looks like an engineered collapse to me?!!!

is this why russia stayed in the un/unsc???….

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
Snow_Den 3

iran is already toast. all iranian citizens are trying to buy some gasoline, because in a week not a single refinery will be operable. the same will happen with all industrial facilities, and as far as the life expectancy of iranian presidents, they will break all world records and will be killed once a week as soon as they take office. the russian will mumbo jumbo some bullshits about that at the un and will let it go, as russia always does.

Conan M

trying to buy gasoline with all that energy under their feet unlike i$rael…

Snow Den 4

iran is on a suicide mission and they haven’t even bothered to ask their citizens if they want to be martyred for their dear islamist leaders. sending 300 rockets into israel is one thing, countering 1,000 enemy planes bombing iran day and night 24 hours a day with 5-ton bombs like in gaza is another story entirely.

Conan M

i can’t wait for “iron dome” to repel the next salvo of shiny new russian hypersonic missiles!… the same ones that have effectively neutered and neutralized all those nato “mercs” in ukraine!!!

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
K. Lewis

right. because iran has no air defenses like gaza… and iran doesn’t have one of the strongest west asian militaries… it’s all apples to apples. you are certainly a good strategist and analyst. i mean…wow! 🤣😂

Last edited 5 months ago by K. Lewis
K. Lewis

are you sure it’s not netanyahu that is on some suicide mission? and taking everyone else with him?

I Like Ike

israel’s genocidal habits have now made it a bona fide pariah, except in the west and it’s efficiently dragging the west down with it into the abyss.

whatever it does with lebanon or iran are of no consequence. the scarlet letter has been written, stamped and posted.


the jewish supremacist aerospace operations in gaza were against an entirely defenceless popuation, hence the countless murdered children. iran is a rather different proposition.


the name of king charles dominion is israel his weapons are called british aerospace engineering. its his country.


millions of iranians have taken to the streets to demand a war response to your feckless murdering kikes… but as always, you always say the opposite to reality…like the derptardistani you are…

Where sense?

if iran is toast then israel was ash yesterday evening – begging for more.


how can you be so sure they’re not buying gas to boost their economy and for making molotovs to roast zionist collaborators in the streets…? naw, your bullshit is prolly the more incorrect answer, it always is…

I Like Ike

beware of american carpetbaggers selling defective wares.

a lesson for the ages.


grow up england’s raytheon boeing and lockheed make the weapons and machineries. black rock manage them

I Like Ike

you are truly madder than a march hare.

feminized saxon

homer anon simpson feminized


bla bla bla. stop shooting at israel. israel don’t care no mo. they are in it to win it.


fuck israel

the more dead jews the better

feminized saxon

sick nazi amerikunt

I Like Ike

so it can continue with its genocide? never forget that word… genocide. you can’t wish it away, no matter how hard you try. it’s been cast in concrete in perpetuity.

feminized saxon

in my amerikunt matriarchy we insecure cowardly bullies–only attack weaker peoples yet sodomized by taliban


i have said it for years and i will continue to say it. the american white man is a danger to the entire world. he should’ve been stopped when he started to steal the land of native americans or kidnapping africans. as the old saying goes when first they came for the unionist i did nothing because i was not a unionist… finally they came for me, but there was no one left to unite with against them.


critical race theory retardation… reductionist theory like marxism, feminism, lgbtism, transism, is all bullshit. baby talk… blame anyone but yourself…b.a.b.y. white doesn’t exist as a race fool. caucasian is the ethnicity… white race is a fallacy, an illusion. you want repatations for the crimes of jews from the principal victims of global slavery, the so called whites… talk about a most perfect blasphemy…. i think you just did more dumb than snow dumb… shocking.


serious ? a bottle of votka before lunch , thats the drago recepie…the muppet


drago , the kremlin cheerleader, today he lesves the nazis away
feed the parrot


good article… drago fukken nails it. the socially arrested drug trafficking trust fund babies we are foisted with as ‘leaders’ are beyond a laughable fraud. if we were to round up and deport every israeli passport holder from the g7 countries, it would literally decapitate most of those countries’ compromised parliaments, congresses, senates, police chiefs, hedgefunds, media corps, etc.
