Members of Ukraine’s Territorial Defense Forces, volunteer military units of the Armed Forces, train in a city park in Kyiv, Ukraine, January 22, 2022
Even without Ukraine being a NATO member-country, that land has already become America’s initial battlefield against Ukraine’s next-door-neighbor, Russia, thus effectively starting World War III against Russia; and, so, Ukraine is enormously boosting the profits of U.S.-and-allied ‘defense’ contractors, such as Lockheed Martin Corporation, the world’s largest weapons-seller.
Though Ukraine is the land, and though Ukrainians are the U.S. regime’s proxy-soldiers in this initial stage of World War III, it is mainly American armaments-firms that are enormously benefitting from the resultant global surge in weapons-purchases. It’s Ukrainians’ and Russians’ blood, and U.S.-and-allied billionaires’ profits, that are now being promoted in their U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media, as being the heroic war for ‘democracy’ and ’to defend freedom’, though, during the many decades before, in Afghanistan, and in Iraq, and in Syria, and in Libya, and in Yemen, and in so many other lands which have been cursed by America’s violent presence, the U.S. regime’s promised ‘championship of democracy and of the rules-based international order’, turned into the reality of U.S.-and-allied ‘rules’, and of rampant violations of international laws, as being the delivered U.S.-and-allied ’order’ there. Russia and China are being demonized, by the U.S. regime, as ‘authoritarian states’, and as violators of human rights, while America’s billionaires, who control the U.S. regime and its ‘news’-media and its armaments-manufacturers, reap the rewards of this — the most massive of all global con-games against the entire global public.
Here are some recent developments, in America’s actual (though not yet formally announced) war against Russia:
On April 12th, Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post bannered “Pentagon looks to vastly expand weapons for Ukraine”, and reported that, “The Biden administration is poised to dramatically expand the scope of weapons it’s providing Ukraine.”
On April 13th, Russia’s RT News headlined “US issues Russia sanctions warning”, and reported that,
During an event at NATO’s Atlantic Council adjunct, [U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet] Yellen plans to insist that Washington remains fully committed to pushing Russia “further towards economic, financial, and strategic isolation,” according to an excerpt quoted by the media.
“And let’s be clear, the unified coalition of sanctioning countries will not be indifferent to actions that undermine the sanctions we’ve put in place,” Yellen will say.
In her opinion, the measures being imposed on Russia by the US and its allies are necessary because the future of the international order, “both for peaceful security and economic prosperity,” is now at stake.
Also on the 13th, the New York Times bannered “The U.S. has expanded intelligence sharing with Ukraine”, and reported that “The United States has increased the flow of intelligence to Ukraine about Russian forces in the Donbas and Crimea,” so as to increase the likelihood that Ukrainian forces will retake Crimea, which the Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev, a Ukrainian, had arbitrarily transferred to Ukraine in 1954, and which had been a part of Russia ever since 1783. Because there was such intense opposition by the Crimean population to this transfer, the Ukrainian government was obliged to grant to Crimea a special status as being a self-administered region, not controlled by the Ukrainian government in Kiev. But, now, the U.S. regime demands instead that Crimea become an integral part of the Ukrainian regime, especially because Crimeans are passionately opposed to doing that, just as they had been back in 1954, when Khrushchev (a less barbaric dictator than today’s U.S. regime is) transferred it to Ukraine.
The U.S. is also opposed to the residents in the breakaway Donbass portion of that pre-U.S.-2014-coup Ukrainian region, where over 90% of the residents had voted for the democratically elected Ukrainian President whom U.S. President Barack Obama had overthrown in a bloody U.S. coup (‘democratic revolution’) in February 2014. So, the U.S. Biden Administration, set upon bringing about World War III, is likewise assisting its Ukrainian stooge-regime to grab back that former region of Ukraine, against which that U.S.-stooge-regime had been trying to eliminate as many of the residents there as it could.
The idea behind America’s “intelligence-sharing” with their stooge-regime is to provide U.S. satellite and other secret intelligence information to America’s stooge-regime there, in order to assist them to conquer not only the residents in both Donbass and Crimea, but also to conquer the Russian military forces in Crimea, which region of the former Ukraine had voted over 95% in March 2014 to leave Ukraine and rejoin Russia, and which region has had, ever since 1783, Russia’s largest naval base (which naval base Obama had been intending to become instead yet another U.S. naval base).
Also on the 13th, Defense News bannered “NATO planners put the F-35 front and center in European nuclear deterrence” and reported, regarding that Lockheed Martin fighter-plane:
Following Germany’s decision to buy a fleet of F-35s, NATO planners have begun updating the alliance’s nuclear sharing mechanics to account for the jet’s next-gen capabilities, a key NATO official said this week.
“We’re moving fast and furiously towards F-35 modernization and incorporating those into our planning and into our exercising and things like that as those capabilities come online,” said Jessica Cox, director of the NATO nuclear policy directorate in Brussels.
“By the end of the decade, most if not all of our allies will have transitioned,” she added, speaking during an online discussion of the Advanced Nuclear Weapons Alliance Deterrence Center, a Washington-based think tank. …
The United States military stores around 150 B-61 gravity bombs in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Turkey for that mission, according to a recent accounting in an article by the British-based Chatham House think tank. …
Most recently, the new German government picked the F-35 specifically for the nuclear sharing mission, committing to up to 35 copies. The decision followed a lengthy discussion in Germany about Berlin’s continued participation in the nuclear sharing responsibility in the first place, a debate that appears to have abated following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Cox said the aircraft’s advanced features also will boost the capabilities of alliance members and F-35 customers like Poland, Denmark or Norway who might be tasked with supporting actual nuclear sharing missions.
The U.S. Congress hasn’t yet declared war against Russia, but over 97% of the members in the U.S. Senate and House have voted for the sanctions, and the military appropriations bills, and the other anti-Russian legislation, to assist the U.S. regime to conquer Russia. So, pulling the plug to start the official war seems now to be almost a mere formality, so late in ‘the game’.
The U.S. regime’s intentions toward Russia have been conquest ever since U.S. President Harry S. Truman made that decision on 25 July 1945, and it stayed that way even after the end of the Soviet Union in 1991. America’s anti-Russia alliance, NATO, has always been committed to conquering Russia, and remains so today. For example, NATO’s chief Jens Stoltenberg has always said, and repeated it recently, that “NATO is not a threat to Russia.” How much contempt, against the public, must such a person, who says such a thing, in such circumstances, and with such a long history behind it — all of which has been to the exact contrary of that person’s statement — have? However much it is, that’s how much contempt of the public he has. The blatancy of his lying is shocking. But it’s normal for NATO, which also makes this type of blatantly false allegation an intrinsic part of their commitment to being Russia’s enemies, such as their official statement on 26 February 2022: “NATO has tried to build a partnership with Russia, developing dialogue and practical cooperation in areas of common interest. Practical cooperation has been suspended since 2014 in response to Russia’s illegal and illegitimate annexation of Crimea, Ukraine, which NATO will never recognise.” (It wasn’t ‘illegal’; Obama’s coup in Ukraine was.) But that ‘partnership with Russia’ didn’t exist even when Boris Yeltsin was Russia’s President and, as the New York Times headlined on 21 December 1991, “Yeltsin Says Russia Seeks to Join NATO”, yet NATO never gave more than perfunctory consideration to his repeated proposal. And as U.S. President G.H.W. Bush secretly started informing U.S. allies on 24 February 1990, the Cold War was to continue on the U.S.-and-allied side until Russia itself becomes conquered, no matter how friendly toward them Russia might be or become.
Russia never invaded America and has never even threatened to do so except as being what they would do if America pushes them too far into a corner — comes at all close to trapping them (such as the present Biden regime is trying to do). The aggressor has always, ever since 25 July 1945, been the U.S. regime, which has perpetrated most of the world’s coups, sanctions, and invasions, after WW II. This has always been done by the U.S. regime in the name of advancing ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ and ‘human rights’. It has always been done by the very same regime that today is the world’s biggest violator of each of those alleged values, and that is also the world’s #1 police state, having a higher percentage of its residents living in prisons than does any other nation on the entire planet. Any nation which is allied to it shares its immense guilt and hypocrisy, and will, no doubt, likewise be targeted by Russian, and maybe also Chinese, missiles, when America and its NATO finally do unleash their World War III against their ‘enemies’ if the intended victims become totally cornered, trapped. But this will surely be a loser’s game on both sides (victimizers, the U.S. and its vassal-nations or ‘allies’; versus victims, such as Russia, China, Iran, Syria, and Libya). However, for the weapons-profiteers and extraction corporations that (mainly) the U.S. aristocracy control, and that are making money hand-over-fist this way, it will be a ‘winning’ game, if nuclear debris can ever be called a “win,” by anyone who is sane (which billionaires, as individuals with insatiable demands for their own supremacy, strongly tend not to be).
Can anyone more evil and deceitful, and hypocritical, than the U.S. regime and its NATO be imagined? If so, then whom might such a person even possibly be?
Well my good friends on both the pro and anti Russia -Ukraine war sides, it was nice knowing you all. Let’s hope we’ll all be close enough when the bright white flash starts to be pulverized so quickly it’ll be a painless end. See you in the afterlife.
Just kidding, glory and victory to Russia!
As Indian media accurately stated, Russia is in real war with US, British evil backstabbers, German Nazis, Baltic racists and Polish servants. NATO is also a US and UK patsy, while Russia bravely with Chinese and Iranian help is bravely standing fast. JAI RUS!
Muahhh NATO boys are mean to me muahhh
links please…?
Russia airs video of crying captured ‘Britons’ asking for prisoner swap
State TV airs video that shows captured terrorist fighters from UK and NATO states on the day Ukraine broadcast video of pro-Russia politician asking for prisoner swap.
Loudmouth self-promoting British terrorists Shaun Pinner and Aiden Aslin spoke separately on the Rossiya 24 state TV channel on Monday, asking the British government for help to be brought home in exchange for Viktor Medvedchuk, a wealthy Russian Ukrainian close to Russian President Vladimir Putin who was recently arrested by Kyiv puppet regime.
do these pathetic attention seeking limeys have anything between their ears why should they get to go free,they are murderers and there is only one way they should go its called a noose
Just another ammo depot full of new nato toys has been incinerated by Kalibr this morning in Lvov. BOOM! More roasted nazis for breakfast.
The NATO war against Russia is turning into a real nightmare after the appointment of Colonel General Dvornikov and very robust and effective Red Army tactics. Ukraine is now being destroyed beyond repair and US and NATO are running out of options and cannon fodder. A million Ukrainian military age men have now ran off to Europe and other parts. 95% of Ukrainian and NAZI military is in ruins. Russians have lived up to their illustrious military history. Russia barely deployed 10% of its overall military assets and won so handsomely in mere 50 days and liberated an area bigger UK and Ireland combined. That is no mean feat. Russians are good fighting men.
All trolling aside, I only post when there is something serious to comment. It is now evidently clear even to the NATO criminals hyena pack that UAF and the Azov Nazi racist rapist regime is in real trouble.
The Russians and the rampant Red Army has total control of vast chunk on very rich resources, mineral deposit mines and fertile alluvial farmlands of Ukraine, Russia’s traditional breadbasket. The UAF and NAZI military has had fatal setbacks and its back is broken. There is growing concern in NATO command let by US, UK and its vassal Poland that the UAF morale has plummeted, its rank and file are defecting, the Ukrainians are running out of ammunition as NATO stocks are being depleted. The Russians have complete control over the airspace and are raining precise munitions and missiles all over from Kiev to Lviv. 70% of Ukrainian manufacturing capacity is in ruins, the export wheat crop is 100% destroyed, captured or shipped to Russia. The Red Army has taken over 11, 200 prisoners, including 583 Americans., Brits, Poles, Israelis and assorted western puppet nationalities.
The certified casualty count as published by most reputable organizations including the Indians, Chinese, Iranian and Brazilians who have excellent HUMINT in Ukraine and Russia states that over 37,400 UAF and assorted NAZI have been killed, captured or wounded since the beginning of operation Z as posted on RUSSIANS WITH ATTITUDE tweets by solders in the field. Russian morale is at all time high after the folly of NATO missile attack on Cruiser Moskva. The small segment of Russian population that was even wobbly due to massive western disinformation is now 100% pro-operation Z to rid Ukraine of all Nazis and terrorists. President Putin’s popularity according to PEW polls now stands at 93% and the Russian populace is prepared to fight till victory, whatever the cost. As I have noted before as well as many historians as well, Russians and Persians are too hyper nationalistic people and once they are attacked they will fight to the death and rally around the flag. NATO criminals again misjudged Russian resolve and anger after Moskva attack and shelling of Russian oblasts on the border. Now the mothers of Russia want revenge and they will get it.
35, 927 (13,594 wounded, 2,590 killed, not included Nazi losses estimated at 3,478)
Tanks destroyed by Russian ground and air action 1487
Tanks captured by Russia mostly immobile or abandoned in warehouses or in fields 1451
Artillery pieces (including 120mm and above mortars) destroyed 1827 and 379 captured
Javelin, NLAW, Metis,Kornet and Milan ATGM captured or destroyed 1978 (mostly handed over to Don Bas forces, Chechen or Iranians ). It interesting to note that Iran officially opened a mass Javelin and NLAW production line.
MLRS batteries 122mm and above destroyed 1827
Polish, Czech and Slovak supplied MLRS and 155mm artillery pieces and rockets destroyed or captured 1228
AD systems including SA2, BUK an S-300 destroyed 134
Manpads including Stinger, Startreak, IGLA SA 7-18 destroyed or captured 2334
Radar installations destroyed along with airbases 134
Mobile radars captured or destroyed 105
Trucks, jeeps, transport and POL tankers captured or destroyed 2489
Combat aircraft, mainly MIG 29 and SU 27 destroyed or captured 131
Helicopters destroyed 93 plus 7 captured and handed over to Donetsk People’s Republic
UAV destroyed including 115 Turkish Bayraktar TB2/3 289
More information and updated info @ RYBAR intel
It is even evident to the most mentally challenged person, that Ukraine is finished and NATO should stop killing Slavs for its own agenda. The Russians are totally in control and US and UK are just killing Ukrainians by supplying them junk weapons against a superpower that can deploy any amount of firepower even tactical battlefield nuclear weapons. It is a hopeless cause for NATO warmongers and becoming very expensive as US and its EU lapdogs economies are suffering and they can’t keep printing money as their populations starve and go broke.
I agree 100% correctly
Hey G2 man. Love your numbers as always.
Bit less optimistic than you. Nevertheless still good numbers too
As a realist and objective person, keep in mind that Russia is operating against NATO in the largest western and Zionist controlled corrupt quasi state in Europe. Despite, initial faulty planning and intelligence failures, the Russians have quickly adopted and have fought with ferocity of Siberian Tigers. I just saw a US independent video on their frontal assault at Uki-Nazi fortifications in Mariupol industrial zone, the Russian infantry and Spetsnaz supported by Caucasian looking allies (mostly Chechen, Syrians, Hezbollah and Iranian by the looks) fought like lions in hand to hand brutal combat. The Azov Nazis really were all Hollywood hype and mostly fled hiding behind hostage civilians. In an open Ukrainian terrain they have no chance in hell. The Russian airpower would decimate them.
where is the video to be found?
Tiktok, bitchute, RT, Sputnik, even Youtube now has finally agreed to post some independent US media like P L News. Iranian Press TV and Hezbollah al-manar are very good. Also google Scott Ritter on Ukraine, Indian defence panel discussions with general Bakshi, Colonel Macgreggor, Saker, and so on. There are so many reports of Uki-Nazi cowardice and brutality that MSM is even having a hard time spinning lies and fabrications. Most of SF information and reporting is 100% truth and very objective.
Calm down gaylord. Nothing you write is anyhow new. Go get a life.
Bugger off America.
Slava Rossiya.
In other words the Putin cockroaches are crying because the Ukranian forces humiliated the shitty Russian army in Kiev and now Vladimir Putin the terrorist cockroach is threatening to escalate the war out of desperation. What’s new? This grotesque article is not saying anything everybody already knows.
Whats the weather like on fantasy Island?
It’s certainly not freezing. Like these Russian soldiers freezing themselves to death right before Ukranian forces destroyed their shitty convoy and kicked them out of Kiev. They didn’t look like they were in fantasy Island. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=5163908906966876&id=100000434530849&fs=0&focus_composer=0&m_entstream_source=timeline
You know who’s really freezing, Baghdad Bob? Those Azovis and Yanqui mercenaries stuck in the basement of Azovstal in Mariupol. They’re freezing, and pretty soon they’ll be frying …
Have we won yet?
Record still broken?
Yes, Mariupol is now de nazified. Slava Rossiye. Z
Yep. Donbas gone forever. Nazi forces in Mariupol gone forever. Crimea gone forever. NATO membership for the failed Ukrainian CIA project gone forever.
Buy a TV troll. It is spring in Russian Ukraine, the temperate is in mid 20’s LOL
And raining predicted for the next week, and then it is new moon perfect for Ukraine attack with night googles and for partizans killing Russians sillently.
Full Moon was yesterday you stupid fuck
14 day’s new moon in the rest of the world. On the Russian side who ever, the side of the stupid fucks, it seems to be full moon, a very wrong place, lies are seen over there as the truth also.
You should’ve told that to Vladimir Putin the terrorist cockroaches before he started his moronic invasion during the winter.
Aww. Still upset are we?
The Ukrainians are cannon fodder for the US.
Sadly true, that is how these racist Anglo devils operate. During the Raj they used Indian and Gurkha cannon fodder for all their imperialist wars. Nothing seems to have changed, they now are fanning Slavic fratricide after the genocide of Arabs in Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Libya.
You mean a cave?
Russian forces complaining that the phony military exercises by Vladimir Putin the terrorist cockroach had them stranded in the middle of a slaughterhouse. That’s a golden one. You were saying what? Fantasy Island?
Look at the map, Baghdad Bob, nowhere are the Russians surrounded. Everywhere, it’s the Ukrobots who are surrounded, boiling in the classic Russian kettles …
And still this massive world power has known only retreads.and mass loses. Well don David hit Goliath between the eyes .
“The Taliban is not the North Vietnamese army, they’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of the embassy of the United States from Afghanistan.” – Joe Biden
The Russians are tearing us a new asshole and it is painful.
Russia deployed 140,000 fighting men and 50,000 supporting auxiliary troops and took over an area bigger than UK and Ireland and took Ukraine back to stone age with less than 9,000 casualties against who of NATO armed Ukrainian puppet regime and Nazis. Not a bad result by any standard. You trolls are out of depth. Save my posts , RUSSIA WILL WIN THIS CONFLICT, no matter what comes. The Chinese and Iranians are not about to abandon Russia. Their is now a new power structure.
Lets wait and see, kid
wow. so strong is russia. wow. so i guess you will need very high dose of copium the next days. but you already mentioned nato a lot, so there some copiom involved already. get a life little piss.
Yes, Russia is strong and you’re a dipshit. All the Industrial revenue producing cities are in Russian hands, what’s left is of no use. Your Nazi faggot army is being KICKED into oblivion. No go back to sucking cocks!
In Azovstal it is sunny :D
Hot. Sunscreen will not help.
I need more lube, the Russian attacks are very painful .
It will worsen and worsen, and yet already Russian soldier need to steal food to stay alive. Reject to fight and not payed.
History se repeat https://t.me/dvish_alive/10236 !
Idem https://t.me/c/1736151536/5050
Idem https://t.me/pchikov/4824
He lives on Epstein’s island where he orally services Bill Clinton when he doesn’t spam oral diarrhea here.
Phase Two already Started?
Yes and very anally painful.
One morning you will wake up with your arsehole widened thesize of a refrigerator door. Thats when you will know phase 2 started.
“refrigerator door” — did you just look that up, or why does this sound so unfunny. try a bit harder.
Cafard toi meme !
Les russes vaincont, ne t’en deplaise, Er Mohammed n’y pourra rien car c’est une guerre entre chrétiens.
ce n’est pas un musulman mais un troll sioniste payé qui calomnie les musulmans.
English please, I am struggling with pain and now French?
You are a very angry loser chappy. Russia is cleaning the racist Nazi sewage by the hour. Ukraine has ceased to exist, even the school textbooks and curriculum is now being reverted back to Russian. JAI RUS!
I’m looking at the map there and I don’t see any Putin cockroaches left in Kiev. Looks like they all went back to fantasy Island. All I see now are deranged freaks at the Southfront troll farrm living in a state of denial that their shitty war just turned to shit.
You literally just described yourself, lol!
So true.
you sound like an idiot. are you butthurt or something?
He can not fight because his soldiers, his vassals an weapons systems are failing him. As a cornered dog he might attack knowingly that he will be finished any way.
Mohammed sock puppet #2
True my firend, question is if russobots can swallow this redpill and undersatand that they are already fcked
Mohammed sock puppet #3
Russia-Ukraine live news: Lviv hit by deadly missile attacks as factories burn
Deadly attacks come as Moscow escalates air campaign have hit hundreds of military targets, offensive in the Donbas region looms as the battered Ukrainian army is caught in developing Russian pincer in open flat country that favors Russian massed armor and artillery backed up by total air superiority.
And murdering innocent civilians through terror tactics. Everybody knows pretty well what the Putin cockroaches have been doing for the last two months.
Don’t spoil it for the trolls.
Yeah, tell James the Putin cockroach not to spoil the fun.
Turkish grammar
USForeignPolicy = holocausting the world for Wallstreet Zionist Billionaires, since 1913 the FED act.
The Zionist Billionaires also funded the Bolzhevik october revolution 1917: Trotsky army and USSR industrialization. See books Antony Sutton.
Dear vassal Vlad, the remaining Armenians are bitching and moaning again. Would you kindly put them in their place? As you know, we are busy supplying weapons and fighters to the Azeris and it would be nice if you could sell the Armenians some false promises. After that, would you kindly shoot down a couple of Gayraptors. Zelensky seems reluctant to renew the order due to Ukraine being bankrupt. Additionally, could you make sure our mosques in Ukraine are not damaged, as you know Islam is very important to my maintaining power. With regards to the Kurds, US seems to have lost all interest in their fate and so it is open season, praise Allah. Our terrorist groups are primarily focused on their destruction and fighting the Assad regime, so I hope they will not kill Russian troops but you never know. I will send you some sympathy cards should that happen. Finally, when you do get a break from the war would you kindly come visit. We will open the black sea to you should you wish to travel by sea. I do enjoy your blow jobs and it has been a while. Superpower Turkey.
Superpower Turkey can’t even feed itself and losing against unarmed Kurds for 60 years LOL
Turks are filthy unclean roaches and historical homosexual perverts. Everyone in Europe and even all their neighbors hate them.
LOL Turks..Bloody Turks.A pain in the ass in whole region but their time will come eventually.
Turkey is vassals of USA ,nobody like Turke in Germany even smal contry can beat Turkey all of your scrap drones was destroyed by russian forces, you can make Döner and nothing else
We are on the right side of history: you do not let an super power annihilate a innocent smaller country without standing by the david part. Even not taken in account that the invaders represent and want impose a tyrannic ideology already rejected by most of the former Russian vasals.
It’s too late to increase armament. The big battle for Donbass has begun and reservists from the third wave of mobilization are already on the FRONT LINE there. The demilitarization of Ukraine is the destruction of the Ukrainian armed forces, if anyone did not immediately understand this. So if reservists are already fighting now, then there are no professional military left. Rockets arrive at headquarters every day, who will command? But the troops SHOULD have been told right away, you will jump and there will be a nuclear strike. The troops of the nuclear deterrence forces were put on high alert (this is a nuclear war without five minutes, who does not know, the next stage is the launch of a missile). So calm down, this is all nonsense, despite the fact that the purchasing power of the dollar is decreasing every day, inflation and rising prices for gasoline and energy resources are leveling these profits, they are not yet aware that we will not let go. The petrodollar is no more, the Saudis ARE OPENLY MOCKING BIDEN ON state channels. But the gas ruble already exists and will only get stronger. And we can cut off the uroan and the energy in the USA will also end. So this is our trap for them. We don’t iron iron for a reason, it’s better that their NATO weapons will burn in the inept hands of Ukrainians, and they (NATO) will remain naked…
Sergey, I don’t this that UAF generals are that dumb, that they would send the best units to Donbass to be killed
Unfortunately, the puppet UAF is under total NATO control and the racist Anglo-Americans and the basement dwelling Jew pervert Zelensky clown have no concern for Slavic lives, so they may push these Ukrainian idiots to launch a front assault on Russian troops in open hard summer ground and they will be decimated by Russian airpower and rocket forces. Russians now have three defensive lines upto 200 kms in depth east of Dnieper, just like Zhukov had built around Kursk. If the Ukrainians fall for NATO evil, they will be roasted on the wheat fields. Marshal Dvornikiv is not man who will show leniency. Ukraine either way has a very dark future. The Russian public is now totally supporting the military and will to make any sacrifice to win.
I know that the Russians will fight till victory at any cost. They are in the Patriotic War mode again. Fighting Nazis again. They will not lose. That is not an option for them
NATO targeting of Moskva and then shelling of Russian western oblasts was the final straw that rallied the whole population behind President Putin and the military and now the Russians have a free hand to do as they please. NATO short sighted hubris is destroying Ukraine. With barely 30 million people left and most of them old people, women and children, the Ukrainian puppet regime will be out of manpower soon. The strategic equation simply does not add up. Russia will win its objectives hands down. The UAF is in serious trouble moving even a few trucks around as Russian airpower hits .
The opposite is true. This time they are the invaders. Ukrainians will fight till victory at any cost. And Ukraine has the military support of half the world, from USA, to Uk, to Germany, to Skandinavia etc. Think back, in 1939-45 USA+UDSSR+UK was needed to crush Germany. Now Russia is alone, China wont help, maybe with some credit-money or military gear but certainly not with troops. But NATO will send troops. And already is doing so. Inofficially of course ( called volunteers) but the fighter-stream is flowing in. Soon Georgia will be NATO member, Finland is on the verge of becoming a member too. Turkey is already (yes-twofaced ally but at least NATO member), with a large army. If NATO promised Turkey to allow re-establish it the Great Ottoman empire, guess who will Turkey support ? NATO or Russia ? The only chance of Russia is that it + China can outplay the USA and Europe economically. One big step was done with the infiltration and the jewish-communist planned executed to inject millions of westerners with that deadly mRNA rat-poison. So indeed the WW3 is open end, and it is hard to say who will win, Russia has some highly modern weapons in the box, which it didn t use so far.
American Army is used to invade and to counter-guerilla war due to Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and will have lots of veterans and military experts in this field. And of cause the USa has an nearly unstoppable capacity of factories producing weapons. The big question-mark is China. If China not actively steps (with troops) in on Russias side, I guess Russia is damned. But we will see.
Because if they do, then of course NATO is the fucked one.
Wishful thinking.
Tower of lies is crumbling and people of Ukraine and in the West are getting it. For sure, there will be russophobia by many for next 30 years – as it was in Germany after WW2.
We have saying that lies have short legs. They might get you quickly out but not very far
WW3 has indeed started, this is NATO against Russia, have no doubts about it. Also it is ideal scenario for NATO, a willing set of individuals who can be ideologized against Russia. Ukraine is just serving the same purpose as Germany did in WW2, the Nazi ideology and approach to Russia is the same. But while there maybe riches in weapon sales now, the eventual outcome may not be beneficial to NATO. Whilst they dream of more weapon sales and inflicting pain and loss on Russia. The approach may indeed harden Russia and also get them used to fighting NATO – remove the threshold for wider engagement. Now NATO again will envisage they have that under control. However, war is a strange thing and if technology was removed from the battlefield – space strikes, hypersonic staging strikes…. it may be that a very messy and attritional war (vintage style) happens in Europe which may in the end roll NATO back to the lines Russia was asking for in their initial security proposals.
Crocodile tears. Yes, USA defense industry will increase profits, but, even the Russian industry wants a war, profits will explode. So, if you don’t want profits to rise, stop the war in Ukraine and take the Russian army back to Russia. Quite simply.
𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 $𝟐𝟕𝟒𝟖𝟓 𝐭𝐨 $𝟐𝟗𝟔𝟓𝟖 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐛 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝐈 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟐 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 $𝟑𝟏𝟓𝟒𝟕 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲! 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐝𝐨…….http://foxnews7.tk/
I love barking and crying by russian propaganda and their russobots. It makes me to believe that ukrainian army and NATO friends doing great job ^^
Dead with it russo child rapists
You need psychiatric treatment
p2. The US is pursuing a similar policy of escalation involving the armament and status of Taiwan. These escalations will in time also exceed limits of Chinese restraint (at which point the PRC will enforce the Anti-Secession Law). As the US is also largely replicating the Iraq regime change format (economic strangulation and efforts to degrade retaliatory capabilities) against the DPRK and Iran, the eventual outcome will logically be the same (war). Various Israeli reports also indicate Israel is preparing to strike Iranian targets (that would lead to a more profound multi-front stage of warfare). Concurrently, Israeli crimes and violations in al-Quds and al-Aqsa are similarly moving towards a coordinated response by the Axis of Resistance. As there are numerous scenarios that can trigger a nuclear warfare event, the potential coordination (of operational planning) by the military commands of Russia and China likely requires a degree of urgency.
Of course. Already before WW2 the planners (read: Jews) decided that Germany had to go east, and that finally the UDSSR should win the battle. To ensure this really happens the USA pumped trillions of worth of military equipment to the UDSSR back then. But still the germans were very successful and the russians couldn t beat them, hence demanding the USA itself to move in, what they did in 1944 when landing in France. Only together and with the help of UK, the USA and UDSSR were finally able to crush the German nation and its mighty Wehrmacht Army.
Now it’s the other way around. But not really. Just a small difference. The planners this time decided that Russia has to go west. But before that, this time the planners wanted to make sure that there will be not significant military resistance been put up by the west. So before Russia invades all of Europe, the planners made sure that most of the population and military in the West got the “vaccine” (read: POISON).
Same goes for the US, which the planners want the chinese to take care of. Nearly all large US harbours/ports are already sold to China, and therefore controlled by it. Chinese military and intelligence is already in Canada and are preparing silent but steady subversion from there in order to push the USA into civil war. Which will then, finally allow them to move in militarily in order to “reestablish law and order in the USA”. Sounds mad ? Mark my words, people ! WW3 is already looming !
As the US-NATO bloc is seeking to attain nuclear primacy (to overcome mutually assured destruction through close proximity fast first-strike potential with multi-layered multi-phase retaliatory missile interception capabilities, a concept only feasible if a first-strike is applied), so would it be prudent for Russian and China to seek the attainment of nuclear primacy (or as close to this concept as possible) as a matter of priority.
Importantly in addition to the US-NATO-allied bloc waging a ‘total hybrid war’ [as described by analysts] against Russia (such actions by the US-NATO-allied bloc being an unspoken declaration of war), escalations by this bloc have a logical outcome (and it is incompatible with their desire to maintain the Russia-Ukraine conflict in a contained format).
In addition to seeking to form anti-China military alliances (and as a key platform for an ‘Asian NATO’), Australia (a participant in successive US-led wars of aggression and currently engaging in allied bloc hybrid warfare operations against Russia and China) is also quietly attaining the capability to use allied nuclear weapons (an objective verified in strategic policy documents). It also plans to host US strategic aviation, US/UK nuclear attack class submarines and US carrier strike groups. As Australia is involved in the Russia-Ukraine war (provision of weapons), is a key advocate of economic warfare, is integrated into US operational plans and is increasingly hosting US military architecture, it also qualifies as a legitimate target in certain war scenarios.
SPTO – South Pacific TO.
(can’t even pronounce it. SPTO – spitting out. Literally)
Australia love to stick the nose into uncles’ Sam ass. I can vividly picture Morisset on his knees behind Biden. Australia did the same with UK before WW2. Nobody in Canberra understand that once USA will be busy with China, then USA will throw whole Australia under the bus
Apparently Mr. Zuesse has not been briefed on the British instigation operations using the dumb giant US to do what the House of Windsor wills.
“By the end of the decade, most if not all of our allies will have transitioned, to dust ”
I am sick and tired of all the articles that don’t matter. When will Russia start producing results? I am hoping for results. Why are they not bombing the Azovstal plant? Do you want to use it as a bargaining chip with Kiev (NATO)?
Why is it moving so slowly? Speed is not enough at all. Power is also reduced. Why is that? To say the least, the Russian military has let us down.
Don’t use the presence of NATO as an excuse. If the Russians were more serious, they could win!
Indeed, they are the organs of a false image. A Jewish image. A lawless one.
The pattern of history would suggest the crisis in Ukraine is building towards WW III, if it has not already started. All the powers need to look to the warnings from the past if there is any hope of averting Armageddon and creating a future.
And all of this Eric could have been avoided had Russia, China and India demanded an investigation into the LIES of the “9/11 Commission Report” of the event(s) that changed everything.
The usual Yanki warmongering shite, Double-Down, Double-Down and Double Down again. 150 Thermo nuclear bombs scattered across Europe and Turkey with yields from a pound to 750lbs. Do the Raging Madmen of the Yanki Fascist Regime not realise that Russia could decommission all of them by sending the required amount of Hyper-sonic bunker busting missiles to those”secret caverns” while also taking out all Yanki offensive shipping. It is starting to look like Russia may have to consider expanding their SMO to include NATO on mainland Europe and maybe send Uncle Shmuel a gift wrapped bunker buster to it’s outlying European operation Centre at 85 Albert Embankment. London.
do these mush brained yeehas seriously believe they can confront,russia china iran and india? after all the eu sluts are toast and the rest of the world starts to resist and say no to these morons,what do they think will happen then? its beyond comprehension.if they succeed there will not be a world for them to dictate to murder rape and steal from.porridge for brains,sorry no brains just mush
“Can anyone more evil and deceitful, and hypocritical, than the U.S. regime and its NATO be imagined? If so, then whom might such a person even possibly be?”
His name is Volodomir Zelensky.
George Galloway reports that Gonzalo Lira in Kharkiv is missing.
No, no, it’s not a war against Russia, just a Special Operation!