Aleksandar Vučić Denied Reports Of Serbian Weapons Being Sent To Ukraine

Aleksandar Vučić Denied Reports Of Serbian Weapons Being Sent To Ukraine

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On March 6, Serbian President Alexander Vucic denied reports that Serbia exported weapons to Ukraine. Serbia produces ammunition but intentionally banned their export through Turkey, knowing that there is a possibility of their falling into the zone of the Ukrainian conflict.

“This is an outright lie. Serbia has not sent weapons to anyone. Serbia produces and sells ammunition, we have many defense industry factories. When you produce ammunition, they always end up somewhere on the battlefield or in a global crisis zone,” Vucic said, noting that the country has not sent “a single piece of weapons, tools or ammunition to either Ukraine or Russia.”



Belgrade was accused of sending ammunition to the Armed Forces of Ukraine after footage allegedly showing the weapons and documents was leaked online in late February. The reports claimed that the Serbian company Krušik had supplied Kiev via Istanbul and Bratislava with ammunition, including missiles for multiple launch rocket systems. In total, Belgrade allegedly sent 3,500 Serbian missiles for the Grad MLRS which were spotted in a warehouse in Bratislava (Slovakia).

The cargo was reportedly delivered the following way:

  • Canadian JNJ Export Import ordered missiles from Krušik.
  • The ammunition arrived from Serbia to Turkey, where the company Arca Savunma Sanayi Ticaret was engaged in transit.
  • The cargo left Turkey for Slovakia and from there it was delivered to Ukraine.

However, according to the leaked documents, under the terms of the agreement, the ammunition was intended exclusively for the use by the Turkish defense complex. A more detailed study of the published documents showed that they were signed by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, and not by the Ministry of Defense.

Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic denied this information, and the Krušik officials also rejected accusations of arms supplies, noting that the company did not have such contracts.

Here is Krušik’s statement to the media about the recent scandal: “Due to unreliable information about the alleged deliveries of 122-mm Grad missiles to Ukraine, the management informs that there was no sale to this market, and contracts on the specified quantities and codification were not concluded at all. The whole “case” in the media is based on the use of incomplete and unrelated information, which they are trying to put in a negative context in an extremely malicious way, for which parts of the document on our letterhead and the end-user certificate are published”

Krušik Holding Corporation, a Serbian state-owned company for the production of defense and civil related equipment, with the headquarters in Valjevo, Serbia.  was earlier involved in other scandals. Earlier, on November 21, 2019, an unexploded Serbian mortar mine was found on the territory of the unrecognized republics of Donbass. The shells were sold by Serbian, Cypriot and Polish companies and were not allowed by Serbia for export to Ukraine. In 2019, it was also revealed that weapons manufactured by Krušik, sold to the US federal contractor Alliant Techsystems, ended up in the hands of ISIS militants in Yemen.


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Trust that prostitute and traitor on you own peril.
True politician. He would sell his own mother for affordable price.
I know my president.


bullshit U moron. you r a paid Guy from ruSSia and Work in a Troll plant… Like 99% of the Users…

Last edited 2 years ago by kremlinFinancedPropaganda

Vucic is liar, a small winky pinky(name of his television) Balkan dictator, a realy nobody. And yes, he sell ammunition to Ukraine.


Vicic has a hood Chrystal ball.


Good, not hood.


The thing is they could have sold them to another country and that country send them to Ukraine.


Legal documents showing could clear this mess.


If this is true Vucic and the bastard director of that arms company should be hung in downtown Belgrade.


Tak toto je ozaj zlé!!! Vučić zradil a naše milované Slovensko sa na tom podieľa tak isto? RF by si mala vážne pohovoriť zo Srbskom a tak isto z Tureckom!!! Slovensko nespomínam lebo to by bolo aj tak zbytočné, teda pokým tu u nás sú u moci liberálni-fašisti a tá chudina zo skládky, Fiora!!!


They call him “Pussy mouth”,so that talker is not to be trusted.His lezbian prime minister is called “Popp’s”

Erase my post again and again...

Turkey is being duplicitous or they got conned, as did Serbia, by 3rd party dealers getting big pay offs from O-Biden’s whore, Victorialess Numbskull for more bullets for Bitchlensky… Would not surprise anyone if the US was also using proxy buyers in India to try and buy ammo off Russia, to give to Ukraine. Reminds us of the time an arms delivery for the Democratic Chinese was dumped overboard cause Mao offered them a better concession… Prostitutes, most arms dealers are….If it isn’t Nationalized, it will become criminalized.

Raptar Driver

This fence sitting by Serbian Western oriented politicians must stop. It is destroying the Serbian nation and going against the will of 95% of Serbs. Serbia must fully reject the EU and come down on the side of Russia if it is to survive as a sovereign nation

Icarus Tanović

Bloody cowards.


Russia has woted to place Yugoslavija under internatonal sanctions, recognized Slovenija, Horvaria, supplied them with weapons during civil war, especially Horvatia. Supported Montenegro to separate, yes, at that time all capital in Montenegro was Russian.And now crying?


Serbia used to betray his neighbors during the 500 year otoman occupation, just to be favored.


Naravno da jesu prodali oružje i streljivo i uvijek će izdati brata, jer tzv. srbi( hazari turci po krvi) izdati će i vlastitu majku radi svoje koristi. Oni ostali posrbljeni Hrvati neka si dobro promisle hoće li i dalje vjerovati u srpske maštarije i laži, pogotovo spc( državne, a ne vjerske crkve) ili se konačno probuditi. Današnja srbija je ionako nastala od zapadnih okultnih krugova, da bi unosila nemir, razdor i kaos među Slavenima, da se ne ujednie! Vi šta mislite da ste srbi, samo pogledajte kako jedan srbin izgleda na slikama početkom 20. Stoljeća i mislim da bi vam trebalo sve biti jasno!

Raptar Driver

The only Serbs that have significant Turkish blood are the Bosnian muslims.
You must be one of those Catholic fascists That gladly murder your own brothers for sectarian reasons.

Roger Dodger

Only if someone would get us rid of that western puppet as my people are too lethargic to do anything…
