Al-Julani’s Syria On The Road To “Normalization”

Al-Julani's Syria On The Road To "Normalization"

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Written by Damir Nazarov

In early February, clashes broke out on the Lebanese-Syrian border between local Shiite tribes and Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) militants. It all began after a brazen attempt by jihadists to evict Lebanese from a number of Syrian villages, but after meeting resistance, the militants of the former Syrian al-Qaeda retreated. The HTS side justifies aggression in its media in two directions – “blocking smuggling to Lebanon”, while more outspoken propagandists complain about the “Sunni origin of the city”, which justifies the tactics of violent expulsion of local residents of Lebanese origin.

However, several facts refute the anti-Lebanese propaganda of HTS. For example, the fact that Zionist drones provided assistance to a jihadist convoy in battles with Shiite tribes became additional confirmation of the existence of hidden coordination between “Israel” and the Syrian dictatorship. The activity of the HTS insurgents coincided with the arrival of Morgan Ortagus, who is the representative of Trumpism in the Middle East.

Al-Julani's Syria On The Road To "Normalization"

Morgan Ortagus shakes hands with Lebanon’s President

Al-Julani's Syria On The Road To "Normalization"

Morgan Ortagus visits Lebanese Army base.She’s holding a 107mm Iranian-made shell seized from Hezbollah by the Lebanese Army

Ortagus is a dyed-in-the-wool Zionist, who is called upon to implement the policy of “Israel” through the Washington cabinet. The hostile actions of HTS against Lebanon and the Shiites are intended to make a positive impression on Trump and the Zionists within the framework of mutually beneficial cooperation between the former Syrian al-Qaeda and the US Republicans.

Al-Julani's Syria On The Road To "Normalization"

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But it is not only Hezbollah that is the factor bringing together HTS and Trumpism. If we accept the recent announcement by IDF terrorists about their air attack on a “Hamas weapons depot” located in southern Syria, then we can conclude that the leading Palestinian organization will be the next subject of coordination between HTS and the Zionists. The al-Julani dictatorship will not have to think up a reason for putting pressure on the Palestinian Islamic Resistance for long; it is enough to accuse Hamas members of “spying for Iran” and subject them to deportation or arrest. In fact, the attempt to block the Syrian routes to Lebanon also has an anti-Hamas gesture, because during the last war we saw that the forces of the al-Qassam Brigade participated in the confrontation with the Zionists together with Hezbollah.

Why is al-Julani developing a pro-Zionist policy? The new dictator of Syria is going to follow in the footsteps of the infamous Egyptian traitor of the last century – Anwar Sadat. Apparently, the head of HTS will explain his actions – “the heavy economic burden of post-war Syria.” As an argument, he will cite the words of EU officials who are waiting for a “democratic system and an inclusive government” in Syria, and due to the absence of all of the above, the EU cannot lift all sanctions on Syria. Let’s not forget that the dictator has announced his rule for at least four years.

Therefore, it is important for al-Julani to earn the trust of Zionism, which, according to the plan of the former Syrian al-Qaeda, should influence Trump, who in turn should lift part of the sanctions against Syria. As a gesture of “friendliness” towards the Zionists, HTS began a secret confrontation with Hezbollah, which will inevitably develop into a broad “anti-Iranian confrontation”, where the jihadists’ target will be the Alawites, the Sunni tribes of northeastern Syria who previously collaborated with the IRGC, members of Hamas and Syrians trading with the Iraqis across the border.

The HTS regime has launched the process of transition to the “traitor axis”, where the beginning of the stage is the fight against the Axis of Resistance, and the finale should be an official meeting between Ahmed al-Sharaa and the Zionists. In general, four years is a convenient date for the pro-Zionist strategy of the Syrian dictator, because during this time he will try to finally destroy all routes to Lebanon through Syria and suppress all manifestations of the “pro-Iranian opposition”.


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The Crunge

this ortagus woman looks like she might have been holding the guy in the beret’s rocket the way those 2 are smiling.

The Crunge

wow, 85 percent of palestinians are sunnis. yet these sunnis in syria are fighting the shiites. the same shiites who are standing up to the psycho zios who are attempting to wipe the palestinians off the face of the earth.

far out man.


that’s the problem they hate shias more than zionists, it’s primitive tribalism and has allowed the arabs to be divided and ruled by outsiders for a very long time.


during the 1st crusade, 1096-9, west europeans invaded palesrine through syria. at the time london was a little village of 20,000 people. cairo and baghdad were huge sophisticated cities of hundreds of thousands with street lighting and running water. the moslems thought the crusaders were just bandits who would steal some livestock and go away. but they conquered jerusalem and slaughtered the moslem and jewish population. how did they get away with this?


because there was a civil war at the time between sunni and shia. sound familiar? from then on, moslems have always been ready to stab one another in the back instead of uniting against external enemies. as a result they are conquered, slaughtered, colonised and humiliated. they can never learn this simple lesson. there are always quislings ready to whore themselves out to foreign enemies. and they sell themselves very cheap.


just 2 examples out of hundreds. in 1973 the iraqi army stood with the syrian army on the golan heights to defend damascus. in 1991 the syrian army joined the us/ neocon invasion of iraq. backstabbing and treachery are endemic. shady wahabia spent years trying to incite a us invasion of iran, offering to pay for the whole war. they never learn. if they were united, israhell would simply never have existed.

The Crunge

the christians weren’t united either. most of the crusaders were from france. so it’s not like all europe got involved.


thats no shi-ite!

Conan M

physical au closing $3,000 and soon to go much higher as comex “gutted” along with $usd. i$rael strike on iran with 0rangetard’$ blessing in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M
Conan M

question: if i$rael launches an attack on iran now that it is fully integrated in syria with natostan protecting it’s flank. where will the russian federation be with it’s bases still inside tartus and latakia khmeimim?… and who’s side will it take???

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M
Conan M

and where oh were are the likes of india and the prc?… with boots on the ground in ukraine and places like russia’s air and naval base in syria given all those nifty russian “toys” “overshadowed by su-57, disgraced f-35 left without airtime at aero india 2025”???… including all that cheaper than cheap oil and gas?… if this goes nuke russia should probably hit the both of them “first”!…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M

those bases have now largely been decommissioned. there are very few personnel and very little equipment left there. russia may withdraw completely. even if they don’t the bases will not be a factor in any future war. far more significant is the supply of advanced fighter aircraft and air defence to iran.


prior to 1933, gold was $20.86 cents/ ounce.that doesn’t mean gold is now worth 150 x as much. gold is worth exactly the same, but you need 150 x as much toilet paper us $ to buy it. because the $, like all other currencies, have lost 99% plus of their value.

Conan M

it’s not that gold is going up… it’s that it’s held it’s value against a collapsing h0u$e of card$!…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M
The Crunge

this julani character reminds me of the guy in the “it’s so simple a cave man can do it” commercial.

Shlomo's little weenie

dyed-in-the-wool zionist = ‘spic ‘ho.

The Crunge

this ortagus sleazeball married a jew and converted. ruth bader ginsburg the supreme court “liberal” presided over the ceremony. it was in wikipedia.

real tough detective work to figure this ho out.


hts morons played out from zionists, digging theyr own grave, because for zios all around them are only usefull idiot and scum and will be back stabbed.
this will also interrupt any syrian stability, cause most syrians, no matter what enthity or religion, are anti zionists.


hts, kurds, lebanese president, all quisling whores serving zio interests.

the narrative

nice to know “zionist drones” are protecting the cia / mossad operative known as al-julani . his al-quada and isis past are magicly forgotten. i guess his handlers have exchanged his fidel castro look alike uniform for a green tie. greater israel moves forward to bring misery to all syrians.

NDR 7652

hts is yet another group in a long line of arab /muslim collaborators who have no problem bowing down to crusaders and zionists the question is will there be a nationalist resistance or will the people in syria cower as they have done in libya


please dont call those terrorists muslims in reality they are munafiqin thats how coran describes these trash

V for victory

to me julani seems a mix between bin laden and zelensky.


normalization? only when jewlani’s head start rolling down the damascus straight street


didn’t this bastard behead people with his own hands?

Shlomo's little weenie

yes, and murdered a lot of yank troops

Peter Jennings

can this nato regime walk the walk? probably not for too long. committing criminal acts can become addictive, if one was so disposed, and if one had an inexhaustible amount of money and weapons, supplied by nato and paid for by unwitting nato cash cows, ie: taxpayers within the nato regime.


jewlani and his gang of isis cut throats are designated terrorists by the us, russia and un.
