Al Jazeera has got access to Russian military instructors on the ground in the Central African Republic (CAR). Russia dispatched its advisers in the country upon request from CAR President Faustin-Archange Touadéra and with approval from the United Nations.
Western states and mainstream media outlets are very concerned that the growing Russian influence may threat “democracy” in the CAR.
Screenshots from the video:
ADVISE IN FORWARD: Don’t f*ck with the Russians, they can make you disappear in the thin air. Be good with the Russians and God Bless Mother Russia.You don’t want angry Russians on your back, they never forget and they always make sure they done the job for good. Period.
i saw fall of ussr under us tact :DDD
Africa has become the latest playground for new Cold War participants to play.
ruskies are eveyrwhere, where is blood and superdictators.
Great news. Send more!