The AFU continues to block the evacuation of civilians from Ukrainian cities. Video from a UAV shows AFU soldiers setting up a roadblock at the exit from Chernihiv and preventing civilian cars from leaving the city. A large queue of cars has gathered.
In the video below, an AFU IFV crushes a civilian car in retaliation for residents’ opposition to placing military equipment near residential buildings. Ukrainian army servicemen were offended by a resident’s statement that they had “broth in their heads”.
Indian media also showed the cowardly Ukrainian Nazis using human shields and even taking away food from old people. Russia should not take a single prisoner of such scum.
Can you give us a link to that? Would love to show it to some friends of mine.
Apparently he can’t.
prietene, urmárește-l pe tipul ásta mai ales twitte-rurile sale din ultimele 2 săptămâni, e foarte bine informat și credibil:
găsești acolo dovezile pe care le cauți…
I agree.
The UkroNazis are a legitimate Prey for Anti-Terror Units, the Military Police and Ramzan Kadyrov’s Fighters…The same goes for the numerous Mercenaries of North-Atlantic-Terrorist-Organisation & Das Viertes Euro-Reich…the Russian General Staff has already indicated they will not be regarded as Soldiers, so the Geneva Convention does not apply…Hunting Season will be opened on these UkroNazi-Bandera-Terrorist-Mercenaries of the West….no Prisoners of War are taken, Shoot to Kill…Operation De-Nazification…
Chernihiv? Thats 42km from the Russian border! Thats 3.5km per day . I thought everything went so well with the invasion? Anyway it is no wonder during war that there are roadblocks, spies, saboteurs, thief’s, looters. I see a roadblock, and cars normally need to stop at a roadblock. A 40 seconds clip is with stayionairy cars is hardly proof. The smashed car, actually your brothers on the opposite side claim that the russians did this.
Truth hurts try to handle it SBU ukrobot troll…
Shit for brains ukrop troll.
Oh dear, that is some truly desperate bullshit right there Johhanny boy.
*80km you braindead shiteating imbecile. Wrong and fake just like everything else you excrete from from your moronic faggot shithole mouth.
Funny WION out of India describes the Russians as the aggressors in this war who are responsible for the human misery and killing of civilians.
I disagree, Putin is an out of touch paranoid dictator who does not care for or listen too the Russian people. The Russian people are innocent. He and his cabinet alone will be up against the wall for this.
Russians loot and murder;
Because it’s common knowledge by now that Putin the human cockroach has been sending saboteurs dressed in civilian clothes since he started his mass murder campaign. It’s common sense that the Ukranian forces will set up roadblocks to make sure that none of these saboteur freaks gets through. That answers your question, Scooby?
There are no Ukrainian forces but terrorists and NAZI cowards. God Bless Russia for liberating its Ukrainian territory.
The Wikipedia map is saying that Sumy is about to fall.
wikipedia is already quite a blunt tool of psychological warfare against humanity..
It´s an information source acceptable for Pérez, I think.
Go Putin. Good guy Putin saving us from these nazi scum of the earth. May he succeed, and may Ukraine finally be free from nationalist nazi scum! <3 <3 <3
Youse mudda
Keep believing in Ciaisis fairy tails.
Monica Zelenski it’s Biden’s whore ( sources)
Yes. Those cars with women and children wanting to leave are all Putin agents. How’s the weather in Tel Aviv btw?
Yeah, I noticed that Scooby. Those crappy Russian drones can look through the windshield.
Yeah, I also noticed those crappy Turkish drones are falling like flies all of a sudden.
Scooby??? Do you still watch Saturday morning cartoons? Do your parents bring your cereal down to the basement while you are watching?
Drunk idiots in that last video. Does look like a lot of fun though. Meanwhile Abram-o-mouse who has put billions of his own money into Chelsea is sanctioned and an MP is actually telling fans not to chant his name and like him anymore.
Same MP will be expecting the vote of the Chelsea Supporters at the next election. He can whistle in the wind.
He actually most definitely did work for the government.
nothing to say
Your avg ukrotrash for you, even killing their own.
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan…
The ukronazi has always been shot at point blank, since the first Donbass war. And I don’t think the engaging rules have changed. The chechens are particularly brutal when they face the nazis. And now thousands of hardened middle eastern fighters ( surely Hezbollah and syrian ones, but maybe even IRGC and some other ) are arriving. These people aren’t particularly fond of nazis
in response to west sending mercs, russia will accept 16000 volunteers from all around the globe including middle east. they are gonna shit on their collective pants.
the UKS need civilians for cover and if they are ethnic Russians so much the better
What else can be expected from the Nazis..
I tried to geolocation the video all around CHERNIHIV and couldn’t find this road block. Maybe a different town? Maybe a different scenario then described? These Russian disinformation campaigners are so busy with their fictional writing these days, they are getting sloppy, and entering in to the absurd.!
EDITOR/ FSBO operative: do you not think a small lie is easier sew Doubt in the mind of an Intelligent man, then these sloppy excuses for propaganda? Like maybe try harder, or your FSB handler might think your purposely obfuscating the disinformation campaign.
those who disappoint the president for life get disappeared! and I have enjoyed your video coverage from Syria.
Truth hurts try to handle it SBU ukrobot sockpuppet Trollstoy.
It doesn’t Hurt as much as standing up for truth in Russia these days lol. 🤕
Tolstoy, was he not a Russian? Get the background on your immature insults correct please.
But if you are winning, why do you ask for a nato no fly zone every day?
And if they still have most of their aircraft intact as the Pentagon says, why is Zelenskiy the cockroach crying over his green screen projectors for 4 junk 80s era migs from poland? Lol
The Poles want to give away their Mig-29’s to try and swing a deal for second hand NATO warplanes. No doubt F-16’s. The reason is that MiG-29 are very capable jets, but their design philosophy is from 1980’s. The Poles have had these MiG’s for a long time now without ever renewing their fleet. The reason this noteworthy is the MiG-29 airframe is alloy. It is super light for intense maneuverability. But the Soviet design policy was to mass build them and then replace them every 10-15 years as the super light alloy frame gets metal fatigue in that time frame in front line use. The Polish MiG’s likely have limited service life left in their airframes at this point, and they want to try and get a swap deal with NATO over issue of Ukraine. The Poles have there own interests in mind.
Note: in contrast to Poland, Russia has long been replacing its MiG-29’s fleet over same time.
Try on the suburbs of Chernihiv till 10 km from the city.
Are you a geo-scientist? Are you an expert on Ukrainian land-forms and topographical regions? Are you familiar with the scale, and outermost district parameters, of this town in question? These may be your most basic problems. Your rank amateurism at web investigation does not make the news report ‘Russian disinformation’, it just means that you cannot locate it. Fail.
I see a roadblock, and cars normally need to stop at a roadblock. A 40 seconds clip is with stayionairy cars is hardly proof. The smashed car, actually your brothers on the opposite side claim that the russians did this.
Ukrobots are compulsive liars.
Civs are used as Human shields that’s why they don’t want them to leave.
You should listen the people whom already managed to escape.
Every one of them are saying the same its Azov killing them not Russia.
What media source are you citing? Is that why 2.4million refugees are fleeing to the west, and only 80k to Russia?
If it’s from a Russian state source, you do know that they are not allowed to report what they see, but only what they are told. Under pain of a 15 year jail time for going off message.
So I don’t know how much I would believe from that source.
One day it would be great if the Russian reporters could be governed by their conscience instead of fear.
Only 80k to Russia? Where did you take this stupid number? Is this the same you lot were pulling 8 years ago, when you were saying that Donbass citizens were fleeing to Europe ( while in reality they were going to Russia en masse )?
Russians are looters and murders;.
Murders and looters russians;.
Oh poor johan shit for brains
Posting it twice doesn’t make it any more real
Maybe this is the obstacle the oppressed face when fleeing to a better life from the Russian Federation?
Your better life at Occident is already a little bit inflated, and your goods are already a little bit expensives to be able to exportate. About Facebook, Swift, Maersk, et coetera, the future is a little bit dark. Guy, the middle economic class in China is bigger than all the USA population.
What is taking the Chechen hit squad so long to catch zelenskiy the pig traitor drug addict who sold his country, beat him to near death, and execute in kiev’s public square?
How many ethnic donbas russians has he killed over 8 years along with porkyshenko this animal?!?
Oh i know, he’s not in ukraine anymore and his projectors are full of green screens broadcasting from london or tel aviv!
Cockroach should be stomped on with a tank like in this video here or in the infamous isis video. That’s what you do to cockroaches, stomp them.
Italian tv is 30mins of just ukraine. All of a sudden no more covid (that’s another fishy detail for another day) or other matters…. just ukraine, they are in a frenzy and going crazy on overdrive. I love it. Talking about genocide, and fears of upcoming chemical attacks (hmmm suspicious how they know from inside besieged cities) …. this template is just so cliche now, we see the kingdom of lies same tactics everywhere and they are so predictable, we have become veterans in that regard. Anticipating their bs which never changes or adapts.
What about all the billions (!!!!) of people killed or displace or whose lives have become hell post ww2 by the mass murdering psychopath us/nato military complex whose economy depends on sales and production of weapons, and who has more than 80 countries with their bases overseas? As if Russia was supposed to take their expansion right on their porch lightly and just ignore it. Hypocrite mass murdering pigs
In the video, that is a Russian tank running over the car. Propoganda at it’s finest.
Hmmm the last vid has a Z on it. So…how is that an AFU IFV?