Turkey is allegedly preparing to deploy Syrian militants in the region of Kashmir, which remains the focal point of a serious conflict between Pakistan and India since the late 40s.
The conflict over Kashmir started after the partition of India in 1947. Back then, India and Pakistan claimed the entirety of the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir. The dispute over the region escalated into three wars between India and Pakistan and several other armed skirmishes.
Today, India controls over 55% of Kashmir. The remaining part, formally known as Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), is administrated by Pakistan.
The Syrian Hawar News Agency (ANHA) said on November 9 that Turkey is preparing to deploy Syrian militants in the AJK, where they will fight as mercenaries against India.
“Turkish intelligence instructed the mercenaries of the Sultan Suleiman Shah Brigade to prepare a list of 100 mercenaries, who will undergo a training course in the Turkish city of Mersin in preparation for deployment in Kashmir where they will fight against India,” the ANHA said, citing sources familiar with the matter.
According to the ANHA, the Turkish intelligence promised the mercenaries a monthly salary of up to $3,000 during the deployment in Kashmir.
The reports on the deployment of Syrian mercenaries in Kashmir were denied by the Foreign Ministry of Pakistan and the president of the AJK.
“India’s propaganda is rubbish and a crude attempt to undercut Turkey’s political and diplomatic support for Kashmiris struggling against Indian oppression and tyranny. It won’t happen,” said AJK President Sardar Masood Khan.
The recent reports didn’t present any material evidence. However, Turkey has a track record of using its Syrian proxies as a pawn to promote its interests in other parts of the world.
Between 2019 and 2020, Turkey deployed around 18,000 Syrian militants in Libya to support the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord. In the second half of 2020, more than 2,000 Syrian militants supported Azerbaijan’s large offensive on the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.
Despite Pakistan’s denial there is a real chance that Turkey is preparing to deploy its proxies in Kashmir. The upcoming few weeks and months will likely reveal more information on the issue.
Erdogan should rename Turkey to rent a jihad on a budget…
What are we gonna call NATO…the creator of terrorists.
The US has already registered that company :)
US and Zionists supported Indian repression in Kashmir first, somehow the Zionists have turned sour on India and now a strong battle tested axis of Turkey, Israel and Pakistan is committed to supporting the freedom struggle in Kashmir. India’s days are numbered and literally up shitcreek without a toilet as Jihadis pour in.
I have to say while I dont like it Turks are smart.
Its a win win for them, if jihadis win they get profit and influence, if they lose they got rid of the radicals.
Yeah that’s how i see it, they are using those rats the best they can, if they lose them it won’t be nothing of value lost, but at the same time they are using them as a throwing weapon.
Yes, I agree.
I suspect the Turk proxies well be dead very quickly.
Maybe remember also Pakistan soldiers are going to help with also maybe Azerbaijan soldiers
Kashmir is a pan Islamic cause, thanks to the idiocy of Modi and his Islamophobic policies that have alienated the entire Muslim world from Malaysia to Algeria. The Syrian Jihadis are the just the tip of the iceberg.
Jihadis will return to Turkey to roost. Blowback.
This is basically accidental outcome of NATO-Gulf States using Turkey as forward station base of operations against Syria. Whilst the the Syrian state, with Russian assistance, has stabilized Syria since 2015, the terror militias within Syria are now restricted to Idlib and far north Syria. Meanwhile, the ‘Syrian proxies’ in Turkey are mish-mash of regional militant Islamists long operating from Turkish base camps across southern Turkey – but are increasingly now under full Turkish control, as their Gulf State patronage fell away – these militants are of course now international terrorists and have little future outside of Turkish patronage and deployment. Turkey is now fully exploiting this accidental chain of events for all its regional worth – but how long Turkey can run a sizable Islamist terror-militia, and continue deploying it into increasingly broader international affairs – ie, Libya/Armenia – remains to be seen, and interfering into India may well prove a step too far into the international arena.
Militants for hire aside, what is Pakistan and Turkey getting out of this from each other?!
Muslim solidarity can only go so far. What else is being offered here?!
Sadism. They can rape and torture human beings to death. What greater pleasure and gain for Turks and Muslims?
THIS IS ISLAM as recorded in the holy book of Islam, the Qur’an:
Qur’an 22:19 “Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.”
Qur’an 3:28 “Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.”
Qur’an 3:85 “Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.”
Qur’an 5:33 “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam.”
Qur’an 8:12 “Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Koran.”
Qur’an 8:60 “Muslims must muster ALL weapons to terrorize the infidels.”
Qur’an 8:65 “The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.”
Qur’an 9:5 “When opportunity arises, Kill the infidels wherever you catch them.”
Qur’an 9:28 “The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque.”
Qur’an 9:30 “The J-ws and the Christians are perverts; fight them.”
Qur’an 9:123 “Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.”
Qur’an 47:4 “Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; Behead them when you catch them.”
Qur’an 3:54 “Allah is the greatest deceiver” – “Allahu khayru al-makireena”
Nice propaganda piece. only you forgot that Christians have killed over a hundred times more people than Muslims have done in their entire history. Just revisit history of WW1, WW2, Colonial and Imperial wars, and you’ll know which religious group actually killed more humans on Earth. And these colonial and imperial wars are ongoing waged by the PEACEFUL DOVES of the Western world.
I agree with you on that one, I don’t fuking understand why people play the fuking religion card 24/7 Moronic.
Its been the same old control playbook for thousands of years.
What kind of a moron you are, Muslim.
You should at least keep quiet. I quoted from the Quran itself. No modification, no “interpretation.”
The atrocities committed by those who called themselves Christians in no way mitigates nor justifies your abominable Muslim religion and your abominable filth called the Quran.
No human being can call himself a Muslim — or a Jew for that matter. Read the Talmud. As abominable as the Quran.
Your idiotic Islamophobia is ensuring and promoting Muslim resurgence and unity.
Just more nonsense from you. If the Qur’an really teaches what you claim, then it is Christians who have done the killings far far more as statistics by Christian organizations show.
Got to Quran.com and search the meanings and explanations of all those verses you posted. Wikipedia is not where you should study the Quran. No institution in this world uses Wikipedia as a reliable source.
I don’t have the time to explain all those verses for you. So just read more at Quran.com and you’ll know just how twisted your interpretation is.
There was MORE bloodshed in Europe than anything the Middle East have seen. The middle east used to be a peaceful region until the establishment of Israel and the coming of America. Christians brought war to the middle east not Muslims.
Christianity is rotten insideout. The largest porn industries are in your countries. Your people are the highest consumers of alcohol, drugs, weed (it’s even legal in America). You’ll hardly find any war in the past hundred years and up till now where a Christian nation is not involved.
CHRISTIANS ARE THE REAL KILLERS! I HAVE STATISTICAL EVIDENCE FOR THIS CLAIM. If you want to dispute it, I’ll start posting my stats and the links here. But your evil wicked dirty hearts won’t let you realize that you are the ones killing people allover the world.
Cut the crap.
I’m only quoting the Quran.
You’re a pathetic learner of the Qur’an then. Go to real sources to learn about all those verses you quoted. Use the source I provided as a starting point to research the meanings of those verses.
You are the one spewing crap, only you don’t know it.
And you are Turkish heretic and apostate of Islam.
Islam forbids priests who come between Allah, the Quran and the Moslems. No man can pretend to interpret the Quran. If he does than he’s betraying Islam just like you are doing, and Ataturk did in the past.
Hell, Ataturk in fact created a Turkish priestly class and made them an official ministry (Diyanet) of the Turkish State.
You Turks are so hypocritical and twisted you make me sick.
What is wrong with you guys calling me Turk? Well, if that’s because I support Turkey, then I’ll proudly welcome you calling me a Turk.
The Qur’an has a clear meaning but sometimes requires deeper explanation of those meanings in light of the Prophet’s actions. That guy obviously quoted a twisted version of those verses because the Qur’an NEVER supports evil or chaos in whatever form. So if someone says it does, then there is something wrong with his understanding.
As for you calling me an apostate, be careful with such a big pronouncement. I suggest (for your own good) that you edit that message and seek forgiveness asap. The Prophet (S.A.W) warned that anyone who utters a statement of apostate should know that such a statement does not fall to the ground. If the person accused of apostasy is still a Muslim, then the accuser becomes the apostate.
Finally, tell me what it is about my comment that made me an apostate, and back it up with Islamic justification. This is not a challenge. I just want to know if I truly did say something that got me out of the fold.
The Quran is not open to interpretation like you claim. The Qur’an is to be read and taken LITERALLY. If the Quran says you cut hands and feet and burn people alive, that’s how it is.
Because you lie and claim that the Quran says something other cutting hands and feet when it clearly says so, you are an apostate.
Any ISIS member is a better Muslim than you, half-breed Turk.
You have suddenly become an expert of the Qur’an despite being a kafir? Well, I guess I have plenty of explanation to do.
Please quote any verses of the Qur’an you have problem with and I’ll explain with proofs from classical Islamic books including the Qur’an itself. We don’t have to argue. I can clarify somethings to you and for those that I have little or no knowledge of, I’ll refer you to qualified persons who’ll gladly answer any questions you might have. That is if you are sincere in your criticism. If you really want to know before condemning, NOT condemn before knowing.
Explain how it can be humanly justifiable to cut human beings hands and feet off under ANY circumstances:
Qur’an Verse 5:33 [Surah Al-Ma’idah]
“Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment…”
The bible did clearly say that people will go to hellfire. Suppose it is the same fire as the worldly fire. compare burning someone alive and crucifying them to death. And remember that the inhabitants of hell who are disbelievers will abide therein forever. Certainly crucifixion is a lighter punishment.
The God who’ll take disbelievers to hell is the same God who gave the order to crucify those who spread corruption on Earth (misleading others to hell)
You’re saying that it’s OK for you Muslims to chop human beings into pieces (I asked you about that and you’re dishonestly changing the subject) because God burns people in hell.
You are dishonest and evil.
Islam, like all forms and sects of Judaism, is evil. The Quran promotes torture and murder. Christ preached love and peace mostly and said the old ways (killing and oppression) are out and the new ways (peace and compassion) are in.
Explain how it can be humanly justifiable to cut human beings’ hands and feet off under ANY circumstances:
Qur’an Verse 5:33 [Surah Al-Ma’idah]
“Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment…”
Waging war against the righteous order established by Islam is the highest crime any human being can commit. This situation applies to an Islamic government where an individual or group of individuals attempt to overthrow or replace the Islamic order with something else. There is no crime worse than this, and the government can apply the harshest of punishments as a deterrent for any such attempt. However, this punishment can ONLY be applied by the authorities and not the general masses or a group of Muslims. Again, they authorities will decide on the severity of the crime and what punishment to give. It could be just cutting off one hand depending on what the judges understand to be right.
Now, you Christians would often scream about how harsh that punishment is. I have a question for you: Did the bible at least once commanded stoning to death of adulterers or not? Which one is worse: stoning to death or cutting off the hands or feet or crucifixion? To me, stoning to death is worse. The same God who gave that order in the bible gave this one in the Quran. The same God also destroyed the people of Noah, including children in that flood. So to you, that God must be wicked right? But your evil of rebelling against the one who created you and everything you ever benefited from, who gives your free air without which you cannot survive for a second, with whose permission you take every step, and yet, you won’t recognize his majesty nor bow down for Him. Is there any crime worse than that? Is there any animal in this world more filthy and degenerate than such a rebellious disbeliever?
What is your idea of hell fire? Compare it to worldly fire. Which one is a more severe punishment: to be burnt alive without dying or to crucify your to death or cut off the feet and/or hands? You’ll certainly call hellfire an inhumane punishment by God I guess.
The point is, God owns this world and everything therein. He sets the rule. Every punishment from Him is pure justice and every blessing from him is pure grace.
You are not God. You cannot speak for God. To claim to speak for God is heresy.
You can only speak for yourself and you are saying it’s OK for Muslims to cut peoples’ hands and feet off because God gave you that authority?
Remember, God is the greatest deceiver according to Islam and He may be testing you: Qur’an 3:54 “Allah is the greatest deceiver” – “Allahu khayru al-makireena”https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Allah,_the_Best_Deceiver_(Qur%27an_3:52)
So, Muslim,
When you cut people up into pieces, YOU are responsible for your depravity in doing so. You Muslims torture human beings because you like it, you take pleasure in seeing people suffer.
You are an abomination.
Islam is an abomination.
If the human race had any brains, they would outlaw Islam (and Judaism) and peaceably sterilize all Muslims to put an end to your atrocities.
“You are not God. You cannot speak for God. To claim to speak for God is heresy”
The Quran was not authored by Muslims or Muhammad. It is God speaking directly to His creatures. So how could it be that we are speaking for God? The Qur’an tells you what God says and the laws he laid out for everyone. It’s your freewill to obey or rebel, but their is consequences in the end.
I said somethings about these very punishments in the Bible. The same God who authorized it in the Bible is the God you are indirectly insulting. The fact Christians claim to have abolished these punishments doesn’t clear God of the past if those laws are as evil as you tend to believe.
You never for once made reference to Christianity in your comment. In the real world, Christianity is the real abomination. No group of people have fought so many wars AMONGST themselves like the Christians. No group of people have killed more humans on earth like Christians. So this should be the religion humans should abolish not Islam.
Christians try all they can to smear Islam because they can’t even imagine the slightest possibility that they might be on the path to hell. So they point fingers at Islam with all kinds of accusations. But we see they are the ones committing the worst crimes against humanity, like nuking countries, saturating the world with weapons, drugs, crushing debt, promoting immorality ( Some Christian countries have 80% bastards than legitimate children due to chronic fornication. So what can you teach others?).
One big question for you, Kafir: Which is a worse crime against humanity between the two below:
1. enslaving countries in crushing debt that spans generations, legalizing alcohol and cigarettes (world’s highest killers), pornography, saturating the world with weapons, researching and developing inhuman weapons, nuking and threatening to nuke countries, colonialism, capitalism, promoting immorality, KILLING HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS from colonial and imperialistic wars, blanket surveilancing the world, etc
2. Setting punishment for immorality like flogging, stoning to death, amputation, crucifixion, death penalty for blasphemy. But not killing hundreds of millions through wars, enslaving generations in debt, cracking down on immorality, etc.
Would you like your children (both male and female) to be watching porn, smoking, drinking, fornicating as they please, commit abortions, give birth out of wedlock, etc? These are the very things Islam came to correct. And only Islam can eliminate these societal problems. Christianity has over 2000 years to fix it. But look what Europe and the Western world has become.
That’s the reason Christianity is rotten inside out. A defective solution is in itself a problem. And that’s what Christianity is. It can’t fix even the Western society. Things just keep getting worse for them.
I acquiesce that what you call nominally ‘the Christian world’ today is a depraved place. The West doesn’t think of itself as Christian though, be aware of that. What was once the Christian West today is nothing but an immoral and morally destitute place ruled by Frankist Jews who hate anyone with morals, regardless of whether they are nominally Christian, Muslim or atheist.
As to your original question. You make a good point, my enemy brother. The crimes of the West you mentioned are no less evil than the atrocities your Islam and Quran preach. As you suggested; the violence contained within Islam is greater on an individual level; but the crimes of the West and the Jews that rule the West as part of the Western aristocracy are greater in number and prevalence.
For every head you Muslims cut off with extreme cruelty and violence, the West destroys a thousand lives in morbid subtlety.
Now I cannot commend you Muslim, for that awful difference.
But I do respect and understand the valid point you made this time. I appreciate it, enemy brother.
I never implied that individual punishment in Islam are a crime. I only wanted you to see how biased your view of Islam being the worst religion is. So I gave you examples of the extent of what you call a damage by the Quran and Muslims in comparison to the actual damage done by the Christian West.
This is the third time you are avoiding my question regarding the Bible. God did set these laws in the Bible too, and the rules were applied right until the time of Christ. Christians stopped the punishments citing that Christ has ended them, but the Bible clearly states that Christ did not abolish the laws himself. He didn’t explicitly state anywhere in the Bible that such laws be abolish.
But suppose Christ did actually abolish stoning to death for adultery. Does that clear God? Certainly not by your definition.
So my question is, what do you think of God when he destroyed the world (including children) in a flood and also gave Moses such laws as stoning to death for adultry. I want your opinion about this.
Today, there are still calamities happening around the world that God can prevent if he wanted to, like Earth quakes, floods, volcanoes, etc. Thousands are dying from such calamities, including children, pregnant women, old men, etc. Do you think God is wicked? I really want to know your view here.
Any being who supposedly created a world like this is the most wicked thing there is, be it the Allah of the Quran or the God of the Bible.
Allah/God is by definition omnipotent. Therefore He could have achieved any of His goals *without* creating and causing all the suffering in the world. That He chose to create all the suffering condemns Him as the supreme sadist and psychopath of the universe. IF He exists as you believe that He does.
I understand you are an atheist. Frankly, I don’t have the strength to start reasoning with an atheist. But don’t you think it’s the dumbest idea to think everything in the world just came into existence by accident or randomly? Think of the our body works, the digestive, reproductive, respiratory systems. These are designed in order. Each organ performing a particular function like the parts of a machine.
How’d you like it if someone were to tell you that a particular car just created itself, or a building just appeared all by itself. Would you believe that no intelligent being designed it? Then what about your body which is by far more complex and more orderly than a car? You think your body just built itself? We see a similar system in mammals including apes. who designed it?
Why is it that we have only male and female animals if everything happens by coincidence? There should be a third sex and a fourth and a fifth since NO INTELLIGENT being designed it to be so.
Your inability to figure out that these things simply cannot happen by coincidence speaks volumes of your poor reasoning faculty.
Studying your own body is enough to convince anyone that some intelligent being must have designed it. There is simply too much ORDER for it to be a coincidence.
Very well.
Ask yourself this and come back to me with your answer, just as obliged you with your own inquiry.
When was the last time that you decided to decide anything?
When did you ever decide that something is the way it is?
Are you deciding how to interpret what I’m saying to you? Or are you reacting to the words I write according to your nature which, as you yourself stated, is not of your doing?
Careful .
Since you do not determine a single thought nor experience, based on what can you tell me that anything you may say is true?
Since you do not produce nor determine any of your thoughts or experiences; since you do not create therefore determine nor control a single one of your thoughts or experiences, or what you call ‘knowledge’?
Based on WHAT exactly do you claim that anything you may say — including the knowledge claims you make about God and the biology and functions of my body — is true?
What is the source of your AUTHORITY?
Don’t tell me it’s God because, by definition, only God can know God. Anybody who says he knows God is saying he’s equal to God thus committing heresy.
The limited (human) cannot know the Unlimited (God).
Very well.
Ask yourself this and come back to me with your answer, just as I obliged you with your own inquiry and answered you as you requested.
When was the last time that you decided to decide anything?
When did you ever decide that something is the way it is?
Are you deciding how to interpret what I’m saying to you? Or are you reacting to the words I write according to your nature which, as you yourself stated, is not of your doing?
Since you do not determine a single thought nor experience of yours; based on what can you tell me that anything you may say is true?
Since you do not produce nor determine any of your thoughts or experiences; since you do not create therefore determine nor control a single one of your thoughts or experiences, or what you call ‘knowledge’?
Based on WHAT exactly do you claim that anything you may say — including the knowledge claims you make about God and the biology and functions of my body — is true?
What is the source of your AUTHORITY?
Don’t tell me it’s God because, by definition, only God can know God. Anybody who says he knows God is saying he’s equal to God thus committing heresy.
The limited (human) cannot know the Unlimited (God).
“When was the last time that you decided to decide anything?”
Ans: This question makes no sense. I’m always making decisions. Everyone is.
“When did you ever decide that something is the way it is?”
Ans: When there is overwhelming evidence or logic that proves something to be the way it is.
“Are you deciding how to interpret what I’m saying to you? Or are you reacting to the words I write according to your nature which, as you yourself stated, is not of your doing?”
Ans: I understand you from what you say. The English is clear. By your statements, it’s clear that you don’t believe in God, or at least you hate Him.
“Since you do not determine a single thought nor experience of yours; based on what can you tell me that anything you may say is true?”
Ans: Sure, I do not chose to believe belief (my thoughts) blindly. I look for evidence and logic. In the case of God, logic and evidence abound that there is an intelligent being who is responsible for the order I see around me. It takes wisdom, open-mindedness and fairness to understand the signs which God has created around. I gave you an example with the complex, perfect, and orderly design of your body system. If you need more examples of an orderly system designed to function like a machine does, then observe the ecosystem, the plant body, chemistry, physics, psychology, any many more uncountable. I can tell there is a higher level of order, design, and expertise in all these fields than you can find in any machine humans ever created. Since you hold that these things all appeared by coincidence, why then aren’t our machines appearing by coincidence? Why aren’t more human beings or new animals appearing out of thin air? Why did humans stop evolving? Why aren’t more apes evolving into humans? Don’t forget that even the body of an insect has a more complex design than any machine you can think of. And unlike a machine whose parts wear out, the various parts of the human body NEVER wears out.
“Since you do not produce nor determine any of your thoughts or experiences; since you do not create therefore determine nor control a single one of your thoughts or experiences, or what you call ‘knowledge’?”
Ans: I do not create ALL of my thoughts, but I can control which one to believe based on evidence and logical reasoning. “Reason” is different from “Thought”. Reason in my definition is the use of all your senses and mind to determine the validity of a “thought”. Therefore, I find too many PHYSICAL EVIDENCES around me to understand that this kind of ORDER cannot come by coincidence, just like you are sure that a car was created by an intelligent being (human).
“Based on WHAT exactly do you claim that anything you may say — including the knowledge claims you make about God and the biology and functions of my body — is true?”
Ans: Based on PURE PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. And based on Scientific non-physical evidence. And based on Logical thinking and reasoning. And based on fairness to the creator who you are rebelling against.
“What is the source of your AUTHORITY?”
Ans: The source of my authority is science, my five sense organs, and logic.
“only God can know God. Anybody who says he knows God is saying he’s equal to God thus committing heresy”
Ans: Sure, only God knows Himself completely. But he did reveal to us (humans) a lot about Himself. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) who the last prophet God sent told us more about God than anyone ever did. You can study more from the Qur’an and the Sunnah. But go learn from a guided Muslim scholar, not the likes of ISIS and Shiites.
“The limited (human) cannot know the Unlimited (God).”
Of course, we cannot know anything about God EXCEPT for what He REVEALED to us through his messengers like Jesus and Muhammad.
Would you believe me if I told that a car parked in a forest JUST APPEARED by itself purely from coincidence, and no body created it? Certainly you will not. Do you know why? Because of the complex ORDER in that car: the wheels for movement, the door for entry, the steering wheel for control, the seat, brake, pedal, etc. These things cannot just arrange themselves by themselves. Some intelligent being must have arranged them like that. Now look at your body. It is by far more complex than a car. Scientists are still studying and discovering new higher levels of order in our body. But engineers know everything about the system of a car.
I hope you understood something from my lengthy reply. May Allah (God) guide us to the right path.
Have a good day.
Thank you, enemy Muslim brother.
Admirable it is, a man who wants to think and honor another man by answering his questions.
This is philosophy now. I will reply to your queries. But consider; the moment you start thinking for yourself, you are no longer submitting to Allah and God’s will (Islam) but wagering your own free will by generating knowledge independently for yourself.
ISIS would have beheaded you right there.
No unnecessary words then.
“When was the last time that you decided to decide anything?” Ans: This question makes no sense. I’m always making decisions. Everyone is.
REBUTTAL: Making decisions is different than determining HOW decisions are made. When you eat ice cream, you may “decide” that it’s sweet but you do not decide what “sweet” itself is. Can you decide that ‘sweet’ is ‘sour’ instead or ‘left’ is now ‘right’, or ‘right’ is thence ‘wrong’? Are you deciding what my words mean or are you merely acknowledging and then responding to their meaning according to what you were taught they mean? Can you decide to see blue as red — or taste sweet as salty? A machine “decides” according to its program or design. You “decide” according to your nature and your education. A machine has a creator (humans). Do you even have one? Suggestion for now: What you think of as ‘deciding’ is no different than involuntary reaction to stimuli. What you think of as your thoughts are essentially no different than the beating of your heart — you neither produce nor control either.
“When did you ever decide that something is the way it is?” Ans: When there is overwhelming evidence or logic that proves something to be the way it is.
RESPONSE: Please review again in the context of my comments above
“Are you deciding how to interpret what I’m saying to you? Or are you reacting to the words I write according to your nature which, as you yourself stated, is not of your doing?” Ans: I understand you from what you say. The English is clear. By your statements, it’s clear that you don’t believe in God, or at least you hate Him.
RESPONSE: Again, please review again in the context of my comments above
“Since you do not determine a single thought nor experience of yours; based on what can you tell me that anything you may say is true?” Ans: Sure, I do not chose to believe belief (my thoughts) blindly. I look for evidence and logic. In the case of God, logic and evidence abound that there is an intelligent being who is responsible for the order I see around me. It takes wisdom, open-mindedness and fairness to understand the signs which God has created around. I gave you an example with the complex, perfect, and orderly design of your body system. If you need more examples of an orderly system designed to function like a machine does, then observe the ecosystem, the plant body, chemistry, physics, psychology, any many more uncountable. I can tell there is a higher level of order, design, and expertise in all these fields than you can find in any machine humans ever created. Since you hold that these things all appeared by coincidence, why then aren’t our machines appearing by coincidence? Why aren’t more human beings or new animals appearing out of thin air? Why did humans stop evolving? Why aren’t more apes evolving into humans? Don’t forget that even the body of an insect has a more complex design than any machine you can think of. And unlike a machine whose parts wear out, the various parts of the human body NEVER wears out.
REBUTTAL: 1) Something complex is not proof that someone (e.g., God) made it. Does someone make snow flakes which are all quite complex and different in shape? 2) I do not “hold that these things all appeared by coincidence”. 3) You do not know that ‘humans stopped evolving.’ 4) There is no reason for ‘more apes to evolve into humans.’ 5) ALL parts of the human body wear out: it’s called getting old which refers to (unexplainable and illogical) cellular degradation (the cause of which is UNKOWN) of the cells that constitute our bodies resulting in death caused by the eventual failure of all the organs making up our bodies. Did you know that there is no reason for death? There is no reason our bodies couldn’t regenerate healthy cells forever (if not sick) enabling us to live forever. They just don’t. Right there is “an effect without a cause” since you’re looking for one.
“Since you do not produce nor determine any of your thoughts or experiences; since you do not create therefore determine nor control a single one of your thoughts or experiences, or what you call ‘knowledge’?” Ans: I do not create ALL of my thoughts, but I can control which one to believe based on evidence and logical reasoning. “Reason” is different from “Thought”. Reason in my definition is the use of all your senses and mind to determine the validity of a “thought”. Therefore, I find too many PHYSICAL EVIDENCES around me to understand that this kind of ORDER cannot come by coincidence, just like you are sure that a car was created by an intelligent being (human).
REBUTTAL: 1) How do you differentiate between the thoughts you created yourself and the ones you did not? 2) How do you know that what you call “REASON” is authoritative? Based on WHAT do you claim that “REASON” is authority? Is “REASON” more authoritative than God? Is “REASON” God? If so, then are YOU God since you have “REASON”? Can anyone but God know what He thinks, but God Himself? 3) You have seen men make cars. Have you seen God make men?
“Based on WHAT exactly do you claim that anything you may say — including the knowledge claims you make about God and the biology and functions of my body — is true?” Ans: Based on PURE PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. And based on Scientific non-physical evidence. And based on Logical thinking and reasoning. And based on fairness to the creator who you are rebelling against.
REBUTTAL: How do know that something is “evidence”? If you are going to claim that you know based on “REASON”, PLEASE SEE ABOVE.
“What is the source of your AUTHORITY?” Ans: The source of my authority is science, my five sense organs, and logic.
“only God can know God. Anybody who says he knows God is saying he’s equal to God thus committing heresy” Ans: Sure, only God knows Himself completely. But he did reveal to us (humans) a lot about Himself. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) who the last prophet God sent told us more about God than anyone ever did. You can study more from the Qur’an and the Sunnah. But go learn from a guided Muslim scholar, not the likes of ISIS and Shiites.
REBUTTAL: Can you know a man sitting on a chair without knowing the chair itself, so that you do not mistake one for the other? How do you know that your “REASON” is a gift bestowed upon you by God instead of being just lies created by Satan? Unless you can differentiate between them which necessitates your knowing BOTH? Can you truly know any one thing without knowing everything? Can you know the Quran without having reasoned nor written a single word of it, nor having determined the meaning of any of them? Can a car know a man? Yet a car “knows” more about its creator than you know about yours.
“The limited (human) cannot know the Unlimited (God).” Of course, we cannot know anything about God EXCEPT for what He REVEALED to us through his messengers like Jesus and Muhammad.
REBUTTAL: As per above, how can you tell the difference between Muhammad and Satan? Especially when the Quran itself says that ‘Allah is the greatest deceiver’? https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Allah,_the_Best_Deceiver_(Qur%27an_3:52)
Would you believe me if I told that a car parked in a forest JUST APPEARED by itself purely from coincidence, and no body created it? Certainly you will not. Do you know why? Because of the complex ORDER in that car: the wheels for movement, the door for entry, the steering wheel for control, the seat, brake, pedal, etc. These things cannot just arrange themselves by themselves. Some intelligent being must have arranged them like that. Now look at your body. It is by far more complex than a car. Scientists are still studying and discovering new higher levels of order in our body. But engineers know everything about the system of a car.
I hope you understood something from my lengthy reply. May Allah (God) guide us to the right path. Have a good day.
REBUTTAL: A car is evidence of human, NOT of divine existence. You are mistakenly and disingenuously conflating both.
–You too.
No unnecessary words then.
“When was the last time that you decided to decide anything?” Ans: This question makes no sense. I’m always making decisions. Everyone is.
REBUTTAL: Making decisions is different than determining HOW decisions are made. When you eat ice cream, you may “decide” that it’s sweet but you do not decide what “sweet” itself is. Can you decide that ‘sweet’ is ‘sour’ instead or ‘left’ is now ‘right’, or ‘right’ is thence ‘wrong’? Are you deciding what my words mean or are you merely acknowledging and then responding to their meaning according to what you were taught they mean? Can you decide to see blue as red — or taste sweet as salty? A machine “decides” according to its program or design. You “decide” according to your nature and your education. A machine has a creator (humans). Do you even have one? Suggestion for now: What you think of as ‘deciding’ is no different than involuntary reaction to stimuli. What you think of as your thoughts are essentially no different than the beating of your heart — you neither produce nor control either.
“When did you ever decide that something is the way it is?” Ans: When there is overwhelming evidence or logic that proves something to be the way it is.
RESPONSE: Please review again in the context of my comments above
“Are you deciding how to interpret what I’m saying to you? Or are you reacting to the words I write according to your nature which, as you yourself stated, is not of your doing?” Ans: I understand you from what you say. The English is clear. By your statements, it’s clear that you don’t believe in God, or at least you hate Him.
RESPONSE: Again, please review again in the context of my comments above
“Since you do not determine a single thought nor experience of yours; based on what can you tell me that anything you may say is true?” Ans: Sure, I do not chose to believe belief (my thoughts) blindly. I look for evidence and logic. In the case of God, logic and evidence abound that there is an intelligent being who is responsible for the order I see around me. It takes wisdom, open-mindedness and fairness to understand the signs which God has created around. I gave you an example with the complex, perfect, and orderly design of your body system. If you need more examples of an orderly system designed to function like a machine does, then observe the ecosystem, the plant body, chemistry, physics, psychology, any many more uncountable. I can tell there is a higher level of order, design, and expertise in all these fields than you can find in any machine humans ever created. Since you hold that these things all appeared by coincidence, why then aren’t our machines appearing by coincidence? Why aren’t more human beings or new animals appearing out of thin air? Why did humans stop evolving? Why aren’t more apes evolving into humans? Don’t forget that even the body of an insect has a more complex design than any machine you can think of. And unlike a machine whose parts wear out, the various parts of the human body NEVER wears out.
REBUTTAL: 1) Something complex is not proof that someone (e.g., God) made it. Does someone make snow flakes which are all quite complex and different in shape? 2) I do not “hold that these things all appeared by coincidence”. 3) You do not know that ‘humans stopped evolving.’ 4) There is no reason for ‘more apes to evolve into humans.’ 5) ALL parts of the human body wear out: it’s called getting old which refers to (unexplainable and illogical) cellular degradation (the cause of which is UNKOWN) of the cells that constitute our bodies resulting in death caused by the eventual failure of all the organs making up our bodies. Did you know that there is no reason for death? There is no reason our bodies couldn’t regenerate healthy cells forever (if not sick) enabling us to live forever. They just don’t. Right there is “an effect without a cause” since you’re looking for one.
“Since you do not produce nor determine any of your thoughts or experiences; since you do not create therefore determine nor control a single one of your thoughts or experiences, or what you call ‘knowledge’?” Ans: I do not create ALL of my thoughts, but I can control which one to believe based on evidence and logical reasoning. “Reason” is different from “Thought”. Reason in my definition is the use of all your senses and mind to determine the validity of a “thought”. Therefore, I find too many PHYSICAL EVIDENCES around me to understand that this kind of ORDER cannot come by coincidence, just like you are sure that a car was created by an intelligent being (human).
REBUTTAL: 1) How do you differentiate between the thoughts you created yourself and the ones you did not? 2) How do you know that what you call “REASON” is authoritative? Based on WHAT do you claim that “REASON” is authority? Is “REASON” more authoritative than God? Is “REASON” God? If so, then are YOU God since you have “REASON”? Can anyone but God know what He thinks, but God Himself? 3) You have seen men make cars. Have you seen God make men?
“Based on WHAT exactly do you claim that anything you may say — including the knowledge claims you make about God and the biology and functions of my body — is true?” Ans: Based on PURE PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. And based on Scientific non-physical evidence. And based on Logical thinking and reasoning. And based on fairness to the creator who you are rebelling against.
REBUTTAL: How do know that something is “evidence”? If you are going to claim that you know based on “REASON”, PLEASE SEE ABOVE.
“What is the source of your AUTHORITY?” Ans: The source of my authority is science, my five sense organs, and logic.
“only God can know God. Anybody who says he knows God is saying he’s equal to God thus committing heresy” Ans: Sure, only God knows Himself completely. But he did reveal to us (humans) a lot about Himself. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) who the last prophet God sent told us more about God than anyone ever did. You can study more from the Qur’an and the Sunnah. But go learn from a guided Muslim scholar, not the likes of ISIS and Shiites.
REBUTTAL: Can you know a man sitting on a chair without knowing the chair itself, so that you do not mistake one for the other? How do you know that your “REASON” is a gift bestowed upon you by God instead of being just lies created by Satan? Unless you can differentiate between them which necessitates your knowing BOTH? Can you truly know any one thing without knowing everything? Can you know the Quran without having reasoned nor written a single word of it, nor having determined the meaning of any of them? Can a car know a man? Yet a car “knows” more about its creator than you know about yours.
“The limited (human) cannot know the Unlimited (God).” Of course, we cannot know anything about God EXCEPT for what He REVEALED to us through his messengers like Jesus and Muhammad.
REBUTTAL: As per above, how can you tell the difference between Muhammad and Satan? Especially when the Quran itself says that ‘Allah is the greatest deceiver’? https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Allah,_the_Best_Deceiver_(Qur%27an_3:52)
Would you believe me if I told that a car parked in a forest JUST APPEARED by itself purely from coincidence, and no body created it? Certainly you will not. Do you know why? Because of the complex ORDER in that car: the wheels for movement, the door for entry, the steering wheel for control, the seat, brake, pedal, etc. These things cannot just arrange themselves by themselves. Some intelligent being must have arranged them like that. Now look at your body. It is by far more complex than a car. Scientists are still studying and discovering new higher levels of order in our body. But engineers know everything about the system of a car.
I hope you understood something from my lengthy reply. May Allah (God) guide us to the right path. Have a good day.
REBUTTAL: A car is evidence of human, NOT of divine existence. You are mistakenly and disingenuously conflating both.
–You too.
LMFAO buddy do you fuking think they care huh?
It not just Islam buddy,
Deuteronomy 17
Deuteronomy 13:
Luke 19:27 ESV
But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’”
2 Chronicles 15:12-13 ESV
And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman.
Cut the BS buddy okay,
I have Muslims friends…be it they are Shia Muslims and here fun fact, none of them read the Quran. Matter of fact most of them don’t read it or care anymore, 90% of time
Then they are not true Muslims, moron.
If you’re a Muslim, you follow the Quran like ISIS do.
Furthermore, I am no admirer of the Jew. The Torah/Old Testament and the Talmud especially, are a litany of abomination.
What do you follow buddy? (what type of christian or whatever are you) and are you fully following it. I’m guessing you should know everything about your religion and obey by it.
You are a full stupid ass moron buddy, and you don’t know nothing about Islam or ISIS kiddo grow up and stop sucking dicks and lying.
Shia and “good” Sunnis don’t follow the 7th center book bitch, look at Iran/Iraq/Syria/Turkey and see how much freedom they have…Iran have gays they don’t kill them and THEY ARE MUSLIMS.
I can tell you never get out of your country….I been to Iran and they drink alcohol. Are they not Muslims now….EVEN FUKING WASHHBI SUNNIS IN KSA AND QATAR drink alcohol and fuk pink hair girls.
The Wahhabi Sunnis (ISIL/Daesh) killed more Shia+Sunnis MUSLIMS the fuk are you talking about…they get paid by West and Zion to kill Muslims.
Comparing ISIS to ALL Muslims show you stupid ass kiddo, I get it I have read your comment here before…you mad bitch about Turkey. But trying to speak like morons wouldn’t do you much.
Muslims = Jews now, LMFAO you fuking stupid bitch….American christian fukers are by far worse then Zion shithead.
Alcohol is forbidden in Iran. It’s bought in the black market and consumed discreetly. It’s illegal in SA and the rules are stricter.
You can still buy alcohol in Turkey legally but it’s more expensive than in the US.
The average wage is $350 in Turkey. So that’s how they sanction alcohol in modern Turkey.
Let me be clear.
ANY part of the Old or New Testament that is essentially Jewish in nature is pure filth, as is the entire Quran.
I distinguish between a simple Judaic sect, i.e., Christianity or the so-called Christian Religion, and the greater Christian World and Christian Culture which produced the Renaissance and the ensuing philosophical and scientific achievements culminating in a considerable Enlightenment.
I am no staunch proponent of any of the monotheistic religions taken at face value.
However, it’s a fact that Islam and Judaism haven’t even partially reformed since their respective inceptions unlike Christianity which has become a sort of kinder and gentler version of its former self, at least in Europe.
If memory serves me,You’re quoting mostly the old testament which is basicaly suspased or “updated”by the new testament,(Heard of Jesus?)and in Luke you’re quoting out of context.
Typical Muslim propaganda when exposed … easy to disassemble without any problems …
I will choose just one example from your bulshit list with “incriminating” examples from the Bible … let’s say this one:
“Luke 19:27 ESV
But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want to rule over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me. ‘”
So, I guess you presented this quote as the words of Jesus Christ, right??…
Well, you mignon scum, bad news for you and for all your mignon brothers in faith… only an muslim ignorant like you would take the lies you “presented” for granted…
But if one will read the whole chapter, it will be easy to discover that these words do not belong to Christ but to a nobleman who left his country on the hands of his servants for a while, I quote “A nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and then return. 13 Calling ten of his servants,[a] he gave them ten minas,[b] and said to them, ‘Engage in business until I come.” … ok, so long story short, while he was gone, his servants were stolen from him so when he came back he was very upset with his servants and he wanted to punish them… here is the whole chapter for those who really want to know the truth and not be fooled by a bunch of liars like you …
“The Parable of the Ten Minas
11 As they heard these things, he proceeded to tell a parable, because he was near to Jerusalem, and because they supposed that the kingdom of God was to appear immediately. 12 He said therefore, “A nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and then return. 13 Calling ten of his servants,[a] he gave them ten minas,[b] and said to them, ‘Engage in business until I come.’ 14 But his citizens hated him and sent a delegation after him, saying, ‘We do not want this man to reign over us.’ 15 When he returned, having received the kingdom, he ordered these servants to whom he had given the money to be called to him, that he might know what they had gained by doing business. 16 The first came before him, saying, ‘Lord, your mina has made ten minas more.’ 17 And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant![c] Because you have been faithful in a very little, you shall have authority over ten cities.’ 18 And the second came, saying, ‘Lord, your mina has made five minas.’ 19 And he said to him, ‘And you are to be over five cities.’ 20 Then another came, saying, ‘Lord, here is your mina, which I kept laid away in a handkerchief; 21 for I was afraid of you, because you are a severe man. You take what you did not deposit, and reap what you did not sow.’ 22 He said to him, ‘I will condemn you with your own words, you wicked servant! You knew that I was a severe man, taking what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow? 23 Why then did you not put my money in the bank, and at my coming I might have collected it with interest?’ 24 And he said to those who stood by, ‘Take the mina from him, and give it to the one who has the ten minas.’ 25 And they said to him, ‘Lord, he has ten minas!’ 26 ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. 27 But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’”
Armenian cowards have no shame to talk utter rubbish. And then you wonder why Turkey and Pakistan whacked the hell out of you.
You took the verses out of context , anyway I hope people reading your comment do their own research on what you posted .
All they have to do is to read the Quran.
But they don’t care anyway so you Muslims can go on with raping, torturing and murdering human beings throughout the world.
The Frankist Jews have your back.
You’re safe.
He is mad bitch at Turkey that’s all, if he feel better talking like a moron let him be…whatever this fuker follow made him mad like Daesh.
It all sounds rather like Jewdaism as well :)
Wow nice one trying to lie to get your point across
You do understand that it’s nothing more then a google search and we could clearly see you distorted the message of these verses
On a side note you can’t take a verse out the Quran without taking the verse before it and after it to understand what the message is what you are doing is what isis does to the ignorant sheep that don’t know basic Quran interpretation rules.
He is just an angry Armenian gypsy loser.
So this insidious Muslim is claiming that one verse of the Quran contradicts and eliminates another verse of the Quran.
Typical taqiyya Muslim lying.
No you claimed that don’t put words in my month.
I will explain my point for you
Qur’an 5:33 Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or exile from the land. This ˹penalty˺ is a disgrace for them in this world, and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the Hereafter.
We clearly see you distorted the whole verse to your liking
Now let’s take the verse before it and see what it says
Qur’an 5:32 That is why We ordained for the Children of Israel that whoever takes a life—unless as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land—it will be as if they killed all of humanity; and whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity.1 ˹Although˺ Our messengers already came to them with clear proofs, many of them still transgressed afterwards through the land.
Is the picture getting more clear to you Let’s take the verse after the one you distorted
Qur’an 5:34 As for those who repent before you seize them, then know that Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Now let’s put them in order for your little brain to understand.
Quran 5:32 That is why We ordained for the Children of Israel that whoever takes a life—unless as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land—it will be as if they killed all of humanity; and whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity.1 ˹Although˺ Our messengers already came to them with clear proofs, many of them still transgressed afterwards through the land.
Quran 5:33 Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or exile from the land. This ˹penalty˺ is a disgrace for them in this world, and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the Hereafter.
Quran 5:34 As for those who repent before you seize them, then know that Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
You’re insane.
Cutting off people’s hands and feet is unacceptable to any sane human being for any reason because it’s a horrible thing to do which cannot be countenanced by any normal human being for any reason.
You Muslims are sick.
Frankly the only solution for the Muslim problem is genocide, preferably of the non-violent sort.
If you Muslims agreed to be chemicallly sterilized, that’d be ideal.
The human race cannot survive unless Muslims are terminated, period.
Okay good luck trying to kill off a quarter of the world.
The Muslim is saying, the Muslims will continue to cut peoples’ hands, feet and heads because Muslims are one quarter of world population.
How can you still allow these creatures to exist? The Muslim claims Islam is a religion of peace while he says Muslims have the right to mutilate and torture human beings to death.
the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land it clearly sets a condition for these action and you forgot to mention or they could exile them from the land as punishment but of course a ignorant rat like you only sees what he wants to see.
You are blaming because I can see only the Quran and NOT your lies about Islam being a religion of peace.
You just addressed a veiled threat at me as well, of torturing me to death as instructed in your barbaric Quran, because I am exposing what Islam is and what the Quran says.
You Muslims are even worse than the Jews. The Jews often try to construct a vaguely believable story. You Muslims knowinglylie in our faces and expect us to accept your lies as the truth incarnate.
I am starting to lose all my sympathy for the Palestinians, the great majority of the Palestinians being Muslims, and there being many radical Islamist types among them.
Lol no one cares how you feel your not the first Muslim hater and you won’t be the last.
Okay, so some people are starting to wake up to reality … I’ve exposed that countless times!
Armenians are shameless losers and cowards and headed for gypsy status soon.
One thing is sure though…If they do that India will never forget what Turkey did in supporting Kashmir terrorism.
Sooner or later they will pay them back with interest.
After all India is future 1.3 billion global power.
And they are curently buying some ships from Turkey, that could be canceled. I doubt these news.
I do not.
Since Turkey is infatuated with Pakistan and their “nuclear power”.
One of the Erdogan’s wet dreams.
Turkey wants to becomes 2nd Muslim nuclear power, after Pakistan, through Pakistani know how.
That is why they have such “special relationship” because they share love for nukes and proliferating terrorists under the would be “jihad” brand, for their nationalist objectives.
I’m curious if Erdogan grows nuclear balls to openly declare it.
Pakistan is passing nuclear tech to Turkey. It has a very advanced nuclear program. It helped Iran create its massive nuclear program and now Turkey is reaping reward of pan-Islamic alliance.
Pakistan Gate Crashes Into Pressurized Water Nuclear Reactors
Pakistan has successfully begun the process of fuel loading at the
1100 MW K2 unit at the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP). If all goes
well three more reactors will be commissioned in Karachi (in Sindh) and one at Chashma (in Punjab).
For Pakistan, this is a big success despite being kept out of the
Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and preferential treatment being accorded
to India. The fact that this plant is jointly fabricated by China and
Pakistan indicates high technological standards Pakistan has achieved in
peaceful use of nuclear technologies.
This means that Pakistan has catapulted towards Hybrid 4th generation
Power Reactors that are more efficient, much safer, easier to shut down
in disasters like Chernobyl and Fukushima and smaller per output. The
technology is duel use for propulsion of ships, ice breakers and nuclear
submarines. So for the future, Pakistan will keep options open.
Pakistan suffers from an energy shortage. Any peaceful use of nuclear
technology that will help in societal betterment is welcome.
A Gulf Political Analyst
Pressurized Water Nuclear Reactors were initially designed to serve
as nuclear propulsion for nuclear submarines and later adapted to power
production. Most operating in the world are 2nd Generation by USA,
Russia, France and Japan. France is operating many 3rd Generation
reactors but the one by Pakistan is significantly advanced in
technology and will eventually be transferred to Turkey and Iran.
Turkey has NOTHING to declare. As long as they are in NATO they are tightly controlled. Once they get out of NATO the US and West will do all in their power (through pressure) to block proliferation of nuke know how form Pakistan to Turkey.
turkey learning from amerikans—losing allies creating more mistrust
India should send some manpads,mines,AT weapons to PKK
India is too weak to do anything. Kashmir is heating up and it is a pan-Islamic cause.
Gotta dump them somewhere… still too many of them left after N-K
IF this is true, this would put Washington in a difficult position. They’ll soon have to choose either India or Turkey as they won’t be able to placate both.
India is not a weakened state like Libya or NK, good luck rent-a-jihadi, you’ll need it. Lol.
remember Pakistan , Syrian militants and maybe Azerbaijan against India
so maybe India can lose ?
Meh, India is still stronger in a one on one fight. A few mercenaries aren’t going to even come close to tipping balance in Pakistan’s favour. China on the other hand…
China is arming Marxist rebels in Assam, Nagaland and Mizo areas, Pakistan is is supporting Sikhs and Kashmiris. India has 22 active insurgencies going on for past 50 years that cost lives of two Prime Ministers, Indira and her son Rajiv Gandhi. Indian atrocities in Kashmir have alienated over 200 million Muslim Indians as well as over 350 million Paksitanis and Bangladeshis and now Arabs and Turks are being sucked into the conflict. India is a very weak state.
to claim any religion is above atrocities is farcical. All religious texts contain many contradictions: this informs why so many sects exist in all religions. If we are to measure this correctly it is the Christians that have killed and tortured the most.
Your side’s catching up quick, and doing a much better job too.
India can now support the Kurds in its struggle against Turkish tyranny and repression. So, the PKK will have along with the United States, Israel, and now India.
LOL, Armenia is so poor that it can even afford to eat el-Mashi potato.
If anything this will probably help China and India get over their past differences, and then hopefully they’ll start to concentrate on the real enemy they both have.
The Muslim Brotherhood organization and it’s secret leader Erdogan have already pissed off the Chinese no end, the main reason China’s having so much trouble with it’s Uighur population is due to Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood stirring up ideas of a new Ottoman Empire [which would mean secession from China], that’s going to place the Indians in a similar boat to China now, which makes me hope that might be a enough good reason for them to start cooperating together against Erdogan now.
Unfortunately both the Chinese and the Indians are too stupid to realize that.
Give it some time so the Indians can get a taste of what Erdogan and his Muslim Brotherhood cronies are offering, that should give them more than enough incentive to help each other.
headchoppers’ next adventure
Fake news Pakistan don’t need any help they r strong enough. If they want help from Mujahideen different matter