US paratroopers participating in joint military exercises at the National Training Centre near Tolemaida. EFE/ Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda/ File photo
In the aftermath of last month’s failed mercenary incursion against Venezuela and the failure to prevent the Iranian fuel shipments after another barrage of ‘maximum pressure’ and threats, the US has announced that it will send troops of the Special Force Assistance Brigade to Colombia ‘to combat drug trafficking’ and ‘ensure peace’. One of the main focal points of their efforts will be areas along the border with Venezuela.
According to the statement issued on Wednesday by the US Embassy in Colombia, a specialized brigade of the United States Army will deploy to Colombia in June to ‘support peace and the fight against drug trafficking’ in areas hit by violence, crime and poverty. The deployment involves troops of the Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB), which already has forces deployed to the Caribbean as part of a force to ‘counter narco-trafficking’ (and attempt to enforce a maritime blockade against Venezuela). The US already has hundreds of military personnel, as well as possibly at least as many contractors, in Colombia.
It is the first time that the brigade has been deployed to a Latin American country, a fact that according to the US Embassy “reaffirms once again the commitment of the United States to Colombia, its best ally and friend in the region.”
“SFAB’s mission in Colombia is an opportunity to show our mutual commitment against drug trafficking and support for regional peace, respect for sovereignty and the lasting promise to defend shared ideals and values,” the commander in chief of the United States Southern Command (Southcom), Admiral Craig Faller, was quoted as saying.
SFAB is a specialized unit of the United States Army formed to advise and assist operations in allied nations. The mission in Colombia will begin in early June and last for several months, during which the focus will mainly be on the ‘Future Zones’ (Zonas Futuro) defined by the Colombian Government. The Future Zones strategy is a plan of the Government of Colombian President Iván Duque, which allows the State to intervene comprehensively, with security, justice and social investment programs, in the regions most affected by violence, crime and poverty.
The initiative will be developed in five regions of the country: the Pacific of Nariño (southwest); the Catatumbo region, bordering Venezuela; Bajo Cauca and southern Córdoba (northwest), Arauca (also located on the eastern border) and Chiribiquete and nearby National Natural Parks, in the Amazon, which are the areas with the largest coca crops in the country.
The Colombian Defence Minister, Carlos Holmes Trujillo, and the commander of the Military Forces, General Luis Fernando Navarro, have said that for the Colombian Government, the fight against drug trafficking is a priority shared with the United States, as it is one of the main engines of violence that affects communities and social leaders.
According to the report “Dynamics of the armed confrontation and its humanitarian and environmental impact” presented on Tuesday by the Ideas for Peace Foundation (Fundación Ideas para la Paz – FIP), the murders of social leaders in Colombia grew by 53% in the first four months of 2020, and forced displacement also increased by 5%. The study details that 16 leaders were killed in January, 11 in February, 13 in March and 9 in April for a total of 49, while in the first four months of 2019 there were 32. (LINK)
Apart from the proximity of many of the ‘Future Zones’ to the Venezuelan border, the zones have been problematic for the residents and their militarization has done nothing to improve their situation up to now. They were originally established as ‘Strategic Zones for Comprehensive Intervention’, which was subsequently changed to a more benign sounding ‘Consolidation and Rehabilitation Zones’; such designation granted exorbitant powers to the central government and the military to limit democracy and fundamental freedoms in the areas affected, for which reason they were declared unenforceable by the Constitutional Court in 2003. Faced with this, the Presidency decided to simply rename them ‘Future Zones’.
The announcement occurs against a backdrop of ongoing assassinations of Indigenous, rural and other community leaders, as well as of demobilized FARC members who have abided by all terms of the peace accord only to be hunted down once they demobilized, surrendered their weapons and registered in the transition zones.
The frequency and systematic nature of the assassinations was confirmed by a report released last month by Coordinación Colombia, Europa, Estados Unidos, an umbrella group for NGOs and other civil society organizations from Colombia, Europe and the US. (The report is available here)
The report also notes that the conditions generated by the declaration of the State of Economic, Social and Ecological Emergency throughout the national territory (Presidential Decree 417 of 17 March 2020) and the imposition of severe measures on the population such as mandatory isolation in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic has not prevented the persistence of serious violations of human rights and the oppression of manifestations of citizen dissatisfaction with the government.
Since the 6th of March, the date the first Covid-19 case in the country was confirmed, at least 10 ex-combatants who signed the peace have been killed in Sucre, Putumayo, Chocó, Tolima and Meta. During the same period (6 March to mid-April), 21 social leaders were assassinated, generally while they were in their homes in compliance with the quarantine measures. In some cases they were taken from their homes by armed men to later appear assassinated in other places by the usual ‘unknown’ or ‘indeterminate’ hitmen, who have been able to move freely around the heavily militarized zones amid the mobility restrictions that have been imposed on the rest of the community.
In these cases the Public Security Forces have been completely ineffective in counteracting the activities of illegal armed groups, even in zones that have been declared a high priority where the forces have a heavy presence, a point emphasized in the report which states:
“It is of great concern for this platform, that despite the early warning alerts issued by the United Nations, as well as by Church organizations, about continued human rights violations, and the reports of confinements, restrictions on the mobility of the communities and displacements, in Carmen del Darién, Alto Baudas, Southern Córdoba, Bajo Cauca, Roberto Payán and Tumaco, due to confrontations between illegal armed groups and their terror campaigns against local communities, it is surprising that: ‘the authorities always seem to be the last to know, in spite of the gigantic apparatus and budget destined for military intelligence, and they limit their response to a declaration that they will visit the area to verify the complaints.’”
It is evident that, being located in the regions where the links where the Public Force and the narco-paramilitary structures appear to be most consolidated, the Future Zones have not stopped human rights abuses or the persecution and extermination of social and community leaders and organizations that oppose the government’s objectives.
In these circumstances, the report by Coordinación Colombia, Europa, Estados Unidos emphasizes the urgency of implementing the Collective Protection Program for community leaders, organizations and social movements as agreed in the Final Peace Agreement with the FARC-EP in 2016. Rural communities and social movements have been demanding the implementation of the Peace Accord, and most importantly the provisions of the Accord designed to directly address the factors that are generating violence against the social leaders (such as dismantling of paramilitary structures, a major overhaul of State security agencies, revision of military doctrines based on the notion of an internal enemy, guarantees for the exercise of political opposition and guarantees for the free exercise of social protest and the participation of communities).
Nothing in the latest announcement acknowledges and confronts the evident collusion and delegated role of controlling and disciplining communities by violence and terror through paramilitary groups. Following on from his predecessors, the Duque Government is stubbornly resisting the dismantling of the paramilitary groups and the investigation of their patrons, collaborators and benefactors. Among other actions, three years after its creation the government is still preventing the National Commission for Security Guarantees from agreeing on the necessary actions to be taken and following up on the plan to dismantle the paramilitary structures.
Hope they use similar crowd to those that got picked up. Why is Venezuela so important to the US? Glad Russia. China and Iran are not letting the US take the nation with a vast wealth of natural resources.
Its because The masonic,iluminati, Vatican, Zionist alliance hasn’t successfully infiltrated the venuzualan government
Venezuela also doesn’t have much debt, to a certain banking family, does it?
Seen US flying into Columbia. Surprise, surprise.
Yep but im worried that this could kick off ww3
Not sure about WW3 but in a Cold War, we’re going to see a lot more of these kinds of proxy wars / skirmishes.
Good mature comment, Americunts are in total decline and imploding and the global strategic power balance is being rearranged by a number of powers, nature abhors a vacuum.
You kids need to get out more. LOL Who is going to fight this WW3?
Been waiting for WWIII since 2014. The Mobsters are having so much fun, using us as pawns, for their little games, providing we react in a scared and frightened manner. More chance of not making it to the other side of the road, then the Mobsters rush their chess game, by actually kick starting the war that will also take them out.
We are in the middle of it. Its a hybrid war in all areas.
WW3 started years ago with the illegal brutal attack on the former Yugoslavia,its just that many people don’t realize it yet.
The US military will bring what it always brings to other countries.
Poverty,violence and theft.
It baffles me somewhat that on one hand the Zio-Mafia are pushing the global ‘green deal’, yet the same Zio-Mafia cult is attempting to control all the worlds oil and gas, AM.
Good point with same crowd embracing ‘green energy’ that are pillaging the natural resources of nations with no R. Child debt.
Greedy, demanding, toddler syndrome so comes to mind. Want it all.
you forget to add the Talmudist gang
Americunt failed shithole state is burning from the NY island to the redwood forests, thanks to the racist pigs.
Oy gevalt, all the mossad training just went puff…
Oy oy….
Historically, anything the evil Jew cunts touch turns into shit. Ever wonder why the whole world hates the scum, even the kids in Minneapolis know that.
What you hate is the FALSE Jews. Who uses normal Jews as scapegoats and whipping boys by claiming they are Jewry.
I have my doubts about you mate I don’t think you are who you present yourself to be
Yep, me too LOL
So what he is a mossad spy hahahahaha come on pal
Burn Baby Burn.
The socio-economic explosion had to come as US is a very unjust society.
Its good for the bankers and the lawyers. New loans, new papers and court cases have to be taking out.
Its also good for Liberals who get more social do-gooder jobs…………………LOL.
A war that they have already lost
Prepared at the beginning of the 20th century.
At the beginning of the 20th century? The current lost war situation of the zios? By whom?
Check out what was happening between 1913 – 1919. Then once the Fed Reserve was up and running. Tavistock Institute created a few mind games and discussions and agreements were signed, concerning Israel, what happened next?
1920s, getting societies up and running, in time for WWII.
The 40s and end of WWII, CIA was launched, the same year the foundations of Israel were laid down. With the first exercise ‘Operation Paperclip’, safe passage for who?
1950s along come NATO and Warsaw Pact. Then you have 60s, Cuba Missile Crisis and not forgetting how they set up Atlantic Council, a couple of years earlier. Greater Israel Project, with various operations, including Gladio and Mockingbird.
Common Purpose launched in the 80s, just in time for the Warsaw Pact to be dismantled and Soviet Union to fall. How many were involved in Allen Dulles view of the World and prepared for the various wars in the 90s?
WWI – League of Nations
WWII – United Nations
WWIII – Full Spectrum Domination/NWO
Or I might be wrong.
You are NEVER wrong, AM.
Many men will vouch for that :)
Thank you Florian.
Yes u said is right so the cult what can described as the unseen empire or empire of babylon doing this? And if so then is there any power or state is there rival who are against them in this 3rd ww or all the states are controlled by them plz reply
Figure it out for yourself. Provided the jigsaw, how you put it together is your choice. Personally, can see the same players manipulating things today, who did back then. Then if you go back another century, the same script was also being run. Napoleonic Wars and insider trading, plus the Tsar lending Lincoln a hand. Weren’t Poland also causing problems for Russia, back in the 19th century? Keep going back, century to century and notice it is always the same old script being run. Ironically, by exactly the same teams, just different faces.
But it seems their is really a resistance front in this ww3 who are really against them and this time there is no thing called both sides being controlled by the same elites as it is happening since last at more than 250 years +
Yep, agree with you there and we were not meant to notice or join up the dots. I seriously wonder how it will pan out.
Me to i hope the the so called invincible zionist continues to be defeated and one thing is very good happening the wahhabis scums one of the most loyalst slaves of the zionist are the most defeated and suffered ones since march 2011 millions of them are already death that to in this war only. Even their masters have killed many of them.few died in accidents or natural deaths for example disease. And many by infightings. Many killed by the resistance front.in fact the population reduce plans of elites is first to reduce the male population and wahhabis male population. So they use and kill themselves their wahhabi slaves many times.in religions the times prophecies say that am talking about this very era 2020 that male population will decline means sex ratio will be reduced. And if u c every aspects and connect the dots so here we are at a time when such things never happened before and if u look at the male population decline of the wahhabis especially the Arabs wahhabis u will get the scenario more easily.the said the major war will begin from Syria. So that’s why told u march 2011 the war as already started and its not a coincidence that elite u must have already know told the ww3 wil happen from the middle east and between the jew state and Muslim state major battles will happen. We are living in the most insane and interesting times where the climax as already began.
We are living in the most insane and interesting times.
So true and the MSM has missed it, completely.
Hahahahaha msm is nothing
This is mostly about the Petrodollar and if the US pushes any harder, there’s not much the Chinese nor the Russians can do without deploying their own boots on the ground.
Do believe their boots are firmly on the ground and a lot heavier than US boots. Do not forget THAT Gazprombank, a subsidiary of Rosneft, gave their PDVSA shares to the Government. Believe it is around 49% of PDVSA. Plus, China has invested heavily in Venezuela. Do love the ‘Axis of Resistence’ nations.
Venezuela has a very successful Socialist Society, with endless oil revenue they could stand as en example to the world. That cannot be allowed by Washington.
US can not see independent nations that challenge its delusional hegemony, despite the fact that it is imploding and is bankrupt.
I am enjoying the scenes of justifiable violence against the US killer cops.Civil war in the US is brewing , I hope.
The Venezuelan oil reserves are vast and one of the biggest in the world. The oil is thick though and there are not many refineries that can use it. Two are in the Southern US and are owned by Trumps backer. There were two backers, the Koch brothers. One recently died.
Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in South America and the sixth largest in the world—more than Canada, Mexico, and the United States combined.
With recent gold in ground discoveries Venezuela has an estimated in ground reserve of 10,000 tonnes of gold. Compare that to the world official gold reserves
Australia 10,000mt
Russia 5,300mt
South Africa 3,200 mt
US 3,000mt
Indonesia 2,600 mt ..
Add to that massive coal and bauxite ( aluminium ) reserves. Sorry just don’t know why the US would be interested at all. Interestingly when the US assisted Venezuela develop their oil fields one condition to help was that America would refine their dirty oil via Koch brothers in Texas so Venezuela wouldn’t have to worry about the cost of building special refineries. US ensured they would control Venezuela’s oil from day one which is why they have too import oil from Iran.
Brilliant reply. Did not know about the gold. Thanks. Washington DC, demanding the natural resources. Why do pictures of Highway Men so come to mind, when thinking of the corrupt oligarchs over in Washington DC, supported by Westminster.
Good luck Venezuela.
It is shameful and beyond comprehension that the lardass Americunt arsehole losers have race riots burning their street, they are dying like dogs and are totally bankrupt and still fanning wars for their Jew masters to control global natural resources. The morons are destined for the garbage heap of history.
Last days of the new Roman Empire…
Indeed, this was coming as the morons were totally out of control with hubris. It was always a failed state but the Pimpeovirus just exposed the whole facade. $1 TRILLION annually on wars and weapons and the Jew police state and 50 cents per capita on health, education and welfare. Even the white rioting young people know. The guy on TV on PBS openly blamed the Jews and corporations for ripping off the average Americunt. The Zionist fanned wars have cost $15 TRILLION and now the failed state is broke like the Saudi cunts.
The thing is that they are fighting a losing war and playing every cards available but to no avail
I am sure the founding fathers of US would be absolutely disgusted to what US has become today, the same way we are disgusted
Must be a big shipment of drugs anticipated for the US hence the SFAB deployment to assure safe delivery.
True, the CIA cunts need to pay the headchoppers in Syria and now the added expense of Libya. The morons don’t know their limitations so bring out the Colombian dopers.
The US-led ZIocorporate terrorist scum consider Venezuela a hot potato for several reasons. One’s the country’s many strategic natural resources, which are huge and include from oil/gold to arable lands and water, and Caracas would rather not appraise them in US$. Another one’s is the usually covert CIA/DEA narcotrafficking business, which gets exposed every now and then (as in Iran-Contra) and which has lost the very convenient routes from Venezuela’s Caribbean/Atlantic coasts to the US/Europe. Back before Commander Chavez took over, the CIA had a very healthy narcobusiness with the likes of Venezuelan general Ramón Guillén, but after Chavismo, it all came crashing down.
Hence we now see the frustrated US Zioterrorists putting boots on the ground in their banana republic narcosatellite Colombia, and they’re likely to start a war between the neighbours, evangelical piece of shit Bolsozionazi in Brazil would love it, just to divert attention from his huge fuckup of a government…
I read even their DEA estimates that Cocaine trade from Colombia largely controlled by the Jew parasites(European cartels)and CIA is now funding 80% of global conflicts from Venezuela to Libya. Colombia has been a narco state since the 1960’s and is occupied and corrupt to the core.
So they will be training “Moderate Terrorists” ?
Isis narco edition…
Made in the U.S., with pride….
Absolutely correct. Colombia is just another US lapdog whore, but a very important one. The reason for this deployment of these special menu boys and girls is to try to intimidate Venezuela but as usual, it won’t work. The added task “…..to combat drug trafficking” is also another crock of horse dung. Too many people have become extremely wealthy supplying the millions of drug addicts in the US so it will never stop.
Well, they better focus on their own burning streets, the riots are now in LA and 10 different cities and spreading fast, and mostly young white people who are fed up with Jews and wars.
Time for Russia and China to speed up military tech/know-how transfers to Venezuela, gotta get the country back on its feet like before Chavez’s death and the stream of sanctions and sabotage that ensued. A return to pre-Chavez oil-producing banana republic status would be a huge setback for any plans for multipolarity.
Tech-transfers are useless at this point. What the Venezuelans need are actual equipment and a steady supply of raw materials
they need food and medicine the socialist goverment ran venezuelan economy to the ground
The US government deliberately stole Venezuelan gold with the British and the US illegally uses unilateral sanctions in an attempt to put a US friendly puppet into power.
Its the same method that the British Empire plundered the world with.
FARC disbanding was Gaddafi level naivety.
Interesting that they used the covid quarantine to assassinate dissidents and undesirables once they isolated themselves due to government recommendations. Tin hatters said the authorities would do that once given the opportunity, looks like the nutters are once again correct.
That contact tracing app sure sounds like a good idea.
The power of United People.
Surprising number of young white folks out attacking police stations, they are fed up with the racist Jew controlled failed police state. It is good to see white young women in the forefront.
Do you remember the song of Ice Cube Fuck tha Police it was 32 years ago (august 1988)?
It just show us how stupid the sheeple are.
They are attacking the only force who can maintain a little order in their society.
Remember the Elite have their own mercenaries, military, guards, private security.
The police are there for the general population and the sheeple are just making their own situation more misery and chaotic, and the Elite are laughing all the way to the bank……..LOL.
In the US, police are first-line hall monitors that work for the Elite.
So that will be a downgrade…
Its not only for peace we are doing it. It is also for freedom to the innocent populations who are exposed to violence, gangs and heavy drug criminality we are doing it.
Yes, and that’s why the USA is destroying itself :)