Afrin Self-Administration Blames Russia For Fall Of Afrin, Says New Phase Of Battle Begins

Afrin Self-Administration Blames Russia For Fall Of Afrin, Says New Phase Of Battle Begins

Othman Sheikh Issa, co-chair of the Afrin executive council reading the self-administration statement.

On March 18, the Kurdish self-administration in the Afrin area announced in an official statement that its forces will shift its strategy against the Turkish Army and the Free Syrian Army from a direct confrontation to guerrilla tactics.

“Our forces are present all over Afrin’s geography. These forces will strike the positions of the Turkish enemy and its mercenaries at every opportunity …Our forces all over Afrin will become a constant nightmare for them,” Othman Sheikh Issa, co-chair of the Afrin executive council, said in a televised statement, according to Reuters.

The Kurdish self-administration once again criticized Russia and accused it of “actively” participating in the Turkish attack on Afrin by “opening the [Syrian] airspace” for Turkey. The administration even said that Russia had “sacrificed the people for its interests in Syria.”

Russia had kept several units of its military police in the Afrin area for more than a year and participated in a long negotiation between the self-administration in the area and the Damascus government. However, the self-administration controlled by the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) had rejected all Russian suggestions over the course of the negotiations.

Local observers doubt that the Kurdish forces will be able to carry out any serious military operations against the Turkish Army in the Afrin area anymore. The Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) have fully collapsed in the area and withdrawn from the city of Afrin without a real fight.

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Claire Langoulant

Fuck the kurds and long live Erdogan and the AKP ! Those same bullshit kurds who dared saying one week ago they wanted Europe to be turned into ashes : God bless you Recep ! Long live Syria and Turkey and deaths to the cockroaches of USA !

Julian Clegg

When did Kurds say any such thing? Also, how can you at the same time support Syria and Turkey, which has for a long time been helping and arming terrorists in Syria and is now directly invading and occupying its territory?

Mahmoud HAm

Erdogan is the one who supported and facilitated the arming and facilities for the terrorists in Syria. The Kurds are stupid and should blame themselves for their stupidity. Erdogan is a criminal but the Kurds are stupid

Robert Duran

Let us not forget that without Turkeys active participation the West would have had a lot harder time destroying Syria and giving rise to the issues that we have today.So essentially turkey is fighting a problem that it created..


But Why ? Any of us ”Turkish Citizen” dont want create problem like this in Syria, Just our idiot government follow order from USA.

Yes Erdoğan make stupid decision I cant forget that but for now, killing pkk members is right thing to do.

roberto silveira

Kurds = stupids “K”owards. No deal with Russia, no land for stupids kurds.

jerry hamilton

Stupid yes. Not sure I could call them cowards though.


Their leadership is a cowards. They now following the US teaching in sitting on the comfortable chair inside the safest place they can find and denied any kind of failure from their part.

jerry hamilton

I can’t really comment on their leaders other than to say they really are stupid.
I was commenting about the average Kurdish fighter.

Hulusi Akar

Yes they are cowards, they are bunch of overhyped terrorists. They said that the war will spread into Turkey, Afrin would be vietnam for Turkey etc. Not only that but they sent conscripts to fight the Turkish army. They blocked civilians from leaving, they burned their own houses, cars etc for propaganda purposes. Their leaders fled Afrin while conscripts were left behind to die. Yes thats the definition of cowards.

jerry hamilton

If that is true and I think it is…. You are right.

Robert Duran

This is funny.. All these idiots had to do was to hand over Afrin to the legitimate Syrian government..But nooo..Murica is on out side…


has anyone thought about the fact that YPG (PKK) is under US control? They do what the boss ask them to.

Robert Duran

Thats exactly what it is..

Promitheas Apollonious

Idiots or traitors as they handed it over, to turkey? kurds they playing the game along with the uk/usrael, instructions. Watch what is about to happen then it be clearer.

jerry hamilton

Will they never get it?
This is Syria, not a Kurdish state.
If they want a home, talk to the Syrian government.


And as syria, ruskies has to defend syria against turks.

John Mason

Not when you turn traitor which YPG did, then you are on your own then, which has become quite apparent.


kurds are assads probolem, integrity of syria russian problem. IF IS ally of syria. if not, then …


No they should talk to the EU-US or Israel. Ironically some of their USA brothers don’t like the fact that they’re Muslims and it’s part of their culture and identity.

Julian Clegg

There is no point in blaming Russia. Russia is not obliged to help Syria at all, but it has been doing so at very high cost. Turkey is not a powerless country. It controls shipping access between the Black and Mediterranean seas. Therefore Russia has to avoid direct confrontation with Turkey.

Robert Duran

Russia is in Syria to save the Syrian state…and what the Kurds were/are doing with the Americans is practically trying to tear up the state


Ruusia IS obliged tohelp. The syrian civil war is beacuse Assad said NYET! to quatar pipeline! Russia owss hundreds and hundreds billions, tens of thousands lives of ruskie troops.


Nope- the US should have helped the Kurds since both US & Turkey are in NATO & the Kurds are allies with the US.


this is not about kurds. russia has nothing with kurds. russia MUST defend unity of syria. and not allow to foreign armies enter syria. the c-category kgb agent invited americans, invited turks. spit on such rat!


nothing to do with pipeline, israel wanted to get rid of Assad because he’s anit-israel


one year ago you wrote something else, filthy troll


a year ago i was less informed :)


Well there was this – “Why does anyone believe that the Kurds deserve their own state? Their leaders are corrupt and have zero statesmanship.” – Syria – The Fall Of Two Cities –

Mahmoud HAm

The Kurds have nobody to blame but themselves. They placed themselves in the US and Israeli interests in dividing Syria. They refused all attempts to make a deal with the Syrian government. They only cried for help from the Syrian government after they already messed up and lost to the backward and bastards Turks.
If the Kurds are smart they should go quickly to the Syrian Government and make a deal and not rely on the US which will drop them once it finishes using them.


Why would the Russians want to get bogged down fighting the Turks when a US assault on Syrian Government strongholds could start at any time? The Kurdish separatists made their own bed with the Americans. Now they can lay in it.


Because allegedly Ru$$ia is ally of Syria. That means Had not agree with turkish invasion.


A Russian Turkish conflict would be a dream come true for Washington and London.


Then decide, either is russia strong or shitty. if is shitty weak country, shold go home!


I’ve been studying the history of the Byzantine Empire. One of the lessons I’ve learned that even the strongest of nations with grand armies can stretch themselves too thin thus making themselves vulnerable to attack on other vital fronts.


So true


what wanted you to tell with this? turkey will beat russia?

Ida Snow

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…Turkey Beat Russia.


Russia has simply forgot to ask for your advice! :)


russia isolates itself. there is slow but sure decline of kazakhstan from russia and eurasian project. therefore finished with azbuka and will use latin alphabet. moreover, they will more cooperate with china than with russia. russia is shrinking, industry does not develope. within 1 generation russia will be slave of china.


Are you Ukrainian by any chance – you have this raging hatred for all things Russian


Nope.. Guess he’s one of the gypsies living in Europe driving a dumptruck .. Lol..!


It’s in your dreams.
Traitors like Nazarbaev will have their destiny of Yanukovich or Miloshevits.
On the contrary, people all over the world are watching the unveiling of the true faces. Who is evil and who is good.

Your ugly sodomic atlantic civilization is rotting and extincting. And is only raving in its agony.


Why nazarbaev??? kazkhstan is free country, can do own foreign poicy. kazaks are not russian. this is not ussr! awake!!!


Free juridically, but not morally, however, politically altogether.
Kazakhstan’s writing, industry, agriculture, infrastructer, education – all were created by monarchic ans soviet Russia. Northern Kazakhstan is still half-russian’s. And russian engineers and other high-educated citizens are those who keep the country in acceptable order.

Now he relies on his oil and western credits, investments and technologies. All the same as with Kaddafi, Hussein, Mubarak and Co except for Assad. He will get what he wants. The best exodus for him could be chineese protecorate. But he will likely get what he deserves – either ISIS or Maydan and tribal war. Or both.


Aren’t you tire of saying stupidities ? Who do you pretend to deceive ? It is impossible for you to deceive even any middle educated person.


You don’t start a fight with the bully when he has a club in his hand and all his lapdogs are baying for your blood

Tudor Miron

I feel your pain. Even when you screaming loud those dreams of yours – truth still hurts you :)


i am happy. wi will win the war with russia.

Tudor Miron

wi? Who’s that little wi?


western imperium. north atlantic civilisation


you forgot to add, toilet cleaning section


why should i? in russia there ar no toilets otside of largest cities. toilet cleaning – not existing job in russia.


Will have to retrain you then. Street cleaning will be a promotion for you. And dream on about winning the war. There will never be a war again that will be fought on Russian territory, and there will be no planet Earth without Russia. Period.


and that’s why you went to the west, cause you like toilets, still doesn’t chnage the fact that the eastern euro went to the west for money, and now when they see a more profitable opportunity they start to cry wolf, about occupations and stuff like they did 20+ years ago when soviets couldn’t /wouldn’t pay them anymore….


You have not real information at all how is Russia. Please, take a 15 days vacation there.


Shut the Fuck up solomon, North Atlantic Civilisation, what bull shit did they told you?
All white people are the same, read some *Banned* books before the wars of europe against there roots the Russian, you will very very fast discover that they are the same, just look at the european map half of it is Slavic ancestery, or read the first issue of encyclopedia britannica first issue you will find out that the old Tartar empire was once europe too. I dont understand how you fucker still support the Parasites on this planet, who CLEARLY are dividing all people on this planet for there OWN. Its not like europe will have a good future, just look up how many people are running STILL to europe, you are a SLAVE yourself indoctrinated to hate the others even when they are clearly more like you, then any foreign demon master you serve. What do you think will happen even when they win against russia? You think everything will be better? No it will not the Masters will just abandon every east european country just like now but even more, there will be no freedom to you anymore everybody has to be a criminal to be still living a half decent live with food any electicity and warm water, every women in your street has to be working as a whore for people YOU will serve as a cock sucker too. The glorious days of any east european days are long gone but when wi wins, there will not be ANY east european human left. They will kill most of you, and enslave the rest sell all white girls abourt to mix with old man in bordels, you like that yeah?! You CUCK.

J Ramirez

Where can I get some of those white girls :}

jim crowland

Dear Friend, I also wish that the Western Democracies rule the whole world. Today is the major force but not 100 % because you have these medieval pockets that make war for ethnic and religious shit that we in the West have overcome long ago. You are right, Russia, some sort of a rogue medium size state, with dreams of becoming the brief 19th century Russian Empire or the late Soviet empire but there is no use they cannot accomplish that (fortunately) their population is shrinking and they are spending resources in futile causes like mass murderer assad. But I think they could be a second or third class power for maybe a decade, then as you said they will become more irrelevant. it is a pity because they are a Christian country and could help the West to clean the Middle East of religious fanatics and send the ottomans back to central asia or whatever caves they came from….


The real rogue state is the US waging endless war across the globe not Russia. There are no western democracies – there is a US empire with vassal states controlled by globalist banster elites. The US will not tolerate any country it does not control – hence they are targeted for regime change or sanctions. You need to look at who the real enemy of humanity is.


You must be one of those idiots I mentioned above in my comment.., only different is.., you ran away earlier to one of the European countries lol…! Are you in eastern Europe.. Lol…!


No matter how long you lick, you will always be an inferior to us westerners.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well sad to say that it won’t happen as there is no will in the western people to support this type of war. Besides the Fleets would be wiped out so how is there going to be any war once that happens as it wouldn’t only be Russia as you left Iran and China. Now look at Japan and South Korea looking at peace talks with NPRK, things in Asia look bad and Hypersonic missiles are at least 4 times faster in the least. Seems as if the US and UK and the west will have a hard time selling the war to the public may even possibly have to cede defeat eventually.


Bubu….but….butt….I want me a little war with Russia….they nervegassed OUR Dubbelagent…..that is very…very…naughty…..Bad Ruskies…


Who is the we Israel!!

Ida Snow



Nature Will Win WWIII…balance restored… Humanity will be disappeared….

Ida Snow

Russia is strong and has a very intelligent leader unlike the USA…


russia is as strong as putins old cock

Ida Snow

Sadly true US would love it.


It is not a dream, it has always been !!! Turkey is one of the most important NATO member !, and it is completely doubtful that it acts by its own agenda, as Turkey pretend to make us to believe.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Misread your comment and thought you said “Turkey is one of the most impotent NATO member”! Best we work from that part easier to believe when you look at their weak and overrated army that needed proxies to fight it’s war. There is a lot of speculation on troop capabilities and Turkey like many others are way overrated , theory is all fine but real combat capabilities show in battle. Never really believed the Afrin conflict was a real battle after the US put a stop to YPG/YPJ helping out and allowed only volunteers to do all the fighting with no heavy weapons.


Putin has made a good move with Afrin – by allowing the Turks to attack he has driven a wedge between the Kurds & their supposed allies the US. They can now see they are being used. The same will now happen with Manbij. Sure the Kurds are blaming Russia but they will also have to accept the US didnt help them



in huge amount die the citizens of “allied” syria


True the kurds sold out to zio US who didnt stop the Turks attacking when they are both in NATO – explain that. The kurds wanted both the US as allies and also help from the SAA. They cant have both they need to choose


Looks like it already has in Al Kadam


In all the anti-Assad forums that cheered every attack on the Syrian government across the last 7 years, the same people are now cheering the turkish invasion of Syria, and delighting in the mass murder of the kurds.

Now you are told by ZIONIST agents that operated in OUR forums for years that the atrocities of the turks are a “GOOD” thing too. What the zionist scum never point out is that Assad absolutely condemned the turkish invasion- but Putin slapped him down hard.

So those cheering the turks, like the zionist JEinCA, are anti Assad and anti the Syrian government. By definition. By fact.

Syria has many stupid and difficult ethnic groups, but most, like the kurds, are not mass murdering terrorists. To suggest, as JEinCA does, that the kurds “deserve” to be butchered like Hitler butchered slavs in East Europe is obscene to the highest degree- yet his comment was myseriously ‘upvoted’.

Pro-turkish comment = pro-NATO comment = pro-Israel comment.


Oh your choice of words is interesting. Butchered ? No they deserve their defeat by refusing to compromise with Syrian government. They want help they should asks their USA brothers.
Both their greed and pride is their own downfall.


Who’s cheering the Turks? The Turks are beyond duplicitous. My point is that the Russians can’t fight the Turks and Americans at the same time. There was hope that the Turks and Americans would fight each other in the North of Syria if you remember. I don’t wish harm to befall the Kurds. I don’t want to see the Kurds have to endure what the Armenians endured a 100 years ago. God forbid such a fate would befall the Kurdish people. However with that said the YPG put their own people in this predicament when they decided to carve out their own state from Syria with the help of the Americans. The Russians had nothing to do with that.

As for your accusations out of nowhere that I am a Zionist anyone who is familiar with my comments here or anywhere knows that couldn’t be further from the truth. One cannot be sympathetic with Hezbollah and Palestinian freedom fighters and be a Zionist.

viktor ziv

Indeed, if I’m A and allied with B, fighting C, why I’m blaming D? Unless B is allied with C, if so then A is either “friend” with C or A is just shortsighed idiot.

jim crowland

we are here playin with the alphabet and the ottomans, the neo soviets and mass murderer assad are bombing and gassing civilians as they please…


Yes those Oriental savages! That’s why Syria needs the Enlightened Yanks and Brits to bomb it back into the stone age and hand it over to democracy loving, head chopping Wahhabis. Lets make Syria safe for Starbucks and McDonald’s.

Ricky Miller

Yep. Some people actually think that a majority of Syrians really want rule by American Big money capitalists allied to Jihadi street gangs.

Seems like brits n yanks dont have appetite or strength for another conflict.
…funny but facts. Even economically….china is the go to go guy


Moscow slams ‘illegal’ US presence in Syria


Now Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan could open their military bases in Jordan, Syria and Palestine and could arm and train Jordanian, Syrian and Palestinian army. They have not helped Jordanians, Syrians and Palestinians at the beginning to save their countries from US and Israeli migrants and this was a big mistake.
Still they can open their military bases in Jordan, Syria and in Palestine if they want to protect their brother country from further human and land loses. Please don’t let US, UK and France brutal regimes to slaughter Syrians, Palestinians and occupy more Syrian and Palestinian land.


Jordan is an American colony.


Nop, it is Israel vassal.


The only gassing is from the militants with staged attacks & the fake white helmets to film it all.

Tommy Jensen

The only gas is coming out from your mouth.


Maybe in your world. Sounds like you’ve had too many helpings of MSM. You should cut back, as it ‘s been proven to be hazardous to your credibility.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just like your name represents another slaver hiding behind a facade and blaming others for what he supports , go back to the Saturday morning cartoons and Sunday Funny papers!


hehehe.. Damned right…!

Velva Goins

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They trusted the US gov. Morons.
Only solution to their problem.



Pootin sold out Syria to Turkye for shitty USD for russian gas.

Beggar country needs each cent! Dirty, american cent!


beggar country, that must be yours, cause we earn our money unlike some protitute countries that live off Eu subsidies and clean toilets in the west and think that western achivements are their own IMHO


hahaha, almast all ruskie banks stand before bancrupcy :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD


lol, keep dreaming, those cleaning fumes did a real number on you


then read russian ecinomical jpurnals, cock! putin plans big saving actions. again will not rise the salaries.


lol you toilet cleaner, russian economic journals are full of predictions, like western journals are written by people that are paif to fill their collumn and should be taken to seriously, if you would read jounals from 2014 right after the first row of sanctions, you would see the prediction of Russia going down in a few years … there are so many factors to consider when you read a journal like that, imho, i agree that coming years won’t be a walk in the park for us, but if we work hard we will get our way, cause we have got all of the resources, many bad things can be said about the jews and altough my family has been personally effect by the red revolution, there is still no denying that a lot can been accomplished by hard work.


Russia Russia Russia . Its also Russia’s fault that its currently snowing where I live as the bad weather was sent personally by Putin :)

The Kurds were very quick to get into bed with Fat Americans with promises of ‘marriage ‘ but the Kurds would rather blame Russia instead for their own foolishness now that the fat Americans have used and abused them.

jerry hamilton

I don’t know about the snow but they sure as hell hacked my shopping list.


I thought they might and did my shopping yesterday :)

Tudor Miron

Yes, Florian – we love snow over here and we love to share. That was “from Russia with love” ;)


Thank you Tudor. I hope you realise that in Britain a few snowflakes paralyse the whole transport system :) :)

Tudor Miron

You’re welcome Florian. Paralyse is OK, soon (with some more snow) you get used to it (used to snow or paralyse – that’s another question) :D


Britain has been politically paralysed for many decades. Democracy here is to obey and only say what is politically correct. Everything else is a hate Crime.

Rüdiger Preiss

They can blame themselves for goodness sake

John Whitehot

They gotta be kidding

Guess who they would blame?

When they chose to “pick sides” nobody forced them. Welcome to the wonderful, happy world of the “US allies”.

Kurds were my second favorite side in this war. Now they lie at the bottom with their allies.

Promitheas Apollonious

maybe, because you never knew what kurds are, until now.

Tudor Miron

It just mean that Kurdish leaders are even less smart than some thought possible. US betrayed them but they still hope that if they keep serving their US/Israel masters (blaming Russia etc.) than things will change somehow and US will award them in some way.

Michał Hunicz


leon mc pilibin

idiots,only used as cannon fodder for usa occupation,,,how stupid can they get..If they had stayed loyal to Syria,then the turks would not have had an excuse to invade…total losers,,,they should help Syria not usa zionists.

jerry hamilton

I agree but we have no idea what America actually did promise them.
It could have been something to die for.


They promised independence. Not sure how they’ll manage independently though. They’re not jews that keep getting freebies from west indefinitely.

Ida Snow

A lie of course was offered… place in Zionist NWO


But what about the USA ? Or SDF for that matter ? Joining the blame Russia bandwagon i see.

John Mason

Difficult to understand the YPG mentality, they seem incapable of comprehending that they are the ones who turned their back on Syria and refused Russian advice. YPG took up with the US who are supposed to be their defenders so the YPG should take up their complaints with them.


You pretty much hit the nail on the head there John, however, I will add my tuppence worth. YPG blame Russia because YPG would NOT take Russian advice. Part of that advice was that Turkey is a NATO member and if Russia shot down Turkish aircraft it would bring NATO into the conflict. The US “supports YPG”, however, US is a NATO ally of Turkey, which effectively means the US is supporting the Turkish attack on Afrin. If Afrin was under the control of the SAA, Russia would support Syrian Government action against the Turkish invasion. But as we know the Kurds refused to relinquish control to the Syrian Government, even though it is part of Syria. So, when it comes to taking responsibility for your own actions, especially when it doesn’t work out you can’t come clean and accept you made a complete fuck-up of things, Let’s blame the Russians and hope our stupid followers don’t see through it.


Excellent observation – thats how I see it too. The kurds want their cake & eat it. They think they can sell out Syria to ally with the US then expect the SAA to defend Afrin which is not under their control.

j. jaxson

why don’t we blame them for all our ills?


the also blame the US, but you can’t bite the hand that feeds

alejandro casalegno

In the fall of Saigon a vietnamese official say “Be a enemy of United States is dangerous…… a friend is deadly”!!!!

You betrayed Syria……………… time to pay!!!!!!


They are right. Syria’s supposed ally, Russia, sold northern Syria to Turkey. Russia (meaning its government, not its people) never had any regard for civilian Syrian life anyway. I do believe that a guerrilla warfare will probably be far more effective than set-battles. Asymmetric warfare can be very serious… it has brought down more occupiers than not. Erdogan ‘needed’ a swift victory. Despite his cleansing of government and public positions, he is still somewhat susceptible to public opinion. A protracted guerrilla war might not go down well with Turks. Especially so, because this one is in Syria, unlike previous confrontations with the PKK. Of ciourse, some hyper-nationalistic greater-Turkey or Osmanli advocates will see Turkey’s operations in northern Syria practically as operations in their own country but I doubt that is anywhere near a majority view.


Guerrilla warfare will inevitably invite civilian casualties as it relying heavily on them (civilian) as their smokescreens.
Now if the majority of Afrin population are with them and actively support them they’ll be a freedom fighter but if they don’t then they’re just another terrorist.


Kurdish arrogance has lead to defeat of Afrin – they would rather have lost it to the Turks then simply hand control over to the SAA which would have saved hundreds of lives lost for nothing

Avi Naser

I think the kurds is starting to see that US is no longer an good allies. If The US and Turkey did make a deal on manbij than the Kurds will make an alliance with the Russia,Iran and the Syrian gov.


If they are smart enough to figure this out. Somehow I doubt they are.

Avi Naser

I think they will, You can look at this source, What the YPG commander says in this article is very interesting


ISIS and YPG collaborated (ypg got land from IS withouht fight). Now instead of leaving the land to SAA they refuse russia and assad and hand it to TAF. All US plans.

javid soltani

Kurdish ppl wants Russians to help them while they are working for usa . you cant have both Russia and usa to help them against saa Turkish army , now deal with it by urself


Exactly – the Kurds have sold Syria out in the East by allying with the US to take the oil rich lands. They rejected Russian offer to hand control of Afrin to SAA so let them deal with the Turks alone.

Promitheas Apollonious

I am sure the Syrians will have something to say, as well her allies, after afrin is cleaned from the Usrael vermin, by the turks who put it there in the first place, for the ones who dont have short selective memories..

javid soltani

us don’t want to help kurds in afrin because they cooprateding with Russians and saa , and Russia don’t want help kurds because they are cooprating with nato and usa lol

Promitheas Apollonious

see what happens, when you are a whore, who keep changing her price, as the kurds are?


Losers Kurds I have stated this a couple of times that join Syrian army otherwise you will lose the land and at the end when you become losers then you will blame Assad and Russia and not yourself. Indeed you are great losers and moron. Now blame Russia and Assad. I know your leadership is totally illitrate and moron. He does not know the power of Turkey, evern Washington and Russia cannot say anything to Turkey so how a weak Kurdish groups will say. Now enjoy defeat. 3500 Kurdish fighter were killed in this war and it is still continue. This war will not end on Afrine, this war will continue untill complete removal of yellow regions from Syria and Iraq.

Денис Черкасов

Those kurds can only blame themselves. They didn’t want to open Afrin for syrian governament long ago already. They’ve got what they deserved.

Promitheas Apollonious

not yet, soon i hope.