Abu-Bakr Ash-Shishani killed by a Russian airstrike

Abu-Bakr Ash-Shishani killed by a Russian airstrike

Original published in Komsomolskaya Pravda; translated from Russian by J.Hawk

A Russian airstrike killed leaders of a terrorist organization. On October 14, an airstrike killed a group of militants including a leader of Akhrar ash-Sham, an emigre from Chechnya under the name of Abu-Bakr Ash-Shishani.

The SANA news agency already reported the deaths of another Akhrar ash-Sham leader, Sheikh Omar Mustafa al-Khodr and his Chechen right hand Khalid Abu Anas. The group has been practically decapitated.

Abu-Bakr Ash-Shishani killed by a Russian airstrike

Akhrar ash-Sham is the largest militant group within the Jaish al-Fath [The Army of Liberation] after the Jabhat al-Nusra.

Akhrar ash-Sham, which includes many Northern Caucasus natives, participated in the capture of Eriha, Idlib, and Jisr-ash-Shugura in the spring of this year. The militants performed mass executions upon the inhabitants of the captured cities.

Abu-Bakr Ash-Shishani killed by a Russian airstrike

Abu-Bakr Ash-Shishani

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less one idiot..


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