Over 1,200 members of Turkish-backed militant groups deployed near positions of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern Syria during the last 48 hours, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on November 5.
According to reports in from other militant-affilated sources, this increased an approximate number of members of the Turkish-backed miltiant groups near the area of Manbij to 3,000.
Meanwhile, the Syrian Democratic Forces, which consist of mostly Kurdish militias, also redeployed a number of its units to northern Syria. These units were moved from a front against ISIS near the Hajin pocket in the province of Deir Ezzor.
Fuck the USA and allies !
Empereur de Jupitèr et tout le Monde Emanuelle Macroni du Rothschild XVI is hangin’ in there too… that small-time Thief climbed up the Ranks of Organised Crime pretty Fast…for a little no-good-Son-of-Satan like him…..Time to Wax them Guillotines….
He is the best Leader of France for many years. They do need reforms like his, and its well descriebed why. Too much national protectionisme also given the wrong people too much money for almost nothing is same thing.
He is the Son-Of-Satan…Member of the Rothschild Kid-Sacrificing-Cabal…My Enemy….
Fuck you too !
The men from there seemes to be in cirkels doing it with each other. I wonder what their women do.
Why, You do it to Yourself very well already. No need to get dirty hands or anything else from You.
well seems like that US has sold their allies the Kurds. the Sultain is now free to expand Turkish borders to Syria. i am sure that he will not stop until he reaches Iraq. He hates the Kurds and now that he realised that US loves him ,his arrogance will hit new levels. I wonder were Russia stands in this. Obviously they see that they are loosing their beloved friend over US.
At outset of conflict US allies were supposed to be the FSA, but as they were so incompetent and so easily out performed by jihadists the US had to scrabble around for new viable partner on ground – the YPG were only available group that fitted the bill. But they are really a flag of convenience – subject to any US shift in policy – despite whatever US has promised them. Meanwhile, Sultan Erdie has made significant inroads into Syrian territory, but his true conquest dream is Aleppo City – and that is not going to happen anytime soon.
Really?Aleppo?an unreal goal i believe. i still wonder what will SYria-RUssia will say about Turkish occupation of SYrian soil after the war.
ScarierWe don’t wanna think about it .we have to wait-and-see. syrians will Decide not Russia not yanks or Iran or hezzbolla .just Syrian .
Which Syrians ???
with 3 parts of Syria occupied by SDF(mainly syrian citizens but a lot of arab mercs as well) ,Turkey(will never leave since the Sultain will claim Syrian land for Turkey) and the butchers f SAA……its difficult to sit on a negotiating table.
Thats nort even his point. Have You written, what he wrote.
USA hoped for as kind of alliance having some Semi FSA as masin leaders there, but those FSAs are very incomptent and mainly seemes to stay in tribe mode, which run no big territory as well as figting ISIS as well as keeping Damaskus away.
Syria by Assads sold Afrin for nothing demanding the Kurds into, the Assads instituions should be reinstalled right away and the YPG ones should be lower then hobby.
Russia after some negosiations said: let go and thats not a problem of ours. Is it an occupation, when You dont include Afrins.
And YPGs of course are loosers too, but they again have paid the price by leaving Afrin. Assads should try live as 12 mio being not at home. Some might wish as the 500.00 dead ones as well.
After the war ? Which one of the next. None here talk about peace. Its not even in Your vocabulary.
Poeple do forget that all the time and blindfold themselves with blindfolded non facts.
I never believed that the turks ever left the nato camp. All the openings to Russia been done under the instructions of London, not the americans and was the only way to go this far they went into Syria and not only unless you forget their openings in the balkan area.
As for the Russians by now I am sure they understand how the complete amateur was feeling after the end of the game, counting only on luck and good intentions, seat on a poker table with poker veterans.
I agree but i expect more from Russia. They need Turkey as much as Turkey needs them……we will see.
Stupid Greek on the air again.f….ck of
And Yes of course. If people are allowed to have another oppinion, they right away are stupid grreks or something.
you dissagree?
its Good now road of full liberation of idlib is open for SAA/Rusia alles and also may be SAA has chance to cross river and liberate Haijin and Assfa in eastern Euprates.
Abhi nhi.let’s wait for some more time. Until foreign invaders start to engage each other.
Turkey will not allow Kurds to defeat ISIS on the south east Euphrates. Between Russia-Syria-Iran resupplying al Safa ISIS with at least 4 truckloads of food, drugs, ammunition and arms just last week and Turkey forcing Kurdish fighters to move north and defend their people from Turkish genocide it is no wonder who ISIS is working for.
For ISISrael…
And You are the mother of Aisha ?
I’m a male…..what do you think?
1200 this week, 1500 next week, 2000 the following and so on, the exodus from Idlib has begun. It’s starting with just a small trickle but that’ll quickly turn into a stream and then a torrent, I wonder how long it ‘ll take before this new Turkish quagmire drains Idlib of it’s fighters, not too long I suspect.
HTS can now have the welfare state of Idlib all to themselves and the broke Saudis can pay for it all, Erdogan’s heading for greener pastures.
Its a world thing. If refugees and other has lack of everything and expect figthings, they try to move anywhere else.