Originally appeared at TopWar; Translated by AlexD exclusively for SouthFront
Since mid-August 2017, numerous news blocks of Russian, western European and American military analytical portals have been flooded with information about the conclusion between the Romanian Defense Ministry and the military industrial corporation Lockheed Martin of a very impressive 1.25 billion contract for the purchase of 54 mobile launchers, the M142 high-precision multiple launch HIMARS rocket systems, including full ammunition of the latest generation. It consists of 81 227m M31A1 GMLRS “Unitary” guided missiles with a single warhead, 81 guided missiles M30A1 GMLRS “Alternative Warhead” with cluster “bombs” in the form of 180 thousand tungsten and steel balls in specialised containers, 54 operational-tactical ballistic missiles MGM-140B Block IA with fragmentation warheads of 300 fission M74 APAM, as well as 30 training rockets with reduced range.
Indeed, it is not very good news for the Operational Group of Russian troops in the Transdniestrian region of the republic of Moldova, which, unfortunately, was not equipped in time with batteries of advanced anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems Pantsir-S1, and for the military group of the Russian Armed Force in the Republic of Crimea, which may be in the affected area of these guided missiles and separate tank brigades in the case of the deployment of HIMARS on the Ukrainian territory (in Odessa and in Mykolayiv regions). Such a scenario is quite realistic if we take into account the possible escalation of hostilities in the Moldovan Transdniestrian Republic (MTR), the involvement of the North Atlantic Alliance in the conflict, the participation of the Romanian side with its imperial habits in the north-western Black Sea region, as well as the comprehensive support of the Ukrainian side for all this lawlessness.
But even in such an unpredictable situation, the anti-aircraft missile forces of the Russian Aerospace Forces and Air Defense troops have a decent response in the form of the S-300PM-1, S-400 “Triumph”, S-300V4, Buk-M3, which can easily intercept 227-mm rockets of the M30/31A1 family with an effective reflecting area in the order of 0.05 sq. m., as well as operational tactical missiles ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System) with RCS (Radar Cross-Section) of close to 0.2-0.3 sq. m., because the radar illumination and guidance 92N6E, 9S32M and 9S36M of these complexes (according to official figures quoted on websites such as Vestnik PVO and Rocket Technology (both sites in Russian only)) provide the ability to lock-on targets with a radar cross-section of 0.02-0.05 sq. m. More importantly, despite the smaller radar cross-section of the M31A1 missiles than the separate tank brigades of ATACMS, the former are clearly unable to perform anti-missile manoeuvres, and therefore destroying them will be much easier. Conclusion: in most episodes to intercept one non-manoeuvring URS M30/31A1 GMLRS one anti-aircraft guided missile 48N6E/DM, 9M93M or 9M317M will be enough. If we also take into account the presence in the network-centric echeloned air defense the Pantisr-S1, which in practice confirmed the possibility of destroying even smaller 122mm unguided missiles of type 9M22U Grad systems, the reliable “umbrella” missile defense shield for our military group in Crimea is provided even in the most unpredictable circumstances.
At the same time, it would be very naïve to believe that the current missile ammunition set of 6- charging HIMARS launchers and 12-charging PU M270 MLRS will remain unchanged, allowing our anti-aircraft missile systems to quickly take countermeasures. The first warning of the upcoming “amplification” of HIMARS and MLRS was an ambitious project of longer-range separate tank brigades LRPF (“Deep Strike”) with a reduced radar signature and increased to 2000 m/s cruising speed. We have considered the possibilities of this product in one of our previous reviews. Today we will recall another, no less ambitious and dangerous for air defense, the project of modernisation of weapons for multiple launch rocket systems HIMARS and MLRS.
We are talking about “crossing” the standard 227mm unguided rocket projectile M2A1/2 with stealth planning-controlled bombs GBU-39B, and so there was a unique two-stage “smart” projectile GLSDB (Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb). The first firing tests of the GLSDB prototype were conducted in February 2015, which for the first time provided the specialists of the American corporation Boeing, Swedish SAAB and Norwegian NOBLE (Norwegian Battle Lab & Experiment) comprehensive information about the behaviour of the GBU-39B “Small Diameter Bomb” at high supersonic speeds. This was enough to continue the work.
Almost four years later, on October 30, 2018, during the module with 6 227mm TPK for the GLSDB missiles demonstration at the exhibition in the Norwegian Trondheim, representatives of NOBLE announced the next stage of GLSDB firing tests, which are scheduled for Autumn 2019. Apparently, the programme reached the finish line and after the 20s, new missiles can begin entering the service of the HIMARS and MLRS operator countries. What is known about the missile? Its first stage, represented by the extended solid-propellant rocket engine of the M26 ER-MLRS rocket, will accelerate the GLSDB to a speed of 90-1200 m/s and “throw” into the middle layers of the stratosphere (to a height of 15-25 km). Given the fact that the SDB bomb, together with a heat-resistant fairing container for protection from aerodynamic heating during acceleration will weigh no more than 130 kg (19% lighter than the “native” combat part of the M26 projectile), the first stage can give the container with GBU-39B significantly better speed capabilities than the usual unguided missile. Further, the upper stage of the M26 projectile will be fired back, and the container with the bomb will continue to move along the ballistic trajectory with a decrease in speed and climb.

If you look closely, you can see not only the layout of the hybrid GLSDB, but some of its performance characteristics: in addition to the range hitting the target at 150 km, the product allows you to attack the object from any angle of approach and from any direction.
When passing the 2000-2300-km/h mark, the container will open, after which the “narrow bomb” will begin an independent controlled flight, even with the possibility of changing to an overriding target trajectory (of course, only after equipping the radio module with information exchange on the radio channel of the Link-16 network). The most important distinctive quality of the GLSDB is also the possibility of flying over the target with a further impact from a completely unpredictable air direction. Even more alarming is the fact that in the final stage of the flight (planning) the SDB bomb is a “cold body”, which is not detected by means of optoelectronic complexes operating in the infrared range, while the EPR in 0.01-0.015 sp. m. allows its detection by the radar guidance 1PS2-1E “Helmet” complex “Shell-S1” from a distance of no more than 5-7 km. This suggests one thing, at night, or in difficult weather conditions, when the “Shell-S1” is not able to use the TV channel guidance module 10ES1-E, several GBU-39B bombs can fly to the area of the “Shells” battery positions at an altitude of 10 km (remaining invisible to radar or optoelectronic means), and then dive into the “dead funnel”. An even worse situation for us will be observed in case of an attack on the SAM “Tor-M2U”, in which the “dead funnel’ is a cone with an angle width of 50 degrees: it will be easier to penetrate into this “narrow bomb” cone.
To disrupt the process of the GBU-39B SDB-1 bomb in the battlefield area (approach to the target) is quite real. To do this, it is necessary to deploy near air defenses and strategically important military facilities the electronic warfare complex “Resident”, which suppresses the GPS-guidance receiver mounted on the bomb. As for the interception of the bomb by means of SAMS S-300PM-1, S300V4 and even S-400, it will not be easy to realise this, since the EPR of the blueprint of the bomb (0.015 sq. m.) is less than the indicators of the reflecting area processed for these systems declared by the developer.
And even if the radar illumination and guidance data of the SAM will be able to “capture” the blueprint unit of the GLSDB advanced missiles steadily escorting it up to the moment of destruction by the anti-aircraft 48N6DM and 9M83M missiles would be problematic, since the enemy has advance aviation container stations, electronic warfare type AN/ALQ-249 “Next Generation Pod” that can put a powerful simulation sighting frequency and noise interference. It will be very difficult to allocate a miniature SDB against the background of these interferences to “three hundred” and “four hundred”. The SAM S-350 “Vityaz” can provide a more confident counter to the impact of the GLSDB equipped with a more modern and noise-protected multi-functional radar with AFAR 50N6, but the situation with the arrival of these anti-aircraft missile units complexes into service we do not even want to mention.
is this a joke article
well…… morning humor is good for waking up, with a good laugh. dont you think?
yea , seem like SouthFront slowly become an MSM outlet .. i remember other sites like Zero Hedge in 2014 , it was a nice site for opposing view , but after 2014 it is slowly infested with hasbaras and western trolls.. now Zero Hedge is a haven for trump tards , their comment section also full of trump tards , racist anti chinese people , MAGA crowd , hasbaras..
i guess Southfront too will become like that , if it allow propaganda western crap articles in this site
” the participation of the Romanian side with its imperial habits…”
First time I hear Romania has/had imperial habits. Very odd for a country which was divided in three for centuries and never was an empire.
Neither 2000 years ago when it was significantly larger than now was not an empire, but a kingdom.
Anyway,that time Russia was not existing and the land was a battleground for migrants.
Moldova has always been considered by Romanian nationalists as being part of Romania.
Moldova was part of Romania (Romanian countries) until was broken apart either by Russian Empire, by Polish empire, by USSR. That is history. Periodically, the ripped territories were united. Then, somehow lost again. And the cycle is on and on.
Their language, no matter how politically is called, is Romanian. Their culture and history is Romanian.
So what’s your point?
Romanians has imperial habits because they want to unite in the same country territories and populations with identical culture, language and history which were ripped apart by almighty empires, now dead?
That is the definition of a nation, not of an empire (which gathers different nations inside).
Romania used to be part of Bulgaria in medieval times. not accidentally Romanians were using Cyrillic until mid 19th century. Then they came up with the bullshit idea that they are descendants of the Roman empire. Can any Romanian please explain me where Martisor comes from? The only countries that celebrate this celebration are Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania and Moldova.
Their language is a mix of Latin and Slavic and they are very well described as such when they were a very important part of the Roman Empire.
Why dont You take links for that and the whole history of the Balkans or something there.
)Its easy. many maps: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjv642o1OreAhUN_CoKHQ16A84QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Falexisphoenix.org%2Fromaniaalexismap.php&psig=AOvVaw0BfLrTFaxnoqtFVGoWiGxv&ust=1543067404862281
As ususal its probatly censured away in Your communist history books and You nationalism has not regained and corrected it as well. But You probatly has several pages for Macedonians are Bulgarians and belong to You. Belong.
“idea that they are descendants of the Roman empire”
Well they have lots of PIZZA restaurants in Romania as proof of their “Latin” origin.
What else (as proof) do you need? :))
Partly telling why they are NOT Bulgarians.
And if You are able to dig a little deeper and under Your many pizzas, You would see, that the Roman Empire was attacked very hard at Danahue river(Donau) and because of that had a very important defence zone there.
Did I say they are Bulgarians?
“Danahue river”
Except Romania is on the wrong side of the (Donau) river… :)))
On the right (Balkan) side was, is Serbia
So by that logic Illyrians and later Slav-Serbs, Croats must be much more “Latin” than Romanians .
Yet their language is not Latin at all.
And neither are Greeks who were even epicenter of the Western Roman Empire and part of the Rome fore extremely long time.
Well, that only says we don’t know too much about anything. But is a scientific fact that Romanian, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and … did I forget any? … are LATIN languages. Related languages.
“Well, that only says we don’t know too much about anything.”
Perfectly agree.
Again I am trying to speak common sense not dogmas and above all I am no expert.
I am not linguist but IF language is only condition for one nation to become”Latin” than Romanians are are no doubt Latins.
But apart from language I sincerely very much doubt that they are close cousins to Romans if at all ….
I don’t know about how close cousins were the Dacians with the Romans. However, I remember I read somewhere that the Emperor Traian, the one who conquered Dacia eventually, was talking about this war as a “fratricid war”. I will search this again.
And there is a question of how the Roman conquest manage to transform a supposedly different language in 170 years of occupation (while occupying only 15% of the territory). There are some theories that says that in fact Romans and Thracians spoke the same language. Which could explain why Traian was considering this a fratricid war.
I have written, they in humming as well as spelling compared to others and for well known historicly reasons are their own and by that are very different from other in the region.
Slaves named as South are the old and new Yougoslavia apart from the minorities there. Here Bosniacs are slaves too. Those are from a diving of Slaves the “north” slaves beinf tjeks, poles and sorbes, so why put those in…
The main entrence for Romans to Roumania today wasnt as mountain climbers. They came in by Konstantinople
And Your border me here and there most of the time has had no relevance for people living there. Maps from before WW1 fx tell all were very much mixted for centuries whatver the upperclass decided.
At least 80.000 Roumainians and 100.000 germans lived in the southern part of Ukraine. Its dirty nationalism and wars like WW1 and 2 which has changed that.
Donau is the german name for that river and best known for this music by Johann Strauss
We see that today as well, dont we.
Ups, Ivan, that is something new… Where you get your information from? Romanian wrote in Cyrilic because Orthodox Church wrote in Cyrilic. And, as you might know (if you read other books than the ones published by Stalin) the cultural centers in the medieval age were around monasteries. At least in Romanian countries. Simple explanation.
The language, however, is something different. It has many Slavic words because of the Russian empire proximity but is another language. It sounds very close to Italian, in fact.
“Martisor” is a Romanian tradition indeed and it has, it seems, Daco-Thracian origins. Bulgarian territory today, along with Romania (including Moldova and what is now south of Ukraine) and other territories around was a Daco-Thracian kingdom 2000 years ago, until the Roman conquest. So here is your answer.
Why dont You read about ir and fx also use Besarabia as link ?
Your appetite is growing to get parts of Ukraine as well (on top of Moldavia)
And you will have you @ss kicked as consequence at the end of the day.
If you think that Russia will ever forget all that animosity ( U.S. missile shield )of Romania towards Russia you would be “Latins” are heading for very bad surprise.
You are obviously not pleased to be grown in such big country in very short period of time…..
You want much more…
That is terribly wrong choice.
Russia and all other European countries would never support further growth of Romania so keep DREAMING about Moldavia, Transnistria, let alone parts of Ukraine.
Once NATO falls apart things will change lot for everybody.
Poland will always support Hungary to get her territory back and who will support you?!
Indeed, north and south of Moldova was taken by Stalin and give it to Ukraine. Like he took Crimeea from Russia and gave it to Ukraine.
I dont think Stalin is the representative truth for what Romania, Hungary, Poland and Russia has to abide until the end of the world.
And between modern Russian menace, German conquest or American exceptional shit, pushed for 600 years by Ottomans which we managed to push back and 1400 years before invaded by hordes from Asia which we managed to survive – nationally, culturally and most of all in our untouched Orthodox faith, well, I say that, with God’s help, we will win this new war too.
This is not about Stalin but about international agreements.
It is not up to country like Romania to decide anything or to make unilateral annexation of any country or part of the country.
(Much bigger power) Germany did that and we all know how did that ended up for them…
If borders are changed and WW1 and WW2 peace agreements are undone the whole hell will brake loose.
And that will certainly not be permitted to the insignificant European power like Romania.
Because if not careful Romania can become very small (like before) also.
The same goes for Hungary and such…
For the moment it is US-NATO and Russia who decide what is happening in Europe, not Romania
Even after NATO there will be Germany-France-Russia who will decide most of the European destiny and not smaller countries.
Oh, we are so afraid. So very afraid.
Thats not even the point. EU also never will allow any expansion which can be violent.
It is not about violence here. Romanian always tried to reunite themselves but never done this oppressing other nations. And most of the time, our blood was spilled, paying for these “ambitions”.
At this moment in history, when the country is effectively ruled from Berlin and Paris and Washington (and all three have three different agendas!) there is even less chance for a reunification. Although, there were many moments in history when this was “allowed” by the western empires because it was in their own interest.
But the moment will come again and hope to God we’ll not miss it. Even if we’ll spill our own blood again. This is what it has to be, life ends with death anyway and matters only how we live and how we die.
As for EU, US, NATO and other empires, eventually all will fall. Some are already dying as we speak.
Yes, some realisme is needed.
Wrong again in many things.
Seemes like You are born with no ears about the Roumanian language. And where did they get their name from.
And NATO wont fall apart. They will change into something else and already do trying to adapt Eastern Europe as well as behaving more individuel because of the Russian collapse.
Your logic is simplistic
Yes there is some Latin influence in their language but that doesn’t make them Latins.
There are many Turkish words in countries where Turks stayed for centuries yet those nations did not become of Turkish origin suddenly… or even Muslims just because they speak some of Turk language.
Russian collapse?!
You have made my day!
Thanks for making me laugh !
You act like you are a Romanian fluent speaker. Or a linguist. Or an historian. But somehow, I bet you are not none of these.
No I am not Romanian fluent speaker but I am Italian fluent speaker which is even better element to have for judging “Latin” in Romanian.
And no I am not historian…
I just speak common sense.
There is no logic in that Romanian Latin story
They must be exaggerating their Latin origin.
I have already explained why I think that is the case
Oh Jako, sorry to disappoint you, I don’t speak Italian but somehow I understand half of a conversation in … Italian. I don’t know why.
My guess is because these two languages are very close, even if Italian grammar I heard is much simpler than Romanian’s one (which competes with French in complexity).
I cannot say that Italians and Romanians are very close, however there is migration both ways (yes, there is a rather large Italian community in Romania and they seem to feel like home here).
“yes, there is a rather large Italian community in Romania and they seem to feel like home here”
Huh?! Then you MUST be Latins also!
Latins are happy that you are Latins and you Romanians are happy to be Latins also!
So who the hell am I to spoil the party?!
Be whatever you want I just do NOT believe in that “Latin” story of yours…
I believe in logic.
Believe is for God.
All the other things must be questioned. And even God, if you question Him in a good faith.
Go and search if you are really interested.
Believe is many things in life…
Living is believing.
Belief is inseparable, integral part of living.
Yeah…I am relaxed just tired of too much nonsense floating around.
People have lost completely their aplomb, anchor lately….
They are just running around like headless chicken and talking rubbish most of the time.
Modern times…
Jako , youre talking rubbish . if you speak Italian, you would know that Romanian is a full on Latin Language. You obviously dont speak Italian
Do you talk rubbish maybe?
Or you don’t understand English ?
I never explicitly claimed that Romanian is not having Latin origin words!
My point was all the time that only language is not sufficient “proof” that Romanians are of “Latin” origin.
People in Bosnia have plenty of Turkish (even Arabic) origin words.
Does that make them all Turks or Muslims ?
No !
The history is not always straight forward and simplistic.
I don’t have logical answer about Latin origin of Romanian language.
I just do not believe them being of Latin origin because of the language only.
That is history
what history? romania never existed. this is quite new state. thanks to ruskies you got own kingdom.
No, it has not as well as some nationalists telling that dont say, whats real.
It most of the time has been divided itself by their river and by that also divided in etnicity.
what bullshit article. Where you copy paste it from, Onion?
The UK government has just announced, that whatever anyone throws at our great nation, we are secure. An order for 29.6 billion for defence capabilities to BAe has just been completed and maximum production in underway to complete order by 01/01/2019.
There is no need for military transportation, cutting overall costs for the project, each unit shall be distributed throughout the UK by loyal citizens to protect our borders against any and all hostiles – each hand held package shall consist of 30 UKG1KMR18 – in total. 3.6 million have so far been distributed. Each main rocket splitting into 100s of devastating smaller ones.
Details have been leaked from a pesky Russkie:
good move.
WoooHaa LOL, best reply so far … ! From now on I am looking at the upcoming New Year’s fires with different eyes … Even though the white phosphorus, yellow mustard and tear gas lovers will stay hungry. But come a little cluster bomb is never gone.
lol! :-)
Canada will be using snowballs.
Putin has made similar complaints already, except it was about the US Tomahawk system.
Now THAT is a real threat. I thought Russia would be well covered with it’s air defense systems, but these new rockets as I would call them, have the potential to be amassed on Russia’s border and with huge destruction potential. If Russia doesn’t neutralise this threat either with a treaty or destruction before they build in large numbers, then I can’t see how Russia can do anything about it later on, not with the West launching a significant strike in retaliation.
For every defensive measure eventually an offensive counter measure will get developed and vice versa. That has always been the case since warfare began. Any military advantage only lasts for a short period.
Yes, but Russia only has a small budget and a large border compared to the West, and this is what the West is counting on to checkmate Russia. I can realistically see this as an scenario with very dire consequences that means Russia will eventually come to a point where they either destroy this build-up, or basically surrender.
This article is meaningless, as it just focuses on more us effort to dump overpriced offensive systems to nato vassal states. The tragicomic result of romania using these himars systems against russia is the complete destruction of romania’s military and governance system. And since only the us could have provoked such offensìve, the sinking of several american aircraft carriers also follow.
The only inexplicable matter today is why russia hasnt launched yet an all-out nuclear war on the us mainland as its decrepit military and vulnerable financial and economic system will be crushed beyond belief and with no hope of recovery as a nation. The us dollar goes to zero while the ruble rises at least 20 times in value!!!
This financial and economic miscalculation of the timing of the destruction of the united states will còst russia dearly.
’bout four different arguments in that one post. I’m going to assume your a troll…
Yerrhh, thats what You learned in school, dear little boy of mine. Everytime some give another version/oppinion – Its a troll – and You are learned to block for it.
I read it. Its a well made oppinion, I dont like his version, but he is no troll.
The real Troll is the implant in You head allowing inly one oppinion about things and certainly not a opposition to Your Govrment, bacuse oppisition is not allowed. Populism talks for all, and if not – it after some time – talks for all.
Russian werewolves and werebears can never be scared of cowardly romanian vampires who have always been deep nazi supporters even during ww2. Any romanian attempts to break through russian defenses is extremely stupid because there is 1000% certainty that romania will be broken beyond recognition. Actually all these foreplay by vassal stated like romania is too boring. If the united states even had a chance of defeating russia it would have attacked already by this time. The only real reason why russia has not crushed the usa permanently is that its more potent umbrella defenses of s500 to s700 are not ready. Trust me, these systems are needed to reduce russian losses to an economically bearable 20% against the 100% devastation it can already do today against the usa. As for romania, it should perform its final gypsy dance and attack russia. The first russian counterattack will reduce the euro to junk currency and ruin nato business by at least 50 trillion usd. The russians will then pause and ask american businessmen when they want to lose 500 trillion usd. See? It is that easy. The united states is about profiting from the war business. Winning wars is for american movies only.
Actully Nazis took some 2/3 of Roumania away and gave it to others, because there were nort many nazis there.
And who where they. They are best known for behaving and being armed as WW1 north of Stalingrad, where the Russian forces crissed them.
I see no relations to today as well. As I recall it those wolfs only should be in Transylvania which was a mix up by Hungaians, Germans and Indian tribers as well.
The big Roumania of that time was as several other places a result of the split up of the Austrian/Hungarian conglomerate empire after WW1 – and NO expansion.
Simple maps and history books show that well.
Nothing strange in they prefare to join and affiliate more with others compared with the collpase of Comecon, USSR and kept as hostages by the Russians. Nothing strange in they also prefare to defend themselves against being themselves more as now.
Well it didn’t come across as a well constructed argument to me, only random stabs at unrelated events…….
god you are stupid, what ,you propose nuclear annihilation for the world ? thanks, thanks alot
Or the obvious response,
A massive nuclear strike on the US, take out every single city.
Yes, but I suppose they will have to take out the US bases scattered round the world at the same time. If there was a preemptive strike on military build up close to Russia’s border, would it necessarily lead to all-out nuclear war?
That’s the American plan, Russia wastes its nukes destroying American bases in other countries, leaving the US safe and sound.
However if Russia ignored the bases and only attacked the US, most of the host countries would take care of the US troops in their country, to save themselves.
Also what would be the point of fighting, if the US was gone?
Well, if the US was taken out significantly the rest of the Globalists would just regroup and try again, making Russia an even more enticing land to conquer as most of it’s territory will still be radiation-free.
I think to win the war against the Globalists, the Atlantacist version, you would have to make it costly and discouraging for ordinary men from the West to be a part of the military machine encroaching and surrounding Russia’s borders. If that means targeting threats in countries that are only subservient to others interests, then so be it. Cut off all military ships/planes and logistics from reaching Europe, and starve Europe from trade with the US to put pressure on the common people of Europe to make unrest, THEN you finally have made some room for negotiation about neighbourly relations and respect for each other’s territory then and into the future.
First Russia will be defeated financially then economically so just like the USSR there will be no need to defeat it militarily. The new arms race will bankrupt Russia. Putin is an idiot since he does not see Russia’s only threat is China. Putin is wasting hundreds of billions attacking Ukraine and keeping Assad in power while China prepares to take Russia. How will Russia ever benefit from keeping Assad in power or stealing some land from Ukraine? Starting to look like Putin is owned by China and following their commands. The people of Russia must wake up before it is too late.
What a load of rubbish. Stop farting dear! It is the US EVIL Empire that is heading for the chop when the rest of the world stops using the USD as a reserve currency. Why do you think that Russia and China should finance the US military? The game is up, dear!
There is absolutely no alternative to the almighty dollar.
Still you are incapable of stating even one way Russians benefit from the Ukraine War or Syrian War?
China on the other hand is drooling over Russia’s vast natural resources and small population. When China takes over close to 1 billion Chinese will flood into Russia and cleanse it of the native population.
Does anyone here believe the US would ever invade Russia?
The US is an exceptionally violent country built on stolen lands and the sweat of slaves, with a long criminal record of invading countries. All countries with US embassies on their soil should be alert to US invasions.
I understand that drug-induced delusions can be very powerful, dear! You have my sympathy for your condition.
Incapable of disputing even one of my facts… That is what I thought.
** attacking Ukraine **
I’m sure that Russia is capable of taking the launchers out. If someone is shooting at you, you don’t aim at the bullets. You aim at the gun and the shooter.
Russia is open as ever.
If I had an airplane, I could go in and sell them good food and then come home not even noticed.
US is also about to finish 5´th generation artillery missiles called Hulken Lead Boulder G0. Developed especially for countries at Russia´s borders for freedom to defend peace.
Hulken Lead Boulders G0 destroy everything in a 50m wide belt up to 100km length forward and works like a rolling gigantic boulder bulldozing and penetrating everything on its way to Moscow.
Russia has been working on this defensive concept, but on a much larger scale.
The weapon will be launched vertical, and lose it’s forward momentum.
A typical article. Not a word about how to make peace.
not sure what the point of this is?
Copy pasted highly specialized weapons tech, military article….looks like misplaced article here….
And on top title sounds like pure NATO propaganda.
It describes a weapon of some kind. I got that much.
Make you smile I think. Have a good weekend.
Anyway, If those NAZI-NATO bad-asses want to collect some Avangard scramjet hypersonic glide vehicles, they better think twice before they push the buttons. It might happen that before the button is pushed down, they already gets some fire starting in their own backyard. Especially when they leave their own peoples in the cold … And don’t blame Russia for that !!!
The only thing formidable about the new generation of US weapons is their cost and their inability to function properly. The F 35, the USS Milwaukee and the latest submarine to name a few. The Tomahawk system has always been more hot air than substance.
High level corruption is the problem. A good house cleaning is the cure.
Where is the problem?…if USA deploy Himar MRLS rockets with 300km range…all that system are under fire of Iskander M ( 500km) and GPS JAM system vs incoming guide munition..if USA deploy another weapon beyond 300km range…it will be under range of Iskander K cruise missile….if deploy less than 100 km will be targeted by Smerch rockets ( 100km)…and so on
Hey dear idiots who the fuck accepted this article?”the participation of the Romanian side with its imperial habits in the north-western Black Sea region”-Imperial habits idiots?U damn retards u never heard of Ribbentrop-Molotov pact?Where is Moldova before 1940?Somehow a province of Romania?Checked the ethnicity of Moldova citizens?I was reading on this site for a long time but if u come with this kind of bullshit i think i will leave.And maybe present some apologies to romanians u IDIOTS.And the retard that wrote the article should know that Himars and Patriot aquisition(and maybe “iron dome”-just a rumor)+some armored transport was just a “deal” to have a support from Trump and US to actual president of PSD and actual gov.So pls maybe check facts first southfront before accepting articles that come from Stalin’s era.