A Clash Of Visions On Ukrainian Issues In Comments

SouthFront seeks to adhere to the principles of freedom of speech and provides a platform for authors and commentators with various points of view. A diversity of opinions is a usual situation in opinions and comments posted on the website. Sometimes this diversity causes very interesting discussions.

An interesting example of such a discussion can be observed in the comments to an analysis entitled “Ukrainian Military After 5 Years Of Warfare” and published on southfront.org on November 14:

A Clash Of Visions On Ukrainian Issues In Comments

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A Clash Of Visions On Ukrainian Issues In Comments

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A Clash Of Visions On Ukrainian Issues In Comments

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A Clash Of Visions On Ukrainian Issues In Comments

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A Clash Of Visions On Ukrainian Issues In Comments

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A Clash Of Visions On Ukrainian Issues In Comments

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A Clash Of Visions On Ukrainian Issues In Comments


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Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

TorontoTonto is a troll. It doesn’t make any positive contribution to SF or the Comments and it makes some people very angry.
Can’t it be banned?

Boris Kazlov

Respect he idiot, Russians always let dumb cunts like the ukronazi talk so they look more ridiculous.
Sad thing about ukronazis is that they are more barbaric than nazis proper, you should read last post by Saker in his blog where he publishes a video taken by Ukronazis themselves where they bleed to death a police chief and rape his iscreaming wife, all with glory to Ukraine chants.
That is why nazis wanted to use the ukros and exterminate them afterwards, too bestial even for them.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

Have you got a link for that article? :)


Justin on fire. Good run, maybe could have brushed the “white-ni**a” thing.

Concrete Mike

Yes that why we invented the term “wigger”.

Doom Sternz

I think its important for free speech that we speak our opinions but to be honest i cant abide by the type of discussion that is shown. To protect free speech lets all take care in what we say and how we say it. Respect all those who take the time to post here and respect the site South Front.

While there are those who wont respect others lets not get down to there level. By all means correct what they say but do it with facts and reason, not slander and insults.


Justin can be very offensive at times. SF posted this at the top of that thread:
“Dear friends, SouthFront expresses thanks for different and interesting points of view, but calls on you to avoid personal affronts. https://southfront.org/a-cl
Sincerely yours,
SF Team”


I have been to Ukraine many times, and I have seen that the so-called “patriots” are in fact most young people (from the west of the country) with no purpose in life put on “big facts” that is rallies, Nazi demonstrations, daily repetition with a loud voice an idiotic slogan: “glory to Ukrain! – glory to heroes!”, some times on the street you meet these idiots who suddenly tell you this “slogan” and you are forced to respond properly, otherwise you are a spy or something like that; but normal people, most of the population of Ukraine have concerns other than those presented by the Ukrainian media, they are concerned about daily living, which is becoming more and more difficult because of idiotic leadership, which does not represent them at all. The truth is quite different from the one presented by the Ukrainian media, people don’t want this war against Russia, they want to live in peace, who was in Ukraine before 2014, knows the difference in living standards; people are simply living now with the melancholy of those times when everything was much cheaper on the market.
And as for those idiots who call themselves “nationalists” … who’s been there has seen and knows well, it’s not worth the attention.


hehe, SF there is an reason I never bother, but of course sometimes you simply have to, to go to an verbal manure throwing contest with Moronikans and HasbaRats, because they have an fundamental prinsip and thats to throw shit, period, because thats why they intitally are in here for, pimping nonsense.
the TontorontoTroll is most lightly an Yankike, and that shows.
They are more an nousance, than a problem, but I dont always recomend to cencure them, because they dont realise, like the stupid HasbaRats cant either, they are digging their own grave, even after all this years they are on the loosing side, thats why the MSM is going full retard because they know we know they are scums and windbags, and even thoe I can smell them, I also smell the Russians whom have to same problem , but their job is much easier, because eventually in most cases they dont have to lie, just say the truth, and so on.

I have no problems with slapping Putin/Russia/ns when I feel I need it, but there are issues where I dont have to because the Russian Federation isnt doing anything wrong, and by that I mean they follow whats conomly known as the law, international legislations, etc, etc Crimea was lost because of the stupid Ukrainians, period, even internationa orgs/NGOs whom is there to supervice and oversee internationa elections/referendums, non of this had anything to complain about, even when some of this was Germans, even then, nothing or no irrelgularitys was reported, because they didnt happen, to then somehow have to defend that referendum is because of the western MSM and the Yankike bitches we call polticians, like the shoting down of an Malaysian jet.
Their ignorance is an intult to intellegence and the second this echones the same peoples trowing nonsense at the Catalans, buhu only 47% vouted, and yet it came out with 92 pro-catalans for more and larger independence from ths scumbags in Madrid, and the 47% is low, but why its low is because the Spainian police and paramilitarys stol, obfusicated and simple refuses Catalans to voute, and that, is like the Crimesn case never debated even when it was obvious, specaly in the Catalan case, and equally in Crimea, both wide open but lied about constantly.

The Russian army, huh, I dont doubt it for an second, if they had attacked, Ukraina would be flatten within a week, the time it taks to drive an tank thru the idiot bin known as Ukraina, and the stupdity is in display for all, regarding the war on the two smal states, and on top of it, this latest freak show, with an Jew Zokolokolwisky of whatever, is more to try to break an deal with Yankikes than createing something more like an sane politics for the future, because Ukraina is after all, an close to Russia.
There never was an invasion, I cant imagne how that have become an issue, invasion, jesus you have slipped into an deep dung of shit to even belive that, no Russian army was anywhere, the only place that had as indeed Crimea, but that was because it always have been there, even when it was an Ukraina, before the Cockie monster and Co did the color revolution, but then again, Yankikes and fats is an contradiction of terms, they are simply to stupid and ignorant.

And to me, I am just disapointed, I never belive that the Ukrainians witch I regarded as highly intellegent and deasent people could sink so low, been an stupid bitch for the NWO and the worst thing is beliving the Yankikes cares, they never care about anything else than them selfs, just look at the EU, and even they dont give an rats ass about You, and now after all this years, have been raped and plundered by the people whom claimed they did this because of you, to even belive that makes me to have no problems to state that you have to be idiots, how the f…. is it possible to be so ignorant, I cant wrap my head around that.
Kiev, that was centurys ago, forget that, I can even say I have an much reasent problem because of the Bolshewiks, since they attacked our land and forced my people to leave, and for over 80 years it now simply to late and we are to few, and all this happened right before ww2.
Thats one of the reasons I never belived the official nonsense about whom stated what.
But to take the Ukrainian issue to be from ancient times, when Ukraina is an new contruct is just riddicilous, you never where anything but an tiny county, and I end it there.

You better stat to be real, and look to the east, thats where your people are,the west dont have anything else than contempt for you, I know everything about that, been a Finn in Norway married to an Russian.
And we talk about 2019, notan millenium ago.
Get an f… grip and grow up.
