U.S. Is Looting Syrian Oil Fields To Fund Mercenaries And Intelligence Operations

On October 26, the Russian Defense Ministry released an official statement on the situation with Syrian oil fields on the eastern bank of the Euphrates (source):

Russian Defence Ministry comments on the statement of the head of the Pentagon on the retention of the US military personnel group in Eastern Syria, allegedly “to prevent Islamic State access to oil fields”

A statement by the head of the Pentagon, M. Esper, about a certain need to retain a group of American troops in Eastern Syria “to protect the oil fields” from “Islamic State terrorists” should not be bewildering.

Absolutely all hydrocarbon accumulations and other mineral resources located on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic do not belong to the IS terrorists, and definitely not to the “American defenders from IS terrorists”, but exclusively to the Syrian Arab Republic.

Neither in international law, nor in American law itself — there has never been and there will never be a single legitimate task for the American troops — to protect and defend the hydrocarbon accumulations of Syria from Syria itself and its people.

Therefore, what Washington is doing now, the seizure and armed control of oil fields in Eastern Syria, is, put it simply, an international state banditry.

The real reason for this illegal US activity in Syria lies far from Washington’s proclaimed ideals of freedom and counter-terrorism slogans.

According to the presented images of the space intelligence of the Russian Defence Ministry, Syrian oil before and after the defeat of the IS terrorists on right bank of the Euphrates, under the reliable protection of the US military, was actively extracted and massively sent by fuel trucks for refining outside Syria.

At the same time, Washington officially announced sanctions for the supply of petroleum products to Syria, which apply not only to American companies, but also any others.

Under the protection of American military personnel and American PMC groups, fuel trucks from the oil fields of Eastern Syria are being smuggled to other states. In case of an attack on such a caravan, special operations forces and US military aviation are immediately involved to protect it.

By the way, oil production itself is carried out using equipment provided by leading Western corporations bypassing all American sanctions.

The oil exportation contract is implemented by the US-controlled company «Sedkab», created under the so-called Autonomous Administration of Eastern Syria. And the income from the smuggling of Syrian oil through the brokerage companies interacting with it goes to the numbered account of American PMCs and the US intelligence agencies.

Given that the cost of one barrel of Syrian smuggled oil is 38 US dollars, the monthly revenue of this “private business” of American public services exceeds 30 million US dollars.

For such a continuous financial flow, free from control and taxes of the American state, the Pentagon and Langley leadership will be ready to guard and defend oil wells in Syria from the mythical “hidden cells of the IS” forever».

U.S. Is Looting Syrian Oil Fields To Fund Mercenaries And Intelligence Operations

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U.S. Is Looting Syrian Oil Fields To Fund Mercenaries And Intelligence Operations

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U.S. Is Looting Syrian Oil Fields To Fund Mercenaries And Intelligence Operations

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U.S. Is Looting Syrian Oil Fields To Fund Mercenaries And Intelligence Operations

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U.S. Is Looting Syrian Oil Fields To Fund Mercenaries And Intelligence Operations

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Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Talk is cheap Russia, time to act and kick these fuckers OUT of syria!!!!!


Why Russia …. why not the UN who are supposed to deal with crimes like this? It’s a lot to ask Russians to fight and die for oil that doesn’t belong to them. If things go south where do you think the nukes are headed Moscow, Damascus or wherever you live?

Tudor Miron

There’s no need for direct military action in this case. Remember that couple of months ago people could not even imagine how SAA will retake control of areas east of the river. Personally I think that those who fall for this honey trap (omar oil fields) will regret it in not so distant future. In the end – Syria will restore control over this area and it would not require direct military confrontation with US army.

Jens Holm

I see no honey trap and Assads didnt retake those SDF areas but given free.

Jens Holm

I see no crime compared to many others in Syria as well as in the Region.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

when has the UN ever done anything useful?

Tudor Miron

Is it? This is not “talk” – this is direct evidence of USA authorities violating US (and international) law. This things accumulate and will be very useful when time comes. Even now – I wonder how this can be used in internal US fight over power.


I agree, the fight for power is united in one thing, that is the aggression toward the nations resisting US hegemony.

I am not sure if I have sent you this, and if not please enjoy. I did :)


Jens Holm

The Assad hegemony…


The Jens delusion condition ……….. one nutty idea after another. Fun to watch.

Tudor Miron

Great documentary. Many thanks Florian. It’s not that it was something new to me but I happy to see that this information is available in plain English = wider audience.


True information is the cure for Western childish fake propaganda, Tudor.

Jens Holm

Unfortunatly Internationally laws dont workthere. Assads has been front runners in this for decades.


Unfortunately international law doesn’t quite fit the US program. You say stuff that is such a pile of dog doo, when faced with the inconvenient facts. Are you on somebody’s payroll Jens? I mean, nobody can be as stupid as you portray yourself without getting some sort of paycheck for it right? So fess up buddy, why are you so whacked out? Lately you have been much more coherent than say 1 year ago but, it seems like somebody else has taken over for your writing. At least now it is actually intelligible garbage.

Jens Holm

So far I have written 53579 comments here.

You just confirm I am as well oriented as I can be and probatly has the same sources as You.

I am impressed how no brainers like You can ignore the many facts and Vetos in UN, By NGO and many others about fx Syria and Russia.

Thta goes for Turkistan and Erdopedia as well. Iran might even be worse.

Its written in 1000s of pages, Its on vide Youtibe and pictures.

Even so You blame the USA program but forget to kill Your own ever dirty home or rats nest.

Look at Lebanon and Iraq. You are one of a kind, Not even its own populations are allowed to change anything and remove vital dirtbags of Your own.

Its true I have changed the last Year. I started to write here because some muslims in Denmarkblamed me for “knowing norhing”.

Now its dayly confirmed, that most even here at this site and several others even know much less then me. The list for that is long and it didnt make it better You all wrote nationalistic haytebooks against each other and You actually didnt get liberated but many small and sometimes even worse little Osmans took over.

But of course You not even liberated Yourself. Mainly some rotten upperclas took over and after that only are replaced by semilar ones mainly as warlords against its own populations. like Assads, Saddam, Gadaffy, , Hesbollas, Mubarrak and like that.

Exclusiding so many of the ones, which should be Yours, makes me sick and of course some from the outside can go in having good and bad intensions.

Indicating Assads and his Baathists has a kind og´f clean hands and USA has not must be becuse Yoiu are not allowed to know better or fear from one of You many represive infected socalled countries.

SDFs was the only one in the whole are having a plan for the future. Even so 4 countries unite and fight hard against any needed change.

USA and West as well as Jews never made You extreme high unimplyment rates. If You take Your joke Jews running everything, because You dont Yourself, at least ALL would work hard in low paid jobs and make profit for the zionists and West.

And according to the Jews some lazy unproductive like Syrians and Hesbollah never can defeat the few Jews because they have a productive systems being 10 or 20 tines btter then Yours

And the proposed fx taking back Golan is even worse. They hardly pay for the weapons for it. Its gifts from Russians and Iran given for own purpose only.

But of vcourse those are Your friends You can rely on:)

Sewraj Awmee

Do you think crime will not be judged one day? It is said that children pay the crime of their father and populations the crime of their leaders.This was the fate of Ancient Rome. Very unfortunately this is inevitable Karma unless USA repents and comes to the Lord in 2019.

Tudor Miron

Everyone will reap what they sow. including US. Population always pay for the crime of their leaders because population deserves their leaders in terms that leaders are a reflection of collective state of awareness of society (yes that’s rude but that’s what it is).

Xoli Xoli

I personally think Syrian forces should stop protecting motherland traitors with USA. Their should rather use Turkey incursion and close down all traitors loopholes.

As for know their should make way for Turkey to enter Ol Omar oilfields to get rid of SDF=ISIS. Let Turkey built some observation post in Golan Heights. Case close keys lost.


That dumb viking Jens said US is only there to protect the oil fields!!

Russia should present all this evidence to the UN – whilst the organisation is toothless it would embarrass the US

Tommy Jensen

Can anyone embarrass a toxic rat?

Jens Holm

I do every day. Sometimes I am wrong and as here I am sorry the rat only are a mice.

Jens Holm

But they do protect theoildfields:) Doint they. They dont steal oil from there as well as its not their intensions.

It doesnt say they will hand over to Assads unless there are good reasons for it. I mightbe wrong about USA might remain in Hasaka- DEZ. I am sorry for being wrong if I am.

My oppiniens was to rely on Trump. It make sense for USA to retreat like that. It made sense to remain as they were and even put some few more troops in as guuards against Turks.

I also feel ashame for Denmark and parts of EU. We should havestarted rebuilding the safests parts of the SDD, so some of the refugees now already had started a sober non panic retreatment to their own homes.

I finally see Russians has as dirty hands as they can be in United Nations blocking for very sober decissions there around themselves and Assads.


I’d love to see the Syrians kicking out the Americans like the Lebanese people did:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_Beirut_barracks_bombings

Tommy Jensen

Only Hezbollah has the guts to do that.


it was an israeli supported terrorists blowing up people. hebolla never blew up stuff to just kill people.

Jens Holm

Some link instead of Yours declamation would be nice….

But of course Jews did it and none else inLebanon are responsible for anything. And that s the whole point. Tons of excuses for everybody else harm You andYou just are peaceful ones sitting on Your hands.

Well partfrom Your women serving Your tea making children and food in the kir´tcehn for it as bought slaves as well.

Jens Holm

It solves nothing, if the other half prefare something else.

Jens Holm

Hahaha. And now the Lebanse after Kicking Assads out are kicking themselves.

Maybee some should send them soft shoes and sandals :)

The Lebanese has learned nothing since USA and IUsrael was there. Nothing. In stead they seemes to be a kind of collapsed in exact the same way as Syria.

Syria shoud not me made as it was by French. It was not even able to liberate itself after WW1 and is runned in a primitive Emirate Dictatorshíp as private property.


Dictatorship? That’s why Syria is a REPUBLIC, in which the people decide who leads them. To bad your dreams of the overthrowing of the Syrian government didn’t come true.

Jens Holm

There has been no elections for real in Syria for decades. If You insist, You dont know what a republic is as well.


There have been elections. During the war Assad was reelected you just don’t wanna accept the reality.

Concrete Mike

Bullshit, syrian society is nothing like the emirati pigs! Your generalizing, or like you say ahhh them jews again!!!


This is standard US modus operandi, to loot oil, use narco states and Arab puppet regimes to fund global terrorism. The US never had any intention of leaving Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and most of the Arab world. The Turks, US and Israel have the same goals. Only resistance will liberate all of Syria and Iraq and that looks very doubtful at this stage as Russia is kow towing to both US and Turkey and is an active partner of Israel. President Assad speech to his troops in Idlib province quite clearly showed his growing frustration at Russian policies.


Russia wont get into conflict with US over this – I think if a final settlement could be reached with the kurds & the government for areas they control (not likely at present) only then would we see US having to leave.

Tommy Jensen

We cleaned Syria for terrorists and won. Therefore we have the winners right to stay in the country and decide who should exploit the oil revenues.

The free Syrian population and the moderate Syrian freedom fighters who fought for freedom deserves Americas support because they fought for freedom in 5 long years.


Perhaps you can point out who these moderates are all I see is jihadis like HTS

Jens Holm

I see SDFs and the millionsnot fighting and 5millionsof them outisde the country right now,

Jens Holm

Yerrh, with You oil was only for lamps, and You could not feed 10 times more then the ones You had after WW1.

King Cliff

I must say I’m surprised the Russians,Iranians and the Syrian didn’t pressure the Iraqis government and military to kick the USA military out if Iraq. if that were to happen the US will have no say in Syria what’s so ever since they wouldn’t have no border access from Turkey and and iraq.. i can see the Russian and Iranian send expert in Iraq to help them train they special Anti-terrorism force and intelligence force and military.

Harry Smith

Iraq is still under USA occupation.

Jens Holm

You head seemes very occupied. You dont mntion the alternatives as well. We were asked to come and not only USA. Thats hardly an occupation.


You see what’s happening right now in Iraq?
It’s the result of Iraqi government, lawmakers and people committing unforgivable crimes:
– Not cutting relationship with Iran but strengthening it, ignoring US economic terrorism on Iran.

– Opening Qaem-BuKamal border crossing and engaging with Syria in commerce and security.
– Demanding removal of US occupying force.

Tudor Miron

I like the fact that you look at the wider picture.

Jens Holm

You not eventry to understand Iraq is an artificial made state, whcih should be several.

Bagdads because of that has to outbalnce Iranians and the Coalision which is much more then A´mericans(You also dont get that).

Even so Bagdads dont control the whole country and never will but several others do such as very different kinds og shiit militias and Turks. You in thos has locals, which are very hostile tothoseas well and some of them today also prefare ISIS form those.

Here You also have to ass the more neutral mainly ara´bis and Turkmen refugees more or less in camps.

Thats how the kongloramate is. There is no´Iraq. Most parts under military control but military cointrol dont make a country.

As we can see the elected Leaders of Bagdad beacuse of corruption and mismanegements has no confidence from a lot of local citicens as well. A lot of the incomming money frominside and outside dont reach, what it is supposed to do at all.

Jens Holm

There the stupisme goes again. You have no realtions to facts about it.

The coalision already train the Iraqian Bagdad armed forces very well. The Russians only will train some few dirty outfitts from there.


Isn’t it embarrassing for Americans to find that their President is an avowed thief, using their military forces as bandits? Or, is that the moral level of most of the American people?

Harry Smith

I think that Trump can do nothing about it.


He was a known criminal before he was elected. BTW, the world, right along with Americans, saw Trump as a savior..strictly because he said all the right BS. But people didn’t pay attention when it was revealed who was backing him because he said he was rich and couldn’t be bought. Even though it is proven and admitted by Trump himself that he was an associate of (Mossad) Epstein for over 30 years, so what? Just because he was groomed and mentored by Roy Cohn, a known Mossad operative for many years, so what? Still, he is a great guy, out to save America. How many still believe the fairy tale that he is fighting the deep state? How many still believe he wants to bring troops home? How many troops have been brought home in the last 3 years? How many Yemeni have died since he took office? How much weapons has he sold KSA to continue to slaughter them? Isn’t he now sending 3,000more troop and aircraft to KSA. No,Trump is exactly what the Mossad/CIA want him to be…and he didn’t just get that way. Remember Obama and the worlds opinion when he was first elected? How did that go? Also, American aren’t the only ones that ‘still believe’.

Jens Holm

Arrrhhh Jews did it. I anytime prefare Jews for You.

Which system of Yours do we have to súnni copy in stead ???

I have asked many times. You only are able to destroy. Well You and I could blame USA a often doing that too.

I anytime will preafare our westerns economics inclusive most jews. Hip hip for that.

Tommy Jensen

Remember the first years under Putin on 20% of his decrees were followed by the old hard core Sovjet system Putin himself has told it was and is the most difficult of his tasks.
Same with Trump. The MIC and CIA do what they like. It takes time to clean deep state just a bit.

Jens Holm

Thats completly different. USA for good reasons has not collapsed.

USA also dont have only a president as leaders. Yhings in the top level as well as out in tis countries are divided to many hands as well as they are elected every 4the year.


Putin always had the Russian MIC and security apparatus on his side ….. the US MIC, security apparatus and most industrial lobbies are Trumps enemies.

Trumps power base are poor pissed off white folks who, while in possession of a shitload of small arms, don’t wield any power in the USA other than at the ballot box. Putin could make real structural changes to the way Russia was governed, Trump can get away with a few acts of insubordination but he can’t make any real changes.

Last trump is a thief, a con man and a poor one at that. There is a pattern of suspicious trades that take place just before he tweets news news on the Trade war with China that have made $3.5 billion. Trump is a NY construction guy who managed to repeatedly bankrupt casinos ….. you don’t build in NYC or bankrupt a cash machine like a casino without having some sort of connection to the mafia.


In fairness, what the Trump presidency has done is to expose the realities of past and present US interventions abroad. All such interventions are, and have been, for the profit of the US Elite. The de fact looting of Japanese artifacts by US ‘carpet baggers’ supported by the threats of the US navy during the 19th century is just one of many examples of US greed.

Trump uses very simple language, and orders his military and paid terrorists to perform simplistic operations, such as to ‘Protect Syrian oil ‘. A more eloquent president would have done the same things, but the words used would be from a far more comprehensive dictionary and dressed up the US looting in a fancy party frock.

Stolen Syrian Oil purchased by the US is a bargain at $38 / barrel.

Tudor Miron

What Trump is doing is showing things as they are in the open. Internal power struggle within US is ongoing. Remember what I was saying about Trumps assignment when/just before he was elected?


Trump was an rank outsider for most in 2016, but I had a feeling he might win and bet £400 on him the day before the election. I won about £900 if I recall.

The betting odds were 600:1 about 9 months earlier.

A jew property developer in London won circa £1,000,000 . I have no idea of the odds though.

Jens Holm

Arrrh Jews again and You probatly always only mention, when they win.

Facts are our systems incl the jewish ones are trying new things and given more winning then loosing.

Giving a horse better food dont make a car, which is Your system. Ypou probatly are not even allowed to think in a different way as “car”.

Jens Holm

Yes me do strugle. We need correction and here and there correction and nor random opportunisme.

Things among China, USA and dirty little Russia has to be settled and kept in writing.

Its hard time, when I still would have prefared Hilary. I could rely on notliking here doings:(


“Trump uses very simple language, and orders his military and paid
terrorists to perform simplistic operations, such as to ‘Protect Syrian
oil”. This is what we in the US call the John Wayne syndrome. Everything is simplistically stated, shooting from the hip is encouraged and US righteousness is taken for granted. Unfortunately, John Wayne is one dimensional and phony Hollywood created character.


I have been analysing the excellent graph that you sent me.
It could certainly be described as the ‘Dark Web of Deep State Decadence’.


I was glad to share. It is daunting to go through all the connections. Thank god it’s interactive. Your description is right on… the old adage that they are all crooks is proven right once again.

Jens Holm

Haha. You are a kind of very correct in that assumtion :)

Jens Holm

Very simplified. I cant say they can steal any oil from there, but facts are mainly USA want to keep Assads down and by that any oil to them is bad.

So they guaes the oil and cant take those small local amounts.

Once again: Where fo theysend it. Do they send crude oil or fuel..

Onece again. Again. Again – Where do they send it and how.

Assads also do have many other fields.

Jens Holm

TRump tryed to retreat all from Syria. That theft from him? I dont see that.

Even referring to the american people makes me sick. They actualy has voted for Trump as well as their parlament and how they run their forces.

Many know Caitline Johnstone. She might be right in several things but telling she has no influence is no correct. Nopt enough voted for her and her oppinions. Maybee next time.

If You want to be string like them as counterweight or something, You should change Your own old outdated dusty world. Most ME are not even allowed to thake any good parts from any other part of the world.

Thats where the real problems for You are


I forgot to add that Trumpets are saying that Trump represents true American values. I have to agree that as far as his supporters are concerned, they are right. Short-sighted, self indulgent, self important, money oriented, morally irresponsible and above all…self righteous. I might also add dumb as a box of rocks. But, hey…look at the past 40 years of American politics. I mean, what can one say after reelecting a ‘B’ actor and the village idiot(who really took us down a rabbit hole).


WHO benefitted the last time the rap pack exported oil, tell me, and whom is the main reason for the Impisses forces to stay put, even when we know the so called war on ISIS witch is more or less created by Al-CIAeda/etc. ISISrael.
Its fasinating how silent it have become, because of the facts the Impisses generals them self have just stated on the Banana republic so called News sites, because of ISISrael.
They, have NOT stopped the Balkanisation of Syria, since that was due to the Kurds, ISISrael Minore, and this is the reason for them to drool something about protecting the Kurds from uh….. ISIS, if you belive that I have some bridges to sell you, hell you buy two and I give you one for free.
Get it, the rest is smoke and mirrors, the Impissment Saga is just an divertion, since the moment Trump the Jooho grand Bitch, said we are there to protect and gurad the Oil fields, the MSM was on it, and stil people think this Impissment is an real thing, its not, its an f…. freak show, because no matter how you shuffle the scumbags, demonCrauts, the republiCONs, the Libtards, it simply dont matter because they are for ISISrael.
All of them, nobody, incl whatever direction of the left/right scale you messure the idiot propaganda, they are all in it for ISISraelm because ISISrael is gearing up to an war against Iran, and Trump da Bitch is jumping when the Joohos tells him to jump.

Of course, the solution isnt stearing on us as we speak, the unraveling and solidifying the north/north east must be completed, before some radical move can be done to take back the oil fields, the only reasonable thing to do, and then the Impisses have nothing to hide their “exuses” behind other than openly ignoring most of any internatinal law, witch they have never cared about in the first place and what may be an obstacle for the Impisses is what will the others do, when they know their lies and faking of reasons, is evaporating is maybe the only variable in this, but never ever doubt the grip on the Banana republics senatwhores and the MSM prestitutes the Jooohos have, and now they are squicing because it looks bad for them.

The reason not for mentioning others like the spectaculare insane and corrupt Saudi-barbarians and the others incl UAE/etc, is that they wil crumble the moment the Impisses are gone, and ISISrael castrated.
What can Russia do, well, some wankeedoodle wankers stil live in the 1800s, but carriers, airfields etc, have to be relocated so far of that anything will be dificould and logitical an nighmare.
But again, as long the MSM dont have any problems with whatever reason for continuing wars, they will come, and now the Lebanes etc to Iraq is been instigated, just or not, the propaganda is aready kicking in to demonise the forces that fought for Syria and its people on the invasion force created by the west, and Saudis. dont forget Pakistan etc, to Afircan mercs like Jannjaweed, huh, nice f….. and Boko Haram the love child of Obamalama and Hillarious Caligula Clintonius, whom refused to label them as terrorists, yeah, needed to continue to have an exuse for intervining in Africa, the scap book is stil the same.


Jens Holm

ISIS wass the last dirty card and not the first one.

They were used because they were no more loyal to Assad, which created the start by ISIL in Iraq.

SDFs was a much better card.

Rafik Chauhan

thief and liar will always will be thief and liars. Problem ids the SDF/kurds supporting this thief bcuz they have share in it.


This sounds like it’s exactly what’s happening.


don’t think the morons can hold on the oil or the oil fields for any stretch of time without deploying more troops and that won’t happen. this impasse is caused by the deep state and mic’s attempt to countermand trump’s decision and it’s a minor one and there won’t be any additional troops (unlesserdogan does something stupid on the friggin kurds).so the pentagon and the mic and the deep state are desperate to hold on to some of its privileges from yesteryear but can only do so in small bits to avoid trump getting mighty pissed. in a while trump will have regained all powers to the presidency and then the obstructors will have to duck and dive to avoid an end like bolton (who might be in jail soon for treason).


Correct and informed assessment unlike most of the emotional diatribe on the site.

Tudor Miron

This direct evidence of US authorities violating US law will be very welcome in US internal power fight that is still ongoing. On international scene – this is another direct evidence that US is a rogue state. This is fine when empire is strong but things are changing rapidly and time will come when this sort of direct evidence will be haunting some individuals and entire agencies.


I doubt this would make a difference internally. As Trump is finding out with Ukraine, when you’re dirty as hell, you don’t call the cops. Personally, I do not ascribe to the notion that Trump being attacked, I think he is just a diversionary shill, as too much crap does not add up. Internationally, the only way there will be repercussions is if the rest of the world can shake off the Zionist shackles and oppose US policy and actions, as the ICC is impotent and corrupt as well. The US is not committing their crimes in a vacuum…all EU is involved as well. Will these other countries admonish the US when their hands are dirty? When it comes to calling the shots…the Zionist CoL is probably the biggest problem the world has, not the US. The fact that Trump is a Zionist thug is telling. For people to deny that Trump is part and parcel, means that they have to ignore his associations with Epstein and Cohn…two Zionist/Mossad kompromat agents…and his support for Zionist Israel. Funny how people will ignore what is inconvenient to their preconceived notions. Even funnier is the idea that ‘they’ would allow a real threat to be elected. Re:JFK,RFK.

Tudor Miron

Thanks Zman,
All parties involved in US internal power struggle are dirty as hell. There are no good guys in there. It’s just that one party is supranational representing the forces that actually created US in its current role and another party is so called “country level” elites. Their plans for the future are different – transferring center of power concentration from US to China is one of bigger intermediate tasks. “Country level” elites are opposing this plan as best they can for obvious reasons. There’s no sympathy on my side towards each of this parties. There’s just a situational and temporary alignment of objectives.

Jens Holm

Yes, they copuld and should change some internal things. But they are 326 millions and do need some kind of upper hat for their many stayes.

Obama ,ade some relative clever compromises with their parlament and did relative fine in that. Thats how it should be again and the system is supposed to.

People like Ypu should be kind of happy, they are not effective in the Hillary way.


I simply view it all as corporate warfare…as that is basically what it is. They’re all positioning to grab for the pieces when they finally blow it all up. Similar to an old American adage that goes…he with the most toys, wins.

Tudor Miron

Here’s a very good documentary (Thanks to Florian who sent me the link) that is historically related to our conversation. https://youtu.be/ny-21C8xtEU

Jens Holm

Arrrrrhh Jews again. More like You do nothing.

EU and USA are very different around Ukraine, and You off course only mention Ukraine and not

Estonia,Latvia, Lituania, Finland, Polen, Tjekkoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Roumania, Bessarabia and the others in east from Caucasus and east.

You also dont mention Russia mas deployed big missile batteries in Kaliningrad as well as Russian danoish and english speking russians coall single soldiers of ours, because they know, they will be seployed in Estonia.

And out of this context 4 examples of Turkish threats to old danish turkish danish citicent of ours soon will be in court. They might be some kind of Gülen, but they are oirs in our country and their families in Turkey should not be kept as hotages

Jens Holm

TRue, but USA can regain and make the needed changes. They also has to asaptthe world better as well as we have to adapt their changes.

Not only USA change.

Jens Holm

USA any time cpould have kept, what they had. So Your point is totally out of order. They could have sended many troopsin there as well.

This is a retreat by Trump because he in his election campaign promised to do so and by that fullfill it.

You of course thin Syria and Irak are the centers of iporttance for USA. Its not.

As writen by me in Denmark, we have our own problems too and dont need to add it up with muslims here as well asin ME starting sometimed everything from the past 100 years ago or more in Denmark.


Recall the last time Russia publicly presented evidence of systematic oil smuggling out of east Syria – then by collusion of ISIS-Kurds-US-Turkey – and what happened next. The RuAF lit up and incinerated numerous smuggling tanker convoys – tankers owned by Turkish companies.


I wonder if the Turkish tanker owners has insurance for travelling in a war zone :)

Jens Holm

Was it a Turkish tanker. Where ?

Jens Holm

Very dunny it shou´ld be russians telling this as the first ones. It wasnt.

Its very small local amounts and of course – as usual – ISIS and USA is not in that as well.

Years old information in Your restored win95 brain about russians and trucks. But before that USA bombarded all the ISIS facilities fuel, they could.

In thiis war, You ancient informationis totally bealdered and irrelevant.

So I add this. When Russia took back stalingrad they got 95.000 soldiers asprosoners. Only 9.000 of them ever came back to germany. Isnt that etnicv cleansing – no food, gulag with no medical help …

Concrete Mike

Bull shit, you could see the tankers from space, usa just scratched isis along. USA intervention did nothing to ISIS, sweet fuck all and you know it.


Nope. ISIS was smuggling looted, eastern-most, Syrian oil to Turkey – and the Kurds on both sides of Syrian-Iraqi border were deeply complicit, as were their patrons the US. Welcome to factual reality.

Harry Smith

The more info we get, the harder Deep State stinks. Correct me if I’m wrong.


Russia need to establish a very large military base near the oil fields as soon as possible. Send troops, battle tanks, warplanes, S400, warships and submarines to the Mediterranean and other heavy weapons to Syria, then sit and see what happens. Sometimes you have to take risks to stop this kind of evil! If America is still threatening, then say “thousands of our nuclear missiles, including TOPOLS and YARS are very unhappy right now, let’s ask their opinion, yank!” I am sure the Russian economy is currently able to support this, believe me the Russian economy is not as bad as what was reported on MSM. America will not dare to attack those who can fight back! After all, we have to try to find out the results.


Tabqa airport near Raqqa is now being used by Russian helicopters and I would expect full air defences to protect the base very soon.

Jens Holm

There the stupidity goes again. Protect against whome. I see none.

Israelians,Turks, americans ?

Jens Holm

Russians has exact the same problems as Americans and others. It is possible but its far away according to logistic transportation.

Ypur dreams about Russiansand Americans fighting each other is a fantasy of Yours only. They should fight we´wars for or against You only.

You should try to see their agendas better.


Okay, now how about taking action to finally kick the bastards out??!


There is Idlib to deal with first I think.

Jens Holm

Assads has no troops for that at all. I also wonder why some bordertroops or police should be needed there at all.

I only see the needs can be defeating the ISIS leftovers. That isnt solved by trying to block a border, which i several 100 kmlong and canbe crossed many, many places with tecnicals and that seize of vehicles.

Its like the Qaim – Al Tanf. You can cross it in many smaller cars many places.

Yourt oppinions about heavy armour is partly incorrect. They can get in marine parashute troops fx having 150 mm shoirt barrel conanins as well as a lot of other stuff.

And how much is neened, when they can send USAF as fx as they did at the Oilfields.

Jens Holm

Another realisme. As long as You have no war potential based on production, this is not existing.

And after decades of peace aprt from You tookL LebanonYourself with Hesbollah, You still produce nothing worth stealing


Just seige them , they wont last long

Jim Bim

Just like the poppy fields in Afghanistan…..the US uses theft for its Black Ops, secret and illegal operations around the world.


Well usually it is organs and drugs that the US specialises in to get funds for their evil deeds.. Now it is straight up plunder.. Maybe they dont find kurd kiddies enticing enough.. Just not enough demand for pizza kurdies.. So that part dont bring in much.

Jens Holm

I see nothing to plunder. People in Your region hardly produce annything woth stealing.

Maybee some from India and China might buy some warwidows or something as BLACK FRIDAY SALES :)


The game is now out in the open, one more chinch in the game itself. it is activity that is indefensible. A very large swath of Syria has now been liberated, again. Let this settle in, organize a bit and more land will be returned to Syria in the next step. It is one step at a time. Consider the map in September 2015 and consider it again now, the progression is very clear. My take folks.

Tudor Miron

Very well said.


Thank you tudor. I wish well to you and yours.

Tudor Miron

Thanks, John. Same from my side.

Jens Holm

Hard to see its liberated. Which part? The Turkish part? SDFs had to give up and Assads got it for free even they hardlky can cover most of it.

Liberate??? So thosepeople were kind of free by Assads., I dont see that.


Relax and enjoy the show Jens.

Jens Holm

I has been against we should be there at all and remained so. And now the miliatry part finally seemed fine, and then this retreat by Trump.

Of course I cannt just enjoy

But thanks for the advice…


I know where you are at Jens. You have been supporting the slaughter the whole time by all of the forces brought into Syria by you know who. So, just sit back now and watch the whole thing crumble like a stale cookie for the Occidentals. The US military will be thrown out other in due time, don’t worry about that..

Concrete Mike

When the saudi whore al jubeir visits you and “donates” money to you, as was with the sdf, i see that a being saudi puppets.

You know who else works for the saudis? ISIS.

To me SDF=ISIS, same masters and same objectives.

So when SAA pushes ISIS/ SDF out, that removes the saudi strings attached= LIBERATION FROM SAUDI PIGS INFLUENCE!!!!

Jens Holm

Nothong to loote there. Make a list: Old pipes, ruins, more or less destroyed buildings etc.


I’ve said this many times before and will say it again: Russia, Syria and Iran need to use their contacts with local Islamists and arrange some terror attacks on US troops. Think Lebanon 1983. Playing with Islamists is risky, but these groups can be useful. The only way to get the US out is they start coming home in body bags. Actually that’s the only way to get Americans to do the right thing and has always been the case.

Bill Wilson

How funny! Those oil fields were developed by Western oil companies so naturally have western made equipment.

Toronto Tonto

So what can you do about it ————- jack shit EH .
Assad and Russia most likely looted that area long ago nice try .