Photos And Videos Of Abandoned Military Base Near Manbij Demonstrate US Troops’ Unmatched Wisdom

The abandoned US military facility near Manbij became an international meme thanks to a ‘rapid withdrawal’ of US-led coalition forces and ‘wise actions’ of some US troops that had left a few messages to the Russians.

Hint: ПЕДИК – faggot

Photos And Videos Of Abandoned Military Base Near Manbij Demonstrate US Troops' Unmatched Wisdom

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Photos And Videos Of Abandoned Military Base Near Manbij Demonstrate US Troops' Unmatched Wisdom

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Photos And Videos Of Abandoned Military Base Near Manbij Demonstrate US Troops' Unmatched Wisdom

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Hint: #СССР – #USSR

Photos And Videos Of Abandoned Military Base Near Manbij Demonstrate US Troops' Unmatched Wisdom

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After ‘the Manbij success’, the US-led coalition used warplanes to eliminate another abandoned US-led coalition military facility in northeastern Syria – the Kharab Ashk military base.


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Ziønist šhill

US troops calling Russians gay is PEAK irony. America has been totally cucked with trannies, faggots and pedos. America is like drag queen story hour, now.

Meanwhile Russians are embracing their heritage and traditions. SMH


Russians don’t care about that childish crap. We all know which countries are the ones running gay parades.

Jens Holm

Fine with me to be able to see who is who. The % is the same in all countries.

Concrete Mike

Yep a gay is a gay. I agree with you.


As I’ve always said, whatever the US and the West accuse others of doing, it does itself as well, only 10x worse.


Just another proof that liberalism has taken over the U.S. But that’s what you get when your Constitution creates a godless liberal democracy.

Ceasar Polar

You mean covert communism disguised as capitalism. Where money and ressources flow beyond the frontiers and labour and people get glued where they are with stagnating pay, and jobs that go where the labour is the cheapest.


no, that’s just capitalism

Ceasar Polar

True capitalism is allowing ressources, capital AND labour (humans) to move freely from place to place. Where today’s capitalism allow only ressources and money to move people are struck with enough problems and issues for them to be busy with not to move and follow the capital, they stick around to rot when the capital and ressources are gone.
I will give an exemple: why do you think two “adversaries” nation do exchange ressources and money where their people are stuck inside their own country and cant move as freely as their gas ressources below the ground (gas being sold internationally where the same people in that country cant move because visa/lack of money to move.
True capitalism is when you allow people to move as freely as ressources and capital, so that when money moves (manufacture that closes) they can move with that capital and continue working, instead, capital moves, the manufacture closes, and people become jobless.
When i said a covert communism, i meant by that still a system where you have kikes (jews) sitting on top of the masses and kikes are running around like kings in the capitalist world like they did with the communists back in the day. It is just another corrupt system to control money/ressources/people but it s not serving the majority, it is hurting the majority.



Jens Holm

The big difference is Yours are dressed in black dress and hijabs, so we dont see them.


Shut the fuck up.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

do you ever make sense?

Ceasar Polar

Hasbara troll from occupied Palestine detected.


This base looks like shit anyway. Looks similar to their base in Djibuti. Check the internet for the Chinsese base there and you get an impression who will rule the world soon.

Ceasar Polar

1000 times the Chinese over the US/zionist/freemason scums with their fake money printed from thin air and charging interest over it. At least under Chinese rule it will be gold based, and the world will abolish all sort of copyrights.
Right now the world is suffering under perma-wars from the zio-imperial-US-scums.

Harry Smith

Some people say these messages were written not by rangers, but their translator, which is Ukrainian origin

viktor ziv

What would ukrainian origin translator do in Syria? Witnessing US leaving base pighole and in a hurry?

Jens Holm

Its a joke in western way of thinking. Its totally unimportant if there are any Ukrainian translator or not. Its about Ukraine and Russia being enemies throwing dirt at each other.


The only joke is Denmark and the Scandinavian fagots like you.

Jens Holm

The joke is “What would ukrainian origin translator do in Syria”.

Fagots are fine people. They make no children and have time to make a lot of tax for those, which make children and unfortunatly time for them to make children.

We love fagots. The best Fagots of Yours unfortunatly are dead. Even as dead he will be better then any of those, You have now.

Ceasar Polar

Faggots contribute to the end of Humanity. More fags mean Humans will be dying faster, since they are not replacing themselves. It is a sickness for society as whole and for a person to be a fag.
Why do you think (you crypto-nazi-zio-scum-euFags) are forced to import africans, M-easterners and to your country ? It s because your faggotery your women do not find enough men to make kids with, men there are too busy visiting each others anus than tapping some nice pussies.
You cant defend being a fag, in all aspect it s bad.
Also, zionist-scums are known to push feminist agendas and faggotery laws because it s part of their NWO agenda. You Scandinavian-EU-fags cant stand for yourself and deny those stupid things to happen to you, just like Hungry did.
You are a disgrace for your ancestors, the Vikings were at least in love that wet tight pussy and not sucking dicks.

Tommy Jensen

Jens Holm and Danes are 100% brainwashed which you can see in neon light in his comment.
The highest priority for a Dane is to pay taxes and avoid paying taxes out again to anybody.

Therefore Jens love gays, and therefore Danes despise children because children are a cost and take away time and energy which could be used to pay taxes.

Jens comments around Russia is of same character. Danish Companies goes to Russia, makes business and await the Russians to demand taxes as this is the highest degree of civilisation for a Dane.

When the Russians dont have the same sick socialist system as in Denmark, the Danes make fun of the Russians who then invent some taxes for the Danes to pay to satisfy them.
Then Jens and the Danes are crying the Russians are disorganised and bribed.

Joy of life, heart and children dont hit anything inside a Danish socialist zombie.

Ceasar Polar

That is what happens when you erase religion and culture/tradition from a society. God said in all religion: Multiple on the Earth and enjoy what he created for us, and thank him.
By saying they are being cheap by being against children, they once again go directly against the commandment of God to have children. Also God also forbid to be cheap, and especially to be cheap with having kids/family, if one has the means to have a family, one have to make the sacrifice and multiply, for the sake of leaving his Earth’s representative (a descendance) after his departure to the after life(death).
I see sometimes when a society have their religion cut out, that same society commences its descent to oblivion. The descendants of the Vikings need to wake up, seeing the demographics stats they need to have 5,6,7 kids per families. But the zionists-scums dont want that, they prefer less white people around, since africans and mid-easterns are easier to control/subdue. There is some truth in the theory of replacement, however it can only succeed if the local population is completely blind and brainwashed, like this exemple of having someone defending a sickness, an attack on his own people and doesnt even see it happening.
Today’s socialism is covert communism.

Harry Smith

Translate from Russian to English. There is not only USA personnel in Syria. Russia has it’s personnel too. Do not thank me, sincerely yours Captain Obvious.


“Some people say”….., do you mean…you ?”

Jens Holm

I think it is, he has heard and its a joke. Its a joke, which is not from Your world.

Harry Smith

I mean Russian jurno Kots on his Telegram channel.

Joe Dickson

Like US troops are smart enough to know what CCCP means. Clearly written by Russians.

Jens Holm

It was wel known from Icehocky. Some elder officer wrote it …


The onnly good Scandinavian is a dead one.

Jens Holm

I agree. If You are a necrophile, we can send my Gradmother. Last weekend she served 72 virgins in heaven recommended by Gabriel.

One or two times more, and we can buy Portugal. Lest Year we got Spain.

And dont worry , she is smiling…

Ceasar Polar

You are a disgrace for your ancestors.

Prince Teutonic

I guess some higher ranked spec-ops officer should understand russian language…

Jens Holm

Of course they do. Mast say they take in and coordinate with the russians and might spy a little as well …

Joe Dickson

Of course they don’t, they were in diapers when it was a thing if they were even born yet.

Joe Dickson

Like a high ranked spec-ops officer is going to leave that behind…

Marvin Joel Zavala López

Rangers need to master their drawing skills

Jens Holm

They used a hairy ISIS member as a speedmarker.


Sure as dane tranny boy like you gets rammed hard dutchnational and his gang of kurdish fags.

Jens Holm

Its distance love. Our dicks are not that long – yet.

Ceasar Polar

Yea when the africans will couple with all the blondes, the new danish will be tanned and with bigger dicks, but those new danish will look more like Moroccans to Tunisians, or Spanish, no more white danish, welcome chocolate danish.


Man, raging has a new definition.

Those guys just never know when just to keep silent, and just call a bad day, a day. How even a minimally sane and intelligent grown-up could end up thinking that such toilet trolling is going to provoke anything other than a few good, hard laughs and a lot of war-souvenir material for upcoming Russian troops, that happen to be destroying their geopolitical posture and completely winning the day merely by being able to look at this board, and taking over precisely where the Yankees pathetically left against their will ?

No wonder Twitter diplomacy is the new norm for Washington : POTUS is the real representative of his pathetically stupid army. The #CCCP thing was just priceless. The morons are even oblivious to the effect it’s gonna have on Russians for whom that era and its military grandor is a pride, not a shame to be reminded of… wow , education truly makes a difference.

Jens Holm

Haha. Maybee Russians wrote it themselves.


I really hope so, for the sake of the Yankees dignity xD

Ceasar Polar

Nahhh, US fags did.


Jen Holm, Dane russophobe tranny that gets gang raped by Kurds.

Jens Holm

Be lucky Kurds dont come to heaven.

Ceasar Polar

He likes imported african D’s.



Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

ahahhaha they are butthurt they had to withdraw

Jacob Wohl's Nose

lol apparently US Special Forces are indeed special… NEEDS

Jacob Wohl's Nose

People need to understand. ALL US MILITARY SERVICE MEMBERS (part of training) are brainwashed in hour lectures about the “Russian threat” and “Protecting Israel” and “evil regimes”. They are brainwashed to hate Russians and any country allied with them. I was told this by ACTIVE DUTY US military members.