Wild mainstream media rumors about ‘Russian Special Forces operations’ in Norway found own supporters among Russian-language media focusing on spreading pro-globalist propaganda and anti-Russian rumors.
One of such media outlets, Novaya Gazeta, took the rumor released by Aldrimer and made an Instagram investigation claiming that these photos are a smoking-gun proof confirming ‘Russian Special Forces operations’ in Norway. Novaya Gazeta claimed that “the Flying Squad of Kadyrov [the head of the Russian Republic of Chechnya] has been working in the Arctic, including its Norwegian part, since 2016”.
Let’s look at this ‘smoking gun’:
According to Novaya Gazeta, on March 2, 2018, an Instagram user with the nickname bes_600 published a group shot of men on the front of the Grozny airport, Chechnya. Novaya Gazeta claims that these men are in ‘military uniforms’. However, this is untrue. They are dressed in uniforms of the Russian University of Spetsnaz – a private training center located in Chechnya. It is the only private educational institution in the country that trains professional security officials Let’s keep in mind this.
Comments under the phono says that the group of men visited the Arctic. To the question about the missing comrade, the author of the photo says that this ‘comrade’ with another person went to Norway on business.
This Instagram post is the corner stone of Novaya Gazeta’s fake story about ‘secretive Russian special operations in Norway’. Probably, Russian special agents from Chechnya were instructed to publish Instagram photos and comments to keep their HQ informed about the course of the operation.
In another photo, the same user is captured against the backdrop of the nuclear-powered ice-breaker Soviet Union with an older man in civilian clothes. The photo was made in Russia’s Murmansk. This is another ‘evidence’ of the Russian invasion of Norway.
Fortunately for Novaya Gazeta, there were more photos.
There are also Instagram photos and videos on which @bes_600 is photographed with @akhaev_07_95. On February 9 of the same year, akhaev_07_95 published a selfie against the backdrop of a snowy airport. The photo allows to see is a gas carrier with the inscription “Svalbard lufthavn” – “Svalbard Airport”. The geotag in the corresponding photo is “Spitsbergen”.
The man is captured in a uniform of the the Russian University of Spetsnaz with a patch of the parachute center DZ Grozny and another with the word “Fierce” written in Russian (probably a call sign). The user’s profile contains photos with the hashtag @ruspetsnaz – the official instagram account of the the Russian University of Spetsnaz.
Probably, this person insidiously crossed a border between Russia and Norway (probably, using some mini-submarine), carried out a secret operation on Norwegian soil and, then, came to make a nice photo for Instagram at Svalbard Airport.
Another photo found by Novaya Gazeta shows an armed man, supposedly @akhaev_07_95. The geotag is Longyearbyen, a small coal-mining town on Spitsbergen Island. It remains unclear where the photo was taken. However, the flag behind the man clearly reads DZ Grozny – the parachute center DZ Grozny. Probably, Russian agents just took a few flags to showcase them during a secret operation in Norway.
Using these photos, Novaya Gazeta makes a conclusion that the pictured persons are servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces that have been involved in some secretive Russian operations on Norwegian soil.
Novaya Gazeta is intentionally mixing Spetsnaz (task forces) of the Russian Armed Forces and private people that receive Spetsnaz training for some purposes (for example, to serve as a private military contractor around the world) to make the story more credible and argue that Russian servicemembers violate the territorial integrity of Norway. A similar approach is used to describe uniforms – private school uniforms are described as ‘Russian military unifrorms’.
The Russian University of Spetsnaz openly states that its attendees participate in training in the Arctic. Its attendees have a legal right to use arms during this training. The same persons can legally visit Norway for training in the Arctic conditions. Therefore, the Novaya Gazeta story is just an ordinary example of fake OSINT investigation. The story is intentionally-created in a manner that would allow the author to make conclusions that he wants to make.
Why is it that Russian agents and operatives carry their own passports abroad, flags and post pictures of themselves on Instagram. Whereas Western agents carry no identification themselves. Do they (the MSM and Western leaders) think we are that stupid? Are they themselves that stupid? Are they themselves that stupid that they can’t see that if the Russians are that incompetent why should we even be afraid of them?
Well, “western” military types have embarrassingly displayed their exact location for all to see courtesy of FitBit
I heard about that. Aren’t smartphones and apps wonderful?
Does this mean that British military forces who go to Norway to ski are infact spies?
No, because they’re the good guys
Ah, I see :)
Thats an assumption. Ypou only see those You are allowed to see from both sides. They might be the nice ones giving You choclate and a big smile.
You dont see the whippers and might not even feel You are whipped hard and fx change oppinon.
Like I’ve said before – you don’t need a Spetsnaz kill squad to gather “intel” in Norway. You just get in your car and drive across the border. That’s how Norwegians get their booze, too
From Finland as well.
Food, cars, fuel…etc.
Schhhhh, don’t tell the Russians that,Vitex. They will send ordinary tourists now, and as long as they are inoculated against Norwegian Stupidity ,such intel tourists will be ‘invisible’. :)
There’s no cure for that disease. Start with their pro-jihadi immigration policy and work outwards. Downtown Oslo it’s hard to tell if you’re in Europe
Its the same in the cities in the area I live in.
I travelled into a city the other day that I had not been to for a while.
The first thing that struck me was how squalid it looked and the second was the petty lawbreaking by those ‘of colour’, in plain sight.
The third was of beggar’s and rough sleepers.
“…Longyearbyen, a small coal-mining town on Spitsbergen Island.”
Hey! Have some respect for Longyearbyen, the capital of Svalbard and where most of its inhabitants live. It’s swarming with 2,100 or so residents, whereas the other 600 or so Svalbardians live in somewhere in the mountains. For Russian Spetsnaz invaders, the Russki Dom hostel looks like the place to stay.
Russians has mine rights there taking cole up even its Norway. The main problem might be Russians allow people like them or others to go there.
Russians and Norweigians do mingle there for manty years,so I cant see the points for those fairy tales.
Exactly as I said it and I were the first one here to tell it, but alternative media remained silent because MIC and MSM paid them off.
As I and the Bible says, they are coming from the North and it was in the North I met these guys heading south as a thief in the night, also stated in the bible and also said first by me………after the bible said it.
You’re insane.
They’re here in the US. I’ve talked with them.
Muhahaha, eh….. yeah, this is nonsense, if anything, I beet this eh…. Russian photo from Svalbard is due to Barentzburg, and also by the way, Russians can travel ther to, no problems at al, just some paper work and presto, you can go there, just make shure you are updated on what to do, regarding traveling into the wilde, and you may have people with groups that is trained to be guard, because of Polar bears, an creature witch is extremly “dangerous”, and apart from that, I cant see anything, so, like the Ukrainian Nazi nonsense, this is just the same, nobody, expect wankeedoodle dope heads thinks this is true, and by the way, if I had to train Spetnaz, I would dragg their sorry asses into Novaja Semljia, and give them the same, you dont need Svalbard to do that.
And Novaia G. isnt that own by an AmeriCunt, or an tribe Member, SF.
And beside, I grew up, just two km from the Russian border, Nikel is an 30m drive from Kirkenes, etc, fished by and on the Russian border, etc, so this is just an faked made up story, riddicilous to, made for idiots and belived by morons.
Bunch of little girls are not a threat anyway , just like the wagner spaz girls .