Foreign forces used YouTube video hosting during the August 10 rally on Moscow’s Sakharov Avenue in order to manipulate Russian citizens, the chairman of the Federation Council’s temporary commission for the protection of state sovereignty and prevention of interference in Russia’s internal affairs, Andrei Klimov, said on August 11.
“Simply speaking, people started receiving on their gadgets information from the sources, for which they had never signed up,” the senator said.
He added that the provided information was of instigative nature, encouraging citizens to violate law by sending them to protected federal facilities.
These technologies cannot be used without the assistance of certain Western organizations and owners of network companies, Klimov said. He also warned that these developments won’t be left unanswered.
Klimov recalled that on August 8, the temporary commission for the protection of state sovereignty and prevention of interference in Russia’s internal affairs cited the facts of blatant and illegal foreign meddling in Russia’s sovereign affairs in connection with the election to the Moscow City Duma.
The August 10 rally was the fourth in support of opposition candidates that failed to collect signatures to participate in the election to the Moscow City Duma (local parliament). The “non-system opposition” (the hardcore pro-US part of the opposition that declares an intention to overthrow the Russian government) called this a blatant example of anti-democratic actions by ‘the Putin regime’.
Responding to the Google meddling, Roskomnadzor, Russian telecom and media watchdog, sent a letter to Google demanding that it stop using YouTube video hosting for promoting unauthorized rallies.
“Roskomnadzor has sent to Google a letter demanding that it take measures to prevent the advertising of unauthorized mass events on YouTube video hosting owned by the company,” Roskomnadzor said in a statement on its website.
The statement said that “some structures” were buying YouTube advertising tools (push notifications) with the goal of disseminating information about unauthorized events aimed at disrupting elections at various levels across Russia. Roskomnadzor clarified that these push notifications are also sent to the users, who have not signed up for YouTube channels of these structures.
Roskomnadzor said that, unless Google takes response measures, Russia will consider this as meddling in its sovereign affairs and hindering democratic elections in the country. In this event, it would give an adequate response to these actions.
“…Roskomnadzor said that, unless Google takes response measures, Russia will consider this as meddling in its sovereign affairs and hindering democratic elections in the country…”
Oh FFS, it’s Google. They’re f’king EVIL – that’s their job. They do the same thing here in the U.S. (when they’re not helping the government spy on its citizens).
Now is clear…That’s why they have used that motto;
” Don’t be EVIL ! ”
( It’s Google’s trademark and they didn’t want to share it with anyone else ( being EVIL like them ) cheap copy of their style ) “
If US and NATO perverters exist then don’t look for peace in the world. Recently China caught red handed the US councilate member in between Hong Kong protests.
You forgot jews, gypsies, armenians and kurds Iddi.
This protesters are the bravest people of Russia, the rest are pussies
Yanker muppets, should be hung in the streets.
Putin the highest
Pootie is the Highest. He stands head and shoulders above the muppets who rule the West (as empty suits working for the Banking Cartels).
Putler is Your Highness. Why do you have an anglosaxon nickname Putler troll?
You can talk – your handle sez pig-fucker.
Your mom is a pig
wow… is that the best you have? Obviously the Queens English is not your native tongue :-D
Your mom is the queen of all pigs
“authoritarian regime is collapsing”
Authoritarian… yet they can demonstrate freely as long as they remian peaceful and stay within their alloted space. I don’t see any goon squad shooting rubber bullets at peoples faces like in France.
Not exactly Mao’s Red China is it?…..
This is why idiots like you always get it wrong. The Russia of your imagination is just that… nonexistent.
Do you have the link to the video in which they didn’t stay peaceful? Maybe riot police did their job, just like that?
If there were arrests, it was because, like every other time, the provocateurs tried to march in areas that weren’t authorised or they started to confront the police.
Break the rules and indulge in nonsense and they get tyo cool their heels overnight in a cell. Seems reasonable to me (as compared to losing an eye in France for standing still on the sidelines and getting picked out by an Imperial Legionaire with a rubber baton round).
But I guess since you’re a fucking hypocrite you’re not interested in supporting democracy or the right to protest in France?….
Do you have any video or you pulled that right from Putler’s arse?
Wow… life must really suck for you and your buddies at Langeley. No-one lstens to you anymore, nor your fellow esatablishment scribbelrs in the MSM.
Whats a poor frustrated agitprop peddler supposed to do?
/picks up 38 snub nose
/points at temple
Problem solved.
Putin’s days as president are numbered, Russia economy stopped growing, the Ruble is falling
You’re dreaming… or on krak… either way yer street cred is shit.
BTW God-Emperor Putin is Prez until 2024. Thats a lot of time for you to carry the stigma of failure and denial.
He won’t be president by then, his oligarchs pillaged the country, Russians are starting to wake up
Dude – you are pathologically fixated on Putin – and apparently suffer from deeply intrusive and unhealthy thoughts about Putin’s anatomy.
I just like to provoke seizures among the Putin lovers.
Keep telling yourself that – denial is a powerful drug.
Denial of what, is that midget so important for you to believe others have that obsessions too?
How dare you! Those bullers in france are democratic bullets! That eye was taken away with dignity and freedom on Macrons part. Those 11 killed during protests in Paris surely prrof that democratic regime is thriving!
Where those pesky Russkies dare to object street riots and braking of the law. Don’t you see the difference? How dare they… and you :)
I hear you :-D
The fuktardishness of the Murikkkan troll fuckwits like bacon-boy here is truly hilarious. What sort of fucking retard is this bufoon??? It re-affrims my total lack of faith in the natives of Exceptionalistan…
Somebody told me he is not even Americunt but troll from Romania.
No wonder he/she/it has a bad attitude. They filmed Borat in Romania cuz they couldn’t find a sufficently shitty village in Kazahstan (which is light years ahead of Romania these days).
It was Moldavia I think, not Romania.
But still very much alike as mentality to the Romanians.
She’s lucky she’s not French. She’d have lost an eye by now….
Nice piece of whataboutism. Still 3 crimes left for the comparison to expire
Nice attempt at deflection, but its quite OK to counter one piece of moral relativism with another.
You might want to google “moral relativism”.
I don’t need to google that, it sounds descriptive by itself. However I don’t think you use it correctly, the protests in France were pretty violent, Russian police would have used real ammo at the protesters if that happened in Moscow – this is moral relativism
The French police actually do use real ammo – they use stun grenades called ‘sting-balls’, fired from a tubular weapon launcher, and loaded with a 25kg quantity of TNT, the explosion is extremely loud, and sprays cone of small rubber balls and delivers jet of tear gas, these stun grenades are not employed by any police elsewhere in EU, and can easily cause serious injury when detonate in close proximity. French human rights groups, trade unions and injured individuals are now bringing legal cases forward over the French state use of these stun grenades.
Aside of this, the French police have liberally use 40mm rubber projectiles and vehicle mounted water cannons against recent large scale protests.
“they use stun grenades called ‘sting-balls’, fired from a tubular weapon launcher, and loaded with a 25kg quantity of TNT” by any chance do you have a photo or video of this weapon? is it carried by a truck?
Yes – here – since you are obviously far too lazy to open Google image search tab of your own:
That’s not a beating that’s a love tap. I had my ribs broken and eye closed shut by the cops in Calgary just for lipping at them. No medical treatment or anything they just kept me overnight then let me out with no charges at 5AM to find my own way to a hospital. I’ve seen worse too. A friend of mine dies in a cell after being beat by a cop back in the ’70’s …. they said it was natural causes, a brain aneurism ….. they beat the shit out of him then wouldn’t respond when his cell mate told them he was seriously fucked up. He was a teenager and so was I when I was beaten for no reason.
Seriously? black lives matter? there could be plenty of other more relevant examples of US police brutality. However USA doesn’t ask Google to stop posting this kind of stuff, that’s the fucking point.
“Seriously? black lives matter?”
Sorry. I forgot you’re American. Black men are considered people in most of the world outside the USA. Perhaps if they were considered livestock in the USA the SPCA and PETA would take up their cause and this kind of shit wouldn’t happen?
“there could be plenty of other more relevant examples of US police brutality.”
There are but I chose the first one to pop up in my search because I’m lazy.
“However USA doesn’t ask Google to stop posting this kind of stuff, that’s the fucking point.”
Oh yes they do …
You gave me the link of an article about a teacher from some university, not American state official asking Youtube and Google what to ‘post’ – like Russia clown state did.
“There are but I chose the first one to pop up in my search because I’m lazy.”
^^here is where you actually give me the answer but also gives your way that neither you believe black lives matters propaganda but you still feel the need throw the oldies but goldies racist imperialist accusations from the cold war era
Google are a tech-services company, and like any company in mainland US they are subservient to the US government, only more so, as US legislation allows the NSA to filter all US based internet data and traffic flows – and Google by and large have done what they have been told.
No opposition allowed.
All excuses for bad Governess are.
Economic sanctions = Economic terrorism.
Interfering in a state = State terrorism.
These are the crimes that the US and NATO perverters are currently committing.
A special malware needs to infect most or all of googles servers at the same time and wipe them all.
Let people loose their gmail mail and such. Use “Destruct Ware” wipers.
Also, people should just switch to
Yeah. And use the Telegram messenger instead of WhatsUp, Snapchat etc.
HAHAHAHAH Google annual profit is larger than Russian army budget, Google could wage cyberwar alone against Russia.
What rubbish. That is just lazy, childish, playground level, trolling.
a.) As a modern military, the Russian Federation army has dedicated cyber-warfare units.
b.) Google is global tech-service company, not a military arm, it operates on a commerce model – which would not last very long if it engaged in active or malicious cyber-warfare.
I noted this, but it’s not new (but google should be santionated) they use YT to promote not only regime change but to promote dangerous propaganda to childrens, the U.S has gone completely mad.
Oh give me a break, these moves are funny! What they want to accomplish with this, people ain’t THAT stoopid…
Ukraine banned Yandex some time ago.
This means that if one develops software for a website or an App to be used globally, one cannot use Yandex Maps or Yandex Translator
Essentially, by banning Yandex in one country, it is banned globally. There has to be some retaliation for this. Banning Google is all of Russia would quickly ensure that Ukraine reinstated Yandex
The same applies for VKontakte, Odnoklassniki etc.
Ukraine is not such a big market for developers.
Hehe, never mind the bollocks coming from uh…. eh….. Al-CIAeda trolls, usually, easily recongised by their inability to, be honest, and uses their idiotic rethoric on isses that is dead by birth, Russians are even kinder than the French, and beating the shait out of people, yeah, even the Norwegian inbreed montain monkey police is entuiastic when it comes to wave with their batons, when they can, but then again, the JooTube removes them so we cant find images, even from beating women and children, with an eagerness only scums can muster.
I would be much more brutal, not against the people whom is, even maybe sincere, some is, but impale the rats in charge infront of the AmerCutns ambasy, just to make it clear, we know whom and by what means you have and what you do, and here you have the stinking corpses.
And again Russia, I warned you, and your Gov is in denile of whom is behind this, whom have the means, the control of the information flow, and yet, if we open our mouths, I can go to jail, upto 15 years, Russia, either are you stupid, naive or simply to corrupt to care, but the same scums that is fueling and now armying the NK rat pack, the same people whom was behind Ukraina (remeber the Cokie monster, F…. the EU Nuttland thing), and dont for an moment think they will stop this, never, its an prodject they have drooled about for decades and now is kicked into motion.
Hell, I bet even some of you think just by critizising Russia we hate them, no, but I can shure you I will kick in every f…. consivable direction when I see something I dont like or when the idiot propaganda takes over.
But hate, nope, I only hate two kinds of people, apologistas and revisionistas, nobody else.
So wankeedoodle, you may think you are cool, and smart, yeah, equally cocky as the HasbaRats, witch is riding in their own manure because the MSM is complisit and now even in Russia, and my last question is simple, are you blind, Russia.
Nobody is hopelessly more blinded than those that refuses to see.
Canadian jurno Eva Barlett
I’ve been to many protests, in DC (2006, against Israeli bombings of Lebanon and Gaza), in Bil’in (at least 10 times, 2007), in Gaza (too many times to count), in Toronto (Quds day protests), in Venezuela (2.5–the .5 was the pathetic turnout of opposition supporters, 15 here, 20 there…)…
Yesterday’s protest in Moscow may have had numbers (20,000 according to Russian interior ministry; 50,000 according to anti-government media), but they were the most APATHETIC protesters I’ve ever encountered. Little bursts of chanting then silence, silence and standing still…waiting for orders? They *almost* seemed like their hearts weren’t really in it. Just an observation…
When the singers started playing, these protesters with so much on their minds were transfixed and almost seemed to forget their purpose…
Later, at one of the unauthorized protests, when people were being detained by security, some being detained were smiling and laughing. I asked someone here about this:
“They are fully aware the police won’t do anything extreme unless they themselves turn to something extreme.”
This person also gave me some personal insight:
“Some of them are paid to protest and antagonize. When I was a student in 2001, there were people who offered something like $15-20 to protest for 2-3 hours in front of the State Duma holding whatever banner they give you.”
On twitter, I found this:
Many young people who came to Sakharov Prospect today in order to take part in protests do not know the names of their “leaders”, neither their political agenda. Nothing.They demand «fair elections» into Moscow State Duma but fail to even name their candidates.They’ve been fooled
-Do you know your candidates running for Moscow State Duma? -Well.. I wouldn’t vote for anyone.. -But you know them? Can you name them? -Well… approximately… I guess not. Hahaha #moscowprotests
#Russian journalist Pavel Lobkov from liberal channel TV Rain (the mouthpiece of opposition) is praising police live on TV saying the policemen are extremely gentle and polite. I wonder what would
say about it?
**I observed the same thing, police actually very polite.
On the note of police/security brutality, we have countless examples from France to Canada to the US to beloved Gaza. In the latter, in the 10s of protests I accompanied from 2009 to 2013, Israeli elite snipers didn’t even bother with tear gas, they started with live ammunition, and didn’t only aim for the legs but murdered unarmed Palestinians easily. Since March 30, 2018, elite Israeli snipers have murdered over 300 Palestinians [].
*Not ‘intense’, CBC, child’s play.
Robert Inlakesh:
19 July
BREAKING: Israel shoot 49 Gazan’s with live ammunition and injure 97. Amongst the injured are children, journalists and medics. One of the journalists injured, named Sami Masran (32 yrs old), has been shot in the eye and is currently in critical condition.
2. Deconstructing CBC lying tweet about ‘intense’ police repression.
3. Journalist bravely taking selfie with big bad police standing calmly behind ?
4. Protesters at unauthorized protest being detained–not murdered…
Google is a State owned propaganda machine.