Russia will be forced to act in response if the US deplyoes INF-banned munitions, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on August 5, noting that the US decision to withdraw from the INF creates risks of “unrestricted” arms race.
“The unilateral withdrawal from the INF treaty by the US, destruction of one of the basic documents on arms control, based on an imaginary pretext, has seriously complicated the situation in the world, [and] created fundamental risks for everyone,” Putin said.
Putin added that the the decision to ditch the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty will hark back to other accords on strategic nuclear weaponry and non-proliferation. He further warned that if the system crumbles, it will give way to an arms race and world-wide “chaos without any rules, restrictions, and laws.”
According to the president, Russia will not rush to develop land-based, intermediate-range missiles and will only act if the US proceeds with actually designing this weaponry.
“If we receive reliable information that the U.S. has completed the development and launched production of the relevant systems, Russia will have to engage in full-scale development of similar missiles,” Putin said.
He said that sea- and air-based systems, which Russia already has, are capable of countering all the potential threats that might arise from deployment of the INF-prohibited weaponry by the US. Putin mentioned air-deployed Kh-101 strategic cruise missile, hypersonic Kinzhal, sea-based Kalibr and hypersonic Zircon missiles among such weaponry.
During a breefing on August 5, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov also said that Moscow will take into account the deployment of US missile launchers to Japan.
“The MK-41 launching systems that are likely to be deployed to Japan sooner or later can also be used for launching intermediate-range cruise missiles,” he said. “This is why once such systems are deployed to Japan, we will take them into consideration.”
The top diplomat revealed that Russia was in dialogue with Japan on who “will control these systems” and what the Japanese government’s role would be.
“All this is subject to consultations and not to a public analysis,” he said, noting that as far as security issues were concerned.
Ryabkov emphasized that there was a need to be guided by facts rather than statements about intentions and plans.
Earlier, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper said that the US seeks to deploy an intermediate range conventional missile in the Pacific region within months. Besides this, Esper said that the US will “fully pursue” the development of new types of ground-based missiles.
This caused a serious concern in China.
On August 6, Director general of the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s arms control department Fu Cong told press that Beijing will move to counter Washington’s potential deployment of intermediate ground-launched missiles in Asia.
The diplomat noted that the US plans “will severely undermine global strategic balance and stability” as well as “threaten peace and security” in the Asia-Pacific region. The Chinese side called on Washington to “exercise restraint and stop taking actions that undermine the security interests of other countries.”
Saddam thought George Bush wash playing and disarmed waited hope NATO will stop and died. Gaddafi disarmed and allowed protesters which were lead by M16 and CIA to cause chaose.Gaddafi started accusing Alqaida hope it will changed USA and Israel NATO mind and were captured in culvert and scream like a warthog and died.Putin hope Trump will work with him.Trump cancel INF treated,canceled 5 plus 1 Iran agreement, start racism and invaded Syria, Threatening Venezuela and also planning war against Iran.
Trump also just sold $2.2 billion of arms to Taiwan that included a hundred Abrams tanks and 250 Stinger MANPADS. And if that wasn’t enough to thoroughly piss off China, we’re probably also covertly funding some of the Hong Kong protest groups.
I am completely at a loss why citizens of the South Korean and Japanese targets, and the citizens of Central European targets seem so indifferent to the loss of the INF. The missiles are in their back yards – they’re the ones that are going to get microwaved first. It’s not like Russia or China are going to use a nuclear-tipped medium-range ballistic missile on New Jersey (but thank you in advance if I’m wrong).
Sheeple are way to busy consuming and posting on instagram. Those few that are able to think have no say.
Another Russian troll posing as American
Russian boogeyman under every rock..
Yawn your predictable and boring.
Let the legacy of truth and inspiration continue.Good job I really appreciate your position.
Probably? How about guaranteed we’re funding the HK color revolution.
USA backed out because Russia could not keep up its part of the deal and lied as always . bring on the arms race putin . lol
The TT liar is back.
Putin is the liar and I never left .
“I never left”
So you don’t work and you sit in your mom’s basement all day long? :)
That’s his full time job.
Up voting yourself again?
You are the liar.
Oh you again. Got bored looking at the gay porn on
Oh look the chick with the dick is here .
I think Putin knows what the U.S it’s going to do next, he’s just warning of what already will have to do next.
Putin crying again about that treaty, what a clown…in reality USA and Russia are working together to submit China to a new treaty since China was not part of the old one
No!…USA dont have Hipersonic ICBM warheads and need to deploy short/medium range missile in East Europe and Asia….but also to deter an alliance between Germany+France+Italy in case of a new European army which left the NATO…then USA and Britain will take control of east European countries with a new alliance and deploy Nukes there!
Now I understand why Russians are so high on suicide rate, cause they have this kind of boring scenarios, I would die of boredom with that scenarios in my mind
So what’s the excuse for the high suicide rate of returning USA veterans then? That was a rhetorical question no need to answer.
I will tell you after you tell me what’s your excuse for the Russians having the highest suicide rate in the World
They cant legally come out of the closet .
HAHA Good one!
Lithuania has the biggest suicide rate.
Great news for Russia :) Lithuania is a 3 Million country that was part of USSR, also Ukraine and Hungary have big suicide rates, it looks like Russian culture has great influence in Eastern Europe
So you were wrong about Russia 1st place?
Be worry of USA…many psychopath there killing people in Markets ( El Paso), Bar-Pub ( Ohio)…and son…
I’m so worried I will sleep with the lights turned on from now.
Surely red lights like Night clubs..
Thanks for reminding me, send regards to your mom!
My Mon is 85 years you like to suck old women?..
More a case of the US crying first. They were the ones that pulled out of the inf in the first place because the US military industrial complex come begging with hands out and tears streaming down their dirty ruddy cheeks. Please sir can i have some moar. MOAR! MOAR!! YOU NEED MOAR!!OK Here you go.
The MIC needed more money to boost their budgets to pay the CEO’s, workers got a pay rise and to pay for all those boy prostitutes they love to hire for those office Christmas parties.
SO let’s create a narrative that Russia is a threat to Europe so we can get moar money for boys. Yes yes Yes!!!
The best card of Russia is to deploy Mig 31 fighters with Hipersonic khinzal missile( 10.000km/h) in Cuba….2000km range… la Havanna to Washington ( 1823 km) it means that in about 6 minutes can hit the Pentagon…
It is enough to destroy the oil industry in Galveston, Texas.
In your dreams
And do you think that USA will launch vs Russia medium range nuclear missile deployed in Europe?..
Wack job .
Lel just try :)
Putin Warns ha ha ha fuk putin he cant do shit and he knows it , just keeps his retards happy .
The last time the US deep state pretended to be concerned about missile development for “defense” they shot down TWA 800 murdering 230 people. Nothing like targeting airliners full of people.
Having experience in shooting down Iran Air Flight 655 murdering 290 people 66 of whom were children, the US Navy felt competent to conduct live missile tests in the busiest air traffic area on the East Coast – Long Island Sound. Following the CIA and FBI lead, the US Navy brass realized we the people are the best practice targets.
Unlike 9/11, the TWA 800 shootdown was purely a US Navy / MIC contractor operation with no MOSSAD involvement. Bill Clinton showed his considerable skill at suppressing unpleasant facts to win a second term on the US presidential gravy train.