Syrian Army To Resume Ground Operations In Greater Idlib After Eid, If Militants Don’t Withdraw From Buffer Zone – Report

Syrian Army To Resume Ground Operations In Greater Idlib After Eid, If Militants Don’t Withdraw From Buffer Zone – Report

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) will resume its ground operations in Greater Idlib after the end of Eid al-Adha [on August 16], if radical militants don’t withdraw from the 20km demilitarized zone, al-Masdar News reported on August 5, citing a Syrian military source.

“The Syrian Arab Army will continue to target the militants inside the demilitarized zone until they withdraw,” the pro-government blog quoted the source as saying.

According to the source, the SAA has already concentrated its strikes on the towns of Kafr Zita, al-Lataminah, al-Zaka and Khan Shaykhun in northern Hama and southern Idlib.

Two days ago, Abu Mohammad al-Julani, leader of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which controls most of Great Idlib, said that his group will not withdraw any personnel or weapons from the demilitarized zone. He also stressed that they will not allow Russian forces to patrol the zone.

The SAA’s decision to resume its military operations in Greater Idlib after Eid al-Adha, if confirmed, could be a result of al-Julani’s provocative remarks. HTS is clearly not planning to respect the Sochi agreement, now or in the future.

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Walter White

This is a really bad move, this will give the terrorists time to re-supply and re-group. How many times do they need chances? very poor decision by the SAA. Terrorists have 10 days now to re-supply.


Bad move or not, this the reality of a most complex proxy war.

All wars involve powerful international forces of some sort standing on the sidelines, and this terrible war is in fact a global proxy war that resembles the continual shifting sands of a desert, as those international forces on the periphery of the Great Powers vie for their own interests.

There are many nations ‘ Concealed in the woods overlooking the battle, who are waiting to see who is most likely to prevail’, and when they make their choice their troops will rush to the side on the victors as fake ‘ heroes ‘.


Agree totally. Besides time is on the side of SAA. Every week to keep the Idlib mercenaries fighting costs someone a lot of money with nothing to show for it, and a certain defeat facing them in the near future. Someone somewhere is throwing good money after bad. One way or the other the situation is about to be resolved. No point in going in all guns blazing with high casualties if the jihadi support structure collapses in two months time anyway. Or infighting makes the project untenable. The jihadists will not fight to the last man. I feel we are about to reach a tipping point.


I agree.
As the ability of the US gangs to rob the population under their control wains, the grater the infighting will become.
Its little different with all criminal gangs, even the largest criminal gang on earth. The US Military.

Walter White

Good point :)

Icarus Tanović

You may be missed a sentence, but I’ll quote:’SAA continued to strike positions of Al Nusra in the town of Kafr Zita, etc.’.

klove and light

just in …Breaking News from almasda News…from SAA
truce is no longer….SAA will start attacking soon again!!!

klove and light

ps.. the first time in the history of Warfare were one Party SAA, tells its Opponent when and where the future attacks will take place…….so by SAA own stupidity( i believe it is the syrian Leadership), Turkey and the jihadi pricks will use every day till August 16 to rearm, dig in and make any future attack very very bloody.
bravo SAA-sarcasm out…….and again after SAA developed Momentum in the past days…..

ceasefire lololol

klove and light

bashar u fucking traitor..together with your Zionist pig friend Putin

it was bashars brother BASIL al-Assad who was supposed to lead the Nation of syria……..while Basil was in the army and security Services (commander rep. guard etc..) guess where his brother Bashar was???
in the lions den….LONDON…having a great life…… suddenly Basil got assasinated…….and Bashar after their dad died became president.
would anybody seriously without getting Fresh BET YOUR OWN LIFE on that bashar wasnt “turned”??
i wouldnt!

death to america death to Israel curse on the jews


Just in biding my time while thunder shower passes only to discover that either SF or Discus have again, “Detected as Spam”, my last number of comments.


3 hours ago
Detected as spam Thanks, we’ll work on getting this corrected.
Why is the SAA abiding with this terrorist encampment in Idlib? The buffer zone only enforces the probability of Idlib becoming: An Al Qaeda fiefdom which Yanki warhogs will invade with their gophers aka FUKUS in order to eradicate “the International Terrorists” they created. But of course they won’t really, the plan seems to be to keep as much of Syria out of the hands of the Legitimate Government as possible. They have never faltered from that position. The UN is a wet paper bag from where hot air is occasionally discharged as can be clearly understood from it’s inactions on Golan, Palestine and the continued presence of uninvited foreign powers in Syria. I’m afraid the SAA will have to rely on its own strength and conviction to resolve Idlib, Al Tanf, and its land east of the Euphrates. The longer they wait the more difficult it will become. All of the above chaos is designed by IsraHell in order to neuter Syria’s potential to reclaim Golan and at the moment the Jews seem, unfortunately, to be getting their way…


This is the first time that I’ve managed to copy and paste one of my “Das” comments. Wtf is the problem with my comments?

Oscar Carrilero

Don’t lose the plot. SAA will continue bombing Jihadists and preparing assault. Anytime soon Turkai will atack Kurds and the party will start for everybody. No more turkish backed reinforcements in Idlib.