Turkey has ordered its proxies in northern Syria to prepare for a possible military operation to capture the strategic city of Manbij, which is held by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Syrian journalist Hadi al-Abdullah reported on July 19.
“Turkey has asked the Syrian National Army (NSA) factions to prepare for a possible military operation in the city of Manbij … Turkey also sent special reconnaissance forces to areas near the city of Tell Abyad in the governorate of Raqqa in northeastern Syria,” al-Abdullah wrote on his blog.
The journalist, who is known for his pro-opposition views and his good relations with Turkish-backed factions, said that Turkey informed NSA commanders of the new plans during a high-level meeting that was held on July 16.
Ankara asked its proxies to provide lists of fighters who are ready to participate in any military operation in Manbij and ordered them to begin their preparations.
U.S, Russian and French forces as well as many units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) are currently deployed in Manbij to support the SDF.
Turkey planned to capture Manbij several times in the last two years. However, the complex situation there prevented Ankara from taking action before. This could happen again this time as all foreign forces and the SAA are still in their positions around the town.
So This means Russia did surrender to Turkey, still more land annexed by Erdo, good to know Syria who are and are not your friends to trust.
Putin is a Zionist pig.period.
Putin gave green light to Turkey to invade afrin.FACT
Putin made “deescalation”agreement with jihadis/Turkey in Idlib.FACT
Putin gave green light for Turkey to invade Idlib and build 12 Military bases there.FACT
Putin made the Agreements with all jihadi Groups in syria including alnusra for evacuation to Idlib each time they were cornered in ie. aleppo,douma,daraa etc… FACT
Putin sold syrias number 1 enemy Turkey the S-400. while syria had to beg for 5 years for the outdated S-300 FACT
Putin allowed his Zionist Brothers of Israel to attackk syria 2000+ times FACT
Putin u treacherous Zionist pig
wthat are you smoking? israel only attacked 1999 times not 2k…i counted them!!! :P
Jews and fiddling with numbers – it was always forever thus.
Unfortunately foreign policy and strategy doesnt work so simply.
Russia has limitations in Middle East too. One of the main reasons Russia was able to come on top lately is because US Turkey disagreement and Israel’s staying neutral in the conflict (a few bombs hardly represent Israel’s power – though they have other things like Hezbollah keeping them at bay).
During Obama administration, before Russia’s involvement, Turkey was after active military operation at Syria against SAA, but Hilary Clinton and other opposition supporters prevented it. Everybody had their own moderate Islamist groups, with US and EU sympathized Kurds in the middle, and US was afaid of Turkish influence at the Israel’s border.
Putin has seen the situation and while working with Iran, with the help of Turkish internal politics, he got Turkish support and SAA hence managed to advance.
Putin too knows that, Israel will not hessitate to shoot Turkish, Iranian or Russian troops with all they have, since for Israel this is a matter of existance while for all other actors (except Syria) it’s just a poroxy war.
I think it is a great success Russia had, but this is due to their limited involvement:
Russia supports Syria but didnt get involved against Israel attacks and didnt deploy air defense systems against Israel.
Russia has relations with Kurds (before US in 19th century) and has a newly formed alliance with Turkey, so they let Turkey to advance up to a certain point, at the same time they did help Kurds to negotiate with Syrian government to limit Turkish advance.
Russia has an alliance with Iran and rivals with US, but they don’t get directly involved in the firefights the sides were having in Iraq or Syria.
Just for you to think, why Russia wouldnt respond US bombing Russian military contractors or US bombing at Syria? Unlike Russian planes bombing US armed opposition, Russian citizens died.
In the big scheme of things, preserving the balance is not easy and everybody have red lines, crossing of which could easily start the third world war.
Therefore, before having judgements about leaders, you need to understand their internal politics, regional goals, and comitted power and capabilities.
Syria is not Russian soil, hence Russia have no reason to engage in a open hopeless regional war with Israel or Turkey for it. As long as Assad stays, even in the form of a federation, Russia preserves the military bases, Russia gains control over the oil transportation routes, Arab world knocks the door of Russia for advice in regional matters, and Russia sells planes and weapons to Arab world (including Saudi Arabia), they are more than happy and successful.
you seem to be blind deaf and lacking sufficient brain capacity!
” to prepare for a possible military operation in the city of Manbij ”
Have we been hearing this for over a year now? It’s just more BS.
Erdogan should have attacked 12 months ago and not wait for the US and her proxies to get well established. Something doesn’t sit right.
I think it’s just so much talk from Erdogan for local consumption. I recall that SAA had taken up some points west of Manbij, after Trump talked about pulling out.
once erdogan is finished with the kurds, turkey will withdraw behind the old border and the kurds will be back as tenants in the borderland, in turkey, syria, iraq and iran. nothing the dysfunctional states of A can do about it, except prolong the inevitable by providing more weapons but not enough to make the kurds victorious. and turkey ain’t going to displease russia by having an own agenda – wouldn’t work.
Given the way turks can not even properly administer Afrin, given the continued fighting there, there is no chance turkey can occupy the whole of NES.
However, once Turkey invades, it has to take all as it will be a fight to the end. Turkish airforce is unble to support groundtroop some 400 kms away from their airbases, even if US allows them access. Response times will become impossible. The same goes for artillery firesupport, for logistics. SAA will stay out of it as they have their hands more than full in Idlib. Turks will have to deal with guerilla activity behind their lines and run the risk of clashes with US, French and Brits. Soon SDF will start capturing artillery and tanks in night raids.
All in all, it seems like a bad idea for turkey.
time will tell – there is no way the dysfunctional states of A can continue to support the kurds and hold Nato’s most easterly party in the organisation -so it’s a choice between nato and turkey or nato and insrael without turkey – too high a price to pay. natois the gate-keeper towards the east which role israel can’t hold so it’s the kurds that will be the sacrificial lamb,once again.
LOL Russia, the US, the French and the Syrian Army and YPG all are there and NFL will attack them LOL what kind of worm is in the head of Erdogan.
So why does saa take over manbic then no prop left for Turkey.
Crazy idea and a suicidal mission…
Ha ha, bring on the popcorn … as far as I’m concerned these lowlifes can kill each other until the cows come home, with SAA & allies only needing a dustpan & brush for the final clean-up.
I don’t think so, if the Turks do invade it’ll probably be with Turkish regular forces, and I don’t think they’ll attack Manbil where both the US and Russians have security patrols in harms way, it’ll be from Ceylanpinar on the Turkish side of the Syrian border, and they’ll move into Al Hasakah first to cut the Kurds off from their support base, and since the Turks already have a substantial and well equipped invasion force already stationed there, it seems to me to be the most likely place for the Turks to launch an initial invasion, not from the west.
As SDF will continue fighting, even if and when they take Hasakah, they will be sucked into Syria deeper and deeper, until beyond their supply lines and reach of airforce, after which their fronts will collapse. As SAA still has a large artillery base in Hassakah, expect SDF to take the base and its artillery or for SAA to get involved.
I don’t think Erdogan wants the whole north of Syria above the Euphrates, I think he’ll be happy with just the north west of Al hasakah from Ras Al Ayn eastwards and south along the highway to the crossroad junction and then back eastwards again along the highway to Turkmen territory.
That would cause the Kurds to be isolated in the west and cause a possible revolt by the Arab populations in the south, not what the US or Kurds would want but highly likely to happen if the Kurds were drawn into a fight with the Turks.
The Arab populations in SDF territory are just about revolting already and would most likely take advantage of a Turkish invasion, and subsequently possibly mount their own rebellion in the south of Al Hasakah and Ar Raqqah, the Kurds and US could possibly end up fighting two enemies on two seperate fronts.
As there is now a observation post, with intensive patrolling, in Sere Kanye, it seems the window there for Turkey has been closed by the US.
I wasn’t aware the US had a OB post there but it’s definitely a smart move on their part to have one located there, that Turkish strike force is quite substantial in size, well equipped and armoured, extremely well trained, and most importantly, put together for the express purpose of making lightning fast advances into enemy territory.
I suspect Erdogan’s forces would just roll around that OB post without confronting the US forces stationed there if they did decide to invade, and then just go for a few key unprotected locations quickly installing their own forces and establishing well protected supply lines, exactly the same thing they did in Aleppo and Idlib during their incursions there.
There’s not much a lonely US OB post can do to stop the Turks from invading, and it’s not much of a deterrent either, but I suppose it’s better than nothing, at the very least it’ll be able to supply up to date intelligence to the Kurds, unless it’s accidentally blown up that is.
US Military has pledged to protect the Kurds from TFSA and Turkish Army forces. US apache helicopters and AC-130 gunships on standby :-]
Hezbollah has 130.000 missiles and rockets pointing at tel aviv lol! Couldn’t stop this from happening cuz the jewish army is a stupid coward lol! Everyone and their uncle is looking forward to jews buried in tel aviv rubble. And not a day too soon!
They should start using it no good talking just do it.
Likely Lebanon will be a rubble before Israel is. Oh wait. Lebanon is already a large rubble.
So mighty israel is scared of a pile of” rubble” on its northern border? LOL! Keep your day job hasbara cog.
Loony lena searching for some dumm insults. At least I have a day job and not, like you, on my back.
Go eat some diseased jew cunt in tel aviv and die motherfucker! You think I don’t know who you are just cuz you’ve changed your name asshole LOL?!
Want me to visit a collegue of yours? You are doing referrals now?
Eat Arab shit and die hasbara pedo lol!
And why Yankees trying to protect Syrian traitor what reason?
Because the SDF have been steadfast allies of the US and the only ones with the “balls” to take on IS directly.
from hereon fourth, any antisemite to say anything offensive towards the Jewish People or the state of Israeli will be added to @joshgladwin twitter list “Nazi Filth”. so think twice before you say shit about me, my people, or my nose :-]
Shut it down with your bully threat motherfucker lol! Nobody cares about jew lists cuz they ain’t got no fists!
I just flagged you for being an idiot.
Does that count? :D
Kill each other off and fuck off out of Arab Manbij in bodybags.
This is largely blustering by Turkey, unless they are prepared for an all out war with SDF and forceful retaliation from and break with USA. There are no indications yet Turkey is prepared for this, the more so when its economy is collapsing and its main allies are partly invested in fighting with SAA. Attacking US forces after being warned of is tantamount to a declaration of war.