Turkey Blames Syrian Army For Attack On Its Observation Post, Confirms Casualties

Turkey Blames Syrian Army For Attack On Its Observation Post, Confirms Casualties

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UPDATE 28.06.2019: The Turkish military confirmed the death of second soldier as a result of the yesterday shelling.


Turkey’s Ministry of National Defense announced in the late hours of June 27 that a Turkish service member was killed and three others were injured in the recent artillery strikes on an observation post in northwestern Hama.

In an official statement, the Turkish ministry said the attacks were launched from territory controlled by government forces and were judged to have been carried out deliberately. The ministry added that that Russia’s Ankara attache was summoned to military headquarters and was told that the attacks will be “punished in the strongest way”.

According to pro-opposition sources, at least three Turkish helicopters evacuated the injured Turkish service members from the observation post, which is located near the town Shir Mughar.

Baladi News, a pro-opposition outlet, also said that the Turkish observation post was attacked by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) several times on June 27.

“Regime forces targeted the Turkish observation point in Shir Mughar three times today in a row,” the outlet’s report reads.

Earlier this month, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned the SAA of attacking any observation posts around Idlib and vowed that Ankara will respond to any such offensive.

Initial reports are saying that the Turkish military is shelling several positions of the SAA in northern Hama in response to the new attack. However, this is yet to be confirmed.

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Don’t want your soldiers killed Turkey, don’t want more destabilization on your border Turkey, then quit with your pathetic neo-Ottoman fantasies and leave the sovereign nation state of Syria, and let its government finish reestablishing control of it entire territory. Again Turks leave you have no business in Syria period.


spot on !


Better yet, the Turks can start their offensive east of the Euphrates against the Kurds and SDF which they threatened to do but somehow got shoved under the carpet.


And when is this ‘grand offensive of bluff and bluster’ going to rake place? Obviously, taking on the SAA is one thing but the USA is something else


Bluff and bluster started months ago, well documented.


They have an issue with the Zionist Kurds. Reestablishing Syrian government control in these areas is the way to resolve it. Until that’s done. I can see the Turk’s point of view.


What the fuck does supporting Al Qaeda headchoppers in Idlib and northern Hamma and Latakia have to do with Kurds?


Do you have an IQ above the double digits? If the Syrians are going to support the Zionist Kurd terrorists against Turkey. Then they leave themselves open to the Turks doing the same to them with their pet terrorists in Idlib. Two wrongs don’t make a right. But it is what it is.


But Turkey actually DOES FULL-HEARTEDLY support Al Qaeda while Syria doesn’t actually arm or train or support Kurdish forces.
This would be obvious to you if you weren’t a turkroach lover yourself. So yeah, it is your IQ that is in single digits.

Mustafa Mehmet

Assad daddy did it many years . he arm pkk home them many years against Turkey


The SAA officially cooperates with and supports some of the Kurdish elements that have links with terrorists that the Turks are having trouble with around Afrin and Aleppo. The Turks do the same with some of the regime change elements in Idlib. Your ignoring it doesn’t disprove that it’s happening. They’re both supporting terrorist linked elements that are killing Syrian and Turkish military.

You can debate to what extent that governments on both sides are providing covert support directly to terrorists. My assumption is that they both are.

The solution is to restore Syrian government administration up to the Turkish border. And for the Syrians to reign in Kurdish elements that are causing the Turks problems. Like they did before the war when the Turks didn’t have problems with the Syrian Kurds.

Mustafa Mehmet

You fucking wrong assad and daddy hafiz always arm kurdi dogs against Turkey

Mustafa Mehmet

Turkish army has to be there.. only way they can stop kurdi reaching Mediterranean sea .. right I don’t agree with headchopper whatsoever… that’s the fucking reason


They are mostly doing it becauss there are millions of civilians living in idlib. If the goverment launches an all out offensive that would result in millions of people going to the border of turkey. They already have 4 million they cant take another 4. That is the biggest reason they are working against the goverment.


What a crock , those civilians are Syrian, not Turkish.
Their days under Al Qaeda will be over as SAA retakes Idlib.

Mustafa Mehmet

200000 civilian waiting near to Turkish border already they waiting to cross the border into Turkey for a safe place.. kurdi turn will come not to worry


Let them wait, or better be told the border is closed.
So as there are no Kurds in Idlib, why are Turkish troops still there.

Mustafa Mehmet

Why Israel in Golan Heights.. Yankees in everywhere British French and the rest .. hessbo . Iranians do not forget there outsider. they come to help assad. bullocks pull the other one got bells on it.. We have to be there to protect our borders protect our people . when everything settle down things will be different


Israel, the US, the British and French, yes they have illegally invaded Syria, but that does Not make it right for Turkey to invade her neighbor.
Turkey can protect her border , AT THE BORDER.
like Turkey, Syria is a sovereign nation, things will only “settle down” when Turkey withdraws from Syrian soil.

Mustafa Mehmet

Why your friend assad did not stop . pkk. pyg . and the other terrorist firing cross-border killing Turkish people we have to cross the border and secure our borders . we gonna be there for long time until Syrian problem sorted. Just tried to accept it

Mustafa Mehmet

Read Jonathan comments and learn . you have no clue what’s going on in idlib just zipped


are you retarted? that idiot erdogan istead of helping assad vs the kurds is hepling the terrorists vs assad..lol cant get more stupid than that


You dont understand do you?
They are indirectly supporting all the groups yes but that is because an offensive will result in millions of people on the border of turkey, a human catastrophy! That is the reason. Also after idlib is somehow solved i think the goverment and turkey are going to take out the sdf together


man wtf are you smoking? turkey hates assad instead of helping him,,,and that will be the end of turkey…stupidity is their guide


Obviously turkey hates assad but after idlib is solved in some way, with russia as a mediator they will have a common enemy and that is the sdf/ypg

Mustafa Mehmet

What response you expect from a Greek lady she hates Turks


you are talking about your mother again? ahahhahah

Mustafa Mehmet

Well said . don’t take any notice from idiot pimp takisss


They are directly supporting jihadists.
Refugees is no excuse for Turkish troops in Syria, they should be on their side of the border, keeping them out.

Concrete Mike

What makes the idlib civillians so special?

Where the fuck were these concerns in 2012 when this whole thing could have been put to bed, The fsa, which was a supply front for al nusrah was fed through turkey quite overtly.

Turkey was then ennemy from day 1. Its 2019 and they are still ennemy #1.

Coward Israel is like ennemy


Its not about how they are special now, over the years 4 million refugees have come to turkey. The country cant handle any more millions that will suffer from an all out offensive on idlib. Not that i dont want them to launch it i dont support the rebel groups. I dont support turkeys role completely either they def. Have made mistakes by supporting the overthrow of the regime. But right now there is no going back from what started. If they can somehow solve idlib without bloodshed than that would be the best outcome since they will have to work together to take out the sdf. The regime cant handle the sdf alone without turkey’s support since the us is working with the sdf. If turkey and assad give the middle finger at the same time to the us they have no choiche but to leave the country and then the sdf will be annihilated

Rhodium 10

Surely in all that Turkish obs post…terrorist are receiving medical cares, weapons, targets, strategic, intel..etc..etc..


That would be a violation of the DMZ agreement. What’s left of it.


the false flag blame game again ? Man this is getting old.

klove and light

good News…lets get some Action to the tAF pricks….until now this was a picknick for them.make them hurt..make them pay….make them feel what WAR really feels like…

Xoli Xoli

This is becoming too much false reasoning and own risk.Putin must cancel own made secret de-escalation agreement with Erdogan. If it was not this Putin Erdogan agreement Turkey soldiers wouldn’t have been present in Syria.Erdogan terrorists helping observation post serve as obstruction,time waiting for Syrian military operation against Alqaida.Or else let HTS=ALQAIDA =Turkye FSA relocated inside Turkey and Syrian borders close.

Tudor Miron

Xoli Xoli, we already know what you are paid to post – “Putin is guilty” mantra is your speciality. But we worried about you. You posts are becoming so boring and uninspiring that you may loose that little sheckel income and what than? Will they send you to trenches in Syria so you can serve your masters one more time?


no he is more useful in the rainbow parades, unless they send him to help release stress from the front liners.

Tudor Miron

Perversion freak sabbat that you talk about is a very important ritual for that loberal gang. They welcome (forcefully) all their servants to participate or at list aprove this ugly clownery.

Mustafa Mehmet


Xoli Xoli

Hi where have you been.Thanks God you still alive and kicking.Wither you like it or not Syria is currently under severe oppression from,Turkey, France,Brittan, Germany, USA,Israel,ISIS and SDF.Russia bomb a shit out of terrorist and their supporters but start failing Syria after making close door deals with NATO and puppets.If you are right I will support you and if I am right I will stand up for truth.But if I am wrong I will appreciate for who ever is right and telling it like it is and correct me.

Xoli Xoli

Cancel de-escalation zone and expel Turkey Alqaida helping forces.


Russia does not want to. Russia wants to please Turkey (NATO member).


Killing large numbers of the Turk’s pet terrorists. Doesn’t seem to have much effect on business.

Xoli Xoli



If this news is true, congratulation to SAA action.


If the Turks are continuing to provide material support for terrorist activity in Idlib that is resulting in deaths and injuries to Syrian government coalition forces. As they have been for the entire war. Then they need to refrain from that if they want to be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem.


Dear South Front:
I noticed you put up pix of Syrian 130mm Arty.
Are you sure it’s not HTS trash false flag attack with mortars, etc?

Rafik Chauhan

turks are supporting their brother alqaeda to kill Syrian and when their soldier is killed in occupied territory then are shouting and blaming others . there is no difference in Turks and Israel they both are blood brother. SAA should retalitle if turks attack SAA there should be no mercy its matter of diginity in Syrian land and turkey is a invader

Mustafa Mehmet

You don’t fucking need any 1 to kill poor Syrian people.. ASSAD use barrel bombs and chemical them with no prop

Concrete Mike

You know.damn well.it was the Al.nusrah/fsa/nfl/alf fuckheads with the support of your country’s intelligence service that did every one of the chemical attacks!!

Turkey is not a benevolent actor in this conflict, Turkey is being used as a whore to birth many jihadi babies!

How does this conflict benefit the average turkish dude? Enjoy having refugees everywhere?

Bubba Junior

all the ass rape your daddy exposed you to might have pushed shit into your brain-find a soft pillow to sit on and try not to get plowed,Idiot. YA BASHAR!

Mustafa Mehmet

You like bending over for assad gd for you .. Cockroaches

Rafik Chauhan

SAA should also be on alert Turkish special force dressed as alqaeda terriost will carry out special operation on SAA . SAA should kill those thugs and send them in body bags


If the Turks want to summon the Russian Ankara rep to talk about the strike that’s fine. Is there evidence that the Turks are providing material military support to the terrorists killing substanial numbers of Syrian government coalition troops?

If there is, then that also needs to be addressed.


IF…. seriously?


What’s your point?


you keep saying IF. There is no IF, as far the turks are concerned and their support in all ways of their terrorists.


I don’t see them providing air cover or fire support. The exact opposite is happening. They’re doing nothing but observing them die as the Russians and Syrians kill them.


False flag, much?


Evidently Turkish soldiers die if they mingel with the terrorists and allow terrorists to hide in and around the obsevation posts. It is Erdogan who killed this service men.

US-Navy Revert Shia

Er-dog-an get the fuck out of Syria and stop the face [BS].

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Erdogan keeps warning the SAA over and over again not to attack his OB posts but the SAA still keep attacking them, and the more he warns them, the more the SAA attack them, LOL.
First the SAA take back some territory in Hama, then they take back some towns, now they’re going for the real prizes in Hama, the Turkish OB posts.
Why isn’t Erdogan blowing a fuse yet, maybe he’s too worried about the recent mayoral elections in Istanbul, those terrible results are a greater threat to him now than Assad or the SAA is. LOL
Blow up those Turkish OB posts one by one President Assad, show Erdogan what you really think of those sanctuaries for terrorist rebels. I can just imagine Assad giving Erdogan the finger every time he orders an attack on one of those OB posts, maybe even a brown eye.
Assad’s not dumb, he’s a doctor after all, and he knows just where and when to stick the scalpel in, the Turkish OB posts in Hama are the cancer he has to cut out, and the disastrous election results in Turkey is the anesthetic he needed to put the patient to sleep.