LNA Ramps Up Airstrikes, Prepares For Final Push To Capture Tripoli

LNA Ramps Up Airstrikes, Prepares For Final Push To Capture Tripoli

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On April 13th, Field Marshal Haftar’s Libyan National Army (LNA) and their opposition in the face of the Government of National Accord’s force both claimed to be making significant progress in the battle for Tripoli.

On the side of the LNA, the spokesperson claimed that the Air Force had targeted several GNA forces and positions.

The spokesperson also said that the earlier “advertised” increase in airstrike activity was true and that on April 13th, there was a 100% increase with 8 raids on GNA targets.

In a Facebook post the press office also claimed that the LNA Air Force had successfully targeted one of the weapons and ammunition stores of militias in the Wadi Spring area near Tripoli.

The LNA also published a video showing “the high-quality operation” against militants in Tripoli, “which was carried out with professionalism and precision, showing the ability of the army and its skills in accomplishing tasks to protect civilians.” The video was live-streamed, before being posted in its entirety.

According to Aguila Saleh, head of the House of Representatives, which is allied to Field Marshal Haftar said that the LNA’s forces would soon enter Tripoli.

“We need to get rid of militias and terrorist groups.”

“We assure the residents of Tripoli that the campaign to liberate Tripoli will be limited and not violate any freedoms but restore security and fight terrorism,” Saleh told politicians in a session in the main eastern city of Benghazi.

LNA Ramps Up Airstrikes, Prepares For Final Push To Capture Tripoli

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LNA Ramps Up Airstrikes, Prepares For Final Push To Capture Tripoli

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On the side of the GNA, the press office claimed that its forces had regained control of the western military zone on Aziziyah, with the Fourth Brigade taking part.

#عملية_بركان_الغضب: صور تظهر جانباً من سيطرة قوات المنطقة العسكرية الغربية على معسكر اللواء الرابع و مركز مدينة العزيزية#لن_نعود_للقيود #تبديد_وهم_المتمرد #ليبيا

Posted by ‎عملية بركان الغضب‎ on Saturday, April 13, 2019

The GNA Air Force carried out 21 strikes on LNA positions “targetting enemy supply lines, and military sites, including the camp “Aborchada” and Camp “Sahban”, and the air base of the Alwitia which the the coup militias used to target civilians.”

Equipment and supply stores were also reportedly seized south of Ghiryan.

According to the statement, the LNA also continued their attacks on Mitiga airport and seek to bombard a prison containing hundreds of detainees on terrorism-related issues arrested in Sirte during the Albonian Almarsos military operation.

Briefing of the Volcano of Anger military operation Saturday 13/4/2019Our courageous forces in the Libyan…

Posted by ‎عملية بركان الغضب‎ on Saturday, April 13, 2019

The GNA also published pictures of debris, claiming that it was a school destroyed by a LNA airstrike.

#عملية_بركان_الغضب: صور تظهر آثار القصف الجوي لطيران #المتمرد #حفتر والذي طال مدرسة القدس للتعليم الأساسي في عين زارة‬⁩‬⁩#لن_نعود_للقيود #تبديد_وهم_المتمرد #ليبيا

Posted by ‎عملية بركان الغضب‎ on Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Interior Minister of the Presidency Council and GNA Fathi Bashagha has accused the UAE of providing the Libyan National Army (LNA) Leader, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, with military aid for his advance on Tripoli.

Finally, the World Health Organization announced that 121 people had been killed and 561 were wounded since Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar began his offensive on Tripoli.

It also said that two ambulances were bombed, bringing the number to 8 in total since the clashes began.


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Pave Way IV

Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar is a dual US-Libyan citizen. He was born in Libya and part of the coup that put Ghadaffi in power. He fought for Libya against Israel in the Yom Kippur war of 1973. Later, he fought in southern Libya against their disastrous war with Chad, was captured by them in 1987, turned anti-Ghadaffi (what a surprise) in prison and was released to the US after some kind of deal. He was working for the US and was living in Langley, Virginia for twenty years. Then he went back to Libya in 2011 to help overthrow Ghadaffi and, now, the GNA.

I certainly hope he has filed a proper US tax return since 2011 – his US and Libyan income are both taxable here. He also has to file a Foreign Bank Account Report if he has any with a balance over $10,000. He may be eligible for reducing his US taxes by the amount he paid in Libyan tax (10%?) so he’ll need those tax returns, too. I think there’s also a credit for housing and utilities. I’m not an accountant, so don’t take this as tax advice, Haftar.


Some say he turned against his puppet masters in Langley. What do you think? No tax problems if he never returns to US…

Pave Way IV

No idea about him or his supposed aspirations to power – everyone lies about everything going on in Libya. Regardless of his loyalties (or not) to the CIA, he seems like a typical ruling elite psychopath to me. The exact kind of degenerate FUKUS loves to see in power.

The US and UN still officially recognize the GNA as the ‘legitimate government’ of Libya, but they have to realize by now what a failure it has become. Haftar and the LNA would be a convenient way to finally get rid of the GNA without the US and UN appearing to abandon them (the GNA) – even though that’s exactly what’s happening. Haftar quietly started sucking up to Israel and Mossad last year, so I know which side Israel’s little bitch – the US – ultimately supports. That, despite US whining about being ‘totally surprised’ and calling for an immediate ceasefire. This is a done deal – Turkey and Qatar couldn’t possibly stop the ZATO/GCC ‘Sisi’ project in Libya today.


Haftar may have sided against Qaddafi after being his general for many years, but that is not to say that he was pleased with NATO to bombing his country back to the stone age. His distain for the Muslim Brotherhood, who the US have been nurturing in Tripoli, and the Al Qaeda and ISIS jihadists in the western desert speaks well for him.
The US have been striving to keep Libya fractured and in chaos by its support of multiple jihadi factions. Egypt’s Sisi has supported him because they had their own Muslim Brotherhood ‘problem’ and wanted a secure western border. If he becomes a good or bad dictator we will soon see, at least he will reunite Libya and hopefully bring peace.

Promitheas Apollonious

from the photo the ambulance hit somewhere and not been bombed, so maybe is best the WHO idiots to chose better drivers or better to get the heel out of there and go back to where they come from. I think they poisoned enough people in africa and else where with their vaccines.


Maybe the bomb was dropped in front of the ambulance, didn’t explode and the ambulance ran into it? :’)

Promitheas Apollonious

have you seen any holes on it beside the damage of a collision it has?


Unexploded bombs don’t cause holes. :P But I guess you missed I was responding with jest.

Promitheas Apollonious

I guess I have

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

they had so many chances to make a final push… each time GNA counterattacks recaptured points and drove them back. The LNA have no skill or experience on reinforcing flanks and blitzing enemy positions… and they think they can capture Tripoli? LOL


Ambulance bombed – LOL! That ambulance crashed into something, that’s all.