Libyan National Army Reaches Tripoli’s Outskirt (Map)

The Libyan Nation Army (LNA) reached the outskirt of the country’s capital, Tripoli, on April 6 after imposing control of the towns of al-Zahra, al-Sa’adiyah and Ayn Zarah, according to the UAE-based Sky News Arabia TV.

Libyan National Army Reaches Tripoli’s Outskirt (Map)

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LNA units are currently stationed 10km south of Tripoli’s city center. The army launched Operation Flood of Dignity two days ago to liberate the city from the Libyan Government of National Accord (LGNA) and its militants.

A day earlier, the LNA captured the Tripoli International Airport following fierce clashes with pro-LGNA forces. In order to stop the army’s attack, the LGNA air force begin conducting airstrikes on LNA gatherings.

Pro-LNA sources said that one of the airstrikes killed four civilians in the town of al-Aziziyah. In response to this crime, the LNA imposed a no-fly zone over the western part of the country and threatened the LGNA with a strict response if the airstrikes continue.

“Our response will be very harsh on these terrorists in order to insure the protection of civilians,” a short press released by the LNA media office reads.

The LNA will not likely storm the city center of Tripoli  before securing its new positions in its outskirt. This could take few days, if not weeks.

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Hasbara Hunter

There you Go AngloZioNazis….Attacked on All Fronts! Go Home Yangeese & ZioNazis…you have Lost….Bwahahaha….Show us what you have got Losers…

You can call me Al

There you go, back with a vengeance.

Saddam Hussein

Keep in mind Haftar isnt the good guy, there are no good guys in Libya right now. Libya needs a figure like Gaddafi. I hope his son steps things up.

Promitheas Apollonious

is there a good guy in Libya? I am kind of confused as to who is who over there after the fall of Libya.

Saddam Hussein

Just a bunch of mercenaries each supporting different sides (eg yankie puppets, UAE, France, Saudi etc.). There is no “our guy” like President Assad or Maduro. The only good guy is Saif Alislam AlGaddafi, but he has been relatively quiet and threatened by global powers to stay out of this.

You can call me Al

Hafter is the good guy, Russia is assisting him – although you miss them out.

Saddam Hussein

Putin also assists Netanyahu and Sisi, Russia just wants a say in Libya, and Haftar has opened all doors for any sort of help. They couldnt find a good guy.

You can call me Al

I don’t agree as I cannot accept that, but I do not disagree.

Best I have, take it or leave it.

Promitheas Apollonious

not a good base for judgement. Russia lately support any one that serve her agenda. saudis – turks -zionists and the list goes on. I am not judging them as none of us knows their final agenda, though we know their declared one that is sovereign free nations. In this case to me they are free to use any means they deem necessary to accomplish that and bury the globalists, in their own shit.


I agree, I think is better to take Iran’s position (which i don’t know in this case) towards any conflict or group rather than Russia’s

Promitheas Apollonious

I am an observer and an analyst in this case, since what is happening in ME and eurasia effect my country and generally europe and by extension our business and lives, but I take no sides. I already took a site at birth and that is with my motherland. The rest of the countries (governments), I judge base on their actions, but also who they fighting against and why.

As for russia, I have more russian friends and I mean real friends, than I have of my own countrymen, so unless they actively come against my own country, I have no beef with them and generally i see them in a positive way.


I was referring to the governments stance, not the people. Anyways I want to clarify that I don’t see Russia in a negative way regarding their foreing policies, I respect them and like many of the things they do, but I can’t help but think they ‘play for both sides’ for some of their actions

Promitheas Apollonious

i did not imply you did and I agree with you if you read what I wrote is that they will site with who ever their national interest dictate they must. But then tell me one country beside greek government who is doing the opposite destroying the country, that they dont do just that. That does not make it right in my book.

You can call me Al

Hey, your view which I respect; I have a slightly different view which is then shattered now and again. I need some hope after having almost 3 years of BREXIT.

In the mood I am in now, I would even vote for WWIII.

Promitheas Apollonious

Hope exist for people who take their destiny in their own hands and learn not to follow rules of others but also are strong enough to make their own rules and have principle that mean something. In my territory is what my people imposed and exist.

I believe that russia and china will either make western abominations on earth extinct but then how they behave after that, is any ones guess as none live for ever or stay in power and even the ones who start with good intentions eventually out of necessity and politics one way or the other get compromised if not corrupted. History the only ones who did not got corrupted teach us they been killed and deleted from history as never existed, with minor exceptions.

So if you want to have hope I suggest very strongly to you to join the free men of this world who manage to find each other and make their own close system communities and are very serious about protecting their ways by any means. This is the truth of the world not of today but since humans began to exist and discover money and power. I truly wish it was different but it is not. So we need to deal with reality and make the best we can. You are welcome to join us.

My only wish is if indeed a WW3 start in my opinion already started nukes to stay out of the equation so at least we have the chanced to enjoy it and take as many of the abominations on this earth as we can with us. That day it be a very good day to die.

Zionism = EVIL

Nope, he is a CIA stooge and there are no good guys in Libya. Both sides are on CIA payroll. The idea is to prolong the conflict so that EU faggots can keep stealing high quality low sulfur Libyan crude OIL.

You can call me Al

I do not give a toss if the CIA is assisting him; if he ousts the US/ EU financed and armed LGNA.


There is NEVER a “good” guy. Humans dont work like black and white American Hollywood movies.
Everyone has good and bad sides, is a multi-faceted person, influenced by a near unlimited amount of factors. Thats why the Amercian policy of good vs bad countrys is equally unrealistic as the above mentioned movies.
One has to always weigh the cons versus the benefits, and analyse the psyche and motivations, in order to at least partially have a chance to judge a person.. As If it would be so easy to just sort the world in 2 parts…


Therefore it means for this case IMHO: Haftar is opposed to the islamist/jihadi infected LGNA, would provide stability that is badly needed in North Africa, would fight the smugglers of weapons, drugs and migrants, and is strong enough to counter balance the western countrys ambitions.
That is massively better than anything the LGNA had done, and the perfect alternative will never be there, so one has to choose between 2 sides, it is pretty easy IMHO..

Hasbara Hunter

Anyone who Opposes the AngloZioNazis is on the GOOD SIDE….The Enemy of My Enemy is my Friend…

Saddam Hussein

Humans work in black and white, (((humans))) work in shades of grey. Youre just pushing the Zionist narrative of “hey everyone is good and bad” meme. President Assad, Gaddafi and Saddam are examples of good people. No kosher memes please.


Saddam a good guy? I’m not very informed but… didn’t he go to an 8-year war with Iran for the sake of foreing powers?

Promitheas Apollonious

your argument is not good and I dont agree with you and your conclusions, that are based on what you bring as an example, holyshit movies mentality..

Hasbara Hunter

Every Man can chose for himself…do I chose to listen to that little Red Man with his Pitchfork sitting on my shoulder….or do I tell him to piss off…I decided to chop him up…Man should be Honest towards himself to begin with…Good or Bad…Night & Day…Black or White…Chaos vs. Order…Truth vs. Lie….Easy to Understand Universal Concepts…Shades of grey only complicate things


Assad is no good guy either. But he is still the least worst option for Syria. And so is Haftar. Not because I like him, I couldn’t care less if the situation were to be reversed and the LGNA were now besieging Benghazi and about to end his rule instead. I just want the war in Libya to be over so the endless flood of migrants to Europe will end. What Libya needs is peace and quiet to rebuild. Not more endless war.


The endless flood of migrants will not stop until the FUKUS nations stop pillaging Libya.
Because of western pillaging, to support their own collapsing economies countries like Libya can no longer feed their people.


If there is no good guy, then let’s hope all the bad guys kill each other, leaving the land and oil empty for good, ABORTION RIGHTS respecting Italians to walk in among the corpses and take the oil.


ABORTION RIGHTS guy is back! We’ve missed you. :D

Zionism = EVIL

Haftar has been on CIA payroll since the 1980’s and lived most of his life in US in a CIA paid house in Langley. They recruited him to kill Kaddafi on various failed attempts. He is now supported by Saudis, the Zionist pimp Sisi and UAE whores. He spent last week with the idiot MBS in Riyadh.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

US Military needs to intervene ASAP in order to prevent communist Haftar from reaching Tripoli
make some use of F-18s and Tomahawks :)

Raptar Driver

Someone needs to intervene against the rouge U.S., stay home Nazi war dogs!




They tried that in Libya already and it did’ work out very well, or you weren’t around for that one?

Concrete Mike

Please make sure to lead the charge.


Hasbara Hunter

Go Go get your $hekels…Khazarian Mobster Mr.Satanyahu is waitin’ for ya….

Send my regards to Hell Aviv….Fuck the CIA & Mossad

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Ok wannabe Native American, listen up. First off, you’re an antisemite. Second, you have no argument. Third, Israel will always win :)

Hasbara Hunter

Ok Hasbararat listen up…First off, your IDF are a Bunch of Anti-Semitic Kidkilling Psychopaths because Palestinians are Semites. Second, Khazarian Mobster & Warcriminal Habibi Ben Satanyahu Should Rot away in Prison…Third, ISISraHell is Bound to Fall…. because Jewish ZioNazi KKK Albert Pike said so…


I don’t think your ’78 Gremlin is up to the task…


Remember this …?

…thank you Hilary and Obama for the chaos u created !

Its Russia’s time now…to clear this mess like they did in Syria.


If all sides BAN ABORTION, then the more they kill each other, the better, so in that sense Hillary may have been right. Same goes for Maduro and Guido supporters.

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

The fact the US is clearing out of Tripoli is a good indicator that Haftar’s guys are the goodies.


USA support Haftar, the match took a goal against Italy for the agreement with China.