Locations Of US, British, Chinese And Russian Aircraft Carriers – April 5, 2019

This map shows the approximate locations of US, British, Chinese and Russian aicraft carriers and carrier strike groups. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence tracks locations of these aircraft carriers using the available open-source information. No classified information was used in production of the map.

Locations Of US, British, Chinese And Russian Aircraft Carriers – April 5, 2019

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Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

US Navy has 11 Supercarriers. Capable of waging war against America’s enemies at 11 different locations around the globe SIMULTANEOUSLY. Each carrier is armed with 90 F-18 superhornets/F-35s, and escorted by destroyers + submarines armed with 300+ tomahawk missiles. Unmatched military superiority.
-All it took was 1 aircraft carrier strike group to topple Gaddafi
-All it took was 1 aircraft carrier strike group to topple Sadaam
Imagine what 11 can do :)


Very nice power. But to have this power, US is printing myriads of green papers. Economic is in brutal negative, but who cares when it will be balanced. We need more carriers? Just print more….
Any explanation? You are a fund manager, must know it :-)

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

US has the strongest most prosperous economy in the world. They’ll never go bankrupt or collapse. And the military will always remain the largest and strongest :)


Firstly has to return 22 trilion $, then we can say about prosperous economy.
