WP: Trump’s Intervention In Venezuela Failed Because Maduro Knows He’s Bluffing

WP: Trump's Intervention In Venezuela Failed Because Maduro Knows He's Bluffing

US President Donald Trump

Actions of the administraiton of US President Donald Trump to convince the Venezuelan military to participate in the coup as well as to overthrow the Maduro government by other means have failed because the  Venezuelan president knows that Trump’s military intervention threats are bluff, the WP believes.

According to the WP, the Venezuela standoff has transformed from a blitzkrieg to a war of attrition and the Maduro government is in fact interested in this scenario.

The WP admits that there has been no high number of deserters from the Venezuelan Armed Forces and that attempts of US-backed ‘Interim President’ Juan Guaido has failed to become a de-facto ruler of the state. Even taking into account that the WP repeats the mantra regarding ‘mighty’ Cuban advisers playing a key role in resucring the Maduro government, the article itself is interesting because it’s a rare example of some real look at the situation by the mainstream media.

The Venezuelan crisis happened in very specific conditions. At the first stage of the crisis, Washington was expecting to face a little resistance from the legitimate government of the country and likely had hopes to change the regime without a significant resistance. However, this has never happened. Maduro and his inner circle appeared to be resolute leaders that are ready to stand against the US actions. With a limited but direct support from China and Russia on the diplomatic, economic and even ‘advisory’ level, they ssucceeded in repelling a first wave of pressure.

So, now, the conflcit turned into a new phase, in which it’s more complicated to dliever a blow that would overthrow the Maduro government. Therefore, if the situation develps in this direction, the US may suffer a notable diplomatic failure in what the Trump adminsitration calls its own ‘backyard’.


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Promitheas Apollonious

well they all see him farting and trying to bully the NK – China and Russia and laughed at his stupid twitters, not to mention that all know his a controlled puppet so it must be very hard to take him serious even with the damage usa can inflict to weak nations.


Yes, US diplomacy is akin to a ‘Bull in a China Shop’ .

Fortunately, Russian and Chinese diplomacy is akin to a world class Matador :)

You can call me Al

That was racist, why take a China shop ?, do you have alternative political thoughts that I had not seen before ?.

PS I thought my comment would be amusing, but it really did turnout as absolute tosh.

John Brown

Stupid !!

China use to be the number 1 world economy and a first world nation they made the best China (fine plates sought after the world over) before the racist supremacist Satanic Jews came (the Sasoons the Rothchilds of the east) they destroyed china in the Opium wars when they forced Opium into China poisoning the children etc. as they are doing now in the USSA with Opiods. The more things change the more they stay the same. Same satanic racist supremacist Jews, same satanic genocidal holocaust shoah game. World satanic Jewry should have to pay China at least 50 trillion for the mass murder genocidal holocaust shoah 50 plus million murdered: they committed against the Chines people.

You can call me Al

China as in plates and things……. now who is stupid ?.

Ref Bull in China shop !!!!, an Englishmans cup of tea in a China tee cup !!!>


Lol, for a moment I thought it was Jens making a comment.

You can call me Al

I do try and vary my comments !!!

You can call me Al

Hey up, look at the other response I had. Classic.

Ray Douglas

He is just a puppet. However, the people who control him, i.e. a certain organisation in US and a certain West Asian country, have suffered a major defeat in Syria and now in Venezuela. As the Chinese might say, ‘May you live in interesting times’.

Promitheas Apollonious

west asian country? they was more than one.and the directive does not come from a colony but their masters but is ok believe what you like.


Palestine is in Asia, Western Asia.

Promitheas Apollonious

I know which countries are in west asia I wanted to know what he is saying in plain language and not guess.

Ray Douglas

Due land is a West Asian country. They are the ones who have been defeated in Syria and now in Venezuela.

Ray Douglas

The US is the colony.

Tommy Jensen

We Americans are NOT bluffing. When we say something we mean it and we mean it seriously.

When we see something in the way, we remove it. When we see a pregnant woman, an elderly and 2 children in the way we shoot them, because they were in the way. You understand?

Thats the way WE are man! Because we are winners, we are a nation of winners and we win! If you can dream it you can do it, and we have a dream for the Venezuelan people that they get freedom, and when we say that, we mean it!


OK boss lol

Black Waters

Hahaha. USA: Banana land.


True, the US will never surrender to North Vietnam, ever.

El Mashi

”True, the US will never surrender to North Vietnam, ever.” Only to Israel.

northerntruthseeker .

“When we see a pregnant woman, an elderly and 2 children in the way we shoot them”? Seriously?

The days of “Rah Rah USA! USA!” are long gone, as the world now sees the US as the criminal and rogue state that it has become and how it is nothing but a puppet for Jewish interests.


Sorry, no, that’s Chuck Norris; the US may have the same attitude, but not the same… uh, balls. Well, and Chuck would never shoot the pregnant or elderly or… he would just do away with the really bad guys in a roundhouse kick, that’s what it means to have balls.


They have freedom. So you could have left them alone. If you want to give someone freedom how about your good buddy Honduras, where the coup government simply steals elections outright and they disappear dissidents?


Another cogent if elegantly restrained analysis




The US signposted their aggressive intentions with the weird drone assassination attempt against Maduro. Once that happened it was clear far more chaos was imminently heading their way – and it forewarned them to compose themselves and not react as US was assuming they would. Ignoring the Guaido provocations in short term, and not over reacting has taken steam out of the US attempts to manufacture and escalate an intervention crisis. But likewise, Maduro’s response has created an untenable diplomatic scenario for many US ‘allies’ who were pressured into prematurely recognizing Guaido – they now have embarrassing spectacle of either permanently treating Venezuela as a pariah for no particularly good reason, or back tracking and dealing with Venezuelan officials if they wish to have any formal communications on any significant international issue.


Well, yes, but the following sentence has a serious problem:

“…the US may suffer a notable diplomatic failure in what the Trump adminsitration calls its own ‘backyard’.”


Dirty tricks? Threats? Telling people who should run their government? Seizing assets?

Those are not from the diplomatic portfolio.

It has another name altogether. State terror.


To some, that’s diplomacy

S Melanson

In the Bolton dictionary, diplomacy is issuing threats and ultimatums. A diplomat usually carries out diplomatic missions in the cockpit of a fighter bomber and a diplomatic note is delivered via carpet bombing residential areas with phosphorus and cluster munitions.

And remember, never bring any olives…


sure, the american way is as toothless as a newly born and the amazing thing is the inability to rethink the ways and means employed. list of abject failures is long and it won’t get better in the future. but tommy jensen is right and that is a mindset that pervades the entire society – shoot first and find out facts afterwards – from the coppers to the criminally insane cabal in washington dc!


“…mindset that pervades the entire society – shoot first and find out facts afterwards – from the coppers to the criminally insane cabal in washington dc”

Very true.

Tony B.

No, not true at all. No one ever hears from “the entire society” because it’s voice has been outlawed and silenced electronically and in print. I live in the heart of the country and I don’t know one single person who is for any kind of government violence, much less a full scale war. Viet nam turned “the entire society” against war, any war, but “the entire society” has no voice whatsoever in any media. Brainwashed college kids or paid Soros prostitutes are always palmed off as “the entire society.”
Americans are just like regular people in any country. All they want is to be left alone to live their lives. The anti American insistence of regulars on these sites is a lie itself as they apply the same thing which regular Americans hate – that is the neo con/Rothschild control of their government – to the whole American people. That snide, hateful, distorted mindset is talmudic, whether or not you are aware of that.


I agree entirely. US as a nation is copping the blame for the actions of the international mafia cabal running things. But it’s not going away and at present no one can simply “be left alone and live their lives”. As soon as the real (no dual citizenship) patriots of America/US start acting you will find that the “regulars” on this site will cheer.


well do something about it then – true that the powers of government were hijacked long ago and then step by step transferred to tel aviv through overt and covert measures and means but the senate got rich and congressmen as well.

a humongous veterans demonstration in washington dc could set things straight, 1 million to 2 million battle-trained veterans definitely could get things back on the rail and the country ruled by americans for americans and not by americans for the squatters in palestine.


“Leaders” of world, not least Latin America will have to explain why they supported the removal of a fairly elected president of a fellow country.


China has sent 120 troops to Venezuela. That is 220 Russian and Chinese troops in Venezuela.

Watch the million strong US army do a swerve.

The US is a paper tiger, their military greatness has been shown for what it is, media hype. The banks own the gear, and bankers do not make good soldiers.


It’s true they aren’t as impressive as the hype, and their military spending is very inefficient. But if their military is only worth a third of what they spend, that still leaves them very tough. But military greatness isn’t the point. The US could militarily defeat the Venezuelan military and any Russian or Chinese advisors . . . even if the latter didn’t pointedly avoid direct combat with US troops, which they would.
But if they did, they would then spend like a trillion dollars losing the occupation, and meanwhile the rest of the region would turn into a powderkeg for them. Brazil balances on a knife’s edge politically; Bolsonaro’s election was fair enough (give or take an imprisoned Lula), but mainly a product of anger at the usual suspects–his popularity will wane quick as soon as he fails to deliver the goods, which he will. Macri in Argentina is totally unpopular. Basically, the anti-pink-tide is on the unstable side everywhere except Colombia. An ongoing US direct occupation would see half the continent go anti-US-left.


The US couldn’t defeat North Vietnam, a country they told us was stone age in comparison to their mighty forces.

As for Russians avoiding US forces, have you forgotten how many US pilots were killed by Russian pilots in Korea? Russian supplied air defences took out 3500 US jets in Vietnam, along with 6000 helos, as well as 60000 US troops.
Bolsonaro didn’t win an election, he stole it. Jailing your opponents does not augur well for his term of office. He is a bought and paid for CIA asset, he even made his first visit as President to….. CIA Langley, not the WH.

When Venezuela show the rest of S America that it is possible to escape US tyranny, then Bolsanaro and his CIA stooges within the Lima group will be fair game.

When the battles get hard, US soldiers shoot their officers.


They couldn’t successfully occupy South Vietnam. They didn’t invade North Vietnam in the first place because if they tried the Chinese would have come in just like they did in Korea. Except harder because by then China had had a bit more time to recover from all the crap they’d gone through up to WW II. Mind you, the more I read about Vietnam from something like the Vietnamese perspective, the more impressed I am with the amazing toughness, unity, resilience, courage and smarts of the Vietnamese people. They won only partly because fighting determined insurgencies is very hard; they won partly because they were so bloody awesome.

Russians would avoid US forces because Russia does not want a direct war between Russia and the US. Same reason US and Russian forces in Syria have avoided each other. Whose military men are bigger he-men than whose is not the issue.

Bolsonaro is a CIA asset, pretty much, yes. But to be fair, he’s not the one who jailed Lula. That was a conspiracy of the mushy centre-right neoliberals, who wanted one of their boys to get in–a bunch of male Hillary Clintons, basically. Unfortunately for them, after they kicked out Roussef they were governing for a while and everyone’s already learned to hate their guts, so they went into electoral freefall and the previously marginal fascist dude picked up the pieces.

S Melanson

Correct. The insurgency called pejoratively ‘Viet cong’ Was a US slur against the NLF or National Liberation Front. The US puppet Diem never had more than 5% popular support in S. Vietnam while the NLF was at least 60% support. The NLF did the brunt of fighting, N. Vietnam provided some forces but not anything near US claims.

Guaido should remember what happened to Diem to have an idea of his fate.


The American media are trying to goad Trump into a war.
With a bit of luck they might just get their wish, and millions of Americans will die, that will be great for ratings?

Eskandar Black

Millions of Americans would die? hahaha, unlikely.

Enver Hoxha

I knew it was a bluff because it would have happened a while ago if DT was serious.


Americans in Venezuela are in a cul de sac, the Hitler strategy already applied by Abrams in El Salvador does not work, the organization of armed gangs like Al Qaeda or Isis does not work, the population is compact against terrorist attacks on the structures of the country. They will try to shoot at the crowd called by the “payaso” in the square, the Bolivarian police are better off lurking on the rooftops against the snipers. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2eef10c9a133d33cfaf80d615ed94fc8901be6b4934ef8f6d6d5c3922b403114.jpg