On March 23, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) declared that ISIS had been fully defeated, including its last positions in the Euphrates Valley.
The SDF stressed that it had captured 52,000km2 in northeastern Syria and rescued nearly “5,000 million people”. According to the group, about 11,000 of its members were killed during the fight with ISIS.
In the same statement, the US-backed formation demanded the Damascus government to recognize its authority over northeastern Syria.
I can bet 90% of them are from arab tribes sent as cannon fodder
You know, I highly doubt there were any arabs with them, maybe mercenaries.
Arabs fight for “kurdistan”? Do you belive this?
have they now?
Now kurdi will declare war towards mighty saa army , either asad accepts , their terms or else ????
Mostly killed by US air support.
How many million people now? ^^ There is a typo there… says 5000 million people… which is more then half of our planet. Perhaps you meant half a million or 500 000.
5000 more likely. There were no large population centers in the area of the ‘fighting’.
These 11,000 SDF members were Syrian that murdered by Zionists of Washington. Zionists use proxies to butchered their oppositions.
Zionists have less numbers but use proxies like America and United Kingdom to achieve their goals. Zionists also combat their oppositions with each other to divert the world attention.
Kurds are known to be bad in maths.
Now arrest the remaining terrorists SDF=ISIS and send them to Guantanamo or Germany.
better send fatso and bedbugcrazy bolton and the rest of the corrupt and criminally insane cabal to guantanamo. sure as a klucking bell, they’d fit right in!
We know why Syria is being target to be broken up, dissolved and eventually added to Israels land.
Honestly, if you actually believe that “11000” SDF forces were killed in battles against US run “ISIS” forces, then I have a few bridges, a few dams, some buildings, and a few pyramids to sell to you!!!
Get the hint here… Anyone that believes this bullshit are SUCKERS!!!!
wonder how large force the sdf could put together at the height of the unrest?
US ally SDF suffers 11,000 dead fighting US founded, trained, armed and protected ISIS. And 50 tons of looted Syrian gold are given by ISIS to US in exchange for free passage of their most criminal leaders (true agents of Western intelligense services).
How was thay say? “With this kind of friends who needs enemies?”