ISIS Claims It Killed Three U.S. Personnel In Suicide Bombing Near Manbij (Video)

In the noon of March 9, a suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED) exploded on a main road in the outskirt of the northern city of Manbij, which is controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

ISIS immediately claimed responsibility for the attack and said that one of its suicide bombers targeted a joint convoy of SDF and US-led coalition troops. The terrorist group’s news agency, Amaq, claimed that three U.S. service members were killed in the attack.

“The convoy that was targeted in the martyrdom attack on Manbij-al-Bab road included several U.S. personnel,” Amaq quoted a security source as saying.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) confirmed that the suicide bomber targeted two vehicles of U.S. forces and the SDF. However, the monitoring group said that only two SDF fighters were injured in the attack.

Less than two months ago, an ISIS suicide bomber blew himself inside a restaurant in Manbij’s center killing four U.S. personnel. This was the biggest loss of the coalition since the beginning of the war on ISIS.

The US-led coalition and the SDF have not commented on ISIS claims yet. Both sides don’t acknowledge such attacks, unless U.S. service members were injured or killed.

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You can call me Al

“The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) confirmed that the suicide bomber targeted two vehicles of U.S. forces and the SDF. However, the monitoring group said that only two SDF fighters were injured in the attack.”

I have a feeling on this one, that the US troops were killed (3 off); the reason I say this is because the denials are too quick and too numbered – on top of the SOHR, you also have “Coalition spokesman Sean Ryan denies any US forces were killed or injured in Sunday’s Manbij suicide bombing, countering earlier claims by ISIS media” ++ …… also the timing would be dreadful for the US government that recently did a U-turn on withdrawal.

My view only.

Zionism = EVIL

and you must know that Americunts always tell the truth :)


I concur with your view, Al.

Promitheas Apollonious

and who cares that they killing each other? This is not news, or at least something of any ones interest. SF there are a lot of news that actually are news and are happening around the world if you need to fill empty spaces my suggestion is use those to fill the empty spaces and not boring thug action, among isis and their creators.

Alex sayon

Lol, you ISIS bitches got owned!

Seems NSA finally did something usefull.. ;)

Enjoy your delusions while they last..

Zionism = EVIL

ISIS is worse than bitches, they get screwed by everyone, including their creators. Have you seen how the ISIS whores in burkas behave?

Zionism = EVIL

I mean who would wanna kill this cutie pie? but on the flip side, more food for the needy :)