On February 13th, Poland announced that it had bought M142 HIMARS rocket artillery and ballistic missile systems for the “very good price” of $414 million.
Minister @mblaszczak: w środę podpiszemy umowę na dostarczenie dywizjonu #HIMARS. To nowoczesny sprzęt, który daje nam gwarancje #bezpieczeństwo pic.twitter.com/TJHnVYCGnG
— Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej ?? (@MON_GOV_PL) February 10, 2019
Minister @mblaszczak: kupiliśmy zestawy #HIMARS za bardzo dobrą cenę, za 414 mln dolarów. Cena wyjściowa wynosiła 655 mln dolarów.
— Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej ?? (@MON_GOV_PL) February 14, 2019
The Polish Ministry of Defense also said that the initial offered price was $655 million.
Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak also said that the system would increase the Polish army’s combat abilities.
Minister @mblaszczak: System #HIMARS to uzbrojenie, które zwiększy zdolności bojowe #WojskoPolskie. #bezpieczeństwo #modernizacja pic.twitter.com/J9njn3RY4R
— Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej ?? (@MON_GOV_PL) February 14, 2019
The purchase will help strengthen “the defense potential of Poland and the Polish army but will also increase security in our part of Europe, on the eastern flank of the Atlantic Alliance,” Polish President Andrzej Duda said. The first stage of the acquisition of “20 HIMARS systems” will go ahead in 2023, he said.
The inking took place during the Warsaw Summit, co-organized by Poland and US and aimed against Iran.
During it, US Vice President Mike Pence also gave remarks.
“We are pleased to partner with you in Poland’s national defence,” US Vice President Mike Pence said. It means that “Poland is taking its place among the most capable and formidable nations in the world,” he said, underscoring strong US ties with its NATO ally.
Pence confirmed later on February 13th that “our two countries are discussing the parameters for an increased United States military presence in Poland” without going into detail. He told Duda that he would be “carrying back your strong convictions regarding that to President Trump.”
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was also attending the Warsaw Summit. He visited a NATO battalion in northern Poland.
It's always an honor to meet with our brave soldiers serving overseas. I’m grateful for the opportunity to speak with the American, British, Polish, Croatian & Romanian troops from the multinational @BG_Poland_eFP, who train & protect the @NATO eastern flank. Together #WeAreNATO. pic.twitter.com/vhyt91Z8jC
— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) February 13, 2019
He told reporters that Washington would “make sure” to have the “right” number and “mix” of troops in Poland in future without indicating when a decision could come.
Overall, attendance of EU representatives at the summit was limited. The EU’s foreign policy director Federica Mogherini refused to attend. British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt will be leaving it early, while France will be sending a civil servant, and Germany its junior foreign minister.
In addition to the summit, the US delegation met with the Polish President, Defense Minister and others, discussing cooperation between the countries.
.@mblaszczak?? participated in the meeting of President @AndrzejDuda with @VP @mike_pence?? at the Belvedere in Warsaw. The talks concerned among others the presence of #US troops in Poland as part of NATO @BG_Poland_eFP & US initiative supporting European defense capabilities pic.twitter.com/ZgaFzQLlBW
— Poland MOD ?? (@Poland_MOD) February 13, 2019
Polish Defense Minister Blaszczak also said that Poland spends 2% of its GDP for defense, as per NATO requirements and that the Polish military needs modern hardware and equipment, praising the HIMARS purchase as well as the Patriot system and Black Hawk deals.
Minister @mblaszczak: inwestujemy w #WojskoPolskie. Wydajemy 2% PKB na #obronność.
— Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej ?? (@MON_GOV_PL) February 14, 2019
Minister @mblaszczak: Wojsko Polskie potrzebuje nowoczesnego wyposażenia i sprzętu. #Patriot #BlackHawk #HIMARS #Jelcz
— Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej ?? (@MON_GOV_PL) February 14, 2019
The Black Hawk and Patriot system purchases refer to the March 2018 inking of a deal between the US and Poland at a cost of $4.75 billion.
In terms of increased US military presence in Poland and the establishing of a permanent base, Blaszczak said that during a meeting of NATO Secretaries of Defense in Brussels he would speak to Acting US Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan regarding the opening of Fort Trump.
Minister @mblaszczak w @RadiowaTrojka; w Monachium będę rozmawiał o Fort Trump z pełniącym obowiązki sekretarza obrony USA Patrickiem Shanahanem https://t.co/WedRMwfFdL
— Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej ?? (@MON_GOV_PL) February 14, 2019
Poland begging for a permanent U.S. military base coinciding with the U.S. withdrawing from the INF because of ‘Russian violations’ is very convient timing. Note, the U.S. is now free to install offensive missile batteries on Russia’s doorstep and make it look like they are the good guy responding to Russian aggression.
The U.S. Information War apparatus is second to none. Such arrogance, can we escape God’s judgment forever?
spend millions for weapons that will never be used. pitty they dont understand that Russia posses no threat to Europe not even the rest of the world.
Stupid is, what stupid does.
Once again, Poles are the Kurds of Europe-enraged at the thought of being a vassal of Brussels-then flat on their bellies begging to be a vassal of Washington, mostly b/c they feel the Russians are gunning for them? It’s bizarre to see them so terrified of Moscow, when the Ruskies really have much bigger problems on their plate-what I really don’t get is that, if war does come, the USA will start it & will use the Poles as cannon fodder to be slaughtered in retaliation for the US pre-emptive strike on Russia…
Russia will first destroy the closest enemy military assets-why on Earth are Poles setting themselves up to be killed??
the poles are more than stupid so what they get is rejects from other customers that found the stuff faulty and returned to seller for just that reason and the morons, having found some even more stupid moron (polish national) turns around and flips the rejects to the even more dumb buyer. what a larf.
bet kushner stood around looking good and sleek and being about as useless as any other pole.
i guess the Poles bought the crap just to please/bribe the US to get the ok. to establish the US base, paid by the Poles. The annual cost of the base will also be paid by the Poles…..plus US soldiers crimes and rape of local girls/women.
Stupidity beyond repair..
Zbigniew Brzezinski was ecstatic that his plan to train and arm Afghan terrorists to attack Russia was so successful.
Poland has always hated Russia and Germany and they have always been prepared to cause trouble. Poland was training the Ukrainian Nazis for the US long before the American coup in Ukraine.