Miltiary Situation In Libya On January 7, 2019 (Map Update)

  • The Customs Department in the Libyan port city of Misrata seized 8 tonnes of hashish inside two containers;
  • The UN-backed Libyan government issued an arrest warrant for 37 suspects over attacks on oil ports in the east of the country and a military base in the south.
Miltiary Situation In Libya On January 7, 2019 (Map Update)

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This is not a Map Update, just pasting text comment over a very inaccurate depiction of the situation in Libya. For the life of me I can’t understand why SF doesn’t edit out the obvious errors I reported , which I repeat :

1. Oil/gas pipeline colors are incorrectly labelled in the
legend – dark brown on the map are oil pipelines not gas.

2. Sarir field is wrongly located on the Waha-Dafa oilfields
– Sarir and Meslah are further south east where a refinery is incorrectly

3. Areas marked as “direct control” are wildly
exaggerated – the blue coloration shows LNA+allies” with contiguous
control over most of Libya including Zawia on the coast west of Tripoli which
is nonsense.

4. Similarily the areas shown as Tuareg or Tebu controlled
are pure fiction – these areas are 99 % empty desert and straight lines on a
map are meaningless – at most some local militia may exercise power in small
settlements but do not have “direct control” outside their immediate
clan/tribal districts.

5. ISIS is shown to control an area SE of Benghazi. Where is
the evidence for this purely notional control ?

6. The tag claiming LNA forces operating right up to the Beni
Ualid-Misrata highway is wrong. The LNA simply does not operate this far from
Benghazi, local clashes by various tribal notional “affiliates” do
not mean the LNA has “direct control” here or elsewhere

7. Most of this map appears to be based on incorrect, dubious
intelligence or wishful thinking. Please edit to maintain some credibility on
SF. Thank you


There can be no justice for Libya until this evil woman is hanged.