U.S. Forces Withdrew From One Of Their Bases In Syria

U.S. Forces Withdrew From One Of Their Bases In Syria

US forces are in the outskirts of the Syrian town of Manbij

U.S. forces have withdrawn from a military warehouse near the town of Malikiye in the northeastern al-Hasakah countryside, the Turkish Anadolu Agency reported on December 29 citing local sources.

“Hummer armored vehicles and trucks from the 400-square-meter warehouse – around which some 50 U.S. troops were based – were sent to Iraq … U.S. troops based around the warehouse also left for Iraq,” the Anadolu Agency’s report reads.

According to the state-run news agency, U.S. forces were using the warehouse as a hub for the distribution of supplies to the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) in northeastern Syria. Both groups are designated as “terrorist organizations” by Ankara.

“The next phase of U.S. support to the Coalition’s operation in Syria is a deliberate, well thought-out, mutually supportive, and controlled withdrawal of forces while taking all measures possible to ensure our troops’ safety and protection,” the U.S. Department of Defense said earlier on Twitter.

On December 19, the White House announced that the U.S. has started withdrawing its troops from Syria. Back then, media reports said that the time-frame for the troop pullout will be between 60 to 100 days.

The US-led coalition has not commented on the Anadolu Agency’s report so far. If confirmed, this step will be an indication of Washington’s willingness to really withdraw its troops of northeastern Syria.

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This is the beginning of a massive breakthrough in the Syrian war that should lead to a complete victory over the regime change forces in Syria in 2019. The primary remaining issue is the Jews, and their Yinon plan attacks neutralizing Russia’s air defense system upgrades for the Syrian military showing them as ineffective and unable to stop NATO aircraft. What is causing this override of Russia’s stated policy is unclear. There are two possible reasons for it that I can see. One is that the S-300s are incapable of stopping NATO aircraft, and Russian airspace is vulnerable to NATO attacks. Or the Russian government has changed it’s policy of securing Syrian airspace from outside attack. And is allowing the Jews to attack Syria. The other possible reason is that the S-300s aren’t operational yet. Despite multiple reports that they should be or are operational by now.

Any way that you look at it, the Jews are making Russia look weak and incapable of providing security for it’s allies. This is fulfilling the Jew objective of destroying Russia or making it a Jew world order vassal. The Jews have been a huge problem for Russia for hundreds of years and are Russia’s and humanity’s primary enemy. Governments are reassessing Russia’s value as an ally downward because of this. Particularly governments that have or are consigning acquiring Russian military equipment, particularly those in the middle east, but also all governments being pressured by Jew world order hegemony machinations.


It’s great that Russia has completely turned around the Syrian war and are leading it to almost complete victory. And the magnitude of this achievement shouldn’t be understated or under appreciated. But with the evil baby rapers dancing on the graves of Russian serviceman, and desecrating them in the process. Even people in Russia are bound to be unhappy with the Jews showing that Russia will capitulate to the Jews Yinon plan machinations. And that Russia itself is may be more vulnerable to attack than they’ve been lead to believe.

There is a simple remedy for this problem that will strengthen Russia’s stature considerably both internationally and at home. And there are two ways to do this. The weaker of the two is to get the Jews to agree to stop the airstrikes through diplomacy. The stronger, which will be a paradigm altering improvement in Russia’s international standing. Is for Syrian air defense forces to start taking down IAF planes outside of Syrian airspace thereby demonstrating the efficacy of Russian military equipment and strategy.

If the Russian equipment had already demonstrated it’s ability to stop NATO fighter planes in combat. It would be much less of an issue. But with IAF planes running circles around Russian air defense systems on a regular basis now that the rules of engagement have evidently been changed to engage enemy aircraft outside of Syrian airspace. A lot of people in Russia and outside Russia are questioning why the IAF is continuing to attack Syria with impunity in the face of the recent SADF upgrade.

Cindy Myer

Whatever way you want to paint the picture facts are that the US is pulling out of Syria, Kurds have given up Manbij and the SAA along with it’s allies which include Russia and Iran are gaining momentum and are gaining back territory for the Syrian people. Everything else you write is nothing more than academic.


You clearly don’t understand real politic and military battlefield doctrine. I assure you that a lot of heads of state, generals and other security, intelligence and military personnel are looking at this matter from the perspective that I’m describing.

Carne João Pasta

Or nothing more than bollacks. Either way.


Not only Israel, the US made Russia look like pussies when they bombed a Syrian airfield (the first strike) and Russia was hiding the entire time

Multiple jets reported destroyed by RT even( who try to hide info for damage control), including casualties


That was a while ago when the Syrian government coalition and air defense system was in a much weaker position. And NATO is a much bigger adversary than the IDF. And NATO strikes have been extremely limited compared to the IDF, and the US is getting out.


Lol wut

Russia has had S400’s for years in Syria, they won’t use them because they’re overrated junk and they’re terrified of being exposed

Russians are weak faggots who won’t retaliate even when their soldiers die


The US is getting out, the end justifies the means in this case. Israel is a different matter. Whether Russian equipment is over rated or not hasn’t been conclusively determined because the untested in combat S-300s haven’t been fired yet. But the fact that the presence of this system in theater hasn’t deterred IAF attacks that it’s deployment was intended to stop is putting the system’s value and capability, and the value of Russia as an ally, in question.


They don’t use it because they realize it’s a piece of shit.

Russian Air defense doesn’t work nor deter Israeli strikes, therefore it’s a joke

The debate is already settled, long ago


The debate isn’t settled until the S-300s fire and miss most of the time. But right now, until that happens, every attack that goes undeterred, damages Russia’s reputation as an arms provider and security guarantor.


Nope. A Pantsir has already been destroyed on video. The debate is settled. No F22’s or F35’s have been intercepted, which is why you won’t be able to post evidence. Israel proved Russian air defense can be dealt with


One out of service Pantsir getting hit is meaningless. And the US attacks have been so limited that there’s been no need to take down F-22s and F-35s when the issues have been resolved through military diplomacy.

The Jews on the other hand are a different matter, and I would agree with you there that they’re doing a lot of damage to Russia’s reputation. The Pantsirs, and the number of them in Syria is one of the reasons that Syrian airspace has been closed to NATO and the IAF. They’ve demonstrated sufficient efficacy with other types of flying targets, to cause adversary’s to be cautious. But they’re very short range. And the greater the distance the target is away from the launch platform, the more difficult that it is to take down.

And right now the unproven in combat S-300s are proving ineffective at deterring IAF airstrikes from a distance.


But their airspace is not closed, it’s wide open


Feel free to post links supporting your assertion. It’s highly unlikely that you’l be able to. Because it’s incorrect.


Richard, I have read your posts for a couple of years now. Some I agree with and some not.

It ia apparent that Israel is itching for the SAA and Russia to create a situation where ,the ‘Worlds Victims’ who we should not criticise, can fire up the US public into a war with Russia.

Reasons for this are many but just a few are for Jews to :- Pillage Russia again, create a jew state in Ukraine, enact the Yinon Plan, put the breaks on China, complete the Zionist political occupation of the EU, increase world debt to Zionist corporations and use wars to enslave all who reject Zionism and the filth that it brings.

The Israeli war hawks will have their war with Syria BUT not when they want it.


The Israelis have a shooting war with Syria now, one that they’re losing. Showing that the SADF S-300s and other upgrades have no deterrent value, and using this in my opinion to put a brake on the US withdrawal is a big battle won in a war that overall that they’re losing. And it’s a victory that’s easily reversible by showing that the S-300s and other upgrades can interdict IAF attacks, and that not only ordnance, but launch platforms can be taken down.

If the S-300s were a combat proven system, then one could argue that the Russians and Syrians are simply not prepared to change the rules of engagement to attack IAF planes outside of Syrian airspace. But that’s evidently not the case. The downing of the Russian IL-20 over the sea and the IAF F-16 over Israel, as well as multiple reports of SADF missile fire outside of Syrian airspace are indications that the rules of engagement have changed and that IAF planes are being targeted and shot at outside of Syrian airspace.

The escalation question is open to debate. My view is that Israel is unlikely to escalate if the S-300s are effective beyond trying to neutralize them with follow up airstrikes. Others don’t agree that the escalation would be limited to that. As a practical matter only one or two IAF planes need to be dropped to alter the global balance of power in Russia’s favor.

Israel may try mass airstrikes against Syria in retaliation to the S-300s proving their effectiveness in the manner that they did to Lebanon. That’s a different scenario that would require a different response. Which could include taking IAF planes down preemptively during or soon after take off. To prevent them from launching airstrikes if it’s clear that there’s a high probability that that’s what they’re going to do.


My own view is that the Israeli’s are deliberately baiting Russia and Syria and that suggests that they want a full blown reaction now.

If the Israeli’s were really serious they would combine air attacks with a ground invasion as they did in Lebanon.

There are various possibilities for the Israeli air attacks and the main one is ,I think, to draw the FUKUS gang into the conflict with NATO airpower. A secondary reason is to deflect Israeli public opinion away from Bibi and his wifes crimes of fraud.

Only time will be the arbiter of Syrian and Russian air defence reality .
Time is on the side of the Syrian coalition.


I look at Israel’s motives as a component of international Jewery’s targeting of Russia as the primary obstacle to their global hegemony drive. I agree that drawing the NATO Jew 3 into the Syrian conflict to do the Jew’s fighting for them is a primary goal of theirs.

Trump issued 3 tweets today about getting out of Syria and ending the permanent war state. Which most Americans now support. This is a continuation of the mixed message dichotomy that has defined his presidency. The take away in my opinion is that the US backstop for NATO Jew 3 machinations in Syria is continuing to weaken.

While the facts on the ground in Syria are deteriorating for Israel. And if the S-300s are used and work properly, this process will accelerate. Until that happens, the successful IAF attacks in terms of non interdiction, are shifting the balance of power away from Russia and it’s allies to NATO. And will significantly weaken Russia’s position intentionally until this issue is successfully adressed and resolved.

The risk of escalation and FUKUS involvement is higher now than it was before the Christmas attack. Proving the S-300s in combat will neutralise that threat. And put the IAF & FUKUS in the position with their F-35s, that Russia is now in with the S-300s. If those get dropped, then it’s game over.


What is that why those ancient S200s along with more modern Pantsirs shot down around 70 tomahawks in last big US attack! is that why an F16 Israeli jet was taken down because defences dont work lol


They only thing that got shot down was an IL20 and whatever remnants of egoism Russia had left



Yeah thats why Israeli jets attack from Lebanese airspace – this doesnt make sense if there are no defences!


HaHa US are leaving as they know they have failed in Syria – pussies


We’re laughing after we took the oil and killed hundreds of Russians

Syria is hell for Russia and Iran and a vacation for the US ?

Concrete Mike

If Usa leave syria you leave this website?



Blah blah blah …. warfare is politics by other means. You win wars by achieving political objectives. You can blow up and kill all you want but all you’re doing is wasting taxpayers money if you don’t achieve what you set out to do.

Remember “Iran must leave Syria” “ISIS must be defeated” Assad must go”?

You achieved ZERO, NADA, NOTHING ….. worse than that these wars have weakened your country and alienated your allies …… and while Russia might look like pussies to you they achieved their objectives while the USA is packing up and headed home.

Good Lord …. Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Vietnam and a military budget 10 x larger than China and Russia combined and you still haven’t figured out how to win.

I like Americans, I enjoy the people every time I go there but you gotta give up on this warrior thing ….. you’re no good at it.


We won Iraq, both times ?

Go look up how much control the US has on Iraq

15 dead Russians and those pussies still won’t retaliate against their Jewish masters ?

Russia loses every war lol, just ask Finland


Never won a war arent you forgetting WW2 – the allies took the west the soviets took the east.


Did you forget Japan was in World War 2 and Russia accounted for less than 5 percent of their military casualties?

The US destroyed the strongest navy on earth in a single day (Battle of Midway)

When it comes to strategy and tactics in combat, Russians are troglodytes ?


The US victory at Midway was achieved mostly by luck and the sad use of suicide tactics (i.e., the Coffin Squadrons). And while the loss of four carriers was significant, it didn’t really destroy the IJN. It just prevented them from taking Hawaii and (more of) Alaska.

It’s also worth keeping in mind that had the Russians not withstood and routed the Germans from 1941-1944 the Normandy landings would have been a total massacre for the US/Brits. Like Little Bighorn except with Tigers and Jagdpanthers. Russians saved thousands of American lives. But don’t let that little detail interrupt your trolling….


“Russia has never won a war lol.”

“Did you forget Japan was in World War 2 and Russia accounted for less than 5 percent of their military casualties?”

“The US destroyed the strongest navy on earth in a single day (Battle of Midway)”

You do realize that most of the people commenting here aren’t Bubba from Buttfuck Arkansas and have real educations don’t you?


Someone’s mad lmao

Promitheas Apollonious

do they pay you for this, or you just a born retard?

John Brown

If Syria and Russs are so weak then why don’t Israel and their American slaves send large numbers of planes to bomb Syria? That is when the S-300s will be used in large numbers to shoot down many F-22s, and F-35s etc. Not only woud it destroy the Israeli air force and their American slaves it would decimate the USSA Zio Judeo military media industrial propaganda complex.



John Brown

They are not going to use the S-300 to shoot down cruise missiles when they can use the S-200 and the Pantasir field artillery for that at a much lower cost. They don’t have an unlimited supply of S-300s. They also don’t want to show the capability of the S-300 for a low value target. The Israeli strike was ineffectual. They had to hide behind 2 civilian air liners and use their own air defense to protect their own jets that attacked from much further away this time. The new friend and foe system is working very well for the Syrian air defense as the entire purpose of this strike was to get Syria to shoot down 1 or both civilian air liners.
This was a great success for Syria and Russia the opposite of what you are saying


That wouldn’t be my perspective. The deployment of the S-300s was to deal with the launch platforms, not the ordinance. Nothing has changed. Other than the satcom integration and EW upgrades have raised the ordinance take down % from 70% to 90%.

Anyone buying or in possession of these S-300 and related systems has them to deal with planes, not ordinance. If you don’t have air cover to keep enemy fighters off of you, either from your own fighters or air defense systems, or both. You’re at a big disadvantage.

Russia’s reputation is taking a big hit worldwide. And I’m the only prominent voice pointing this out. And the need to get the problem corrected.

John Brown

Syria and Russia are now in the process of getting all the territory the SDF holds. How is this defeat? How is it a sign of weakness? It is the same with Ukraine. Russia will not take the rest of Eastern and Southern Ukraine it wants until North Stream 2 is completed. Every day Russia and China get stronger and the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slaver empire dictatorship gets weaker. Remember Sun Su the Art of war. He will be victorious who knows when to fight and when not to fight.

If Syria and Russia are so weak then why don’t Israel and their American slaves send large numbers of planes to bomb Syria? That is when the S-300s will be used in large numbers to shoot down many F-22s, and F-35s etc. Not only would it destroy the Israeli air force and their American slaves it would decimate the USSA Zio Judeo military media industrial propaganda complex.

The real problem with Russia right now is that they are not giving lots of loans to small and medium size businesses at 1% to expand, contingent on their buying Russian, if they buy foreign give them the interest rate the Zio controlled Russian central bank is giving. Also Russia should be spending hundreds of billions on infrastructure as China is doing now by creating their own money out of nothing, not borrowing from private Jewish banks that create money out of nothing and paying trillions of interest to Jews. Russia’s growth rate should be between 7% and 9%.

Putin is now in the same situation with the central bank of Russia that Andrew Jackson was in with the Second Central Bank of the United States.
Wages don’t cause inflation, it’s a zio lie. Inflation is caused by the amount of money in circulation; money created out of nothing by private Jewish banks stupid slave Goyims pay trillions in interest for, when Goyims countries can create their own money out of nothing and pay no interest to racist supremacist Jews. When the banks increase the money supply they allow in circulation there is inflation when they decrease it there is deflation. End of story.
“Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal – that there is no human relation between master and slave.” Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer.
“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes… Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” – Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, 1815

“The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his boots and the bankers went anew to grab the riches. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt civilization.” Otto von Bismark (1815-1898), German Chancellor, after the Lincoln assassination.

“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863.

“Banks lend by creating credit. They create the means of payment out of nothing. ” Ralph M Hawtry, former Secretary to the Treasury.

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money.” — Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England (appointed 1928). Reputed to be the 2nd wealthiest man in England at that time.

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is, perhaps, the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banks can in fact inflate, mint and un-mint the modern ledger-entry currency.” Major L L B Angus.
“The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled. With something so important, a deeper mystery seems only decent.” John Kenneth Galbraith (1908- ), former professor of economics at Harvard, writing in ‘Money: Whence it came, where it went’ (1975).

1. Andrew Jackson “I KILLED THE BANK” and paid off the National debt.

John Brown

Richard. Syria and Russia are now in the process of getting all the territory the SDF holds. How is this defeat? How is it a sign of weakness? It is the same with Ukraine. Russia will not take the rest of Eastern and Southern Ukraine it wants until North Stream 2 is completed. Every day Russia and China get stronger and the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slaver empire dictatorship gets weaker. Remember Sun Su the Art of war. He will be victorious who knows when to fight and when not to fight.

If Syria and Russia are so weak then why don’t Israel and their American slaves send large numbers of planes to bomb Syria? That is when the S-300s will be used in large numbers to shoot down many F-22s, and F-35s etc. Not only would it destroy the Israeli air force and their American slaves it would decimate the USSA Zio Judeo military media industrial propaganda complex.

The real problem with Russia right now is that they are not giving lots of loans to small and medium size businesses at 1% to expand, contingent on their buying Russian, if they buy foreign give them the interest rate the Zio controlled Russian central bank is giving. Also Russia should be spending hundreds of billions on infrastructure as China is doing now by creating their own money out of nothing, not borrowing from private Jewish banks that create money out of nothing and paying trillions of interest to Jews. Russia’s growth rate should be between 7% and 9%.

Putin is now in the same situation with the central bank of Russia that Andrew Jackson was in with the Second Central Bank of the United States.
Wages don’t cause inflation, it’s a zio lie. Inflation is caused by the amount of money in circulation; money created out of nothing by private Jewish banks stupid slave Goyims pay trillions in interest for, when Goyims countries can create their own money out of nothing and pay no interest to racist supremacist Jews. When the banks increase the money supply they allow in circulation there is inflation when they decrease it there is deflation. End of story.
“Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal – that there is no human relation between master and slave.” Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer.
“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes… Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” – Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, 1815

“The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his boots and the bankers went anew to grab the riches. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt civilization.” Otto von Bismark (1815-1898), German Chancellor, after the Lincoln assassination.

“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863.

“Banks lend by creating credit. They create the means of payment out of nothing. ” Ralph M Hawtry, former Secretary to the Treasury.

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money.” — Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England (appointed 1928). Reputed to be the 2nd wealthiest man in England at that time.

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is, perhaps, the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banks can in fact inflate, mint and un-mint the modern ledger-entry currency.” Major L L B Angus.
“The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled. With something so important, a deeper mystery seems only decent.” John Kenneth Galbraith (1908- ), former professor of economics at Harvard, writing in ‘Money: Whence it came, where it went’ (1975).

1. Andrew Jackson “I KILLED THE BANK” and paid off the National debt.


If you ca’t take down IAF fighters well withing the range of the S-300s parameters with 3 operational battalions of S-300s, then there’s a serious problem:

“On 8 October 2018, Russian news agency TASS reported that three S-300PM battalions had been given to Syria free of charge, citing “On 1 October three battalion sets of S-300PM systems of eight launchers each were delivered to Syria,”. According to the source, the deliveries also included more than 100 surface-to-air missiles for each battalion.[143] It is operated by the Syrian Air Defense Force.”

– S-300 missile system –



If the S300 or S400s dont work why is Russia deploying them? why are countries like Turkey or India seeking them. Surely any prospective buyers spending 2-3 billion will want to see live tests of these systems in action first. Youre assuming wrongly in my opinion because no Israeli plane has been shot down the system doesnt work. Syria has only just been given them & we still dont know whether they actually control them or are still being trained up. Youre also ignoring there may be political reasons why Russia will not target Israeli planes.


I wouldn’t say that S-300s and 400s don’t work or that they do work. S-300s have no combat history that I’m aware of. So there’s no proof that they work in combat against modern NATO aircraft. And the more that they fail at deterring attacks, the greater the damage that is done to Russia’s reputation.

Yes, obviously there are political reasons why Russia isn’t allowing them to be used against Israel. But that doesn’t strengthen the S-300s or 400s reputation. And yes, people looking at buying them, and that already have them are beginning to question their worth, and Russia’s worth as an ally. I wish that this wasn’t true. But I’ve to much experience in these matters to dismiss an obvious reality.

Carne João Pasta

I don’t particularly care for Richard’s sophistry. Just the usual negative bs. Blocked him last year some time.


the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving

There’s nothing fallacious or deceiving about my posts. If you weren’t making false allegations and could actually prove this you would. But you can’t, because you’re a disinfo peddler, so you won’t.


Yes, Israel is desperate to open up another war front to dilute the SAA efforts in Idlib and in my opinion the US withdrawal fiasco is another dilution attempt.


Israel’s escalation options, beyond what they’ve already demonstrated, are pretty limited. Due to the saturation of Russian personnel throughout Syria. Any significant escalation jeopardizing Russian personnel or rolling back Syrian government coalition gains, risks drawing in Russian equipment and personnel in theater, and the Russian airforce and navy that can be there quickly and have substantial stand off capability far beyond the reach of the IDF and IAF.

Some Russian equipment may be ineffective, but a lot of it is demonstrably very effective. Any direct confrontation between the IDF and Russian military would end badly for Israel. That’s why Israel and NATO aren’t going to escalate if S-300s start taking down IAF fighters, if they can.

Carne João Pasta

Dude is a tool. Why bother replying to him.


I’m a tool of no one. You’re reading the same material here that heads of state and world leaders read. Because it’s true, insightful, and has value.


Good riddance.

Turkish Greywolves

agreed, we can enter northern syria soon

Hanny Benny

you can fight your mountainturks 100 years longer ;)

Hasbara Hunter

What are your plans for Northern Syria?

Turkish Greywolves

destruction of the greater israel plan which kurds are being used and extend control over northern syria and create control points.

Hasbara Hunter

I think Turkey & Syria need a good Bordersecurity….establish a de-escalation-zone…Kurds should stay away from the border…Erdogan is not going to take parts of Syria….He’s putting a little extra pressure on the Talks & Negotiations between Syria, Russia & the Kurds…it’s a game….and Kurds will listen….

Greater IsraHell was already done a couple of moons ago

Turkish Greywolves

Arab puppet states, including UAE, Bahrain already started to negotiate with assad. they want to stop Turkey now because Turkey is going to invade northern syria soon

Hasbara Hunter

UAE & Bahrain are Headchopper-Sponsors & thus Irrelevant….Turkey in my Personal view made a right & Smart U-Turn…

Turkish Greywolves

Turkey is part of the muslim brotherhood and co. Turkey is alone against the fight against israel/uae/egypt/saudi alliance

Hasbara Hunter

I know….we are All Ruled by Masons…Most Turks are good Folks… I’m only interested in the People…. not in Leadership…..Masons have screwed up….they overplayed their Hand & got to Hang for their Crimes & Treason….if Found Guilty That is

Turkish Greywolves

When US started to create these outposts in northern Syria, the Turkish government lashed out that they had to leave, and after a week they decided to withdraw to iraq. good move, but now there is a power struggle between Turkey and Russia

Hasbara Hunter

Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria & Afghanistan…. are able to create a New Middle East….. What has got Russia to do with that? Take over Mekka & Medina from the Treacherous Wahhabis…seems like the Common thread..

Turkish Greywolves

As you see, i am skeptical because Turkey wants as much land as possible, and will take most of yellow area’s there is alot of resources in northern syria

Hasbara Hunter

Turkey will not take anything from Syria….or I personally might go over there in 2019….forget Stealing Syrian Land….won’t happen…the U.S., IsraHell, Great Britain, France, Wahhabistan, Turkey, NATO & a couple of others have tried it before….they Failed Miserably….Thanks to Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, Iraq…..and now you think Turkey can do where others Failed and Died?….hehehe

Turkish Greywolves

Once again, i am pretty sure Turkey is going to enter yellow area’s and create a 40-60 KM buffer zone

Hasbara Hunter

Fine by me…. but every inch of Syrian Land will be Patrolled by Syrians….and Turkey stays on their Side….and no United Nations Bullshit….no Blue, Red or White Helmets… have seen enough of those folks the past couple of years….Them is Traitors working for the Puppetmaster…..

Turkish Greywolves

There is alot of mobilizations going on, on the northern Syrian border

Hasbara Hunter

Sabre-Rattling…frighten them Kurds a little….Wars can start over very tiny little things…..Wasn’t it the Killing of some Hungarian-Austrian King the start for WWI?…..Listen: Want War? Bring it on….

Turkish Greywolves

Turkey just wants to clear out YPG threat off their borders and create a buffer, its likely going to happen after US withdrawal.

Hasbara Hunter

That’s what I said: Give Kurds ears to Hear…..they are pretty brainless folks….and they should become nice folks….they are in a Pincer at the moment…if they do not listen they will get crushed….a Buffer-Zone is a good option….Assad is having a chat with them….I bet they are discussing all those things….just as returning the Lands East of the Euphrates…

Promitheas Apollonious

Not to mention they been funding turks on the war against syria.

Turkish Greywolves

TFSA is formally different than saudi funded elements. independent and has Turkey’s own policy in northern syria. has nothing to do with GCC states

Promitheas Apollonious

is this an attempt to sound intelligent? Try using the full scale of your single digit intelligence. Or better be quiet and try and educate yourself on fact and not your opinion and wet dreams.

Turkish Greywolves

I am being honest, Turkey forced US out, not Russia/Syria/Iran. Turkey did

Promitheas Apollonious

turkey is sucking UK/US ass and her survival depends on it . Check who owns your production of agricultural and who owns your industry then you begin to be more honest because you speak based on fact and as I said not your personal opinion.

By the way I accept you trying to be honest, keep trying.


So if you would, inform us as to what are the differences between the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Arabic Wahhabi’s.

Hasbara Hunter

Good Point….


Hi. I’m sorry to butt in. After reading your exchange with Turkish Greywolves, and @Promitheas Apollonious:disqus I’d like to share my thought.

You started to discuss with this account at a peak point and managed to calm things very quickly. What I see from TGW response is that they (not he/she because these accounts are usually a shared one) try to steer the talk into “Turkey will invade Syria no matter what”, “Turkey wants to grab some Syrian land” and create a heated debate. I’m sure you and Prometheas see it too.

Like many users here I too have my share of suspicion against some accounts, specially the ones who openly and loudly talk about extermination and are on the extreme of various viewpoints and don’t listen to any kind of reasoning.

There are a few Turkish users here, we can see them commenting on articles mostly in regards to Turkey and Greece. Now I’m more inclined to believe this account does not belong to a Turkish nationalist but a Hasbarat team, just as that white patriot is not American.

Take care and happy new year to both of you.

Hasbara Hunter

You are right….and I try to stay a little nicer to Hasbaras these days….what I have seen inside Southfront many times was; People came up with many good Links & information because of Hasbaras & Trolls…to shine a Light on these Disinfo-Agents….perhaps the best way to fight them…ignoring them ain’t exactly in my system…..

HAPPY NEW YEAR…..for all of you….that it may become a great year…

Hasbara Hunter

When I think of Nour al-Din al-Zenki….I think of Turkey….It would be nice to get that image out of my system….for now it’s kinda stuck inside me Brains…

Turkish Greywolves

i’ll be honest with you, i think Turkey’s policy is grabbing as much land as possible

Hasbara Hunter

Conquer Europe….lots of land….Russia got some land too….after that I would advise Greenland & Canada….if you like snow that is…China if you like it a bit more exotic and out of the ordinary

Promitheas Apollonious

turks been in the game since the get go and ones of the founders in the move against syria. this you think began to happen in 2014 if memory serve me well.

Hasbara Hunter

Turkey always wanted to cooperate with Europe but never was accepted… so sure Turkey did a lot of things to make Friends & gain “Respect” from the Big Boys (Holland is just as Guilty…Stef Blok & Mark Rutte have sent very Nice Gifts & Presents to the Headchoppers: Pick-Up Trucks, Camouflage-Gear, Night Vision Goggles & Other Nice Equipment…
Something must have happened when Turkey Shot down a Russian Plane…that’s where Turkey appeared to slowly make a U-Turn….(if it ain’t a Smokescreen)…Turkey got to make a choice….East or West….can’t have’m both…and can’t have it all….

Promitheas Apollonious

I think you missing many chapters hence also your conclusions. One day when I have the time, I will explain to it to you.

Hasbara Hunter

I just can’t see Turkey do anything relevant in Conquering or staying in Syria….first they send in Headchoppers….They have Bought lots of Oil from ISIS….Trainingscamps for Headchoppers in Turkey…..the only thing left for Turkey is saying : Sorry we Fucked up….Syria was attacked by many Nations: America, Europe, IsraHell, Wahhabistan & Their Lapdogs, Australia, Canada….Every Nation That Supported the Cabal in Syria…is a Treacherous Nation…for me there can be only one Outcome: Syria for Syrians…. or WWIII…..I’m pretty fed up with Lying, Deceiving Puppeticians who decide for me which countries to loot next…if my Government wants War….they should continue on their road….and I am not the only one

Promitheas Apollonious

on what you wrote now i agree but not what i mean.

Hasbara Hunter

Btw…I always appreciate your criticism….to find Truth one to look at the Subject from all sides & Different Perspectives…..

Promitheas Apollonious

not criticism my friend just sharing my point of view and I always also know your point of view, that in my book with more points of view , make you see better and more clear. knowledge is gain


Yeah, who the &^%$ wants Michael Bloomberg and his boyz at Goldman Sachs regulating how much sugary soda pop a sovereign nation can consume? It’s dehumanizing! Today, sugar, tomorrow the right to bear arms. Fight the power!!!

Promitheas Apollonious

So you are really fighting israel but you attack syria, instead of whom you fighting against, allegedly. I dont think syrians ever forget or will any time soon what you have done against their country and the looting you keep doing.

Turkish Greywolves

Everyone has their own personal view, but Turkey is protecting its borders, Turkey knows that they can take Syria out. Arab puppet states already comitted to assad, Turkey is against assad still and will still be against assad, Turkey wants revenge on Egypt, Saudi Arabia UAE Bahrain and more. Turkey will invade northern syria

Promitheas Apollonious

I hope they do and we see what happens. as for turkey knowing that they can take syria all they have to do is try with out the russians in the middle stopping the syrians and we see what happens. for the moment the fact you are worst than gypsies and have been stealing syrian oil something before the russians get friendly with you destroy everything in that area for you.

And when we speak facts we dont offer an opinion my uneducated mongol. Fact is fact. Opinions is you who have and your well wishing.


crap. Turkey is a terrorstate itself

Turkish Greywolves

Turkey has its own policy which is also against american presence

Zionism = EVIL

Turkey is a NATO stooge and has licked Americunt and Zionist arse since it was occupied after WW2. Any country with dozens of foreign bases is hardly an independent country. The Americunt and NATO occupiers treat the Turkeys as shit, ever wonder why the dumb Turkeys never got into EU?


What a load of self-deluded hogwash!


The Grey Wolves plan rape murder and looting I suspect .

Turkish Greywolves

The cleaning of terrorist elements which are supported by UAE, Bahrain Egypt Saudi alliance

Zionism = EVIL

The Gay Wolf’s are more bark than action. Turkeys military is weak and the economy is even worse. The idiot Erdogan is like an old bitch seeking new suitors, he first destabilized a stable peaceful neighbor Syria, supported Wahhabi headchoppers and his NATO/Zionist masters, and after Russia and Iran intervened to defeat terrorism, he switched sides. Turkey, historically is has been a haven for corrupt morons, no wonder a devious Brit major T.E. Lawrence, the faggot of Arabia, destabilized and ended the whole moth ridden “Ottoman Empire”. Today, the Turkeys are far weaker with their Kurdish and Alevi population which may have become majority by now is in open revolt.

Hasbara Hunter

Good Documentary…a lot in English….they are blaming the Russians again in Holland



The use of this style of ‘Mockumentary’ is rather stale and few will believe it I suspect.

The UK/EU , ‘Doth protest too much’ and the Yellow Vest demonstrations show just how much the EU/UK establishment are distrusted and detested. No amount of faux informed opinions by the ‘Great and the Good’ with upper middle class accents ,in what is a propaganda video will change that now.

Hasbara Hunter

Go for the Tipping-Point….once 18% of the People Know….things will go fast….a lot happened Past year….I became pretty optimistic concerning awareness among the Sheeples….they are becoming Smarter by the day it seems…The Plans of the Cabal Failed on Many Points….and it won’t get any better for them either….


Can’t lies all the times to everybody without collapsed at the end !

Zionists Medias trust levels is for sure bellow zero
in France and Switzerland,
probably too in the whole developed Europe.

Europe feeling is existing, and Russia is definitely part of Europe since “ever”

NATO, Euro, and EC with Bruxelles is a US/UK organised
Imperial Vassal “System” going to fail !

Hasbara Hunter

I consider Good Folks in Russia & Europe my Brothers….working together seems like a fine option to me….but the Autocratic Traitors in the European Parliament & European Governments have to be dragged to Court….Let’s all start with a clean Slate…..

The Yellow Vests have shown what the Elitists can do about the Angry Scum:


You can call me Al

The Red Indian you are talking to, is the one for a beer in the New Year !!!!!.


I do hope so Al.

Hasbara Hunter

I’m in…:)



You can call me Al

A red Indian, a https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Florian and a Manc walk into a pub !!!!!

Have a Happy New Year, catch you in 2019.

Kelli Hernandez

Blaming the Russians for the 2016 election outcome, Skripal false flag, etc is an absolutely filled with contempt for US citizens with brain cells, as well as UK and now France. The elite are predictable as a watch as are their tactics.
Blaming Russia by the French government is LAUGHABLE.
Russia is clearly magnificent for pullimg all of this off. /Sarc


Russians must truely have magical powers to be as powerful as to control what the ‘Free’ world thinks and does. :)

Only a couple of years Senator J McCain dismissed Russia as ‘ Only being a gas station’.

How thinks have changed.

AM Hants

Including McCain is now dead, with a few of his mates.


More to follow soon I trust.

Let 2019 be a year of disaster for the Libtarded US political classes in the Congress and the Senate.

Such a disaster would quickly flow into the EU and create the mayhem required to expunge the unelected Marxists that rule over us all.

That’s my dream anyway :)

AM Hants

If it is true, what they say, with regards what they can do, during a Government shutdown, looks like it might be a Happy New Year. There again, I was expecting it to happen Feb. 2017 and January 2018, with no success.

Have you seen this video? Just been given the link by Guy and well worth listening to. Happy New Year.

CODY GOLDEN ELK SNODGRES opens up to Rachael about his personal history of being a College Professor and then a Petroleum Geophysicist who worked at Chevron and Amoco, and through a twist of fate became an independent Black Ops Contractor. In 1994 he claims he was offered $1,000,000 to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. Currently the man is publishing a book and working as a healer. This two hour interview unravels his journey. For people who have listened to some of Cody Snodgres’ other interviews and have questioned his validity, this interview gives lots of leads and hints to follow up on… https://www.bitchute.com/video/fByCPwMXBPxp/


Thanks for the link. It sounds genuine.
The links to Little Rock make sense as well, even as far back as the 80’s :)

Happy New Year.

AM Hants

Happy New Year. Hope everything sorts itself out for 2019.


So do I.

You can call me Al

Are you banging on about us 007 British again ?; OH, I SEE, the political elite scum that need a pitch fork through them……..

I have invited Florian as well just now ….. should be an interesting night – if you agree that is.

Hasbara Hunter

Ofcourse it would be nice if Florian is there too….:)


Would a school certification in Woodwork and Religious Education suffice Hunter :)

Zionism = EVIL

Americunt losers days in Iraq are numbered too as their occupation is creating great resentment and soon another war of liberation is coming.


May be they will go even without a war of liberation.

Zionism = EVIL

The cost of occupation and the Americunt idiocy and arrogance is now even turning off their regional puppets. The Iraqis and people of the region will never accept foreign brutal occupation, look at Afghanistan.


The failure of Russia’s upgrade of SADF capabilities to stop the IDF, whatever the reason may be, is a game changer to Russia’s detriment, and to all of Russia’s allies as well. It needs to be corrected if it can be. If the equipment is indeed ineffective and Russia is an undependable ally. As the Jews are clearly demonstrating. Then that’s a big problem.


Russians are the best at dying in combat lol


Russia kicked your ignorant butt. Your arrogant attempts to destroy another country using extreme Islam has failed.

Concrete Mike

Hey how.come you guys runming away?

And the worst of it, the president is correct in leaving, yet all of politics is against him.

You guys are fucked..


Is that true ?

Turkish Greywolves

Turkey is putting up pressure, and they will enter northern syria.


Americans are mercenaries. Never ever trust them.


Never trust Americans. They are satanists. They have created israel by hijacking judaism. These satanists messianic christians think that they are the Israelites. They made gay pride in israel and elect miss trans israel. In the old testament, being gay is punished by death. They are destroying judaism. Jews have been cursed by Allah. Even Jesus came on Earth to tell it. The real whorshipers of God are the Muslims. The Muslim are the children of Ismael, the first son of Abraham.

Pave Way IV

Not true! Satan usually shows up with a contract for some goodies in exchange for your immortal soul. He made a fool of himself trying to pull that on people in the U.S.

Most of us Americans have no souls! Example:


jews are the first sinners. That why Allah cursed them. They disobey God and think that they are better than Him. Americans are disobeying and have disobeyed every rule let by Moses.

You can call me Al

Hey, that is nothing:

According to the gospel accounts, Jewish authorities in Roman Judea charged Jesus with blasphemy and sought his execution (see Sanhedrin Trial of Jesus), but lacked the authority to have Jesus put to death (John 18:31), so they brought Jesus to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of the province, who authorised Jesus’.


they are cursed. They disobeyed God. Now,they do the same and they will always do the same. They are the first sinners. That’s why USA and Europe has became Babylon. The real believers are the Muslims like prophetice in the old testament. The children of Ismael, the first son of Abraham are the real believers. They obey God and they do everything God has told.


Only those who believe in Jesus are God’s. Judaism is the law and the law has been done away with. Islam is a false religion. Countries aren’t Christian, only people are. Ismael was the son of a slave and not born of Sarah which was the promise of God. Modern day Israel is a false Israel. Esau sold his birthright and the Star of David is occult symbolism. You are mistaken about God.


You are mistaken. Isaac wanted to give the revelation to Esau and Jacob steal it.Thus, Muslims believe in Jesus and respect every rule of old testament.


Catholism isn’t Christianity. Every wicked act done in the name of Jesus has nothing to do with Jesus. Being good doesn’t get you right with God. The only way to the the Father is through Jesus. He is the way, the life, and the truth.


Being good is what gets you right with God, not any belief in any scripture, be it Judaic, Christian, Islamic or any other.
“I am the Way the Truth and the Light, and no man comes to the Father, except by becoming the Way the Truth and the Light”.
“I tell you truly, that the scripture is the work of man, but Life and all its hosts are the work of God”.


There are none that are good.


What about the Wahabi ‘believers’ who burn people alive in cages etc. Are they cursed as well?

Feudalism Victory

Original Jewish tribes are all dead.


Trump’s a different breed of leader. Not ruling out some sort of relationship with Assad in future..Lot of good Americans folks know we have wronged this Country


Like prophetised, let jews came back to israel. They will be helped by christians. There, they will disobey God and create all sort of sins. Then, they will be wiped out.


Jacob the son of Isaac has supplanted Esau by stealing the revelation. David never had a star. The star in the isreali flag is the star of jews who believed in Jesus. israelis are not real jews. Even orthodox jews are against the state of isreal.

Pave Way IV

The U.S. ‘withdrew’ from a single damn 40m x 10m arms distribution warehouse somewhere in the furthest corner of northeast Syria, 10km from the Turkish border? Oh, for fuck’s sake… that’s NOT A MILITARY BASE and the Turks could have taken it out with a few 155mm rounds from Turkish territory. Big deal. They probably just ran out of U.S. taxpayer-supplied weapons to give away to the Kurds and CENTCOM decided to shift future arms shipments to warehouses deeper inside SDFistan, a little safer from pissed-off Turks.


On September 24th the Kremlin reported:

“The President of Russia informed about the decision to implement a number of additional measures in order to ensure the security of the Russian military in Syria and to strengthen the country’s air defense system, including the transfer of the S-300 modern anti-aircraft missile system.”

– Telephone conversation with Syrian President Bashar Assad –


On November 7th Tass reported:

“All three battalions armed with S-300PMU-2 systems are ready for combat operation in Syria. Syrian military personnel is now to be instructed in their use,”

– Russian specialists reconfigure S-300 systems in Syria –



“the range of the new defense system will give Damascus the ability to detect potentially hostile aircraft from point of origin inside Israel: “With Putin’s S-300, Assad’s army could even ‘lock-on’ IAF aircraft as they take off from bases within Israel.” And as one Israeli defense analyst put it, “Israel should be worried.” …

Syria’s Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad recently said that “Israel, which has gotten used to carrying out attacks under various pretexts, will now have to weigh and rethink before attacking again.””

– Russia Confirms Delivery of S-300 Missile System to Syria –



Yes but are the Syrians in control of the S300 or is it the Russians. They did say it would take 3 months to train up the air defence crew.


Most reports indicate that the systems would be operational by Syrian personnel by now. It’s possible that the training isn’t finished. But considering how long Syria has been training on adding S-300s to the SADF, which is since 2013. If the Syrian crews aren’t ready by now, it doesn’t look good that it’s taking this long.

I’m sure that if the decision was made to use the Syrian, rather than the Russian S-300s in Syria, that joint Russian/Syrian crews would have no problem operating them properly. There’s clearly been a political decision made to stand down the Syrian S-300s and let the evil baby rapers attack Syria with impunity just like they were before.

Trying to explain this reality away is like trying to put lip stick on a pig. Many people aren’t buying it and Russia’s reputation is suffering as long as the S-300s fail at the mission that they’re deployed to implement. Which is strengthening Syria’s air defense to prevent these types of attacks. These are the types of attacks that the Jews were carrying out when the Russian servicemen got killed. And there are Russians all over Damascus, including at the airport.

Lazy Gamer

Be glad that the headlines on december 26 was not (Syria brings down a commercial airline). That single event would have put the brakes on us withdrawal, energized the assad must leave movement, and cemented the partition of syria.


There probably wasn’t much chance of that with the recent upgrades to the SADF. And with the ability to lock onto IAF planes from take off to landing, assuming that they’re in range. The SADF has the opportunity to take these hostile aircraft down anywhere in their flight path, if they can. Without jeopardizing friendlies.

The fact that they’re not is being used by the Jews to drag Russia’s reputation through the mud to make Russia look like an undependable and incapable ally. The Jews have been at the center of Russia’s problems for a very long time. They need to treated as the enemies that they are.

Lazy Gamer

I am speculating but when dealing with a fellow nuclear power and its big backer, actions are limited and confrontations are never open. Russia cannot equate itself to a small country like Israel. That seems like unacceptable damage. (What it may do, is have a small country with the same capabilities but firmly under their control-if they can tolerate the risk) Besides, i think that the attack has additional elements added in that we are not aware of (EW comes into mind).

Why make enemies, when you can have more friends in politics? Israel has always been a strategic player for both the US and Russia in the middle east. Some regional players are friendly to Russia precisely because of Israel. And the middle east is destabilized by Israel’s expansion which serves the interests of others. lol


Your reply doesn’t make sense and isn’t supported by the facts. There are no regional players friendly to Russia because of Israel. The Jews are the ones making enemies with 200 attacks on Syrian territory that need to stop. Shooting down their planes is a perfectly reasonable thing to do under the circumstances to stop the baby raper’s blatant scofflaw violation of UN resolutions and international law.

Israel shouldn’t even exist. It was the biggest mistake that the UN ever made. It should be dissolved and replaced with a unified Palestine and Palestine and the planet should be humanely dejudified so that it’s Jew free. To create a much better world without Jews, and their crime and evil.

Lazy Gamer

In an ideal planet, all exclusionary and obsolete systems must be dissolved. All. Their culture/actions are no more than a reflection of what the world and everyone is. Might as well take out all the kooks and haters in this world as well.
With regard to population, it was wrong at the START to forcefully transplant a significant population with no intention to integrate to an area that was populated, supplanting the locals(still relevant today). However over the years, we cannot talk of who is right or wrong anymore. What remains now are rules and agreements that were the product of their time but nevertheless are better than any current solution in this mess. People have got to learn to live with each other. Israel must recognize it can never have PHYSICAL strategic depth. Attempting this results in annihilation for one or more populations.


Part of the planet’s modernization should be the humane dejudification of the planet of an evil cult that is the planet’s primary problem. By outlawing Judaism and closing and demolishing the synagogues and yeshivas.



It is professionalism that will win this war for President Assad and Syria and is now doing so .

Let the US and friends use the John Wayne tactics that are so successful in Hollywood.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Bad choice, this is where I think the Turks will also invade from, I would have preferred the US to stay here just a little longer to stop that possibility. I hope the Kurds fill this gap quickly, or even better still let the SAA and Russia move in here as well. The SAA has a small area of Al Hasakah already under control nearby, it should be easy to fly some in to the airport there and then truck them to the area they’re needed, actually maybe that’s why this base was chosen for early evacuation, it’s an easy location to fill with SAA and Russian troops, lets see if they turn up here too.


The US had no business in Syria. Turks have already invaded Syria. Syria must organize those occupied to resist the Turks. Make the Turks pay for their infamy.


Your right, Al Hasakah and Al Quilshmi, are SAA occupied protecting those Christian areas.
Possibly backed and supplied by PMU’s from Iraq, air supply would be very risky.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The SAA sends regular airdrops of supplies and equipment there already, they’ve been doing it since the US took back the area from Isis about 6 or 7 months ago, it may have even been before that.


Those Christians were never under ISIS, the Wahhabi’s would have killed them all. They have been protected by the SAA throughout the war.
However if the US has allowed Syrian or Russian airdrops for the last 6 or 7 months it’s good, but news to me.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The areas surrounding this little island of Christianity were occupied and controlled by Isis up until the middle of the year when the SDF tool it back from them, it’s from that time onward the SAA have been allowed to make airdrops to the location, thanks to Trump I might add.
As to the Christians under Isis that lived outside of that one safe area, they had to sign an agreement of some sort and pay a tax to be allowed to live in Isis occupied territory, they weren’t all killed on the spot thank God. Some of the other minorities fared even worse, the Yazidis for example weren’t even allowed to do that, the men were just killed or ransomed, and women sold into slavery, or worse.


Sorry but those statements are not correct.
Ref: edmaps.com
In 2015 the Kurds held everything north of the line between Manbij and Al Hasakah, east of the Euphrates. That does not include Manbij, west of the river.
Those are TWO Christian pockets protected by SAA, not ‘one safe area’.
I challenge you to name one Christian town where the men were not killed and the women not sold into slavery, just like the Yazidis and Assyrians.
(The Assyrians are the oldest Christian sect founded by Thomas in 33 AD.).
That is a fundamental reason for the creation of the PMU’s in Iraq. The Christian men had every reason to protect their own settlement areas. as the Iraqi Army was too busy being misdirected by their American “friends”.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s shows you all the areas Isis controlled and at what times, it’s very comprehensive and uses a composite of SyrialiveUAmap images, and has proven to be very reliable.
Yes there are 2 pockets, I was aware of that, I should have said two safe areas instead of one. But it’s not relevant to the argument over whether or not the areas around these enclaves were occupied by Isis or not, the SyrialiveUAmap clearly shows they were. There were many Christian towns captured by Isis and quite a few Christians too, I know some of them were forced to convert to Islam and others were allowed to keep their faith but only if they obeyed strict Islamic laws.
I can’t accept you’re challenge, I don’t have any easily available information to prove or disprove your assertion. There were a dozen or more Christian towns captured by Isis in Al Hasakah alone, not to mention the many dozens more captured in other areas, I’d have to go through records for every single town to do that and I’m afraid I don’t have the time or inclination. I’ll reluctantly accept your assertion that in every single one of the captured Christian towns in all of Syria, [at a guess,anywhere from 25 to 50 in total], all had at least one or more of it’s captured male Christians executed by Isis and some of the women sold into slavery. I don’t know if you’re right or wrong about that, but due to Isis’s past bad behaviour in Iraq, it is very believable. But not all were killed, sold into slavery, or kept captive, some had to convert to Islam and some just had to abide by the newly imposed Islamic law, I’m pretty sure of that.
The PMU was originally started as a Shia protection force with direct funding from Iran, it began to incorporate Sunni, Christian and Yazidis later on, but the vast majority of militias in the PMU are Shia, they’re all now more or less a part of the regular Iraqi army and under central government control.


Sun tzu says that to react to a provocation is to fall into the enemies trap. Pretty despicable for Israeli air strikes on Damascus using civilian airplanes as cover putting passengers in danger.


In my opinion the Israeli plan was not to use the civilian aircraft as ‘defence’ shields. It was to actually cause the destruction of one or more of the civilian flights.

This intended catastrofy was prevented by the professional response of the SAA Air Defence.

Next time it is very possible that the Israelis will themselves shoot down a civilian aircraft and blame the SAA.


Next step, arm every single SAA unit with Igla/Verba manpads to protect against US helicopters in the event they come back. This is vital and necessary. Strelas are outdated. Anything flying below 5000 meters is turkey shoot for verba even the older igla.


yankees good bye!!!!


Good morning Antoun, I borrowed your’s “good riddance!” A good new year to you.


thank your lot a good new year to you!


Fox killed in the open….


Poor Iraq!

Kelli Hernandez

Going to Iraq.
Iraqi leadership hates the US and for good reason.
They’ve not given up Iran. Iraq will become US Israhelli starting point for more trouble in Syria and Iran.
Hezbollah and Iran see clearly what the US is doing and have said that there will be no more attacks in Syria or neighboring countries.
But the US, full of hubris and arrogance wont see it that way.
Never trust one thing the US says