Iraqi Hezbollah Is Ready To Protect Syrian Kurds After U.S. Withdrawal

Iraqi Hezbollah Is Ready To Protect Syrian Kurds After U.S. Withdrawal

A column of Safir jeeps with Kata’ib Hezbollah flags in Iraq

Kata’ib Hezbollah is ready to protect Syrian Kurds in cooperation with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) after the withdrawal of all U.S. forces from the country, a spokesman of the Iraqi group said during an interview with the al-Mayadeen TV on December 22.

The spokesman added that the U.S. withdrawal was expected and revealed that Kata’ib’ Hezbollah has “continuous and intensive communications” with Kurdish commanders in northeastern Syria.

“We have a full conception of what is going on in northern Syria, including U.S. movements,” Jafar al-Husseini said during the interview.

According to al-Husseini, the U.S. is planning to hand over its role in Syria to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Both countries are already funding the US-led coalition operations against ISIS.

“We’ll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon. Let the other people take care of it now.” U.S. President Donald Trump said last March.

The surprise withdrawal decision has left the U.S. main proxy in the country, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), defenseless in front of Turkey, which is threatening to invade northeastern Syria. Facing such a threat, the Kurdish-dominated group is considering to make a deal with Damascus and its allies.

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Bigaess Wangmane

According to al-Husseini, the U.S. is planning to hand over its role in Syria to Saudi Arabia and UAE. Both countries are already funding the US-led coalition operations against ISIS.

I’m assuming Jafar al-Husseini was speaking at the local Iraqi comedy club when he mentioned this tidbit, right? If so, he has a great sense of humor.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

This has to be BS. Kurds don’t need protecting. They need to be stepped on and snuffed. They’ve been a bone in the throat of every country they’ve infected. Like Jews.


If you don’t protect them then Turkish backed FSA dogs will fill the vacuum, which is worse. I’ll take Kurds any day over Islamist terrorists.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

I see. Anarcho-Marxist revolutionaries are better than Islamist terrorists.


At least for the Pentagon.


You prefer the other way around?

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

I prefer the Kurds snuffed.


Then go join the FSA, but Dutchboy will not be happy with you ! Priority is that Syria takes over the territory. Your personal hatred has no meaning here.
BTW, what was your MOS ?

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Agree about Syria. Perhaps you forgot that the Kurds betrayed Syria in 2013.
18B, 18C, 18E, 18F, 18Z.

Hisham Saber

Look how they betrayed Iraq recently with their silly Israeli incited referendum. And Kurds are causing Iran problems too. They are a despicable people, who have no loyalties nor do they have any respect for the people that took them in when Turkey was squashing them in the last 100 or so years.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, the Kurds are now playing a suicidal role by letting Mossad and CIA use Arbil as a terror staging post. They will pay a heavy price as Iran and Turkey are now cooperating militarily to expel US/Zionist influence. The Kurds are treacherous fcukwits who never learn from history or geography as they are land locked and have no resources. Iraqi federal government needs to reclaim all its territory like Syria is doing.

Brother Ma

It does but it is still ruled by a large dgree by the USA.

Brother Ma

And most love the Islamist Erdogan and many have joined ISIs as well. The chief ISIS leader early on in the war was a Kurd the Us flew out of Norway where he was originally given “asylum”.


You realize that Latinos and blacks feel the same way about white Americans.
When the US collapses, white Americans will be the refugees, but who will take such a fanatical and violent people?

Bill Wilson

You sure about that? Why would they want to run off the people who supply the tax dollars for their entitlements?


A country is like a cake, the more slices, the smaller the slice.
When you factor in that most of the slices are owned by the plutocrats, and they are mostly white and Jewish, killing them all makes good economic sense for the native peoples of America.

Kell McBanned

Lol, without whites the “native” peoples will starve like they do everywhere else PS the Soultrians the first inhabitants of North America were Whites, they were genocided by asiatic invasions thousands of years later.


Britain :)

Oh, and Australia/New Zealand :)


Tough to argue with Alt-Reich sophistication like that.

Feudalism Victory



Fkn oath they are.

Brother Ma

They are anarcho marxists only in name. That is old news now. They are simply ocalan Kurds rather than Kurds following the Iraqi now Turk -loving Kurd leadership.

Feudalism Victory

Another fine example of the drooling genocidal hatred kurds seem to face. Well no wonder they took a long shot with people from the other side of the world.

Hisham Saber

Kurds bet on the wrong horse (Israel/U.S.) and lost big time. They have no one to blame but themselves.


What did they lose? What horse were they supposed to bet on when Isis was slaughtering them? SAA?

Brother Ma

Syria! They fought ISIS .good. Then they decided to stab Syria in the back. The country that gave them asylum. .you know like how the White Helmets will stab Canada in the back when the time comes!

Funny how Israel,usa and saud /Gulf/ never took in any White Helmets isn’t it? Only sucker second-rate allies were like Canada and Holland? Haha ..idiots!


Syria could not protect the Kurds !! Hell, Assad was fighting for his own life when the Kurds were getting slaughtered. This is before Russia, remember?


No kidding. Bloodthirsty fools desperately needing a slaughter. Hypocrites.

Hisham Saber

Indeed, treacherous bastards they are. Jews of the Islamic world. And most of them can hardly be called Muslims.

They are ungrateful opportunists that sided with Israel. They bet on the wrong horse and lost big time.


Israel had never thought that such days they will see in their lives. The entire scene so quickly changes that look like a dream.

Zionism = EVIL

Zionist scum have a nightmare coming. Stay tuned :)

Hisham Saber

Indeed, Israel has ‘ writing on the wall ‘ for it coming soon. To use a Biblical term. Like Ayatollah Khamenei has said years ago. , the Zionist entity occupying Palestine will not last a couple more decades, and this was said years ago. Israel has no strategic depth at all, and is surrounded by very determined and anxious adversaries that mean serious business. This isn’t 67′ or 73’ anymore. Even the full might of the U.S., Britain and France will not be able to save Israel from annihilation, and being tossed into the dustbin of history as a cruel anomaly against the human race.

The U.S., Britain and France haven’t been able to subdue a bunch of guys on motorcycles , dressed in bed sheets and beach sandals, armed with AK-47’s , RPG’s and a few IED’s in Afghanistan for 18 years now, how are they gonna fight the millions of soldiers and fighters posed to overtake Israel soon. The pieces are being put into place as we speak. A whole diverse Islamic army is getting ready for the coming cleansing of Palestine from these diabolical European-Khazar squatters.


Sad, but mostly true. A ground war at Hezbollah 2006 was not that successful. Today´s war will be fought on Israeli territory, where their nukes are not a currency.

Brother Ma

My fear is that it is way different. Syria like Iraq is not particularly mountainous so the Us could use simple conventional weapons against the invading countries. Israel of course keeps talking about the Samson option!
So do as the Nazis did in Eben Emael in Belgium . Send in crack teams to neutralise the Israeli nukes . How good is human intelligence of Israel for the Arab countries?


I do hope so.
Judgement of the Zionist Jews and their goyim henchmen is long overdue.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

– “According to al-Husseini, the U.S. is planning to hand over its role in Syria to Saudi Arabia and UAE. Both countries are already funding the US-led coalition operations against ISIS”. –
This has to be the biggest piece of BULLSH-T I’ve ever read in SF, how did this even make it off the cutting room floor I’ll never understand.

Zionism = EVIL

The fact of the matter and demography is that Shia account for over 90% of the population in the Shia Crescent of over 2.4 MILLION sq Kms stretching from Iran to Lebanon and no one can survive without Shia protection. The Kurds are hated by all and will survive if they cooperate with Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian and Hezbollah, who hold total sway on the ground as can be seen by the long lines of pristine Iranian Safir 4X4 tactical vehicles that are ubiquitous in the region and have done very well in combat. They are fast and carry a plethora of armament from Iranian Dehalveih tandem warhead Kornets to 109mm rockets and anti-tank guns. Iran is producing 5,000 of these annually and a joint production with Russia of a very rugged MRAP.

Hisham Saber

Besides the Wahhabis of the Arab Gulf region, the average Sunni has no qualms or problems with Shia’s, and vice versa. The average guy in Cairo does not dislike the average guy in Tehran, and vice versa. The Shia-Sunni split is way over played by nefarious Zionists-Wahhabis and really plays no part in the on the ground developments of the entire MENA region. And that goes for the whole Islamic world of 1.6 billion people, of whom 190 million adhere to the Shia jurisprudence of Islam.

The Shia-Sunni rift is very old indeed, and is a political rift about ascension of Calipha of the Islamic Ummah ( world at the time of Prophet Muhammad’s passing) and not a religious rift, as many would have us believe.

Shia and Sunni Muslims are more united than one may think reading news here and there. In Iraq, and some other countries, there are intra-marriages between Shia and Sunni’s.

But Iran holds the key to the region, in that its leadership is independent of the U.S./Israeli Zionist dictates. Egypt, the seat of the Sunni leadership in many ways, is sold out to the U.S./Israel for the mere 3 billion in aid it gets annually from the U.S. Instead of being strong and independent, Egypt could take the course Iran has taken and it would be total checkmate for U.S. / Israel nefarious designs in the MENA region and beyond.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well said and very factual and accurate too.

Zionism = EVIL

100% in agreement, there was no rift at all in Islam, Shiaism like Hezbollah started as a political movement and later on the enemies created problems. The British devious scum and the faggot major T.E. Lawrence used the Wahhabi criminals to create rifts even against Sunnis of the Ottoman Empire. Most Sunnis totally support Hezbollah along with the Orthodox Christians. The PFLP of late great Dr. George Habash, the Russians, Serbs and other orthodox have fought alongside the Shia for decades. The British also created the Zionist parasites and Wahhabis who fan sectarianism but will fail as the average person is the street is much smarter now. 85% of Muslim world is Sunni, from Indonesia to Algeria who have stood by Iran. The Saudi treacherous headchoppers and the Persian Gulf pimps of UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and occupied Bahrain are the poisonous snakes in the region who work for Zionists and Americunts.

Brother Ma

How is sisi a Moroccan Jew? Why have we not heard this before? If so,how did the moslem Egyptian army /populace allow it?

Zionism = EVIL

Google the Moroccan Jew origins of Sisi and how Mossad and CIA cultivated him in the Egyptian corrupt military for decades. Everyone in the region knows it. He is a CIA sleeper.

Brother Ma

Ok. Will do. It is not unusual for Jews to impersonate Moslems though. Barzani the Kurd leader originally comes from Jews. Wahhab ,leader of Wahhabis originalky are Jews and many Donmeh or crypto Jews are politicians and generals in Elite of Turkish soceity in Kemalist (anti -Erdogan) Turkey.

Even Churchill,Murdoch and FranklinDelano Roosevelt all originally Jews.Even Brezinski the Russia- baiter.

Zionism = EVIL

After the 1948 Al-Nakba, many of the Sephardic Yids superficially converted as a 5th column in Arab countries and worked for Zionists and western intelligence agencies. There is plenty of evidence of Jew scum in Arab militaries if Syria and Egypt. In Syria, the Baathists cleaned them out, but in Egypt with Copts protection they thrived in government. For example Eliyahu Ben-Shaul Cohen commonly known as Eli Cohen, was an Israeli spy. He is best known for his espionage work in 1961–1965 in Syria, where he … Eli Cohen was born in Alexandria to a devout Jewish and Zionist family in 1924.


Assad is a Shiite married to a Sunni for example.


I agee.

Schism’s between religious orders have always been exploited by those who seek power, due to the maniacal zealousness of the most ardent followers of the various factions.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Your heroes are my heroes too, they’ll put the new Iranian missiles to good use when they have to, but what the hell do the Saudis even get mentioned for in this article, as if the US would ever hand over responsibility for the Kurds to Arabia and Qatar, what a joke. It’s Assad that will have responsibility for the Kurds, no one else.


Nobody cares about the Kurds, it’s about the pipeline.
If US forces, which includes Saudi Arabia get control of the territory, it will be an American/Saudi pipeline.
If Syria or Iraq get control of the territory, it will be Iranian/Iraqi/Syrian pipeline.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re 12 month behind buddy, the Saudi pipeline was dead and buried back in January.
Assad needs the Kurds more than ever, no one else can kill Turks and get away with it, not the Russians, not the Syrians, not the Iranians, not Hezbollah, only the Kurds, they will become an invaluable asset to Assad now.

Brother Ma

True but i wish to see the Kurds punished. Maybe shoot the top ten percent of the troublemakers and let the rest live on condition they fight Turks and rebuild Syria.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Don’t be too harsh on the Kurds, they’re people just like everyone else, they have the good the bad and the somewhere in between just like the rest of us do, unfortunately some of the bad one’s are in charge right now, but I think they’ll get new leadership soon, the last lot backed the wrong side and won’t be too popular right now, even less popular than the US is.


” no one else can kill Turks and get away with it,”

That’s true BUT it could drive Turkey back to the U camp.

Perhaps this is the Israeli/US strategy ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I keep saying it but no one seems to believe me, Erdogan has become totally and utterly hated by, Putin, Trump, the Israelis, the whole Arab league apart from Qatar, the EU, and anyone else involved. He’s being set up to fail by everyone, they all want him to invade so they can smash his army to pieces and send him home in disgrace after he does. They’ll let him take some territory for a while, but after he goes for the oil, and he will because he’s broke, and after enough innocent people have died again, they’ll send him home to Turkey in total disgrace. The country will be totally broke, the mums will be screaming about their dead sons, and the 60% popularity he now enjoys will quickly turn into a 60% disapproval rating. Now in Turkey atm the 60% who approve of Erdogan absolutely love him, but the 40% who don’t approve, absolutely hate him, they want to see him hanging from a tree literally. If Erdogan fails in Syria he will go, either they’ll vote him out or kill him, one or the other. A new moderate leader in Turkey is what everyone will be looking forward to dealing with.
All he ever did with Putin is stab him in the back every time, not even one deal he did with Erdogan has been abided to by Erdogan, not even one, and Putin knows it.
The US have had nothing but trouble from Erdogan since Obama’s time, Erdogan even accused the US of being complicit in the coup attempt, and they may have been.
The EU has had nothing but trouble from Erdogan, originally it was the Saudis/US/Israel/Jordan who could rightly be blamed for the refugee crisis in Syria and subsequently the EU nations, but since June/July it’s all been Erdogan’s doing. Apart from that France Germany and the Britt’s have all had Erdogan messing with their elections, he mobilizes not just the Turkish voters in their countries, but also has some influence with the other non Turkish Muslim voters, France and Germany especially have good reason to hate Erdogan’s influence in their domestic political matters, but Germany’s hands are tied by military convention, so the French are going it alone, that’s why they’re there.
Israel want’s a new Turkish leader as well, Turkey and Saudi Arabia have been the only friends the Israelis have ever really had here in this region, but Erdogan for nearly a decade now, has been destroying that relationship, over the last few he’s just about destroyed it completely. But the Israelis also want to punish Erdogan, he destroyed a deal that had been arranged by Putin between the Israelis and the Iranians, that would’ve insured some sort of security for the Israelis. Just before the Daraa/Quneitra campaign all parties but Erdogan got on board and gave Assad a green light to take back all of southern Syria, only he objected, that caused the Israelis to suddenly start rethinking the green light for Assad for a while, but eventually did agree to it. That to me meant only one thing, if the Israelis were giving Assad and Russia the green light, they had to have gotten something in return for it, and because Iran was also involved in the agreement to take back the south, Iran MUST have been the one giving something in return, such as a security assurance to Israel, guaranteed by and also enforced by Russia, that is for me the only explanation for the sudden turn around for the acceptance of Assad staying in power.
Then we have the Arab League, they were the initial group to push for reconciliation, and more or less got the stronger more influential nations to follow their leads. They pointed out that their economies were suffering because of the war, trade and revenue down in countries that weren’t even close to the fighting, and worse still for those that were. They also pointed out how similar their domestic issues were to Syria’s, they also pointed out that if Isis could do to Syria what it did, then surely it would just be a matter of time before Isis started doing the same thing to some of their countries, especially as their countries economies started going down hill and the people started complaining. Jordan was the strongest voice because they were already starting to see the same problems arise there, they convinced the rest of the Arab league and the Arab league convinced the Iranians to come to terms with the Israelis.
They all want Erdogan to go, Erdogan staying suits no one, not even Putin, not even the Turks themselves.
I know that’s quite a simplistic explanation for all that’s happened since just before January last year, but for me simplistic explanations are usually the right ones, the people running the show there in Syria aren’t that much smarter than us, or even much better at controlling their emotions, we’re better off thinking of them as being just like us when we try to work out their motivations and actions are, and read lots and lots of different news sources, even the enemies propaganda sites, they’re actually sometimes the best if you can learn to read between the lines.


Your argument has merit BUT if Turkey was governed by a Pro Israel,US,GB, EU regime today it would enable the US Coalition of Terror to further inflame and plunder the Middle East.

Only if there was a positive and enduring change from the malign and current US Coalition policies toward Russia, China, Iran, et al , would your hypothesis be relevant in my opinion.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Any new leader in Turkey would by any definition be more moderate politician than Erdogan was, a defeated and broke Turkey after the war couldn’t elect anyone other than a moderate leader.
And since Russia would be starting off with a clean slate, and the US and it’s coalition partners would be starting off with a tarnished plate, any new Turkish leader would already be looking at Russia as the more reliable partner to deal with. The US has restrictions, trade and travel sanctions, and a long history of political conflict with Turkey and Erdogan. Russia on the other hand has none of those recent problems with Turkey, and as a matter of fact Erdogan and Putin have beefed up trade and cooperation between the 2 countries recently in MUTUALLY beneficial deals, Russia’s already out in front of the pack I’d say.
But I don’t think any new Turkish leader would be roped into taking obvious sides in any continuing disputes between Russia and the US, I think they’ll just try to get along with everyone.
I think we can already see a change in attitude towards Russia, maybe not from the deep state, but Trump’s definitely not towing the usual US political line and doing things very differently, he’s actually forcing some of the deep state players to quit in frustration because he’s been so different.


I agree and in respect of trade, a durable business relationship chain ensures that every link makes an equitable profit.


Stop deflecting onto the Saudis, it’s an American pipeline.
All the death and destruction is down to America.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It was an Israeli/US inspiration, they wanted to punish Putin for putting into effect 2 simple little laws they didn’t like. They threatened him in 2003 and in 2006 they began their dirty work and tried to involve Assad too, but he didn’t like their little LGBTQI conspiracy and said no. Then we got the war that should have been impossible to have, but became possible against all odds anyway.
The pipeline was a means to an end, that’s all it ever was, now the pipeline is no more than an old dream, at least when the US get out of Al Tanf it will be, and they’re pulling out now, as I’ve always said they would.


“You’re 12 month behind buddy,”
Yes but it takes a long time for the US to accept reality.
They invaded Afghanistan because they thought it would be cheaper than paying transit fees for the TAPI pipeline?
It was obvious that the Vietnamese had defeated the USA in 1968, but they hung on until 1975.
Admitting defeat is political suicide in the US, just ask Carter or Nixon.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The old way the US mixed Trade, politics, and military actions is over, at least while Trumps in office it is, now it’s going to be trade and politics without the Military meddling.
History’s really important when trying to understand the motivations and actions of the US, true, we have a history to judge them by that’s quite damming, but every now and again someone sets a new precedent, or does something out of the ordinary, I think nows a time we should be looking at the US with 2 eyes open, one for the old system, and one for the new one Trump seems to be promoting.


Makes sense to me, it’s common knowledge that the Saudis pay US costs.
The US has always been a gun for hire, the US made a fortune out of the first gulf war, South Korea and Japan pays for all US troops stationed in their countries. The US called of exercises with South Korea, because the Koreans wouldn’t pay for it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re not following world politics, the Saudis are in the nose with all the rest of the Arab league, they are the very last people you’ll ever see here in Syria..

Brother Ma

Haga. So much for the Us protecring Korea and Japan then !


Its no more than a US Protection racket :)

Hasbara Hunter

According to al-Husseini, the U.S. is planning to hand over its role in Syria to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Both countries are already funding the US-led coalition operations against ISIS…..



There are some indications of outside involvement in Northern Syria. SDF has been working with a PMU along the Syriian Iraqi border. Arab funds have been pledged for rebuilding Raqqah.

No doubt there will be pressure on some coutries to get involved.

It seems to me any pressure should be on all outside actors NOT to get involved. This should include Turkey. Pressure should be on Assad and SDF to work out a way into the future. A sustainable way that serves both the interests of the region and of Syria as a whole.


President Assad has always demonstrated the need to unite all of Syria and this has been well demonstrated by the defection of FSA and other US Coalition of Terror factions back to the Elected Syrian Government.

Moursal Admaj

They will be toasted in ther face of turkey other is just PR mouvement nobody can save YPG terrorists from Turkey.
Just wait to see it.