Turkey will delay its miltiary operation in the area east of the Euphrates River in Syria, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on December 21.
“The phone call we made with [US President] Trump, as well as the contacts of our diplomatic and security units, and the statements made by the American side led us to wait for a while [for an operation],” Erdogan stated, according to the state-run media. “Of course this is not an open ended waiting process.”
Erdogan added that Ankara does have “no eyes” on Syria’s territory, but noted that Turkey’s “position against terrorist attacks targeting us from Syria is clear.”
On December 19, US President Donald Trump announced that the US is withdrawing its troops from Syria. Some sources speculate that the US decision to withdraw forces is a part of some kind of behind the scenes deal between the sides involved in the conflict.
Turkey is going to go for more land including raqqa and deir ezzoir.
No, they are not. They will establish a corridor parallel to the Turkish border to isolate Kurds from Turkey and Syria.
erdogan stated they will finish off ISIS and YPG. which includes the ISIS pocket in deir ezzoir, if im not mistaken :)
Erdogan is a windbag, he says what is expedient for the moment.
ertofart also said that the turks are the first to go to the moon in 16th century after someone read to him Jules Verne.
ISIS and Turkish interests are one of the same & have been for a long time, why would Erdogan eliminate his own bedfellows and partners in crime?
yes they will, because turks r dirty stinking people.And thats when u dirty people are going to get butchered by SAA!!!
in my country we fuck turkish women only the ass……..they loveeee it brother
stay mad, we will get alot of land.
SAA love Turkey moron. SAA and Turkish forces are one Islamic force.
the turks love it too, but not doing it with women but between them in the public paths they go all together, men only.
No sheet? Turks with imperial tendencies, really? And what has Langley’s glorious Turkey Dogs accomplished for the Empire after all these years? Loitering around art galleries and cheapshotting Russian diplomats from behind? Binge-watching The Apprentice from a Company timeshare in rural Pennsylvania? Not exactly the sort of skills to conquer Messopotamia with there, Kemosabe. Just ask the House of Bush about that.
This is perfect. Give the Kurds time to complete their agreements with Damascus.
wrong is giving time to ertogan to complete the agreements with UK/US.
President Erdogan waiting for the outcomes from the talks between SDF and Damascus. If the outcome was negative then SDF will be responsible for the destruction of all Kurds.
By Andrew Korybko
Global Research, December 20, 2018 Don’t Be Fooled, Trump’s “Withdrawal” From Syria Isn’t What It Seems.
To my opinion this Article is more accurate than others
(Most observers overlooked the US Special Representative for Syria’s statement earlier this month that his country was deliberating the creation of an Iraqi-style “no-fly zone” following a possible withdrawal of its grounds from there, which the author drew attention to in his piece at the time about how “The US Might Withdraw From Syria If A ‘No-Fly Zone’ Is Imposed In The Northeast”. The argument put forth in that analysis is that it would be much more cost-effective and less risky for the US to control the agriculturally, hydrologically, and energy-rich corner of Northeastern Syria from the air through a “no-fly zone” than through “boots on the ground”.)
erdogan is waiting to see that the windbags from the disunited states of A actually can get their stuff together and retreat back to america after which he will be able to deal with the kurds anyway he likes, i.e. put them in a place where they were before the disorganized morons of the disunited states started a wrecking campaign in Syria. in that erdogan has the support of iraq,of iran and of syria so the poor fu..ckers will have gained nothing.
and with russia backing him up, assad will reclaim the areas that kurds would love to get their greedy hands on. thus status quo will be restored.
the losers will be israel, that had their hopes on the disintegration of syria, as promised by the previous
white house double moron,obama. now, even the american people are more than tired of israel and will quite happily let it go to rot and a new diaspora for the israeli people.