A number of settlements in the Syrian provinces of Hama, Aleppo and Latakia came under shelling by militants operating in the Idlib de-escalation zone, chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria Sergei Solomatin said on December 17.
“During the day, shelling attacks by militants were reported from the settlements of Darh Abu-Assad, Safsara, Ikko, Arafit, Sandran (twice) and Jubb al-Zarur in the Latakia governorate, the settlements of Tell Maraq (thrice), Tell Bazam (rwice), Tell al-Maqtaa and Achan in the Hama governorate, and Aleppo’s Suqqari, Sakibiya, Zakhabiya, Makanis al-Duwairy neighborhoods and the area around the research center,” Solomatin said, according to TASS.
Solomatin added that officers of the Russian reconciliation center had conducted a humanitarian operation in a settlement in the Deir ez-Zor province. Over 500 bags with food products were handed out to civilians.
“Efforts are continued to restore infrastructure facilities and create conditions for the return of refugees. As of December 15, 2018, as many as 30,859 dwelling houses, 712 educational and 118 medical establishments have been restored. A total of 938 kilometers of motorways have been repaid,” Solomatin said.
US/UK/NATO are submerged by their own lies will have to face the music…
Grand Jury called to rule on the presence of explosives in the World Trade Centre on 11 September 2001
The Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry was set up in New York in February 2018. In April 2018, it filed a 52 page petition and 57 pieces of evidence before the Attorney General (the A-G) of the Southern District of New York. After the six month statutory period had elapsed, the A-G appointed a Grand Jury to examine the brief.
At this stage, the Lawyers Committee is not challenging Bush’s version of the 9/11 attacks. It is not stating an opinion on the impact of two planes that crashed into two of the three buildings destroyed. It focuses exclusively on the presence of explosives in the towers WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7. It states that the role they played on that date constitutes a federal crime which has till now been investigated.
The current A-G, S. Berman, was in the past a partner of Rudy Giuliani for two years. Mr Guiliani was the Mayor of New York at the time of the 9/11 attacks. Mr Giuliani called his citizens to evacuate the twin towers (WTC1 and WTC2), on the grounds that they could collapse as a consequence of the impact of the two planes (one plane against each of the two buildings). As it happens, these towers had been built to withstand far more violent shocks.
The Grand Jury hearing should take place in 2019. This will be the first time, eighteen years after the crime, that the US civil court (and not a military court) will make a decision on any aspect of a 11 September attacks.
tooooooo little
tooooooooooooooo late
ps. nuclear attack 2x 150 kilotons under wtc buildings(no planes)
I’m under the impression that even if it was publicly proved beyond doubt, that 911 was a frame made by mossad and inside elements, the US people would do little.
In fact, I ask myself how can an airline pilot of boeing 757s accept the official story about the Pentagon attack, and not come out saying “do you realize how much bs you are telling?”
All the Pilotes I know said it’s impossible with such a plane
to target a building without a tag device on the building…
Most Americans are uneducated on purpose to be easier lured…
Anyway everything said about the 9/11 was obviously forged !
Who enjoyed the Crime is the only right Question !
None doubts, Muslims were innocents Victims,
Osama Ben-Laden, Afghanistan and Irak too !
Apollo 11 “We step on the Moon” movie was done by
Stanley Kubrick in a London Studio….
Pearl Harbor was self inflicted too…. !
Hollywood is a Jews/CIA propaganda machine…
US/UK/Israel/NATO are the Planet Deadly Cancer
Thieves Like Us: the Violent Theft of Land and Capital is at the Core of the U.S. Experiment
The United States has been at war every day since its founding, often covertly and often in several parts of the world at once. As ghastly as that sentence is, it still does not capture the full picture. Indeed, prior to its founding, what would become the United States was engaged—as it would continue to be for more than a century following—in internal warfare to piece together its continental territory. Even during the Civil War, both the Union and Confederate armies continued to war against the nations of the Diné and Apache, the Cheyenne and the Dakota, inflicting hideous massacres upon civilians and forcing their relocations. Yet when considering the history of U.S. imperialism and militarism, few historians trace their genesis to this period of internal empire-building. They should. The origin of the United States in settler colonialism—as an empire born from the violent acquisition of indigenous lands and the ruthless devaluation of indigenous lives—lends the country unique characteristics that matter when considering questions of how to unhitch its future from its violent DNA.
you know what happens to a plane when it hit a building build as the twin towers even its nose will not make it in, it splash and explode not inside. If you watch the videos then you seen the “plane“ go into the buildings like was butter. Let alone all the pilots I spoke to and they are fighter plane pilots, told me it be hard to do, what the alleged civilians planes did, with fighter planes.
And all is been done by 18 cave duelers carrying nail cutters, that none of them was qualified to fly a plane of any type in the first place. And it is on record which group make billions on the stock market making negative beatings exactly on the companies that would be hurt by 9/11.
Only the ones who pretend they are asleep and the system trolls, dont know the facts. Because if you are on the net you know them and that be what? 90% of the population of US?
I am surprised you have yet to digest. Is one thing to know and another, to do something about it. Every one who is an employee and a tax slave knows that if they do the wrong move they be out in the streets in very little time. Or am I wrong? West is already under NWO rule. Beside they give the internet to the people to blow steam there, of the so called civilized countries .
Europe is a NATO/US/UK vassal totally framed since decades…
Who does Emmanuel Macron owe?
by Thierry Meyssan
President Macron is often presented as a Rothschild Boy. This is true, but secondary. Thierry Meyssan demonstrates that he owes his electoral campaign mostly to Henry Kravis, the boss of one of the world’s largest financial companies, and to NATO – a considerable debt which weighs heavily today on the solution to the Yellow Vests crisis.
Emmanuel Macron did not feel destined for a career in politics. As a young man, he hoped to become a philosopher, then a senior civil servant, then a business banker. To help him on his way, he frequented Uncle Sam’s fairy godmothers – the French-American Foundation and the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
It was in this milieu that he met Henry and Marie-Josée Kravis, in their residence on Park Avenue in New York [1]. The Kravis couple, unfailing supporters of the US Republican Party, are among the great world fortunes who play politics out of sight of the Press. Their company, KKR, like Blackstone and the Carlyle Group, is one of the world’s major investment funds.
« Emmanuel’s curiosity for the ’can-do attitude’ was fascinating – the capacity to tell yourself that you can do anything you set your mind to. He had a thirst for knowledge and a desire to understand how things work, but without imitating or copying anyone. In this, he remained entirely French », declares Marie-Josée Drouin (Mrs. Kravis) today [2].
Bearing the double recommendation of the Kravis couple and Jean-Pierre Jouyet [3], he integrated the closed circle of François Hollande’s campaign team. In an e-mail addressed to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Director of political planning Jake Sullivan named the four principal members of the Socialist candidate’s campaign team, including the unknown Emmanuel Macron. He specified that Macron would probably become the Director General of the Treasury (« the top civil servant at the Finance Ministry ») [4].
However, when François Hollande was elected, Emmanuel Macron became the assistant General Secretary of the Elysée, a more political function. It seems that he had ambitions to succeed Jean-Pierre Jouyet as Director of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (the Deposits and Consignments Fund), a post which was entrusted in May 2014 to the General Secretary of the Elysée. A few days later, proposed by the Kravis couple, he was invited to the Bilderberg Club, where he delivered a violent intervention in perfect English against his boss, François Hollande. When he returned to Paris, he resigned from Hollande’s cabinet.
The Kravis couple are among the main pillars of the Bilderberg Club, which is administered by Marie-Josée Drouin-Kravis. Contrary to a commonly-held belief, the Bilderberg is not a place where decisions are made. Its archives attest to the fact that it was created by the CIA and MI6, then became an organ of influence for NATO, which directly looks after its security [5]. Since Macron’s intervention had been well received, he became one of NATO’s men in France.
Having left politics, he had no desire to return. He explained to his entourage on a number of occasions that he wanted to become a university professor. With the help of essayist Alain Minc (admitted to the Bilderberg Club in 2008), he obtained a post at the university of Berlin and another at the London School of Economics, but was unable to find a place at Harvard.
However, in August 2014, three months after having « left politics », and on a proposition by Jean-Pierre Jouyet (admitted in 2009 to the Bilderberg Club), he was named by François Hollande as Minister of the Economy, Industry and Digital Technology.
In a book published in 2018, François Hollande assured that this choice had been his idea [6]. That may be, but would suppose that he had not been informed about Macron’s intervention at the Bilderberg meeting – although one of his Ministers and close friend Fleur Pélerin had also been present.
In December 2014, Henry Kravis created his own Intelligence agency, the KKR Global Institute. He nominated at its head the ex-Director of the CIA, General David Petraeus. With the Kravis couple’s private funds (the KKR investment funds), and without referring to Congress, Petraeus pursued operation « Timber Sycamore » which had been initiated by President Barack Obama. This was the largest weapons traffic in History, implicating at least 17 states and representing many thousands of tons of weapons worth several billion dollars [7]. As such, Kravis and Petraeus became the main suppliers for Daesh [8].
The French President of Bilderberg, Henri de Castries, invited the Deputy Mayor of Le Havre, Edouard Philippe, to the annual meeting, which on this occasion was held in June 2015 in Austria. Philippe was to be re-invited in May 2016, this time in Germany. During the presidential campaign in France, both Henri de Castries and Edouard Philippe supported François Fillon, but dropped him as soon as Jean-Pierre Jouyet [9] handed the Canard Enchaîné the financial documents collected by the Inspectorate of Finances concerning the suspicious employment of Madame Fillon [10]. They then joined Emmanuel Macron’s camp.
In April 2016, Emmanuel Macron founded his political formation En Marche!, whose marketing strategy was copied from that of Kadima (Forward!), Ariel Sharon’s pretended non-right, non-left party. As for Macron’s programme, it was built on the notes of the OCDE [11] and those of the Institut Montaigne, of which Henri de Castries was president. In fact, En Marche! was created in the offices of the Institut. But Castries fooled Fillon into believing that this was pure coincidence , and that he did not support Macron. He continued for months telling Fillon that he was ready to become his Prime Minister.
Initially, the financing of En Marche! was not supervised. It was a simple association which was allowed to receive gifts from abroad. The names of the sponsors were not revealed to the Tax Office. Arch-billionaire Henry Kravis was one of them.
During his campaign, Emmanuel Macron regularly met with the ex-President of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (« DSK »). These workshop meetings were denied until they were revealed by Le Parisien, much later, when his reputation as a sexual pervert had died down. DSK (admitted to the Bilderberg Club in 2000) brought both the support of senior government officials and that of French company management – the sociological alliance which had supported the collaborationist régime of Philippe Petain and reformed again in the 1980’s around the Fondation Saint-Simon.
In June 2018, the Minister for Youth and National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, was invited on the proposition of Henri de Castries to the annual meeting of the Bilderberg Club, which was held this time in Italy. This lawyer, a specialist in Constitutional law, has always linked political science and education. He was one of the three central directors of the Ministry for Education, then director of the prestigious Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC). He has known Castries for many years, frequenting him at the Institut Montaigne.
When the Yellow Vests crisis began in France [12], it quickly became evident that this was a profound problem which could only be resolved by addressing the question of global finance, which President Macron can not do. During his electoral campaign, he surprised sponsors at a dinner in New York by making accusations against the financialisation of the economy. It was no more than electoral rhetoric. He was taken to task by the Mr. and Mrs. Kravis – financialisation is the system that enables them to operate the « leveraged buy-outs », which have made them what they are.
Faced with the Yellow Vest movement, President Macron will have to sacrifice his Prime Minister as an expiatory victim during the next elections (the European elections of May 2019, which will certainly be lost). But apart from the fact that he has to hang on for five more months, who is there to replace him? When you owe the financing of your electoral campaign and the choice of your Prime Minister to NATO, it is unthinkable to replace him without first referring to the Alliance. The ideal candidate for the job would therefore be Jean-Michel Blanquer.
Thierry Meyssan
[1] This meeting probably took place in 2007. Thereafter, Emmanuel Macron systematically visited the Kravis couple whenever he was in the USA, and Henry Kravis welcomed him in his offices on Avenue Montaigne when he visited Paris.
[2] «Quand Emmanuel Macron découvrait l’Amérique à 29 ans», François Clemenceau, Le Journal du Dimanche, 22 avril 2018.
[3] Jean-Pierre Jouyet is a personal friend of François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy. He directed the General Inspectorate of Finances from 2005 to 2007. He was then Emmanuel Macron’s hierarchical superior.
[4] «Hollande Team», e-mail by Jake Sullivan, May 10, 2012. Source : Wikileaks.
[5] “What you don’t know about the Bilderberg-Group”, by Thierry Meyssan, Komsomolskaïa Pravda (Russia) , Voltaire Network, 9 May 2011.
[6] Les leçons du pouvoir, François Hollande, Stock, 2018.
[7] “Billions of dollars’ worth of arms against Syria”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 18 July 2017.
[8] “Seize the transnational corporations to rebuild Syria?”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 14 August 2018.
[9] Jean-Pierre Jouyet remained friends with Henri de Castries at the end of their studies at the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA, Promotion Voltaire). It was there that they met François Hollande.
[10] Contrary to the official version, the information published by the Canard Enchaîné was not the fruit of a journalistic investigation. The entire dossier was handed in one delivery to the weekly newspaper by Jean-Pierre Jouyet, in violation of financial secrets.
[11] The Organisation de Cooperation et de Développement Economiques (OCDE) is one of the two organisms born of the Marshall Plan. The other is NATO.
[12] “How the West eats its children”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 4 December 2018.
the question you should answer is who owns, the one that owns macron.
The one who know them will keep silent (lol)
It is no different really to the people,past and present, who believe the bullshit of various religions. People with such a mindset are almost impossible to debate with.
The Vatican is the smartest,
during 2’000 years they were successful to sell Hell, Paradise
Virgin immaculate conception and Jesus resurrection to the Gullible
for an amazing fortune ! ! !
And many of those who are not conned are willing to don the ideological trappings and put on a mask of solemnity in order to be part of the cult leaders and advance their chosen careers.
Well a lot have come and say it as well civil engineers, demolition experts etc. So what? Mass population it is on a self inflicted blindness, as they are scared shitless to take initiative or a decision. This is what happens when 99% are employees and all they know is take orders. What you think first act the system did was to destroy all family values , family business and basically everything that has to do with family.
They make people not to be able relay on family that was the back bone of peoples power and make them dont trust even their own blood, but hate each other.
your analysis is rather accurate.
the hope is that things could change without a global disaster happening.
It’s exactly what the CIA and Mossad pushed MBS to do
when jailing and racketing most of his family
and the establishment members…
MBS didn’t had anymore any support in the CIA run KSA…
Work for us, we will do your career is the CIA classical enrolment moto,
then you are cook, until they didn’t need you anymore or become
an embarrassment for their roadmap !
The hole punched out the back of the third interior ring at pentagon.
Was it a cruise missile ? LMAO https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/92e15128100cb216ce1a1e0aa218b0011cb837d6ddd850c418459a55d8f4024d.jpg
Airliners have big heavy engines on the wings that would have hit the building on each side of the whole which didn’t happen. The missile explanation sounds about right.
“My view is that the chances of newbie pilots executing a maneuver like that a few feet off of the ground at 500 mph on a first attempt are extremely remote.”
On a 757 airliner you can safely say they are zero.
757 landing gear system is coming out automatically and would
have hit the building roof near the Pentagone,
757 isn’t a jet-fighter or bicycle…
Only a missile could have done such a trajectory and such a small penetration hole
Two these traveling at 500 mph are going to do a lot of damage if they hit a building.
This is the best pre collapse picture that I could find of the exterior after impact, but before the facade and interior behind it came down later in the day. It doesn’t look like the damage that a 757 with 2 large engines would do hitting a building at over 500 mph. You can click on it to get an expanded view. If it hasn’t been doctored. I’d say that it’s fairly conclusive evidence that something other than a 757 hit the Pentagon.
i don’t give a damn about blendind.
go ahead and prove it was a 757 instead LOL.
It’s alike the Stanley Kubrick movie “Apollo 9. We step on the Moon”
obviously done in London Studios, none Scholars bite the hook….
9/11 implied directly or indirectly too many peoples, and so many fake accused,
and can’t lure prominent Engineers and Architects,
only common herd is the lies victims…
Dark Side of the Moon (film)
This article is about the mockumentary. For other uses, see Dark Side of the Moon (disambiguation).
Dark Side of the Moon
Photo of Buzz Aldrin on the moon, used for the DVD cover
Directed by William Karel
Produced by Arte France / Point du Jour
Starring Buzz Aldrin, Christiane Kubrick, Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, Vernon Walters, etc.
Narrated by Philippe Faure (French) / Andrew Solomon (English)
Cinematography Stéphane Saporito, A.S.C.
Edited by Tal Zana
Distributed by Point du Jour International
Release date
16 October 2002, France
Running time
52 mn
Country France
Language French / English
Dark Side of the Moon is a French mockumentary by director William Karel which originally aired on Arte in 2002 with the title Opération Lune. The basic premise for the film is the theory that the television footage from the Apollo 11 Moon landing was faked and recorded in a studio by the CIA with help from director Stanley Kubrick. It features some surprising guest appearances, most notably by Donald Rumsfeld, Dr. Henry Kissinger, Alexander Haig, Vernon Walters, Buzz Aldrin and Stanley Kubrick’s widow, Christiane Kubrick.
The first part tells in an apparently neutral way the inception of the NASA’s lunar program, emphasizing the issues related to its funding and the necessary public support to the program. NASA regards Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey as the prototype of the show that the space program needs to be in order to gain this support, leading them to design the spacesuits and vessels in a “Hollywood” fashion and even to hire 700 Hollywood technicians, making all of Hollywood stop working on other projects. But the outcome of Apollo 11 is disappointing: although the landing is successful, Neil Armstrong makes a fool of himself and not a single shot of the moonwalk is usable.
The incapability of shooting images on the moon had been anticipated by Richard Nixon and his staff who decided to fake the pictures on the moon, using the set of 2001 that was still available in London. Kubrick had refused, then accepted and finally directed the fake footage himself, appalled by the lack of skills of the CIA crew. The KGB soon realized that “the whole thing was a hoax”, that Apollo 11 had indeed landed but it was physically impossible to make pictures in the lunar environment. Besides, they had found a photo showing a portrait of Kubrick lying on the false lunar soil in the studio.
After the success of the fake footage, Nixon gets scared that the truth might be discovered, and in a drunken state asks CIA Colonel George Kaplan to dispose of the whole film crew. The next morning he tries to cancel the order, but it is too late: meanwhile Kaplan has gone mad, sent his killers and disappeared. The death squad goes to Vietnam where the film crew has sought refuge, but is immediately caught by the villagers: despite a perfect accent and disguise, their commanding officer was black. Nixon reacts by sending 150,000 men and a half of the 6th Fleet to find and kill the four members of the crew. They fail, and the CIA takes over and assassinates all but one of them, who takes shelter in a yeshiva in Brooklyn where he dies ten years later. Only Kubrick is spared.
Five years after Apollo 11, Kubrick calls NASA to borrow the top-secret wide-aperture Zeiss lens he needs to make Barry Lyndon. As a result, Nixon’s successor decides to get rid of him as the last witness of the conspiracy. Informed of the threat to his life, Kubrick locks himself up in his home and never leaves it until his death.
As a conclusion, General Vernon Walters accepts to reveal the secret of Kubrick’s demise, but unexpectedly dies the next evening: he has accepted to break the CIA rule of silence and anonymity.
It is finally revealed that this is a mockumentary as the end credits roll over a montage of blooper reels, with the main participants laughing over their lines or over their inability to remember them.
William Karel had just completed Hollywood, a film based on lying, when he and the documentary unit of Arte had the idea of making a mockumentary, to play with the serious tonality of Arte but also for pleasure, and to make a funny film based on the idea that one must not believe everything that one is told, that witnesses can lie, archives can be tricked, and that any subject can be twisted by misleading subtitling or dubbing. They looked for a topic that would be universal and historical but not sensitive like a war. Hence the choice of the Moon landing, which had for more than 30 years been a topic of debate regarding the reality of these images. They found it was a fairly funny topic.[1]
Karel took care to avoid any conspiracist tonality. In particular, at no point is it said that Armstrong did not walk on the moon. The script just hypothesizes that the US might have wanted a contingency plan in case the first steps could not be filmed.[1] The arguments regarding the impossibility to operate a camera on the moon were found in websites.[2]
Since it was impossible to know at what point of the film the spectators would start having doubts, parodic bloopers were added in the end credits to make the hoax obvious, in case someone would believe it until the end.[1]
The film uses four main types of elements:[1][2]
Karel interviewed Kubrick’s widow, Christiane Kubrick, and his brother-in-law, Jan Harlan, pretending he was making a documentary on Kubrick, his film 2001: A Space Odyssey, the Moon or NASA, and asking intentionally vague questions. Karel also interviewed Vernon Walters, Buzz Aldrin, his wife and some NASA personnel, under the same pretext of making a bona fide documentary.
He used footage of staff of President Richard Nixon, including Rumsfeld, Kissinger, Haig, Lawrence Eagleburger and CIA director Richard Helms, recycled from his earlier documentary Les hommes de la Maison Blanche [3] and edited in order to twist their words.
Other “witnesses” are played by actors to make the connections between the sentences pronounced by “real witnesses” and make a credible story. Among many giveaways (mainly in the second half) that the entire film is a hoax in jest, these “staging” witnesses are named after characters in Kubrick and Hitchcock films, for instance an astronaut named “David Bowman” (2001: A Space Odyssey (film)), a film producer named “Jack Torrance” (The Shining) or Nixon’s secretary called “Eve Kendall” (North by Northwest).
Other elements appearing in the second half are “borrowed” from various documentaries that are mentioned in the end credits. These are the only parts of the film in which deceptive subtitling is used: Australie, la route de Tanami (Arnaud Mansir, Hervé Rébillon, 1999), L’archipel aux savants (Laurence Graffin, 1997), Philippine : la vallée des rizières éternelles (Patrick Boitet, Jacques Massart, 1994), Cambodge : Païlin, le refuge des criminels (Hubert Dubois, 1999), Chine : union furtive (Fang Wui Wang, 2000), Laos : les montagnards de l’opium (Eric Pierrot, 1997).
There are many people who participated in the preparation and demolition of Twin Tower. There are many people who were paid for tell lies. There are many people in CIA and Pentagon who actually know all of this. All these people for sure are treated to be killed with his family if they tell something. I mean, the moral and ethical principles of the people involve in this atrocity to north-american people is really beyond any madness. These people must talk about the true.
WOW ! and Russia is still supporting Turkey-Russia agreement, just because Russia does not want to bother Turkey invasion to Syria and Turkey terrorists in Idlib. WOW !!! Even more, now Turkey-Iran-RUssia are in Geneva to bring about another Turkey-Russia agreement !!! WOW !! It is totally clear that Russia economical and commercial interests with Turkey are above everything.
God what a bunch of pussies.
Get to war already
Doubt that you have served a single day in the field and ops. :/
Youd be right. Thinking outside the box
Your box idea is frikin stupid :)
Stupid till its not. Im a prophet.
This is another Russian diplomatic coup. If my memory serves me correctly, I mentioned when the DMZ agreement first happened something to the effect that if you give some people enough rope, that they’l hang themselves. Which is exactly what the Jew world order miscreants have done in this case with all of their whining about a ceasefire. While the Turks and terrorists are in default of 90% of it’s implementation and the Jew world order’s pet terrorists violate the ceasefire on a daily basis.
The DMZ agreement is toast and come January 1st it will effectively become null and void due to almost complete non implementation by the last of the required deadlines. On January first it should be a new ball game with the Syrian government coalition free to resume clearing operations on an as needed basis. With a big I told you so response to any Jew world order protestations about a ceasefire and protecting civilians, while their terrorists carry out multiple attacks on an almost daily basis using the civilian populations in the areas under their control as hostages and human shields.
The Federal
Bureau of Investigation has released a two-page summary the agency used
to brief Obama and Trump on the so-called Russian Dossier.
Friday, the FBI declassified a part of a memo it used to brief then-US
President Barack Obama and President-elect Donald Trump on the so-called
Russian dossier compiled by former British intelligence officer
Christopher Steele — the very dossier that put forward the notorious
“golden shower” allegations against Trump. The memo has been
declassified in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by a
Politico reporter.
The interesting part is that the memo excerpt remains vague
as to who paid for the dossier, saying it was sponsored by “private
clients.” The Republicans and Trump himself have repeatedly bashed the
agency for obfuscating the fact that the dossier was paid for by Hillary
Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, according to Politico’s
Two Years of Trump-Mueller ‘Bombshells’ But Still No CollusionRepublicans
have previously complained that the FBI failed to inform a federal
court that the dossier was commissioned by Fusion GPS, a research
company hired by Perkins Coie, the Clinton campaign’s law firm.
The heavily redacted memo also provides some background
on Steele, the former British intelligence officer known to be the
author of the dossier, although the memo does not name him directly.
“An FBI source… volunteered highly
politically sensitive information… on Russian influence efforts aimed
at the US presidential election,” the memo labeled as “Annex A” says.
“The source is an executive of a private business intelligence firm and a
former employee of a friendly intelligence service who has been
compensated for previous reporting over the past three years. The source
maintains and collects information from a layered network of identified
and unidentified subsources, some of which has been corroborated in the
past. The source collected this information on behalf of private
clients and was not compensated for it by the FBI.”
Wall Street Analyst on ‘Explosive Evidence’ Against the Clintons, FBI ProbeThe
two-page memo was used by then-FBI Director James Comey as a reference
while he briefed President-elect Trump on the dossier. During his 2017
testimony before Congress, Comey said he never handed the memo itself
to Trump.
“Aspects of the FBI’s surveillance
application have since been released and revealed that the FBI did
inform the court that Steele had political animus toward Trump and that
it [the dossier] was funded by a politically motivated backer,” Politico
When the scandal emerged in early 2017, the FBI refused
to confirm or deny it possessed any documents related to the infamous
dossier. However, a House Intelligence Committee memo declassified
by President Trump in February included various claims about the
agency’s handling of the dossier, which made it impossible for the
agency to neither confirm nor deny the possession of material regarding
the dossier research.
The released dossier memo is heavily redacted: in fact, the section quoted above is almost all of what was released. The remainder has been withheld by the FBI on various secrecy grounds, with some paragraphs classified as “secret,” and some as “top secret.”
hahaha like i wrote a dozen times here……who is the U.S.A. what is the U.S.A who are the “elected” presidents and where do they come from …. and i told u the truth, just as the truth of the Agenda, of a one world government with jerusalem as its capital under satanic jewish leadership….
here again a quote from above..”compiled by former British intelligence officer
Christopher Steele — the very dossier….”
the U.S.A never was a FREE SOVEREIGN Nation…..never…it is, it was always British.43 US presidents have bloodline ties to the british crown, thats no secret..check out Burke´s Peerage which is the bible of aristocratic genealogy based in London.Ill give u 2 examples from hundreds out there.
1. The Bush Family.Their Bloodline comes from the Pierce Bloodline, which changed its name while coming to america from britain, from their ORIGINAL PERCY Bloodline.The Percy Bloodline is one of the aristocratic bloodlines of britain, they were involved in the gunpowder plot to blow up parlament at the time of Guy Hawks.
wake up wake up….. get out of the fucking rabbit hole…….catch the drift…..there is no good usa or bad usa or good uk or bad uk or good russia or bad russia……The Agenda
A one world government with jerusalem as its capital under satanic jewish leadership.
ALL nations that RECOGNIZE the illegal evil satanic entity named israel are part of the Agenda, including uk,china,usa,eu,china,japan,russia etc…
u folks are beiing played day in and day out….believing what THEY want you to believe…..
ill give u an example……..RAMBO Part III …. anybody remember?? yeah that was this bs movie of the great american hero saving Afghanistan and the Holy Mujahadeen Taliban from the evil russians.
THAT was 1988!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well 13 years later….the evil evil Taliban….evil people….crazy people…..we gotta kill them all !!!!and now for 17 years, the peace loving and free usa is bombing and murdering the “now not so holy Mujahadeen” day in and day out.
Its a theatre play for the 99%……..the sheep……..they control your thinking from the day u were born till the day you perish.
speically the “no-gos” that were “implanted” into your brains….such as the british crown control over the USA , or the holocaust hoax, or the genocide of the indians(even today , day in and day out they play these ridiculous horrible westerns which show the audience how evil and bad to their soul the indians were, and that they ALL HAD to be killed in “self-defense”–those were the beginning days of Mind Control Hollywood)