The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) captured more than half of the strategic town of Hajin in the middle Euphrates River Valley following heavy clashes with ISIS fighters there, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) claimed on December 7.
The SDF confirmed that its fighters had advanced in the Euphrates Valley without giving additional details. According to the media center of the group, US-backed fighters killed 30 ISIS members and destroyed 14 fortified positions of the terrorist group.
“All the axes [fronts] are still witnessing intermittent clashes until the time of writing this report,” the SDF media center said.
From its side, the ISIS-lined news agency, Amaq, said that US-led coalition warplanes conducted more than 100 airstrikes on Hajin in the last 24 hours. 8 civilians were reportedly killed in the intense airstrikes.
The terrorist group lost more than 300 fighters while trying to launch counter-attacks against the SDF in the last 5 days. These loses may have led to a collapse in the group’s defense in Hajin. However, the deteriorating weather conditions may allow ISIS to hold onto its remaining positions in the town for the time being.
At least the YPG is willing to fight ISIS in Syria. The Russia-Syria-Iran coalition only talks about fighting ISIS and releases propaganda about their great victory over ISIS in al Safa. That is where they resupplied al Safa ISIS before moving them out in air conditioned busses to fight the US and Kurds. Their great victory over al Safa ISIS without even one prisoner or dead ISIS fighter. Yet they claim to have killed hundreds and hundreds. What did Russia-Syria-Iran do after their great victory in al Safa, they retreated back to their coffee shops in Damascus claiming to “fight ISIS in Damascus”. Heroes every one.
Brainwashed, delusional, moronic, unhinged, lunatic – lives under a rock in occupied Palestine.
This article has nothing to do with Putin, no one here is interested in your opinion of him. How about commenting on the article instead of insulting world leaders?
Brainwashed, delusional, moronic, unhinged, lunatic – lives under a rock in occupied Palestine.
So, all in all, the isis Air forces killed 8 civilians. The rest is propaganda.
Got a strange feeling that this is fake news!
Maybe not all of it. SAA pulled some many civs out of Hajin from across the river.
And Syria also claims large coalition airstrikes there.
SYRIAN DEMOCRATIC FORCES CAPTURECENTCOM LEVELS LARGE PARTS OF HAJIN IN EUPHRATES VALLEY – REPORTSDaesh rats may have over-extended their lines over the last few months, and are paying the price. Push forward and then pull back.
The Syrian Tigers did it rather well:
Sorry. I screwed up, that’s a snow leopard.
Dam, my keyboard is sticking!
I see it more as CENTCOM’s paid SDF help being unwilling and unable to do the job in Hajin for the last year. Tigers would have just rolled over that ISIS shithole in a few days taking some casualties, but the job would have been done – permanently.
Kurds have no reason to die that far south – ISIS or not. I’ll never believe they were any substantial part of the forces assaulting Hajin. The ‘Arab’ SDF wouldn’t ever take orders from them.
US SF are probably herding the Arab SDF to Hajin. But the SDF Arab tribal militias CENTCOM has been trying to use against the Hajin pocket anr just never going to fight effectively against their well-dug-in ‘brothers’. They’ll fight just like they did (or did not) last year for the villages north of Hajin: by waiting for the air forces to destroy the place, then they’ll walk in and do the mop-up.
CENTCOM had no choice here – Falluja Haiin so their cowardly SDF mercs can take it or continue with the stalemate for another year. Consider how concentrated the 100+ airstrikes had to have been on this little village. One JDAM per house?
Times do change, learn to adapt.
Here is change i space time close to moon. :)
But… but… I am adapting!
Jaysh al-Thuwar
Supposed to be 400 or more that arrived a few days ago with more coming.
The Kurdish SDF is on strike and these guys are taking their places. But the SDF fighting before these guys were just Christian and Arab militias, now even some Turkmen have joined the fray too. Trump doesn’t really need the Kurds after all, at least only the ones that are in this particular force, they seem to be turning the tide now.
These guys in Australia would be called scabs, people who come in and takeover positions in a workplace during a strike leaving the strikers out in the cold and sacked, I wonder if something like that’s happening right now.