Syrian Democratic Forces Claim They Repelled New ISIS Attack In Deir Ezzor Province

Syrian Democratic Forces Claim They Repelled New ISIS Attack In Deir Ezzor Province

by: sdf-press.comdf

On December 1, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) claimed that their fighters had repelled a new attack by ISIS on their positions in the eastern Deir Ezzor countryside.

“Heavy clashes broke out between our fighters and ISIS terrorists … various types of weapons including car bombs were used. However, our fighters forced them [terrorists] to withdraw,” the SDF media center said in a press release.

US-led coalition warplanes supported SDF fighters during the clashes and conducted 34 airstrikes on positions, vehicles and gatherings of ISIS. As a result of the airstrikes and clashes, 33 fighters of the terrorist group were reportedly killed.

A day earlier, the SDF announced that its forces evacuated dozens of civilians from the ISIS-held pocket in the middle Euphrates River Valley during a successful special operation. The new terrorist group attack was likely a response to that operation.

During the last two months, dozens of SDF fighters and commanders were killed and captured in a series of hit and run attacks by ISIS in the Euphrates Valley. This forced the US-backed group to limit its operations in the region.

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Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’ve been saying the Kurds are all on strike and not at Hajin fighting for months now, but no one else seems to have realized it yet, or are only just starting too. I’ve also been saying for months that they’re actually moving the bulk of their forces close to the Kurdish/Syrian/Turkish border and just east of the Euphrates, they want to be there to confront Erdogan’s forces at the first sign of a Turkish incursion, and have to be in the right places for that. The moronic media hasn’t told us this yet either but if you look properly you’ll find out this is exactly what’s been happening for more than 4 or 5 months.
But I’ve just found out that that’s not the entire picture, there’s more going on than I thought. A large section of the western enclaves fighters [who were displaced by Erdogan’s invasion], are not staying in Aleppo, Ar Raqqah or Deir ez Zor, to defend those areas at all, they’re already in the Idlib security zone waiting to join the fight there when it starts.They really want their territory back, they have 300,000 displaced Kurds that want to go back to their homes.
The media are just starting to hint that the Kurds are on strike and are beginning to confirm what I alone have been saying for many months in my posts on SF. I hate to brag but I think I’m about 2 months ahead of SF and most of the other media when it come to covering the real story, hopefully they confirm what I’ve been saying about Kurdish troop movements and intentions soon too.

What’s the best thing you can do to stop a war you don’t agree with, even if you don’t live in the country affected and have no real say in anything that happens? POST BLOG TALK, the only option available to the vast majority of us. What we say in our post’s blog’s and discussions can, and does make a difference, MOST of the time, even if it’s just the tiniest of ripples it sometimes helps.
Our lovely leaders can only do nasty things if they think they’re getting away with, if they think we’re on to them they can’t. All media with no exception is biased one way or the other, so are us bloggers, but it’s ALWAYS better to trust your own bias and not the medias, they’re the enemy as well sometimes so can never ever really be trusted, even and especially if they’re telling you everything you want to hear, which is the time to trust them the least.
The war in Syria IS OVER, it’s just going to take 12 months to wind down now. To any of you Turkish readers that are opposed to Erdogan’s way of doing things, the time is now, you have about 12 months to prepare for whatever you’re going to do to get rid of Erdogan, when he fails in Syria and comes home to your broken economy, you must be ready. Find the right tree, buy the rope and chair, and do what you need to, you’ll all be better off and so will the rest of the world.

Jens Holm

It is confirmed, that other then TPG+J are figting at the pocket in southeast supported by the coalision, wguch here also is iraiqian artillery and aircover at the eastern part of the ISIS pocket.

Its also fair the other milisias take some heat as well as die for the projekt.

I am not sure YPG+J are at Idlib as You descriebe. They are not armed to fight Turks and I cant see them join th Jihadists.

Its also difficult for me to see they will die for Assads and the Russians after their behaving accoreding to Afrin and their hostile behaving.

My own guess/speculation is, that after many losses and years of fighting the YPJ+G part need recreation and recovery, but true its were You say.

I also allow me to propose that some of them now are teaching the new infantery army in simple warfare as well as sekularisme and democrasy.

You can be right, but it make no sense those kurds should help Assads. They get nothing and were not the uprisers against the Baathists.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I haven’t seen any Kurds fighting there at all in Hajin for nearly a month and a half, just Christians and Arabs, that’s what started making it obvious to me at least that the Kurds were indeed on a strike. I had been thinking and proposing it for a while beforehand, but what’s been happening in Hajin has convinced me completely. Just because the media aren’t seeing or saying it, that doesn’t mean it’s not happening, everything I see tells me it is.
A lot of things I say seem mad at the time, but time is always a good friend to me, lets see what time says about Kurds fighting in southern Idlib, They’ll try to hide it for a while but it won’t take long before the Turks discover the truth and reveal it to the rest of us.
I think the western Kurds will be teaching the SAA hit and run tactics, not in preparation for the Idlib invasion where they’ll only be killing HTS TERRORIST’S [and a few stray NFL] with heavy weapons, but training then for stage 2 when they do confront the Turks in the north, they’ll be training the SAA really well for that. Cheers.

R Trojson

Saying the Kurds are on strike paints the wrong picture. What really happened is they were eliminating ISIS east of the Euphrates. Erdogan and the Russia-Syria-Iran coalition supports ISIS and came up with a plan to help them out. Turkey attacked the Kurds territory, women and children in the north forcing Kurdish fighters north to defend their homes. The Hajin ISIS pocket is not Kurdish territory. Russia did their part by moving al Safa ISIS to reinforce ISIS east of the Euphrates after resupplying them. The old one two punch works every time.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I think saying the Kurds are on strike is the most accurate way to describe what they’re doing.
Isis is dead in the water in Syria and just about everywhere else, they aren’t any real threat, 10,000 or less in Syria versus SAA 150,000+, Kurds 60,000+, pro Assad militias, Druze/Arab/Christian maybe another 50,000 at a guess, maybe less, that’s a lot of soldiers in one small little country.
The Isis resurgence is a construct of the Kurdish strike nothing more, when the Kurds decide to start fighting again, that Hajin pocket won’t even last one week, maybe only days.
But we still have 4600 Isis in the north and a couple of thousand in the south, they’ll continue to be a problem, but only a minor one. Cheers.

R Trojson

How about the big ISIS territory just south west of the Euphrates? That is responsibility of Russia-Syria-Iran coalition. Yet they treat it like the next ISIS safe haven. What gives?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If you’re using the Syrialiveuamap to work out where Isis is in Syria and get an idea of how much territory they control, BE VERY WARY, don’t assume they’re always correct. syrialiveuamap is a US propaganda tool. It was created straight after the Russians annexed the Crimea to report on Russian activities, but since then have widened their scope to cover Isis and a few other conflicts. I wasn’t aware of it until I got suspicious of the maps constant parroting of SOHR propaganda and did some research on them, so be aware of that when using the map. I do use it and love the fact it shows me all of Syria in one map, it makes it much easier to get an idea of what’s really going on, unlike most other smaller localized maps, but I’m always aware that they work for my enemy, I’m assuming they’re not yours though. The timeline feature is BRILLIANT if you pay for it, I don’t but wish I still did, I miss it since they made available only if you pay. If you want to check any of my numbers and dates, the timeline feature on syrialivemap is the perfect tool, a lot of my quoted numbers and dates come from that resource, I miss using it even if it does belong to my enemy.
This large pocket of Isis that’s suddenly appeared south of the river is the perfect example of when you should be just a little wary of trusting them.
I’m sure there is an Isis presence exactly where the map says it is, but they’re just showing us all the territory Isis has been known to operate in recently, not what they actually occupy and control or the numbers or what areas they’re attacking, that parts left up to us, that’s when we have to use other resources to help work out what the real picture is and leave that map to one side. I’ve already done my research months ago and think I know what’s going on with this ever changing roaming pocket of bad boys. I’ve posted many times what I really think about this resurgence of Isis in the south straight after the US retook Ar Raqqah and Al Hasakah from Isis. There were 5000+ Isis fighters in those areas before april and by the end of june they had all been beaten, only 400 captured and killed by the SDF meaning that 4600 got away, do you think some of them might have crossed the river to operate in the south, I do.
Back in april the Iraqis initiated this offensive when they began bombing Isis in Al Hasakah without the US’s permission. They did it because the Kurds were already on their strike at the time and not cooperating in efforts to eradicate Isis. That stunt got the Kurds fighting again for a while, and within just 2 months they defeated the much larger pocket of 5000 in the north, but very strangely are still unable to beat the smaller pocket of 1500 fighters at Hajin nearly 6 months later, even though it only took them just over 2 months to beat 5000 in an area 1000 times the size of this small isolated pocket.
The reason this pocket has been left to fester is this, Erdogan began announcing that he would definitely be heading east to confront the Kurds regardless of any US objections, and Trump said NOTHING about it, and because Trump failed to object to Erdogan’s threats, even seemed to capitulate to them, the Kurds began striking again and have not resumed fighting since.
This pocket of Isis in the south is probably made up from many different groups of Isis that have been congregating here after they were defeated, lets just have a quick think about who they are and how many there really could be here.
Let’s start from dec last year when Putin foolishly announced that Isis had been totally defeated in the south of Syria, it was zero then.
Back in early oct last year the Russians/Syrians/Iraqis all invited the US to participate in an operation to eradicate Isis from both sides of the Iraqi/Syrian border, but the US refused to help, the others went on alone and by dec had totally wiped out Isis on both sides of the border all the way up to the Euphrates, that’s when Putin made that announcement, “there is no Isis presence in Southern Syria”. The Iraqis took another 2 nearly 3 months before they had totally secured their side of the border north of the Euphrates, but because Isis still controlled the Syrian side of the border it was still not 100% secure. By april this year the Iraqis had become fed up with the Kurdish strike and took matters into their own hands, they launched airstrikes in Al Hasakah against Isis without US approval or coordination, but made a very big deal about letting the media know they’d asked for Assad’s permission instead, that sent the Kurds the message, if you don’t fight Isis in Syria, we will, the Kurds started fighting instantly, they don’t want an Iraqi presence in Syria under any circumstance. Just 2 months to beat 5000, that’s what the Kurds can do if they want to, they just don’t want to right now.
So by jan this year, according to Putin’s announcement in dec last year, there was no Isis presence left in southern Syria. But within just a few weeks Isis did start making sporadic attacks in the area and within a month or 2 it was estimated there were at least 1500 Isis still operating around Homs and Deir ez Zor. Then before the Ghouta campaign was finished Assad allowed Isis to leave the area and go to secret locations in Deir ez Zor, at first it was just 6 bus loads but eventually we found out it was really 1700 Isis fighters and all their families, that’s a lot more that just 6 buses.
So now we have at least 3200 isis fighters operating around the Al Tanf area, striking out in any direction they like whenever they like, that’s what the big grey spot on the map represents now. If it was able to show us where Isis is actually based, I’m sure that map would have them located all around the US enforced exclusion zone at Al Tanf much lower on the map and further to the east, not where it actually is, but as I said, that grey spot represents where they’re operating, not where they live.
So we have at least 3200 known Isis fighters located here, but we also have 4600 Isis fighters that are known to have escaped from the SDF campaign in the north that ended just a few months ago, where are all of those fighters now?
I think I know roughly where they all are now, but of course it’s just assumptions that I’ve made using the data I have available, together with my own knowledge of how they usually operate, and then I’ve come to my own conclusions, no one else’s.
I think most would have remained where they are, blending back into safe havens [pro Isis villages and towns of which there are many], and are now just waiting for orders to return to war. They most likely hid all their heavy weapons [dozens of tanks and heavy artillery still remain unaccounted for], so there must be some good hiding spots in the desolate areas of Ar Raqqah and al Hasakah. I’d say the bulk of them and their equipment would still be there, possibly in parts of eastern Aleppo too. Let’s guess that of the 4600 isis fighters that escaped, that at least 3000 are still here, the other 1600 fighters I’d split in half and send 800 south to help the pocket in Deir ez Zor south of the river in SAA territory, the other half I’d split again and send half, 400 to just south and east of Hajin also in SAA territory, and use them to reinforce the 1500 besieged fighters there fighting the SDF. They’re probably using the river at night to sneak in reinforcements and equipment like they did back when the SAA were trying to take back Deir ez Zor city, so I think they’ve had lots of practice and wouldn’t find it too difficult, that’s why the estimates of 1500 Isis fighters at Hajin hasn’t changed in more than 5 months, no matter how many they seem to kill off.
The other 400 I’d send to Deir ez Zor too but north of the Euphrates this time, I think they’re the group that took over the village and tried to take back the oilfields, not the guys that are being besieged. They were probably coordinating between the 2 groups and that’s how they managed to overcome the Arab SDF militias and capture so many of them, of course this is all speculation on my part with no hard evidence but it’s hard to explain what’s happening any other way.
So the Syrialivemap should have all of southern Ar Raqqah and Al hasakah, and all of northern Deir ez Zor above the river, all multi shaded between yellow and grey, not just yellow, instead they have one tiny grey spot over Hajin, it’s not fooling me, that’s the US propaganda I warned you about.
So in answer to your question, I’ll finally give you an answer.
The grey spot south of the river can’t be eradicated, they already tried to back in oct last year, the exclusion zone at Al Tanf is the safe haven that allows Isis to remain in the area, that’s the only reason we have an Isis presence south of the river in SAA territory. It’s not because it suits some sinister purpose for Assad or Putin, the US allows Isis to remain in the area and use this exclusion zone because without an Isis presence in southern Syria, there would be no excuse to have a US base there at all, simple. When the Rubkan refugee camp is finally dismantled after the US hostages there are released [yes I call the refugees at Rubkan US hostages], it will make it a lot easier to control Isis here, but until that exclusion zone around the US base is lifted, there is no way to totally eradicate Isis in the area, they just run like hell back to this place whenever they have too, then wait for the next time they can do it all again. Cheers.

R Trojson

We all know ISIS controls a lot of territory there. At it’s closest point it is well over 100 miles from the edge of al Tanaf. That is as the crow flies so any travel over poor roads in rugged terrain makes your dream of some supply line connection impossible. What you are really saying is the full might of Russia-Syria-Iran cannot create even one effective roadblock in well over 100 miles of road supposedly already under their control.

For Heaven’s sake a US drone just killed senior ISIS leader Abu al Umarayn in that ISIS territory. He is the one who killed a US Army Ranger.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If you draw a straight line from that exclusion zone at Al Tanf to any of the places Isis exists in southern Syria or has been fighting during the last 12 months you’ll find out the max distance from the exclusion zone is 150 km or less.
150 to Abu Kamal where they attack very often
150 to As Suwayda where they kidnapped the Druze and were also fighting
150 to where they are now on the map
100 to where they were just defeated on the volcano
80 to Palmyra, and they were also attacking all along the highway nearby for a while
I see a pattern there even if you can’t. Check the map.
As to travel time, how long would it take at night to travel 150 km, even on rough desert tracks and sometimes mountainous terrain, 5 hours max at 30 kmph, probably half that most of the time, they’re close enough. Most armies would be envious of a supply depot only 5 hours drive away. But that’s only to where the fighting takes place, the actual distance between Al Tanf and the secondary supply base would be much closer than 150 km. If they need to run from the SAA, they can be back at Al Tanf in one night no matter where they are or how rough the terrain between. Too much coincidence for me, the max distance is always 150 km.

Mustafa Mehmet

Syrian territory. not Kurtis territory

R Trojson

Yes it was part of Syria years ago. Now as far as I can tell Syria is cut up into a bunch of pieces parts. Turkey has 10% of Syria and wants more. Russia-Syria-Iran has 40% and wants more. US has a piece (5%? ) and may want out? Kurdistan has 30% and wants all Kurdish dominated areas of what was once Syria included in their new Kurdistan. Kurdistan is protected by the US. Then there is ISIS which controls 10% of what is left under Assad’s control and other terrorist groups (5%?) protected by Turkey and/or the Russian coalition.

The longer you wait the more entrenched all these groups become. Eventually Erdogan will hold a referendum in Turkish controlled areas that will prove the people chose peace and prosperity as part of Turkey instead of endless war under Assad. How in the world will Putin object to that approach? Does not matter how they vote since Erdogan is doing the counting. Then Kurdistan will do exactly the same thing. With 35 million Kurds in the general area spread across Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria I can tell you the results before they even vote. Syria as we knew it ceased to exist years ago those votes will formally draw the new borders.

Mustafa Mehmet

Where is kurkiztan ? Iran, turkey. iraq.and Syrian don’t think will Allowed to happen

Mustafa Mehmet

kurd terrorist teaching saa force :? cheers now go back to your cave TR r comen

Mustafa Mehmet

You are on crack again .go back to sleep ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

you know in all your post you haven’t even said even one intelligent thing, just grunted like a chimpanzee, go have a banana.