This video shows the moment when a vessel of the Russian Federal Security Service’s Border Service in Crimea rammed the Ukrainian Navy’s estuary tug Yani Kapu in Russia’s territorial waters in the Black Sea. Three Ukrainian warships illegally entered the area on November 25 morning. MORE HERE
The ZOG terrorists who have seized control in Ukraine had better take this opportunity to be warned off their attacks on civilians in Donetsk, before more of their blood is shed.
Sure looks like they were running for their lives! Yet only injuries and debilitated boats are being reported.
Tug boats are tuff built boats.they are super strong hulled.
Which is why they were chosen.
Can someone translate what he’s saying?
Sub-titled here by the excellent R & U.
Why does Russia risk damage to it’s vessel by ramming? Just let a Ka take out the three vessels…make them dead in waters…..
The author is totally ignorant of the rules of navigation. They are i) vessels to starboard have right of way and ii) larger vessels have right of way over smaller vessels.
The second rule is important because ships can’t stop dead in the water. Larger vessels need more room to maneuver and longer distances to stop.
The smaller Ukraine boat clearly tries to cut across the bow of the larger Russian vessel sailing to its right (starboard). It is clearly at fault. All the three Ukrainian boats were a menace to shipping with their random high speed movements.