UPDATE: The fresh nubmers say that 107 civilians suffered asphyxiation, including many women and children.
At the late hours of November 24, unknown militants launched several rockets containing chlorine gas at residential areas in the northern part of Aleppo city, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).
“Terrorist groups fired rocket shells containing toxic gases at al-Khalidiye and al-Neel Street neighborhoods in Aleppo city,” the SANA said in a press release.
The reporter of the Syrian News TV in Aleppo said that 75 civilians, including at least 14 children, were intoxicated as a result of the chemical attack. The injured civilians were reportedly transported to the hospitals of Aleppo University and al-Razy.
Images continue to emerge from #Aleppo pic.twitter.com/NvXgjowQNn
— Danny Makki (@Dannymakkisyria) November 24, 2018
Few hours after the attack, local sources said that a group of experts had arrived in Aleppo to examine the attack site and the victims. This indicates that the Damascus government is planning to call for an international investigation into this incident.
Russia and the Damascus government warned earlier this year that radical militants in northern Syria have received chemical materials, including chlorine, from Western countries. Furthermore, two days ahead of the attack in Aleppo, a report by the Russian news outlet Sputnik warned that French militants-experts have armed several rockets with chemical warheads in southern Idlib.
In its first response to the chemical attack, the SAA shelled several positions of the militants in the western Aleppo countryside and the southeastern Idlib countryside. A much more serious response is expected in the upcoming few hours.
i guest this is it. the pretext for a full idlib campaign
Pretext is not the word I would have chosen. Justification is a better one.
‘False Justification’ would be better wording I think as it is a FUKUS plan.
The chlorine was supplied by CIA. NATO should bomb White House
Their time will come. End of Empire will bring deep and lasting retribution.
All reports from Idlib terror zone point to the obvious fact that US and NATO headchoppers are in real trouble as the noose tightens and SAA special forces are knocking off the terrorist leadership with special operations. The CIA is supplying chemicals to their headchopper freaks so that a large false flag can initiate a wider conflict and attack on Syrian infrastructure. The US losers will fail and Russia, Iran and the their regional allies are in far stronger position and can really make life hell for US and NATO occupation forces in Syria. A Danish puppet special forces unit supporting the Wahhabi headchoppers in the Eastern Euphrates had to flee when the Iraqi PMU locked on to them. The US is moronic and arrogant and simply does not realize the cost of occupation in a region, where everyone hates the US morons and their Zionist scum masters.
The coalition forces are so weak that even Assad alone can defeat them all.
Assad only need to give the word….
If the US morons and NATO puppets suffer a dozen dead, they are gone as their home populations are fed up with endless lost wars while streets of Paris are burning and EU is in meltdown. US has suicidal policies under its Zionist asters and no wonder it is the only country where male life span is decreasing and is less than most developing nations.US is losing the trade war with China and its debt in now $24 TRILLION and largest trade deficit in history. If the Americunt racist violent savages gun down a few unarmed poor Hispanics at the Mexican border, it will destabilize many US states with large Hispanic populations which were stolen from Mexico anyway. US is headed for a major civil war.
The civilised world NEEDS the US to engulf herself in a vicious civil war so that the sane Americans can oust the Zionist and Jesuit scum.
They’ve really come down in stature over the past 3 years.
You should be like, uhm, like totally afraid, Meghan McCain, would like totally, uhm, like beg with all due respect to like differ with you, dude.
Stay off the drugs and they are not helping with your communication skills :)
The pmu should have rained fire and lead onto the Danish commandos. Oh sorry!! We didn’t know you were there! We thought there were only malicious headchoppers there! Oh .. by the way? What were you Danish doing close to the headchoppers?
Get what i mean? Then….. ok. We will help you bury the Danish bodies. Here get a shovel!
The Jews behind this need to be exterminated.
Hollywood will make up some new fake numbers and totally fake narrative of the Holohoax :)
I once saw reports a few years ago claiming that not 7 million died in the holocaust, instead of the usual six million. In fact, a New York times article in the year 1906 claimed that Russia had a ‘final solution’ to exterminate ‘6 million jews’.
While records of European countries in 1939 showed less than 2.7 million so-called “Jews” in all of Europe, but somehow 6 million died :) However, no mention in Hollywood of the 26 million Russian and Soviet lives lost in WW2.
The West is a Bunch of Massmurdering Psychopaths…. they have it comin’…We Europeans & Americans should Drag them to Court and have’m Executed for Warcrimes & Crimes against Humanity…. Hang them ALL… Carpetbomb IsraHell….
Only last week there were reports of French chemical experts in Idlib who were assisting the priming of chemical shells.
The question is What do FUKUS hope to gain by shelling a Government liberated area with chemicals and Why Now ?
They are Idiots… trying to Provoke a War or a Revolution….
If it’s the same chemical weapons that russia has been tracking, then they were sold by France to saudi arabia. The saudis are in syria, but their troops built a base on the eastern side of the euphrates, working with sdf. They have ways to smuggle weapons to idlib, turkey is still a sieve for terrorists.
false flag
NATO = White House. Eurovassal clowns are irrelevant.
Well deserved, SAA keeps violating the idlib DMZ
Go feck yerself, filthy Wahhabi terror c_nt. The lands of Northern Syria will flourish once the soil is soaked in Turkomen blood.
Tell us more about your conspiracy theories. :)
We’ll all be laughing when the last of your Turk terror gangs gasp their last breath while bleeding out in ditch…
Northern Syria welcomes a Turk-free future.
SAA can’t fight Turkey, nor can Iran. else they would’ve not signed the Astana agreement. :)
Interesting you declined to include Russia… Stoopoid terrorist fluffer…
Because Russia couldn’t join the idlib battle because of Turkish presence. nor can iran or syria. pathetic s0b
Laugh it up, takfiri street trash… Your karma account is WAY overdrawn.
Cry more mother f*er lol
I’m not crying. I’m laughing as I anticipate the imminent immolation of Turkish trash.
That is what you wish, unfortunately SAA is trash like Iran. blown 150 of your trash in afrin. was good times. :)
Afrin were Kurds, who were too stoopid to allow the SAA to enter in force. They paid the price, no Rohava for those back-stabbing ingrates. You however are too stoopid to realise that Afrin and Idlib are but temporary gains, and the history books will record this as a giant broken bottle up the arse of Neo-ottoman failed attempts at expansionism.
SAA did enter, and iranians too, they all blasted away. and your russia watched lmao
You’re deluded. There was no combat between Turk and SAA/Iran troops in Afrin. You’ve been listening to too much self-pleasuring from Sultan Erdie
HAHAHAHA, Hezbollah entered afrin together with NDF/AKA SAA lmao you should follow what actually happened. they DID enter all got airstriked by TAF :D
That’s just a Turk fantasy dream, like having a harem of 13yo boys to molest.
Either he’s a Tenth Fleet cyber-borg, so he’s pulling NCO pay to spout his propaganda, or he’s hasbara and pulling (((troll pay))). There’s no reasoning with that scum.
Haha. Did he just say turkish airforce attacked Syria troops and Persians! It seems this pederast listens to broacasts from His Gay wolf cub party headquarters only.
Haha. I could not gave said it better.
They signed the astana agreementbti save civilian lives. Stop proclaiming things, its incredibly misleading. Quiet footstool.
Can’t wait till the last Turk dog is out of Syria. Serial troublemakers unpunished because they were Israel and amrikkia ‘s pets for so long!
I guess the Turks are too busy hiding in their “observation posts” to do their dam job in the DMZ zone !
Turks probably supplied the chlorine, or turned a blind eye to the rat line that supplied it.
Why would we care. kill each other lol. the chemical bomb on aleppo was done by iranian terrorists
Iranian “terrorists”? Operating in Wahhai-held territory and firing CW against the city of their allies?
This sort of insanity is what happens when you get syphillis from repeated shagging the local dogs.
Hilarious coming from you, the Iranians bombed themselves in order to find a reason to attack idlib, let’s be real. :)
Issue is, Turkey is there so they’re just trying to justify a way. lmao
Methinks your mother squeezed you out after being raped by her brothers… then dropped you on yer head.
When facts hurt they tend to insult you, this is the definition of a dumb American in general. f* off as they say. :) hahaha
Turkey is in idlib, and afrin and albab, Aleppo cornered by 3 sides, and your Russia can’t back you up, nor can Iran. lmao
Care to make a bet, serial molester of small goats?
SAA cant beat Turkey, nor can Iran, nor can Russia they all signed Turkey’s Astana agreement, that is our agreement which you’ve signed onto. trash.
Turks are not kepeing up their agreement, no separation of Wahhabi jihadi from civilians. Moscow & Damascus will lose patience, and Ankara will lose face. Then the vermin eradication campaign repeats.
bark more lol
Barking is for Turk dogs…. Bears growls, and dogs piss themselves in fear and slink away
You won’t win. mark my word, Turkey is there, its over for you :)
Begone ye insignificant Turk intestinal worm… Your destiny is to be dislodged and rot in an outhouse pit.
https://syria.liveuamap.com/en/2018/14-march-afrinop-hezbollah-flags-during-funeral-ceremony ez
SAA and Syrian civilians = Iranians apparently.
Turkish Gaywolf.
Those gay wolves are experts in rear area penetration tactics.
I would bet a few bucks that Turkish Greywolves real name is Israeli Gayboy.
Well they are the same . Kemalists who were israels pals for seventy years are all donmeh;crypto jews anyway.
And they speak English with a British accent.
To create excuse to attack’ IDLIB won’t work.
This one is absolutely JIDF/Hasbara…. Only a Jewish idiot would make such an outrageous comment!
That script was last months US propaganda.
Do please up your game if you want to be a Turkish troll here :)
Your remarks are always rather silly.
Hah. Another Neottomanist dog barks!! Woof woof!
Quiet foot stool
Cowardly act all together. Targeting civilians with chemical weapons of any sort no matter whose side those civilians are on is just horrible. Wish those affected to have a speedy recovery.
Not much else to say about the situation that hasn’t been said already. SAA, Russia, Hezbollah and Iran will continue to consolidate as much of the Syria as they possibly can, US will continue to use the Kurds as leverage to keep Syria in a state of war, Turkey will continue to support it’s own militants in Northern Syria all the while trying to prevent a unified Kurdish front. Soldiers and people with die regardless.
Its gonna be a slow burn from here on out unfortunately. If the US is adamant on staying in the Kurdish areas, then logically then Syria, Russia, Iranian, Turkey side will have to reconcile with this one way or the other. US could leave on it’s own volition but that’s unlikely given as the US wants Syria to remain in Pieces.
Just have to wait and see.
go figure…. they only nation using chemical weapons on modern warfare is the US, in Vietname
cant figure that french poddle out… he was so close to ditching the yanky trade for chinese/russia/central
asia…now its shooting rockets at syrians…..maybe davy rothschild changed its mind
The French only delivered the rockets (allegedly).
The french are up to their eyeballs in this.
Macron is 100% globalist. His ‘antiamerican’ rhetoric is against Trump only. And only for show. But he is an obedient vassal.
You see World this Mother fuckers……, ho do you think has the power and the means to actually deliver or supply directly or indirectly chemical weapons or chemical agents ?? Let me put them on a possible list of country/s:
Saudi Arabia
I wish all wars to stop……think about future of our kids….
Can y ou imagine to be born in a country in which is WAR ????…. i cant and i don’t want to imagine
Hey leave Lebanon out of it! Does NOT belong on this list at all.
I hope no country to be on that list..my man
I hope only PEACE in this world ..
War is a devastating human made disaster which sometimes can cause totally human extinction.. if you look at the history War World 1 and World War 2 …have killed hundreds of million of people let’s not repeat the mistake made by our humankind
Andrei; lets see out of your list we have left;
Saudi Arabia
London ( Britain )
However the One you forgot is the most likely suspect; France
Now these agents of theirs, these self proclaimed “warriors of God” have been
raping Syria for seven years, and showed no mercy.
Ask the Druze down in Daara, when Al Qaeda lost, they kidnapped 30 Druze Women and Children.
These animal agents have now only Idlib left, and only now they call out for peace. If these animals are not exterminated they will endlessly wage war on Syria and there will be no peace.
War is the biggest Crime of all, but you don’t end it by surrendering.
No Fear , “A Change Is Gonna Come”.
Kill every one of the rats ,turco or otherwise! Rain fire and Brimstone on their heads. We will get no peace till they are all exterminated like the pests they are.
agree and turkey ??
Neither does Russia.
Absolutely not Russia neither! The rest of the plonkers reek to high hell of craptonium and other chemcraperies.
Yes, INCLUDING Turkey!
The United States, Great Britain, France, the rest of Europe and their Elites, Freemasons, Black Nobility, the Vatican & ZioNazis started almost Every War in the Last Centuries
Someone asked me the other day if I thought there’d be any more CW attacks in Idlib and I said I don’t think so, I said I think we’ve seen the last of false flag CW attacks in this war now, but I wasn’t expecting these morons to drop themselves in the poo, talk about excellent candidates for the world’s dumbest criminals videos. They just used the very evidence the morons have been accusing the SAA of dropping on their heads, with the same chemical signatures probably, and used it to bomb civilians in SAA held territory, that’s going to be hard to explain isn’t it. The whole world is about to find out who really behind all these CW attacks.
Does anybody out there really believe that French experts would have anything at all to do with this particular attack, a false flag CW attack I’d believe, but this sort of stupidity never, this is the work of total morons, the French are probably shitting themselves right about now worrying about the stuff being traced back to them, that’s if they were the ones who supplied it.
I would have thought the rebels would have kept this stuff until they were totally desperate before they used it UNLESS, maybe it’s HTS that’s responsible. Erdogan seems to be separating his forces from HTS, he seems to be consolidating his forces in the north and leaving HTS in the south and west at the SAA’s mercy. Maybe HTS has realized what’s going on and desperate to stop it, this sort of provocation is the sort of thing that could cause the SAA to attack Idlib before Erdogan separates his forces from HTS and cause a free for all, they’d prefer that to facing the SAA all alone.
I think the french are decidedly stupid. Israel either purposefully made them look like the guys who shot down the illushin plane or actually got them to go along with it. It seems the French are cannon fodder for the zioamrikkians. No israeli or Ami puts his life in danger. It is always stupid Danish or French. Hahaha . Idiots
The French probably think that amrikkia will let the Frogs have Surya back as a colony! Hahah! Yeh right!!
The US has special forces fighting on the ground at Hajin now, not just providing intel anymore, they weren’t in danger before but they are now, Isis would love to capture them and make some videos.
I’d prefer to say that Macron was dumb, after all how stupid does he think we all really are, pretending to be a straight married man, he hasn’t got anyone fooled.
I think the French will be manning the new US OB posts being built on the Turkish/Syrian border, I think they’ll be there while the US is here in Syria [after they get rid of Isis], and I think they’ll be there too after the US leave, but I also think Assad’s going to agree to it. Cheers.
I hope not! It is galling (haha) to have the French resurrect their colony there. I want them out just like the Amrikkian and Turco dogs!
Thought you could just buy chlorine at the corner store for less than $3 per gallon. Why do we need the CIA to supply chlorine? Will probably run the cost to $1000 per gallon. This sounds like more Russian propaganda.
You don’t know much about chemistry do you?
It might be better not to display your ignorance to the whole world.
HCL concentrate plus CaCO3, I would guess the acid is not impossible to get, the carbonate, very easy.
That would give you Calcium chloride and CO2.
But even if you made chlorine gas, how would you collect and compress the gas, then put it into a warhead?
Getting a drum to belch chlorine is easy, creating a gas warhead is not.
This came from the arsenal of a major power.
A French one I suspect.
Good ole Trojan Horse Son. Always shilling for his FUKUS and Zio paymasters!
I am beginning to admire you, as to how effortlessly show what an ignorant slut you are kid. Do they pay you to be stupid or you doing it for free?
Yes of course! Because America sits at the Right Hand of God.
They want the fight now
This will, of course be ignored by FUKUS puppet media. Unless, of course they can spin it to blame Assad.
Ohhhh launched by their own proxies… it is ok. No problem.
Assad responsible
… for destroying Wahhabi terror gang filth.
Time for the Russians to “accidentally” bomb a few French advisers of these pricks ,who are you know ” not really there”.