Jaysh al-Izza Continues To Violate Deconfliction Agreement In Northern Hama

Jaysh al-Izza Continues To Violate Deconfliction Agreement In Northern Hama

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On November 22, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) foiled a new infiltration attempt by Jaysh al-Izza in the northern Hama countryside, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).

In details, a group of Jaysh al-Izza fighters advanced from its positions in the towns of al-Janabirah and Tell Saker in order to launch attacks on military positions in the government-held towns of Mughayyir and the Bridige camp. However, a reconnaissance unit of the SAA detected the group and targeted it with suitable weapons forcing the militants to withdraw.

Few hours later, a large number of radical militants gathered between the towns of Arba’een and al-Zakah [also in northern Hama] in order to attack the nearby SAA positions. However, the army artillery shelled the gathering killing and injuring many militants.

These daily violations of the Russian-Turkish deconfliction agreement may eventually lead to a dangerous military escalation in northwestern Syria. Syrian and Lebanese sources already reported that the SAA and its allies are planning to respond to these aggressive acts by launching a large-scale military operation.

Jaysh al-Izza Continues To Violate Deconfliction Agreement In Northern Hama

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No they are not, Turkey is. Turkey negotiated on behalf of these terrorist and should be held accountable..Russia has to stop wasting time and help Syria liberate Idlib

Jens Holm


Jens Holm

Kind of funny its not already military escalated as written.