Over the past few days the situation in Syria has started rapidly escalating.
- On October 28, the Turkish Armed Forces started carrying out artillery strikes on positions of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in the area of Kobani in northern Syria.
- ISIS has been developing its attack on positions of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the Euphrates Valley. Despite the SDF claims that the situation in under control, it seems that the US-backed group has lost a number of positions and ISIS is about to reach the Iraqi border.
- On October 27, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that during the past 1.5-2 months Russian forces intercepted 50 UAVs launched by militants over their airbase in Syria. He added that if such provocations continue and the terrorist threat in Idlib is not eliminated, the Russians will step in to put an end to this situation.
SDF need to border with iraq thru isis to get their fighters in and out of syria
USA just simulates fighting ISIS. ISIS cells are able to move freely within SDF/USA ‘territory’ .
Good to see the SDF fighting it out in the trenches with ISIS. Russia-Syria-Iran refuse to fight ISIS and just re-supplied ISIS in Al Safa. ISIS in Syria is funded by and taking orders from Russia-Syria-Iraq. Soon ISIS in Al Safa will be moved in those air conditioned busses to the east side of the Euphrates to fight Kurds and US.
Satire, or stupidity ?
This one is JIDF/Hasbara just by the sheer stupidity of its comment!
Of course, Al-Safa area will take another couple of years or so.
This map is a clear proof that US fighted and cleaned E-Syria for ISIS and provided PEACE.
On the same map you can see Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, SAA making WARS in W-Syria and left ISIS untouched in large areas and transported terrorists around in Helicopters.
And thats not the only thing they did on this map.
East Syria is in no way cleared os ISIS.
Click the link and you will read that SDF and US is loosing more and more land to ISIS, so much in fact that Iraqi troops now are on alert, fearing ISIS infiltration FROM east Syria.
And if you are able to put two and two together, then you will see that ISIS is damn close to openly supported by the US.
And when have the US EVER brought peace and stability to a country after an (illegal) occupation?
The SAA is fighting for their OWN country, not for oil, not for serving someone else, not for secrets deals with other countrys, not for the Deep State, no one but their own familys and own lands.
Russia is, as far as i know, the ONLY legal outside participant in this war, US, France, UK, most of NATO, Israel and Turkey is there illegaly judged by the UN Security Council, but they dont give a flying duck,