Germany to say NO to the Gastarbeiter ?

Germany to say NO to the Gastarbeiter ?

Today the Bundestag adopted rules that significantly toughen immigration laws.According to the rules, a list of the so-called “safe countries of origin” wasexpanded to include Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo. Doing so means, accordingto German parliamentarians, that the process of deporting immigrants who camefrom these countries would be much easier.

It is also planned to accelerate the deportation of migrants to Germany fromother countries who came for economic reasons.

The members of the Bundestag do not believe the measures are being directedprimarily against immigrants from neighboring European countries and do notaffect refugees from the Middle East and Africa. Do they want to replaceimmigrants seeking work in Germany with immigrants fleeing hunger and war? Theburden on the Federal budget should decrease, but what about security?

On 16 October the bill will be tabled in the upper house of Parliament – theBundesrat and will take effect from November if approved.

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