On September 26, the Turkish-backed Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement arrested several elements of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in the town of Darat Izza in the western Aleppo countryside after accusing them of carrying out several attacks inside the town, according to the Lebanese al-Modon news outlet.
Later, the Turkish-backed group, which is a part of the National Front for Liberation (NFL), captured several positions from HTS in the al-Shikh Barakat mount, near Darat Izza. Local sources said that HTS fighters surrendered themselves and weapons without fighting.
In response to these hostile acts of the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement, HTS deployed a large force at its positions around Darat Izza. Furthermore, the radical group arrested three fighters of the NFL in western Aleppo.
Darat Izza and several other towns and villages in the western Aleppo countryside witnessed a violent conflict between HTS and a coalition of the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement and the Ahrar al-Sham Movement. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), more than 1,000 militants and civilians were killed in the internal conflict that lasted from more than two months.
This time HTS and the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement appear to be willing to avoid an armed conflict. According to Syrian opposition activists, the both sides are about to reach an agreement to impose a ceasefire in Darat Izza and release all captives.
turkey going to be handlers of the last standing proxy army if they manage to take out the US ones
The proxy army of the US is the YPG. Turkey would love to take them out but I doubt the US and French will let them.
SDF now, made up mostly from YPG/kurdish members.. and ISIS.
The SDF would be all YPG if they didn’t have a Marxist ideology. The YPG make the perfect ideological allies of Russia yet Putin made the mistake of not setting up a no-fly zone over Afrin to help them. It was his one chance to strip them from the US sphere of influence. The US only helps the YPG/YPJ faction of the SDF, which is like 90% of it.
They refused to co operate with Russia and syria when it came to afrin and operation olive branch. They said they would wait for the support of the SDF lolz. They trusted the US.. dumba$$e$
They cooperated with Assad who sent Shia militias trained by Iran. They didn’t do much accept for being target practice for ATAKs. Russia had their chance and decided to play nice with Turkey, now they are double crossed in Idlib.
You should really look beyond the simplistic view in Idlib Joe.
The situation there is sceptic and will only get worse as all the rival gangs fight over an ever decreasing opportunities to loot and intimidate.
That scenario reminds me of rats; they are all VERMIN.
That’s very true Al and of all colours and sub species :)
The Afrin Kurds have been co operating with Damascus since this war started. The SAA and Russia weren’t in any position to keep Turkish forces out of Afrin nor were the Kurds since they were few in numbers and lacked the weaponry to do much about it. The Kurds did perform a delaying action that allowed their fighters to withdraw with their weapons to the east to link up with SAA/YPG units north of Aleppo city.
In Afrin syria and russia said allow syrian and troops into the region and they would protect them from Turkey. They said no, they will not give any ground back to Syria and would wait for the SDF to come help them. SDF never showed. Kurds made their own bed, let them lie in it
The SAA didn’t have troops to spare for Afrin. They’ve been short on manpower for a long time. That’s why Damascus is allowing former rebels to join the SAA. The Russians did set up a couple bases there to see if that would moderate Ergodan’s decision making process and it didn’t.
Erm… no. kurds took syrian land wouldnt give it back, Turks fked them up in Afrin because the kuds relied on the USA. Turkey will attack SDF in a heartbeat at any time. everybody knows when the going gets tough, cowardly yanks will bail
Russian bases were already set up, when the YPG refused to allow the SAA into Afrin, the Russians withdrew their bases.
YPG forces are now in the SDF. kurds seem to always have been a fall guy for yanks i think
The Russians had plenty of position to keep Turkish aircraft out of Afrin. That is all the SAA would have needed to turn a tide of battle if they had committed. Even making a no-fly zone just for the YPG could have won the day if they had committed the totality of their forces.
Russia only has a few squadrons there while Turkey has it’s entire air force on hand plus plenty of surface to air missile systems.
So what. Would the Turks really steamro
l any Russian forces? That would lead to outright war! Erdogan would not do that! He already got burned in shooting the Russian plane. The US left him in the lurchlike they did Georgia and now Ukraine. Old news! They say.
By that time the YPG had already sold its soul to the Americans and were actively hindering and countering SAA advances in East-Syria. The YPG thought themselves invincible with their newest bestest American buddies. That they didn’t need the Russians or the Syrians to stop the Turks. That left the Russians to let the Turks have a go at the Kurds. Besides, befriending Turkey and getting them out of NATO is way way way more important to Russia then befriending the YPG.
And the YPG’s marxist ideology is irrelevant to Russia, as Russia is not a marxist country. There’s only two marxist countries left in the world, Cuba and North Korea. Three of you count in the mess that is Venezuela.
Based on Erdogan’s actions in Idlib it doesn’t appear that Turkey will be best buds with Russia any time soon. They have really alienated all of their potential alliances.
You are forgetting Eritrea.
Considering that the Russians went out of their way to accommodate Erdogan in that matter I’d say they still view keeping him on friendly terms as incredibly important. More important then retaking Idlib. I’d say, once Idlib gets left to stew in its own juices Erdogan will run into trouble with the US and EU again. The Russians are still playing long term chess.
And Eritrea is marxist too? I thought they were just a particular brutal dictatorship. No wonder it’s a shithole that sees its population flee the country in droves.
Eritreans are curs. They were bootlicks of the Ottomans in the 1800s as well. Sooner Ethiopia takes back their land the better!
Eritrea is the Bosnia,Kosovo and Cyprus of Ethiopia. Muslified and then cut off from the motherland to serve Yankoff Interests.
You seem to forget that the communist party in the Russian Federation does NOT control Russia anymore :)
How dare you, how very dare you. Every one knows that the current Union of Soviet Socialist Russia (USSR) have always been and always will be commies.
Well every one of the Yankers anyway.
I am suitably chastened Al, thank you :)
all the al qaeda factions and isis factions are fighting each other and making deals with each other iside idlib. Turkey has a lot of influence over these terrorists. SF did a good report on Turkeys ambitions a few days ago. whole alphabet soup covered
Time will show not to worry
>>This time HTS and the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement appear to be willing to avoid an armed conflict. According to Syrian opposition activists, the both sides are about to reach an agreement to impose a ceasefire in Darat Izza and release all captives.<<
It would appear that they no longer make headchoppers like they used too. Where's your fanaticism, gentlemen? Your drive for pure Islamic truth?
Theyy have been told by their well- Paid public-relations handlers to not do that anynore . Rewriting history has begun. The Us is now distancing itself from all that blood and soon no -one in power will ever admit they had anything to do with them. You will bring it up and they will look at you as if you are insane.
That is how the DeepState works.
the Turkish-backed Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement arrested several elements of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in the town of Darat Izza in the western Aleppo countryside after accusing them of carrying out several attacks inside the town….
Hey Nour al-Din al-Zenki….you can chop HTS Heads off…just like you did to a Twelve Year Old Palestinian Boy…..
That disgraceful act by Al Zenki in Allepo will forever be a stain on the NATO nations that funded, trained and armed the Zenki cutthroats.
Trump should be forced to watch the unabridged video with his daughter Ivanka.
A single stain??? And why u even think that there would be any positive change taking place in Trump’s mind after watching that video? Who r those Alzenkis, not even humans. The worse creation piece on earth by The Creator. How one can imagine that so cruelty does exist in human beings. That incident of Aleppo will forever remain as a real image of the west. The lust of domination in humans nature.
Lying Turk dogs! I can still remember the useless criminal American handlers saying the culprits would be punished for what they did! Haha .Never heard the story again!
Another unavenged innocent slaughtered by those Turk dogs! Tge Turks are good at killing innocents.
And Americans think they are liked, only scum could do this, a pox on them all.
Maybe they can ask Trump to be a mediator between them…
Sanction them, sanction the socialist with his big, big brain; even though he is very good friends with the leader of everybody.
Surprised these fools continue to think they have a chance.
And here everyone was saying that the Turks were working with the HTS, but the truth was always far more complicated…
I think your name would be more appropriate without the letter “a”.
The Turks are HTS . Always have been. Grey Wolves and military intelligence undercover.